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Another bunch of views of the shack - in all of the footage, they've been very careful not to show under the pergola, and obviously they haven't covered the rear of the shack. One interesting one is the wide photo which shows the larger shed part of the shack with the sliding door open. Obviously police have gone in there, either with or without the owner's permission.

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I read an article in the early stages of this that said absent shack owners had been asked to send or drop off their keys so police could search the empty shacks.
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Thanks. I actually wouldn’t put it past a person like that to remotely watch a camp area filled with children, whether for the purpose of abducting one or just as a creep with the abduction idea developing over time. It’s probably not what happened IMO, but I think it’s plausible. It would certainly explain how they came to target Cleo and grab her so brazenly.
the fact is our lives our now dependent on wifi related, ip address's, i can scan with an python script, or an android app to find local even after VPN. So just be secure with not allowing in Apps, and sensiblility
About 100 posts ago, someone pointed the finger at the stepdad... (I haven't read the latest 100 posts yet; so what I am about to mention may have already been covered by others?) ...

I watched the full version of the media interview the couple did...

They looked and acted totally innocent and beleaguered, especially the mum...

The stepdad did look heartbroken, but didn't say much...

The only thing the stepdad said (repeatedly) was; if you, (the viewing public) know anything; report it!!!

That either means exactly that ... or "go ahead, make my day - try reporting something ... but you can not be of any use ... because I am the one who really knows the truth about what happened"...

I also watched the latest piece that channel 9 did, posted on the MEDIA thread ... the police are asking for the public's help with cctv footage from a 1000km radius ... motels; fuel stops; rest stops etc etc ...

So I'm thinking that's more like an abduction; rather than a lone opportunistic sex predator - (and that the perp and child (alive) - (ie not in a shallow grave or stuffed in the trunk of the car etc); are travelling together .... so the child is known to perp/friend/relative perhaps?

But the most "concrete" and worrisome piece of news is that some of the campers etc in the area on that fateful Fri/Sat still have not come forward and identified themselves ... for whatever reason - they are avoiding contact with the police ... (and yes, there maybe other reasons that they don't like the police - other than because they are the ones who took her) ....

Also, in the 9 piece; the police stated first: "persons" (plural) then said "person" ...

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In my personal opinion, police have no real leads and their appeal for footage is to try to scrape something together by looking for vehicles that were in the area, following a route that would link to the campsite, and/or in an area “x” kms away at a time that would coincide with an abduction during the night. I think if they had an idea of a specific vehicle from early analysis of localized CCTV but hadn’t been able to find it they would have asked for the footage days ago. They have to maintain as one working theory the possibility that someone abducted her and is keeping her alive and took her goodness knows where, even if it’s only one possibility and not the most likely one.

As for people who were there not coming forward, I presume some of them are people who didn’t register and/or some who just don’t want to get involved. You’d think people would go, “Hey a child is missing, who cares if I’m in strife for not registering properly” but people can be weird/selfish/blaze.

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About 100 posts ago, someone pointed the finger at the stepdad... (I haven't read the latest 100 posts yet; so what I am about to mention may have already been covered by others?) ...

I watched the full version of the media interview the couple did...

They looked and acted totally innocent and beleaguered, especially the mum...

The stepdad did look heartbroken, but didn't say much...

The only thing the stepdad said (repeatedly) was; if you, (the viewing public) know anything; report it!!!

That either means exactly that ... or "go ahead, make my day - try reporting something ... but you can not be of any use ... because I am the one who really knows the truth about what happened"...

I also watched the latest piece that channel 9 did, posted on the MEDIA thread ... the police are asking for the public's help with cctv footage from a 1000km radius ... motels; fuel stops; rest stops etc etc ...

So I'm thinking that's more like an abduction; rather than a lone opportunistic sex predator - (and that the perp and child (alive) - (ie not in a shallow grave or stuffed in the trunk of the car etc); are travelling together .... so the child is known to perp/friend/relative perhaps?

But the most "concrete" and worrisome piece of news is that some of the campers etc in the area on that fateful Fri/Sat still have not come forward and identified themselves ... for whatever reason - they are avoiding contact with the police ... (and yes, there maybe other reasons that they don't like the police - other than because they are the ones who took her) ....

Also, in the 9 piece; the police stated first: "persons" (plural) then said "person" ...

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Most of what you've asked here is covered in preceding posts, you've got some reading to do.

Re the step-father, a few related points of what we now know:

A. He has been Cleo's father since she was a baby. Friends that know the family portray him as Cleo's loving and dedicated Dad.
B. Other campers have described him during the initial search as distraught, frantic, often tripping over things.
C. During the media interview, the sadness in his eyes was also hiding his anger, I was half expecting him to launch into a threating rant for the perpetrator.
D. Related, you don't raise $60,000 on a GoFundMe page in 4 days, of which most would of been local donations, if anyone even suspected that he and/or the mother had any involvement in Cleo's disappearance.
E. Perhaps related, but I don't think the couple have even engaged legal counsel, which may have been offered and is their right.
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understand all the scenarios present, Just in my thoughts, she her 'Cleo Smith' , accidentally drowned, with some important people witnessed, the night ('fishing') social with some people or known persons there, and this is the end result,(tent zip) what i like to know is if the the acquaintances also had children at the time, and was invited for sleep over, there for taken the sleeping bag with her
If the kid hasn’t wandered off then I’m sorry, but I still can’t believe the parents weren’t involved.

Random abduction of a four year old (not a baby, a freaking four year old) from inside a zipped-up tent with her family? I just can’t buy it.

Might just be me I guess
Yeh straight up I though the parents for obvious reasons. But if there is cctv of her moving around the campsite before dark? The. I really don't see it. Someone said the mum had a very open Facebook account. Could have had a stalker on their for months. But the weird bit is, a stalker or known person would have to recognise the tent probably in the middle of the night and know which entrance to go in (i.e. not the one with the parents)... Plus it was a brand new tent so no one could scope it from Facebook photos. So how would a known person come to the camp at night and find the right tent in the middle of the night.

Smart money is on the caretaker chap from the previous pages. Would have seen them arrive, scoped the kid, scoped the tent. Knows the area like the back of his hand. Can move around the campsite without raising suspicion. Goes on TV as the person desperate to find the kid searching all the 'unknown places' and said he thought it was an abduction straight up on the first morning.
I can't stop re-watching this caretaker interview. They've got footage of him approaching and unzipping a door which i didn't pick up the first time

In his short interview he states he went searching by himself in an area he knew no one else could access

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Yeah, it's a bit of an odd interview. Mentions the time 4am and his body movements are odd.
I just watched the interview with the caretaker. That is creepy AF.

Why would he agree to do that interview in the first place? It looks like they set him right up by getting him to enter the food truck while they videotaped it (I presume it was for filler footage) - it's about 3 seconds of footage before it cuts away, and all it shows is old mate unzipping the opening, then taking one step inside. Why would they ask him to do that, and why would he agree given the zip situation on the tent? They could have asked him to point to the beach or walk along a track - why have him unzip a food truck? It's either the biggest stitch up of all time or they've been told to set it up like that by authorities.

And an earlier poster wrote about him explaining that it didn't make sense for a little kid to pick up their sleeping bag and walk off. I've asked a few people now how they'd tell a story about a kid picking up a blanket or sleeping bag and what movements they'd use to show it - every one of them motioned picking up the blanket with their single, dominant hand. Not one motioned crouching down with both arms and scooping the blanket/sleeping bag up. The way he said that was insanely creepy in the circumstances. Every time I watch it I it gets more cringey.

Again, it could absolutely nothing - could just be a bloke trying to do his bit to help and channel 7 setting him up royally, but I'm not convinced.
The police confirm Cloe was alive at the campsite (cctv) ... so it boils down to either a sex predator; highly motivated and seasoned to do the worst; or some other big motivation factor- as above ...

The police are now interested in the couple's home ... mainly the outside of the home it was reported ... dusting of the fence; children's playground equip ...

Was there some preliminary scrap with the debt enforcers at the home .... these grubs implying threats to the children in front of the parents - hence going near their play equip; that is now being dabbed for prints by police etc....

Parents thinking they can get away from all the unpleasantness for a few days ... Buy a new (unrecognizable) tent and shoot through to the blow holes ... a safe comforting environment they have known since childhood ....

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Then again ... yeah, the caretaker ... just watched his interview again .... mentions 4am ... Really??? Why ... OMG !!

And says "if she was abducted, she could still be alive" ....
I know that she is NOT alive; because I KNOW she wasn't abducted ... she was scooped up out of the tent and #@$@ ...

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If the kid hasn’t wandered off then I’m sorry, but I still can’t believe the parents weren’t involved.

Random abduction of a four year old (not a baby, a freaking four year old) from inside a zipped-up tent with her family? I just can’t buy it.

Might just be me I guess

As easy and understandable as it is for most casual observers to assume the couple must somehow be involved in this mystery, for this to have any real credence we would have to be witnessing two other very unlikely events here.

A. Firstly, the most incompetent bungled police investigation since a dingo took Azaria Chamberlin - which would need to involve things like not initially interviewing the couple separately and/or ignoring other standard protocols required to compile a victimology report, including not undertaking lines of inquiry relating to building character profiles on who they are...?

B. And, given the couple do not appear to be the sharpest tools in the shed, they are either the best playwrights/actors we've seen since Oscar Wilde and/or the greatest con-artists since Christopher Skase and more recently Bon Levi...? Related, why hasn't one person that indirectly knows either of them come forward to casually suggest they could be suspects..? Carnarvon, is a small town I'd assume which lives off gossip, yet we don't even have a related whisper...
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understand all the scenarios present, Just in my thoughts, she her 'Cleo Smith' , accidentally drowned, with some important people witnessed, the night ('fishing') social with some people or known persons there, and this is the end result,(tent zip) what i like to know is if the the acquaintances also had children at the time, and was invited for sleep over, there for taken the sleeping bag with her

🤫 go back to sleep
Back to the caretaker....he actually fits the profile. I remember someone on here (via a FB comment) posted that whilst camping at the Blowholes, a lady’s tent was unlawfully entered during the night by an unknown man. It wouldn’t be to hard for her to identify him as he seems like a bumbling mess. Quite often the perpetrator inserts himself into the investigation, whether that be talking to the media or rallying around the family.

The food van is also a trailor so wouldn't of needed to lug that around. Have they checked in the trailor itself? Were sniffer dogs ever used in the search? Did the family buy food there Friday night?

Could be nothing but hopefully Channel 9 has atleast mentioned something to the police.
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Reports on TV this morning show forensic examination of parents house with commentary saying police not searching for involvement by parents but finger prints of anyone else at house as family may have been stalked. Footage showed extensive high fencing being dusted and windows and doors being dusted which appear all to have extra security cover barriers.

Was it said earlier the parents purchased the house in April? Was this done off market or privately? Any reno done by workmen later?
Another bunch of views of the shack - in all of the footage, they've been very careful not to show under the pergola, and obviously they haven't covered the rear of the shack. One interesting one is the wide photo which shows the larger shed part of the shack with the sliding door open. Obviously police have gone in there, either with or without the owner's permission.

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Is that a camera or exterior light?
Rumour going around social media right now is that their house was broken into the Friday before Cleo went missing. If true, maybe a stalker involved.

Was that the day the parents arrived or the week previous? if the previous week could this mean all the security covers on doors and windows were put in last week?
This seems a bit odd to me honestly. Surely when police interviewed the mother and step father in the days after her disappearance they would have asked about anything unusual like this in the preceding weeks. A break in a week prior is not something you’d both forget, and even if you did the first time, police are pretty relentless in these situations - interviewing day after day and asking the same questions different ways over and over again. So that they would only now be investigating this break in and checking the family home raises my eyebrows.
Maybe the police have been investigating the breakin whilst everyone else's eyes and minds were on the camping ground and not on family home and surrounds. I am sure people living in areas around the family home will have cctv cameras. Fair bit of crime in Carnarvon.
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Yeh straight up I though the parents for obvious reasons. But if there is cctv of her moving around the campsite before dark? The. I really don't see it. Someone said the mum had a very open Facebook account. Could have had a stalker on their for months. But the weird bit is, a stalker or known person would have to recognise the tent probably in the middle of the night and know which entrance to go in (i.e. not the one with the parents)... Plus it was a brand new tent so no one could scope it from Facebook photos. So how would a known person come to the camp at night and find the right tent in the middle of the night.

Smart money is on the caretaker chap from the previous pages. Would have seen them arrive, scoped the kid, scoped the tent. Knows the area like the back of his hand. Can move around the campsite without raising suspicion. Goes on TV as the person desperate to find the kid searching all the 'unknown places' and said he thought it was an abduction straight up on the first morning.

Was the family's vehicle included on Facebook?

Was there evidence of the family's address or house on Facebook?

Was there evidence of the child's school or kindy on Facebook?

Did they post info on Facebook of their camping intentions?

Did they upload pics from the camping ground at anytime on Friday or a prior visit?

Had they used the same camp place at the site previously?

Were their phones hacked?

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Current Abduction of 4yo Blowholes Shacks WA *Terence Kelly Convicted

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