AFL Canberra

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Need a tissue princess.... god I love fishing :cool:

History speaks volumes, I was more having a go at the recent culture of the club, ie recruiting mercs, than having a go at individual players - Jamie Shanahan, great buy for the club :rolleyes: Presumptions can be a dangerous thing, especially for your potent mind.. I never suggested they didn't work, a lot of VFL players have to work too simply because there isn't as much cash as you think in the VFL. The fact is large cash offers get the players to Canberra - most don't move there for the beautiful winters and few very rarely hang around - especially when Vic clubs come a knockin.

As for the Bundgendore AuxHillary Clinton Club - well they ran out of money along time ago... just for your lethal brain, auxiliary is the word your looking for :eek:

By the way, Melbourne being shit under a shoe... have you ever left Canberra???
Yes Einstein i was lucky enough to spend three years coaching an international sporting team in europe,So been a little further than bungendore and melbourne.But I'm sure you are also widely travelled with all your knowledge and opinions so there would be nothing I could inform you about.
Thats low you son of a bitch - Sometimes these things need to be investigated for the benefit of the community. I hope you get gang banged by monkeys when your overseas

And exactly how did your investigation go Chaddles? Though in your defence, I must admit I was surprised when I was told...

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Would be worth it to give ABH a heap of shit though :thumbsu::thumbsu:

PS Come on United in Champions League Final next Wednesday

Just remember Chaddles, when it comes to dishing it out - I may not win but I never lose!!

Amen to United in the CL -

We! Will!!
Drinka, drinka, drink
To Fergie
The King, the king, the king
The leader of,
Our football team.
He has won now
10 EPL titles
And he's the best,
Thats ever been!!
Very insightfull " I take **** to much".

I would suggest the reason we dont hear Ainslie carry on is because we dont hear anything from them at all outside of AFC1.

Thanks for your input, that must have taken hours to come up with.



A vicious group of typical backseat drivers...

You guys are happy to jump on a bandwagon of baseless accusations but refuse to recognise quality performances.

EFC have had 2 bad games this year. Round 1 and 3. The rest have been nothing short of inspirational.

Every team has injuries - but not every team is Belconnnen's b!tch...

Moving onto the next carraige of the Dee Train - What happens to Armstrong when Queanbeyan are under the pump a.k.a vs Belco???? Lets pick on this coach shall we?

Yours in football,

The Dee Train - "ALL ABOARD - CHOO CHOO"

A vicious group of typical backseat drivers...

You guys are happy to jump on a bandwagon of baseless accusations but refuse to recognise quality performances.

EFC have had 2 bad games this year. Round 1 and 3. The rest have been nothing short of inspirational.

Every team has injuries - but not every team is Belconnnen's b!tch...

Moving onto the next carraige of the Dee Train - What happens to Armstrong when Queanbeyan are under the pump a.k.a vs Belco???? Lets pick on this coach shall we?

Yours in football,

The Dee Train - "ALL ABOARD - CHOO CHOO"

But your happy being Qbns!!:D

Not sure the accusations are baseless as I have seen it with my own eyes on several occassions

So tell us what does happen to Armstrong when under the pump?? Seeing as you brought up the subject without any substance....just like your EFC.

Me thinks the Dee Train like the Titanic!!

A vicious group of typical backseat drivers...

You guys are happy to jump on a bandwagon of baseless accusations but refuse to recognise quality performances.

EFC have had 2 bad games this year. Round 1 and 3. The rest have been nothing short of inspirational.

Every team has injuries - but not every team is Belconnnen's b!tch...

Moving onto the next carraige of the Dee Train - What happens to Armstrong when Queanbeyan are under the pump a.k.a vs Belco???? Lets pick on this coach shall we?

Yours in football,

The Dee Train - "ALL ABOARD - CHOO CHOO"

Wouldnt be too many intelligent people that would select Clarke ahead of Armstrong if fighting in the trenches. Armstrong has stood up to be counted at every turn in this comp for the last 15 years. Good to see that Eastlake have the ability to play inspirational footy given their game plan which is probably drawn with crayon before each game.
Racehorse or course or whatever the f*&k you are, I think the Dee Train gave up on you after your sledge about him running up my arse. i think you would be better served concentrating on keeping out of ABH's arse, you are that far in we cant see you at all

If the tigers happen to go down to Eastlake this weekend, which they shouldnt, will you blokes be playing the "gee we have a bad injury list" whinge again?? Why dont you take a look at Ainslies injury list... you dont hear them complaining

There you go ABH, theres something for you to write about

Well the intelligent comments continue to flow. Very original ITKTM (What the #### does that stand for). The only one mentioning the injury lists are you. Why dont you discuss them with Dee train the next time he has a sleep over with you.
I am encouraged by the passionate responses that have been produced.

However, again, they have little substance...

Topic 1 - Eastlake being Queanbeyan’s bitch. EFC have 30 games and 12 years (approx.) before they can be classified as QFCs bitch....

Topic 2 - Mark Armstrong and the trenches. I personally, would prefer not to go into the trenches with a person that does not chase, tackle, shepherd or make any general effort other than getting hit on the tit when the midfield is on top and then yelling instructions from behind the goal posts...

Topic 3 - The homosexual connotations are not at all mentally stimulating, rather they expose your own person insecurities and desires for racehourse's oversized member.

Topic 4 -Keep your Titanic and Celine Dion fetishes to your self please....Go Jack!

As always, your in football,

:rolleyes::rolleyes: Mmm a guy who sits across HB and collects stats on his own while his team gets slaughtered in the middle or a guy who stands the best or 2nd best defender each week who has just kicked 100+ goals in a season......To make it even I wont even begin to compare career achievemants in AFL Canberra

Dee Train, its obvious that we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one and being a relatively new poster here you would have missed out on a question I posed many moths ago. Back then I asked our learned posters to place their very own team of the last decade which incorporated the years 1998 - 2007. Now I havent gone back to check but Im pretty sure that Merv was in every persons team of the last decade and Clarke may not of made many if any at all (someone can please step in here if this is in fact not accurate as Im not going back to check).

However for your benefit I will throw this scenerio out there to our knowledgeable posters.

Your a coach of a footy side and your about to enter your 1st ever Grand Final. You have picked 21 of the 22 players available and you have to choose between Mark Armstrong and Nathan Clarke for the final spot.

Considering what you have seen and know of the 2 said players who would you choose??

Its pretty obvious that Dee Train would pick Clarke and Racehorse and myself would pick Merv so we dont count but the rest of you can vote away. Let the public of AFL Canberra decide this one for us.

Fair enough for you DT?? It may not change your mind but it will let you know what others think.
:rolleyes::rolleyes: Mmm a guy who sits across HB and collects stats on his own while his team gets slaughtered in the middle or a guy who stands the best or 2nd best defender each week who has just kicked 100+ goals in a season......To make it even I wont even begin to compare career achievemants in AFL Canberra

Dee Train, its obvious that we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one and being a relatively new poster here you would have missed out on a question I posed many moths ago. Back then I asked our learned posters to place their very own team of the last decade which incorporated the years 1998 - 2007. Now I havent gone back to check but Im pretty sure that Merv was in every persons team of the last decade and Clarke may not of made many if any at all (someone can please step in here if this is in fact not accurate as Im not going back to check).

However for your benefit I will throw this scenerio out there to our knowledgeable posters.

Your a coach of a footy side and your about to enter your 1st ever Grand Final. You have picked 21 of the 22 players available and you have to choose between Mark Armstrong and Nathan Clarke for the final spot.

Considering what you have seen and know of the 2 said players who would you choose??

Its pretty obvious that Dee Train would pick Clarke and Racehorse and myself would pick Merv so we dont count but the rest of you can vote away. Let the public of AFL Canberra decide this one for us.

Fair enough for you DT?? It may not change your mind but it will let you know what others think.

Could not have put it better ABH
well said ABh definately Merv for mine. By the way isn't he in the ACTAFL team of the centuary no doubt wou;ld be in the team of the past decade. Wouldn't see clarke in there to often

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Tally so far -
Mark Armstrong 1
Nathan Clarke 0

Hanvnt been around for a while, but get off the Clarke case ABH and Racehorse. This attitude will definately come back to bite you blokes on the big time - more than likely next week if all your injuries are as bad as what you describe. What goes around comes around and your perpetual bitch on Clarke is unnecessary. All players play differently and Clarke and Armstrong are no different. Have never seen Armstrong throw himself in the mix when the Tigers are going bad. Sits back at FF / CHF and yells !!!

ABH is making a big dick of himself (and his club) being a critic on this forum and over local radio. Tryhards (Ainslie) is a expression as is his desire to being a knowledgable critic of all concerned on the playing arena especially against Clarkie. Get a life and provide good imput or
Hanvnt been around for a while, but get off the Clarke case ABH and Racehorse. This attitude will definately come back to bite you blokes on the big time - more than likely next week if all your injuries are as bad as what you describe. What goes around comes around and your perpetual bitch on Clarke is unnecessary. All players play differently and Clarke and Armstrong are no different. Have never seen Armstrong throw himself in the mix when the Tigers are going bad. Sits back at FF / CHF and yells !!!

ABH is making a big dick of himself (and his club) being a critic on this forum and over local radio. Tryhards (Ainslie) is a expression as is his desire to being a knowledgable critic of all concerned on the playing arena especially against Clarkie. Get a life and provide good imput or

Like I am going to take your well meaning advice FIM. Clarke lacks courage and as a coach deserves to be under the microscope. This forum is to provide opinions and discuss whenever you like. It is plain for all to see that he is a different player to Armstrong and I know this from watching him, it doesn't need the oppositions best tagger to stop him. He is happy to run from behind and receive easy ball. Wonder if he uses the term hard ball gets to his players and provides stats to support it. If he does he would not figure in the top fifteen players statistically in his club. THATS A FACT. Captains and coaches are selected for leadership and to provide examples like stepping up when the team needs. I watched him twice last year take himself off the oval and stay there as his team gave up handy three quarter time leads against Belconnen. Real inspirational stuff that is. NOT
Hanvnt been around for a while, but get off the Clarke case ABH and Racehorse. This attitude will definately come back to bite you blokes on the big time - more than likely next week if all your injuries are as bad as what you describe. What goes around comes around and your perpetual bitch on Clarke is unnecessary. All players play differently and Clarke and Armstrong are no different. Have never seen Armstrong throw himself in the mix when the Tigers are going bad. Sits back at FF / CHF and yells !!!

ABH is making a big dick of himself (and his club) being a critic on this forum and over local radio. Tryhards (Ainslie) is a expression as is his desire to being a knowledgable critic of all concerned on the playing arena especially against Clarkie. Get a life and provide good imput or

Firstly let me say that you need to lighten up, relax abit, get thicker skin, its just banter for fun.

FIM, if your not happy with my performance on the radio then turn the radio off. Its that simple.

You would be in the minority of listeners who dont enjoy it, I have received many positive comments from a wide range of football circles, but thanks for tunning in and keeping the ratings going up.

I provide free entertainment that I enjoy doing, for a Qbn radio station that is Qbn biased and if your not happy with the service then tune into Belco AFL radio.....Oh yeh thats right, there isn't one!

If opinions that aren't shared by yourself get you flustered this easily, then my job is half done already!!

Just for the record, I will be the first to praise anyone from the opposition that I have canned on this thread when it is deserved, until then they are all free game.

If Eastlake beat the Tigers and Clarke plays well then I will be the first to acknowledge it on the radio -and if this does happen will you post a thread praising my efforts on the radio or do you just provide negative attacks?

Feel free to tap me on the shoulder at any stage to discuss, I enjoy a good discussion.
Hanvnt been around for a while, but get off the Clarke case ABH and Racehorse. This attitude will definately come back to bite you blokes on the big time - more than likely next week if all your injuries are as bad as what you describe. What goes around comes around and your perpetual bitch on Clarke is unnecessary. All players play differently and Clarke and Armstrong are no different. Have never seen Armstrong throw himself in the mix when the Tigers are going bad. Sits back at FF / CHF and yells !!!

ABH is making a big dick of himself (and his club) being a critic on this forum and over local radio. Tryhards (Ainslie) is a expression as is his desire to being a knowledgable critic of all concerned on the playing arena especially against Clarkie. Get a life and provide good imput or

You are quite the hypocrite FIM.

Interesting how you have expressed an opinion on Armstrong several times on this thread but become agitated at my view on Clarke?

Also its again interesting how your happy to refer to Qbn as "struggletown", yet you get agrivated for me calling Ainslie the "trihards"? I could understand if AFC1 got up me for it but you?? Cmon get over yourself for a moment and take my comments for what they are, discussion pieces. Its become very easy to load your gun you angry little man.

Seems to me that your just interested in coming on here at your leisure and most times just trying to stir the pot by insulting me. Which is fine with me, but to continually do it from behind your computer while knowing my identity says alot about your character as a man.

I realise I may get jumped upon for mentioning the words "Canberra", "District", and "Comp" ;), but on Saturday I covered John 'Rowdy' Williams' 303rd game for Belconnen. It's now available for your personal viewing pleasure. :thumbsu:

This coming weekend (24th and 25th) I'll be at Greenway, Ainslie, and Manuka.


PS BeerDawgs 33: How much is the photo of you in trees worth to keep it off the internet? ;)

I realise I may get jumped upon for mentioning the words "Canberra", "District", and "Comp" ;), but on Saturday I covered John 'Rowdy' Williams' 303rd game for Belconnen. It's now available for your personal viewing pleasure. :thumbsu:

This coming weekend (24th and 25th) I'll be at Greenway, Ainslie, and Manuka.


PS BeerDawgs 33: How much is the photo of you in trees worth to keep it off the internet? ;)

haha good question! i just thought the tree looked a little dry so i decided to water it ;)
Your a coach of a footy side and your about to enter your 1st ever Grand Final. You have picked 21 of the 22 players available and you have to choose between Mark Armstrong and Nathan Clarke for the final spot.

Considering what you have seen and know of the 2 said players who would you choose??

Its pretty obvious that Dee Train would pick Clarke and Racehorse and myself would pick Merv so we dont count but the rest of you can vote away. Let the public of AFL Canberra decide this one for us.

Fair enough for you DT?? It may not change your mind but it will let you know what others think.

I can't see too many people taking this poll seriously because you are comparing someone who is the only current player in the ACTAFL elected to the ACTAFL Team of the Century (and has the admiration of nearly the entire footballing community) against a player that while making it to the "Big Time" has hardly set the world on fire since coming to Canberra.
Clarke is clearly a very good player but you have to question his coaching methods - he would be a better player in a team that he didn't have to coach; maybe then he would be played in a position that best reflects his talent.
I might be a little bias when it comes to the Tigers but there is absolutely no doubt that Mark Armstrong is as good a player going around today that has not played AFL with the Big Boys...:thumbsu: If things had worked differently when he was a young bloke he would have definitely been picked up by Ron Barrassi's Swans - Barrassi was dirty with a certain Tigers coach for not releasing Merv to play for the Swans Reserves many moons ago.:(

Merv would be one of the first picked in my team so I'm sorry ABH; the 22nd player would be between you and Clarke... I might just have to go in with 21!!:D:D
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