Adam Goodes - 350 games

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Boy, the quality of people on Bigfooty has really taken a dive in recent times.

Like the great man? He's always done it though. Not just recent times.

I still respect him a lot as a player. I thought his best was as good as buddy franklin's. Both behind the likes of ablett snr, jr, judd and carey.

And I love much more when he gets a goal or lifts for Sydney than the likes of Reid, Franklin, Jack, Mcglynn, Parker, Hannebery, Rohan, Jetta. (who I don't care for really)

Literally the only reason I would feel Sydney winning is good, is that it'd send him off in a worthy way. 351 games. 3 premierships, a game winning performance in his last game? That'd solidify legend of the game. As opposed to champion
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Luke Darcy saw it as controversial immediately, not 'racist'. No one in the media is brave enough to say anything remotely negative about Goodes for fear of being labelled racist.

Incidentally, have you travelled overseas? Been to Asia, the Middle East, Africa, South America lately? There is nothing 'casual' or implicit about the racism there, so I think we're going ok here in Australia. We're not perfect, but relatively speaking we're streets ahead. Overt racism can be controlled to a large extent by external forces such as government regulation, however so-called 'casual' racism cannot, unless you intend to fit everyone with mind control devices

We are because people like Goodes are brave enough to make a stand and because most Australians are clever enough and fair enough to listen and understand the point he's making.
He labelled ignorance as the face of racisim. That a 13 yr old girl was ignorant of the hurt caused by a clearly racist taunt. That she was ignorant that calling an indigenous Australian an 'Ape' was a racist comment. In that respect she was indeed the face of racism. Casual, easy going, unintentional racism, so ingrained that at 13 a girl abuses so hurtfully without even knowing.

Goodes was right to call 'it' the face of racism and he was not targeting the girl herself. On the contrary, he was supportive of her and asked for other Australians to do the same.

So much hate from fans who then claim that 'Australia isn't as racist as some other countries'. If you're proud of that then be proud of people like Adam who are willing to step into the firing line to help us become a better, more tolerant people.

Like him, loathe him or just admire him. He's a tremendous footballer who will always be remembered as one of the greats of the game. For me personally, Goodes, GaryJnr and Judd are my most admired players of the 21st century. We are all privileged to have seen them play.
Direct quote: "Racism has a face. It's a 13 year old girl."

You can paint that up any way you like. His words are clear and unambiguous.

His attempt to make out as though it was the girl's interests to which he was giving priority was in direct contrast to his actions. He saw an opportunity to milk, and milk it he did, with scant regard for the intent of what the girl said, the reasons she said it, and indeed the fact that this was a child, not an adult, that he was deciding to shine the public spotlight upon.

I found Goodes' handling of the incident to be utterly self indulgent, verging on abhorrent.

And might I say again that it is a remarkable coincidence the vast majority of those who defend him are Swans supporters. Uncanny.

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Are you serious?

13 mate, 13.

And christ, most people bar cola sucking swans Goodsey sycophants, would question the existence of intent.

Absolutely shameful behaviour from a man who clearly sees himself as some kind of Nelson Mandela.....utter horse shite.
Indigenous player is racially abused during indigenous round.
Player points out the person responsible who is then ejected from the ground.
Player holds a press conference the next day saying that the girl shouldn't be the victim of a witch hunt, needs support, and that education is the key to fighting racism. He points out that there is no place in sport or society for racism.
This is apparently "absolutely shameful behaviour" on Goodes' behalf.

Damn darkies should know their place, right Phoenix?
I feel so much sadder for reading this. Appalling from all sides.

It is a footy forum so;

Plays 350 on the weekend which less than 20 people have done.

Dual Brownlow medalist

Dual Premiership player.

Playing on memory and 2 dodgy knees but can still turn a game.

Love watching him play and have plenty of good memories.
Luke Darcy saw it was racist immediately. Also you don't seem to understand the different between overt racism and causal racism. Causal racism is much harder to deal with in society but it is just as much of a problem as the more overt kind. Casual racism means that an employer is more likely to hire a white person than a black person despite them having the same qualifications or being black people having stereotypes put upon them by people who do not even know them. It is possible to be a casual racist without even realising you are being racist.

Casual racism is a real issue and I do not think you understand that.

I have read some bullshit on here over the years but this takes the cake.

What you are saying is that if an employer chooses to hire a white person over a black person despite them having similar qualifications then that makes the employer a racist. Yet if he chooses the black candidate he is not? The very essence of being anti-racist is treating people equally. Your example couldn't be further from doing that.

A racist can be of any ethnic origin. Racism is not the exclusive domain of white anglo-saxon people.
Quite amusing that you mention Chris Judd when he's engaged in far more obvious dirty acts than Goodes but is seen in a completely different light.

Complete double standards.

Can you read? Are yon simple? I did suggest that club bias is a thing, I didnt see Judd chicken wing a bloke, I just saw him trying to help Leigh Adams up for the next contest, when it clearly was former not the latter.

Another poster, Swans supporter suggested that Goodes last couple of years havent covered him in glory due to a drop off in athleticisim etc,

It hasn't looked good, but the last 2-3 years have coincided with him losing most of the mobility he used to have in his knees. So he can't really jump anymore, can't run as fast and can't break the lines. Even his kicking is going. He can still turn a game as a damaging half forward flanker, or even deep forward pocket. Can't think of a better 6'4 crumber.

But My criticisim of Goodes is more about Judd being dirty and me being a racist.
You are whats wrong with the world

As for Goodes calling out a 13 year old girl about being a racist, she got her attitudes about racisim from home and to call her out, and by extention her family, is a good thing. She wont lose her job, miss a uni place, etc etc but will be forced to think about her views on racisim and maybe cause a good change amongst a community group.
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I have read some bullshit on here over the years but this takes the cake.

What you are saying is that if an employer chooses to hire a white person over a black person despite them having similar qualifications then that makes the employer a racist. Yet if he chooses the black candidate he is not? The very essence of being anti-racist is treating people equally. Your example couldn't be further from doing that.

A racist can be of any ethnic origin. Racism is not the exclusive domain of white anglo-saxon people.

You should check out the SR&P board....this 'casual racism' business is all the current rage im afraid.
I have read some bullshit on here over the years but this takes the cake.

What you are saying is that if an employer chooses to hire a white person over a black person despite them having similar qualifications then that makes the employer a racist. Yet if he chooses the black candidate he is not? The very essence of being anti-racist is treating people equally. Your example couldn't be further from doing that.

A racist can be of any ethnic origin. Racism is not the exclusive domain of white anglo-saxon people.

I agree with your post but it's also worth noting the assumption you made. He said 'Casual racism means that an employer is more likely to hire a white person than a black person despite them having the same qualifications.' and you assumed he proposed that in an equal situation a black bloke should be favoured. His statement didn't allude to what he believed was the ideal situation. For all we know he could believe that the white people being favoured is casual racism, however if both were treated equally that would be ideal. He didn't specify.

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If there's one thing i can't stand is moral crusaders branding anyone who dislikes Goodes as racist. Believe it or not just about every bloke in the league is disliked by somebody (in some cases a great many somebodies). I remember reading a great article about how following AFL and supporting a team is tribalism at its core and that it invokes primitive and natural responses. Some people just do not understand that.

As a footballer he was certainly a very good player. Though he has been involved in a lot of off-the-ball incidents as well as diving and staging and that's certainly not adding to his career whether Sydney supporters care to acknowledge it or not. His extremely fortunate run at the tribunal has also ticked off a lot of people given he has escaped scott-free for a lot of similar incidents that other players have copped weeks for.

In any case his career will be one that will be remembered for many highs and lows, dogged by controversies but also with spectacular highlights of amazing footballing ability.
I agree with your post but it's also worth noting the assumption you made. He said 'Casual racism means that an employer is more likely to hire a white person than a black person despite them having the same qualifications.' and you assumed he proposed that in an equal situation a black bloke should be favoured. His statement didn't allude to what he believed was the ideal situation. For all we know he could believe that the white people being favoured is casual racism, however if both were treated equally that would be ideal. He didn't specify.

He may not have specified, but the implication was certainly there.
One of the greatest, if not the greatest players of all time. Once in a lifetime player. 350 games, well done champion!

Greatest player of all time?

Recent convert to our great game?

There was a bloke called Stephen Michael who played in the West in the late 70s, early 80s.

Generally acclaimed as the greatest player to never cross the nullarbor...similar type to Goodes, height and size of a ruckmen, mobility of a rover etc etc.

Two major differences.

The great 'TI' was as tough and hard as old nails. Could give and receive in equal measure. Unlike Goodes.

Second, he grew up in regional WA at a time when coppers use to pick up Aboriginals and give them floggings before dumping them out bush.....poor girly man Goodes can't even handle a 13 year old girl calling him an ape.

I could name two dozen indigenous players better than Goodes. Let alone non indigenous.
As for Goodes calling out a 13 year old girl about being a racist, she got here attitudes about racisim from home and to call her out, and by extention her family, is a good thing. She wont lose her job, miss a uni place, etc etc but will be forced to think about her views on racisim and maybe cause a godd change amongst a comunity group.
That entire Collingwood episode turned the football world against him. Everything he's done or hasn't done since has been amplified.
Congrats Goodes, I hope you don't get a kick.

Swans supporters that start threads on the main board about Goodes or anything Swans lead with their chin and deserve all the punches to the head they get for their stupidity but the moronic imbeciles that respond with racist bile and mind numbing repetitive shit should be taken for what they are.

Social Misfits who spend their days counting nuts and bolts in a sheltered workshop with their meal of choice fairy bread.:rolleyes:

Seek counselling you poor unfortunate souls.
Thread has been tidied up. Discussion on Racism properly belongs on the SRP board.

Discussion on Adam Goodes and his 350th is properly located here on the main board. 350 games is a wrothy achievement in the AFL, and deserves widespread acclaim - its not something the average footballer reaches while winning a brownlow and the odd premiership.
Those labelling him a dirty player, can u please nominate one single incident in his whole career where he has caused an injury to another player as a result of unfair play.
I'm sure him being such a sniper that there must be numerous examples of players missing weeks thru broken jaws, smashed teeth etc from Adams hits

Hmmm still waiting for one single response to this one, unsuprisingly nobody who labelled him a sniper earlier has come back with any examples
350 is a great achievement. He might be past his best, but in his prime he was one of the best going around and not a single team can say they enjoyed the prospect of playing against him. Will eventually retire as a legend of our game with a long list of achievements to his name.
Hmmm still waiting for one single response to this one, unsuprisingly nobody who labelled him a sniper earlier has come back with any examples

Leigh Matthews was responsible for worst act of thuggery ever witnessed on a football ground at this Level but that does not mean his title as probably the best player that has ever played should not be acknowledged. Goodes is a champion of the game and will go down as one of the greatest ever regardless of the sniper propaganda from people on here that would not know a football from a ******* bowling ball.:rolleyes:
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