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Seems like a real big reach to me that someone might have stalked the family and then followed them to a camp site. imo police have nothing and are getting desperate for clues.
Really. Mum's FB is pretty public. Lots of photos of little Cleo plus it's been reported that most people in the community know Cleo and the family.
Not really. Mum's FB is pretty public. Lots of photos of little Cleo plus it's been reported that most people in the community know Cleo and the family.
This will go down as one of Australia's strangest abductions if the creep stalked her at her own home and then grabbed her at a camp site. Possible but unlikely.
This will go down as one of Australia's strangest abductions if the creep stalked her at her own home and then grabbed her at a camp site. Possible but unlikely.
Agree.. either. Random or accident. I know unpopular but both happen.
I'd have thought that after Police were alerted to Chloe having going missing, their property would have pretty soon have been under some form of 24/7 Police surveillance, and still is.

If that is the case, WAPOL would know exactly who has been in or around their property since last Saturday.

Which would mean the so-called 'rumours' from Fakebook or Instasham or ImaTwit about 'a break-in of the couple's residence' is, unsurprisingly complete and utter nonsense..!
This will go down as one of Australia's strangest abductions if the creep stalked her at her own home and then grabbed her at a camp site. Possible but unlikely.
On the plus side if this is actually what happened I reckon she's still alive. The creep would most likely be obsessed with her and would not want to harm her.
Which would mean the so-called 'rumours' from Fakebook or Instasham or ImaTwit about 'a break-in of the couple's residence' is, unsurprisingly complete and utter nonsense..!
The interaction with police happened days before Cleo went missing. It was mentioned in a couple of articles when she first went missing, with the police declining to comment. Honestly it could have been about anything, but the timing is suspicious.
On the plus side if this is actually what happened I reckon she's still alive. The creep would most likely be obsessed with her and would not want to harm her.
That’s what I was thinking if it was one of Ellie’s friends who can’t get pregnant and feels it’s too unfair for her to have two children, one a baby. Mental health problems caused by inability to conceive..
There are some interesting observations in this article about conditions at the Blowholes written by someone who just came back from there. The morning Cleo vanished, while it was a big moon at 75% visibility at 1.30am it had set by 2.38am according to Geoscience Australia, so rather than illuminated until dawn, was actually in the black dark.

I'm thinking whoever took her must have been pretty confident they knew exactly what they were doing and familiar with the site, I can't imagine they were sneaking around with a torch.

Howling winds, rocky terrain and a soundtrack of thundering swell — these are the eerie conditions missing four-year-old Cleo Smith would have faced at the time she vanished from her family’s tent in the middle of the night.

Which would mean the so-called 'rumours' from Fakebook or Instasham or ImaTwit about 'a break-in of the couple's residence' is, unsurprisingly complete and utter nonsense..!

If I trod the thin blue line, I'd have wanted to discretely take a peak around the inside of their place before today.

To neighbours, any discrete peak that might have occurred, would have likely been done in such a way as to have appeared to be a civilian break-in, if anyone saw it.

I would have thought that Police would have wanted to urgently make sure that Chloe had not been inside the home in the wee hours of last Saturday morning, and to make sure there was no trace of an injured infant having been on the property very recently.

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I didn't understand why they were asking about pharmacies and cosmetic stores. Now I do, and it's sickening.
How many people were at the campsite?

How many and how far are the other nearby camp sites/towns?

(sorry if this has been answered previously)
How many people were at the campsite?

How many and how far are the other nearby camp sites/towns?

(sorry if this has been answered previously)

Hi, there's been a suggestion of about 60 I think, also some good images for perspective in the thread and at the top of the page here is a link for media, photos etc.,
Hi, there's been a suggestion of about 60 I think, also some good images for perspective in the thread and at the top of the page here is a link for media, photos etc.,
Just remember the Ranger only checks reservations once a day, usually 3-5pm. If you set up once the Ranger has been, they won’t see you until their next visit, same time, next day. So quite easy to come in with fake number plates, set up camp and leave in the dark of night, or in plain sight.
Can’t say the caretaker would care about who’s paid, or otherwise.
Just remember the Ranger only checks reservations once a day, usually 3-5pm. If you set up once the Ranger has been, they won’t see you until their next visit, same time, next day. So quite easy to come in with fake number plates, set up camp and leave in the dark of night, or in plain sight.

Supt. Rod Wilde had something to say about the camping spot fare evaders this afternoon.

'It is understood that not everyone who camped at Blowholes on October 15 had registered and paid
Supt Wilde said there were also people camping at other spots nearby along the coast.
He revealed that Cleo’s family did not notice anyone suspicious hanging around at the camp site when they arrived.
It is understood that not everyone who camped at Blowholes on October 15 had registered and paid online as required.'

The video on this page has an interview with the caretaker

He mentions a time 4am ??

And also seems to imitate/mime bending down and picking up a child and walking away with it, when in actual fact hes describing a scenario where a child walks off on her own... Little bit odd.
Supt. Rod Wilde had something to say about the camping spot fare evaders this afternoon.

'It is understood that not everyone who camped at Blowholes on October 15 had registered and paid
Supt Wilde said there were also people camping at other spots nearby along the coast.
He revealed that Cleo’s family did not notice anyone suspicious hanging around at the camp site when they arrived.
It is understood that not everyone who camped at Blowholes on October 15 had registered and paid online as required.'
Like, duh…lots of peeps do it, just saying for a friend, and when the Ranger arrives the next day they say they only just got there (so scored a free night)….except this perp was lonnng gone imo.

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