AFL LIVE 2011 - 360, PS3 & PC - Part 15 - READ FAQ BEFORE POSTING

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Aha, this is killing me, thinking it could be released in June by the sounds of it, like there is no guarantee. >.< :(


If I could I would make sure noone sold you a copy until June! :p
Okay so I'm back from my second playtest, this time a more extended one. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately for me :p ) this playtest wasn’t as well advertised as the recent EB ones. Also the tv at JB Knox is right at the back and there is only one. At least it was a big one though. Probably about a dozen or so people rotated through the 4 controllers during the three hours. It wasn’t due to me being a selfish prick that I always had a controller in hand though hahaha. I did play with some lovely fellas though and the Tru Blu rep was very helpful and good fun all round.

Now that I’m getting the hang of controls a bit more, I was able to be (or at least try to be) a bit fancier. The stab kick button is wonderful as, unlike regular kicks, it doesn’t take time to power up. It’s pretty much the only way to get a kick off when in congestion. You have to be alert though because the ball goes VERY fast (think of a spearing Nick Malceski kick). This means that you have to be quick on the mark button. Get it right though and it’s a thing of beauty.

Speaking of congestion though, there’s a lot of it. To be honest, I’d probably say that tackling is a little bit too easy, but that’s probably because I was tackling people who have barely played the game before. The controls for moving the player are very responsive and while there aren’t any evasive moves exactly, you can control the player well enough to dodge opponents. Playing on from a kick in is particular fun. There is of course the fend button though but it won’t work most of the time, like in real life. We played a few games in the wet and the ball spilt out of tackles a lot more which was good. But, you know what, I don’t mind the slightly excessive tackling because it often leads to what is likely my favourite part of the game: the ruck contest. Man they are fun. It’s great to do a delicate tap back to a teammate or to bomb it long in a “Hail Mary” fashion.

Now, probably the most important part of today’s player: the AI. Three of us played on one side against a Rookie AI which is the 2nd easiest. At full time the score was about 80 to 7, against us. Playing was me, the Tru Blu rep and another dude called Kane who had played a few games before so it wasn’t like we were total n00bs (1337 speak yer!). We were told that momentum is very important. I found that out for myself in the next game when we went back to 2v2 but one guy had to leave at half time. One of the teams was up by about 40 points so we decided to switch all three to that side and play against the AI, again on rookie difficulty. I can’t remember the scores but the second half was a pretty even contest. I suppose we were getting a bit better but I think that having 40 points worth of momentum really helped.

So how does the AI play then? Well, I think it plays well. There were a few times in the third when it moved the ball very slowly even though it was behind. Maybe the easier AI isn’t programmed to be as urgent, I’m not sure. I liked that it will look to use the wings and kick to open players. You have to really watch where you run to when you want to defend kicks as the AI will spot up free players and in this game, positioning (specifically front positioning) is paramount in marking contests. That makes them so fun because it’s not just a case of running to a spot and rolling a die.

The AI did do some silly things, like a free out of bounds on the full kicks and some set shots at goal from 40 metres that ended up in the goal square. I guess when you’re playing with the second easiest AI though that’s to be expected. A massive gripe in previous AFL games was that opposition forwards kept chipping it around in the 50 to contested situations when they should be having a shot at goal. Hopefully that’s not the case here and, barring a few understandable situations, I don’t think it will be.

I’ll now end with what I have found to be the only, well, I won’t call it a bug but little issue in the game so far. When taking a kick in, if you aim to the pocket be careful to make sure you have a teammate highlighted. Doing so is easy and will normally result in an accurate kick. Kicking to the pocket is pretty much the “yea, I’m not sure where to go so I’ll just kick it 15 metres to the pocket” play. If you don’t have a teammate highlighted though, your player will sometimes do a snap like kick as if they were trying to kick at goal or something (but is unable to Liam Jurrah it over his head) and the kick will go out of bounds on the full. It happens very quickly and left a few people thinking “wtf happened there?” but I’m pretty sure that’s what happens. It’s the kind of thing that may bug you a few times but there is an easy way of preventing it. I’m not sure if it’s something easily patchable, but there definitely seems to be a bit of a problem when the snap kick animation is being invoked near the defensive goal line when it is normally only invoked near your own goals.

I’ll end now with one slight suggestion. The default camera (the dynamic side camera) is superb and I love the option of changing to the set shot camera manually). What I would love though is the ability to change on the fly to essentially the same camera as the set shot camera but during regular play. Sometimes I’ll mark the ball on the wing and not have a great view of my forwards leading inside the 50 because the screen only covers the next 30 metres or so. Previous games locked you into this behind the player cam if you didn’t play on after a few seconds and that sucked. What I’m asking for is a manual camera change button. There is of course the permanent behind the player view though which I am eager to try but that will likely have to wait until release as it’s not as suitable for co-op I think.

Again, I’m free to answer any questions. I also urge people to get down to these playtests. I was told that Game is doing similar things. If people spent less time asking about release dates and actually attending play testing, the time would fly much quicker. There is almost one per day until release! Freeways make the suburbs very close together ;-)

Here are the team lineups for the Indigenous All Stars and regular All Stars. The All Stars play in the same white top as from the 150th celebration match. The game doesn’t care about overlapping players (we played a game of the Indigenous all stars vs Victoria and there were two Adam Goodes’ at the coin toss :p) but you can of course change these lineups yourself for realism purposes. I do not know if there is an extended squad for these rep sides but again, the customization options are great for this.




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...I have just realised that I got a photo of Victoria, not the all stars. You do get to see the comical situation of having Goodes on Goodes though, both as captains and in competing positions :p
Yeah melbournemartin, where's this bloody preview or whatever! lol! Good to see someone else getting hammered! Tip - don't ever, ever give a timeline for delivery :)

The cardinal sin!
Yeah melbournemartin, where's this bloody preview or whatever! lol! Good to see someone else getting hammered! Tip - don't ever, ever give a timeline for delivery :)

The cardinal sin!

Oh and of those who have gone past it, it's on the previous page :p

If I could I would make sure noone sold you a copy until June! :p

..Not cool Ross, Not cool.. LOL :D Nah your awesome. :p

Just wondering though, with this giveaway going on each Thursday, since the fact that there isn't a release date how is this legal to give off copies like that? Also, you have said before that the game WILL be released before the 21st, I am guessing stuff got difficult?
A couple of notes on the highlights video:

1. They are shown at the end of every quarter. They run in the background behind the stats screen but you can choose to view them completely, as I did there. They only show highlights for the quarter. I'm pretty sure there are no full game highlights shown at the end of the game. They will just keep looping over and over and are shown in different camera angles (the Chris Dawes mark at the start is a good example). We weren't really all that good so they didn't have much to choose from, although I reckon that Steele Sidebottom goal on the left was pretty sweet. Unfortunately iPhone quality videos will probably be the extent of highlights uploaded to YouTube but if you are able to hold the camera up to the screen, like I did, I reckon it's quite acceptable. I think my phone can do 760p too but I didn't have the setting on because me SD card is almost full.

2. At 31 seconds I had a bit of a "what was I thinking?" moment

3. I suffered a lot to give you those videos ("many Bothans died to bring you this information") as playing as Collingwood is never an easy thing for an opposition supporter. My co-op mate was a Magpies fan though and given I was onto my 7th game in a row, I reluctantly obliged.

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When taking a kick in <snip> your player will sometimes do a snap like kick as if they were trying to kick at goal or something (but is unable to Liam Jurrah it over his head) and the kick will go out of bounds on the full.... <snip>

This happens when you face towards the pocket and inadvertently hit the "aftertouch" - we saw it at Chadstone and had the same reaction then watched people do it and figured it out.

Great review by the way... and whenever you want to catch me online to take my badge well... cough.. cough... I think I feel a cold coming on :)
Good write-up by the way, lol at the mistake at 0:30 in the video.

I'd like to say that was the other dude controlling it but no, all me. He kicked at goal and missed and I actually took a legit mark on the goal line. I was pressing too many buttons though and it resulted in what you see there...
This happens when you face towards the pocket and inadvertently hit the "aftertouch" - we say it at Chadstone and had the same reaction then watched people do it and figured it out.

Great review by the way... and whenever you want to catch me online to take my badge well... cough.. cough... I think I feel a cold coming on :)

Thank you very much :)

Will you be on PSN or XBox live because I only have a 360? Is aftertouch the kick modifier R2? That could well be the case as I was trying to do a stab kick sometimes (lol not a torp).

Also for anyone worried that a torp will just be like a drop punt except it will go 20 metres further with the same accuracy, this is not the case. For any general kick there is a power up bar. For regular kicks the prime kicking zone (for a long kick) is about 90% full. Kick it there and you can slam home drop punt goals from 50 on the run. Go over that mark and you'll shank a behind. Go over it too much and it will likely not make the distance. For torps the prime kicking zone is pulled back to about 75% full and the margin for error is a lot less.

For set shot goals i don't know how torp accuracy works exactly but for set shots I'm pretty sure there isn't a sweet spot. Giving the kick more power will add more "natural arc" but you can compensate for that. This does mean that if you are 20 metres out you would be best to only try to kick it 30 though, not 60.
that upfield camera switch could work kinda like a rearview mirror button in a racing game - just push and hold the button and the view changes only for as long as you are holding the button

just long enough to give you a view upfield

I thought about having you hold the button but you'll likely want to do a pass while in this camera and pressing kick and possibly a kick modifier, while holding down a "change camera" button would potentially be a bit cumbersome. I'd prefer just single click changes.

I'll be interested to see how far behind the camera is though. I'd like it to be fairly zoomed back so I can see at least 20 metres or so behind me. Passing backwards, especially handballing, is very important in modern footy.
Will you be on PSN or XBox live because I only have a 360?

I will try to be on both but have to admit to being on the PSN a lot more.

Which, btw, would explain why I haven't accepted friend requests from XBox, I'll accept them this weekend. PSN I think I have accepted everyone.
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