AFL members ripped off once again!!!

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kirky said:
Guess what! What would be the point in building a 100,000 seat stadium in a city of 1 million people? On a per capita basis, AAMI we get more people to a AFL game of any description than you do at the "G". We don't need to build a bigger stadium as 51k stadium is sufficient.

In addition the games at AAMI for finals would be more profitable and why? Because each and every person attending the game must buy a ticket - no freebies at all (an AFL or MCC membership will not get you free entry unlike the MCG, you must buy a ticket just like everyone else) therefore all 51k attending will have paid for a ticket. My AFL membership cost me about $370 per year whilst my AAMI membership (which covers the AFL minor round games of Adelaide and Power, 22 games in all, plus the SANFL finals) costs me $389. Why the hell you Victorian AFL members are complaining is beyond me. You have had it too good for too long.

PS : Read the terms and conditions before rewewing your membership!

Ok - here is proof that AFL membership to an adelaide person represents good value - you don't get the SANFL finals but if you ever go interstate for game you get that. - Thats one of my points proved.

Your stadium size point is a little confusing - are you saying that if AAMI stadium was larger it would not draw bigger crowds?.. per capita based arguements are useless - there are four restaurants in my street, therefore per capita my street has the most restaurants in Australia. So i'll repeat my stadium size issue again - Playing prelim finals at small stadiums is a concession to clubs and is not based on giving football fans the best opinion - you simply cannot argue this on any grounds whatsoever.
hotpie said:
Disagree, I think it would be naive to think that every AFL Member would transfer their Membership to a club Membership. I'd think the drop-off rate would be very high.

Agree the AFL like the direct revenue.

Like I say I'm on the fence about this issue.
There would be some saving with the removal of another competing membership department, marketing etc. Not sure of the overall result. There might also be more pay at the gate punters for an every day game and for big matches in particular. There would be more GF tickets sold as well as more real supporters of the competing clubs able to attend. The economic arguments are one thing but there is also the GF attendance issue as well as the issue of the AFL competing with the clubs in order to control the revenue.

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peejay said:
...Your stadium size point is a little confusing - are you saying that if AAMI stadium was larger it would not draw bigger crowds?...
Up to a point - yes, if you increased the size of AAMI to say, 65,000, you'd probably get bigger crowds to Adelaide games, 11 times a year and this would not be enough to pay for the new stands. So it's not going to happen. So stadium size will always be a factor in AFL members getting tickets to finals outside of Victoria. Get over it.
peejay said:
...Playing prelim finals at small stadiums is a concession to clubs and is not based on giving football fans the best opinion - you simply cannot argue this on any grounds whatsoever.
So, playing a PF (or any final) in Adelaide doesn't benefit Adelaide fans at all. Righty-oh. :rolleyes:
peejay said:
I was referring to footy fans in general.

You have to think about the general fan and take out regionalism.
Um, OK. So Victorians are "general fans" who should get to see as many finals as possible without having to travel, whereas the desire of fans in other states to be able to see their team play in home finals that they have earned, is "regionalism". Righty-oh. :rolleyes:
Posted to mke Undies happy re: lack of trolling....

itsintheblood said:
Well now that it looks like the prelims will be played interstate if insterstate teams earn the right...

You mean WHEN of course.

Why are you Mexican's worried about the PF arrangements, its not like any of you lot will be playing in one anyways... :D
arrowman said:
Um, OK. So Victorians are "general fans" who should get to see as many finals as possible without having to travel, whereas the desire of fans in other states to be able to see their team play in home finals that they have earned, is "regionalism". Righty-oh. :rolleyes:

You respose seems to indicate to me that we are talking about different issues.

I am talking about allowing the most number of people to see games and how the AFL membership is not assisting this as much as before - the title of the thread.

You are talking about the right for adelaide fans to watch their team play a home final if they win the right. Which i agree with.

But the points are different.
peejay said:
You respose seems to indicate to me that we are talking about different issues.

I am talking about allowing the most number of people to see games and how the AFL membership is not assisting this as much as before - the title of the thread.

You are talking about the right for adelaide fans to watch their team play a home final if they win the right. Which i agree with.

But the points are different.
The points are inextricabled related. The only way to "allow the most number of people to see games [finals]" is to play those games at either the MCG or Telstra Stadium - at every other stadium it is most likely that the potential crowd will exceed the stadium's capacity. But you can't do that, and give home finals to teams that have earned them at the same time.

So for the sake of (a) integrity of the competition, and (b) the supporters and members of non-Victorian clubs, they play home finals where they are earned. And you think the rights of AFL members should supersede both of those.

AFL membership is not about "assisting the most number of people to see games", it is a marketing / sales tool.

Lets be straight here - you are trying to dress up AFL membership as some sort of supporter-oriented initiative that is being damaged by the playing of finals (PFs in particular) outside Victoria, when it's really just about you whining because you won't be able to use your AFL membership to get a ticket to those games. Please don't try and pretend it's about the greater good of the game or its fans. :rolleyes:
peejay said:
Well i actually like to go to games other than the ones my team plays in. I know this could be a foreign concept to a two team town.

Think outside your own small world.
Think outside yours, imbecile....I live in Victoria. Or is Melbourne a two team town now?

And, as you are a Tigger supporter, it is not surprising that at the moment you would want to go to other games to see real footy!

And, stop bleating about your membership also.... You are not convincing anyone that you have the greater good of anyone in mind with your whining. Oh, and a way to go and see all those other teams you claim to love watching is to buy an airline ticket and fly wherever, or drive, or get the train. Options galore for such a footy fanatic, I would have thought. Or would actually travelling further than the G be a foreign concept to you? :D
The Magenius said:
Ohh I am just so sad.

Where has the good old aussie spirit of GIVING SOMETHING TO SOMEONE WHO DEOSN'T DESERVE IT gone ???? I really feel for all those vic fans, how rough you guys have it .
kazz227 said:
Think outside yours, imbecile....I live in Victoria or is Melbourne a two team town now?

And, stop bleating about your membership also.... :D

Well that post was in reply to yours telling me to not by AFL membership and get a club membership - so once again i say think outside the square maybe i want to see other games not involving my team.

And try to keep up with the discussion.
arrowman said:
The points are inextricabled related. The only way to "allow the most number of people to see games [finals]" is to play those games at either the MCG or Telstra Stadium - at every other stadium it is most likely that the potential crowd will exceed the stadium's capacity. But you can't do that, and give home finals to teams that have earned them at the same time.


Well, increasing the capacity of the stadiums is the obvious solution to the impasse you have presented.

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peejay said:
Well, increasing the capacity of the stadiums is the obvious solution to the impasse you have presented.
And that is clearly not feasible, and therefore it is not any kind of "solution".

If AFL membership is not good value, don't buy it. If you don't like the fact that it does not guarantee a ticket to at least a certain number of finals, don't buy it.
peejay said:
Why is it not feasible - not in the next five years but there must be a long term plan for AAMi and SUBI.
It took thirty years to get AAMI up to 52,000 capacity (OK, admittedly fast tracked by the AFL presence). But consider this - and I don't know the exact numbers, but the general idea and ball park is there...

The new northern grandstand (cap 7,000) at AAMI cost about $10m to build. That's about $1,400 per seat. Given that Port didn't fill the old stadium (except for Showdowns) the revenue increase is 7,000 seats x 12 games (Crows home plus the other Showdown) per year. At, say, $10 a seat that's $840,000 per year. That's more than 10 years before you even get your capital back, without accounting for the cost of funds.

Now, like I said, I'm just estimating there but I think it's close enough to the ballpark to illustrate the point.

You cannot and will not get any serious increase in capacity at these grounds based on any sensible business case. A generous sponsor or government (or the AFL) would have to put up the money, and that's not going to happen in any reasonabke timeframe. Maybe in 20 years' time they'll add another 10,000 seats to AAMI but that's not going to generate any serious spare capacity for finals and in any case, it's not a solution to any issues with AFL membership right now.

(I'm assuming if someone could promise you there'd be seats in 10 years time, that wouldn't make you any happier about your AFL membership in the meantime :) )

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AFL members ripped off once again!!!

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