News Clarko in strife again

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AFL Statement
The AFL this week made inquiries into an incident involving North Melbourne Senior Coach Alastair Clarkson during Saturday afternoon’s match in Hobart.

The AFL was made aware of the alleged comments by a match day official post-game who heard the comments, with the AFLIU following up the report.

Clarkson has admitted to loudly swearing and using inappropriate language while standing near the umpires and officials’ bench in response to an umpiring decision during the third quarter.

After talking to match officials, the AFL was not able to be comfortably satisfied that Clarkson’s swearing was directed towards a specific person or persons and in particular an AFL match official or officials and as such no finding of a breach of AFL Rules has been made.
The only embarrassing element in this whole discussion is Clarkson. How can one little man bring so much negativity to the game.

That would make sense if this whole story didn't turn out to be a crock of shit lol

There's a lot of "if the scenario I made up in my head were true, I'd be right" in this thread.
It wasn't on national TV.

Also, speaking of abusing others in public, this guy is still on your board, isn't he?

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A low blow.

If you had any idea about the real backstory of that infamous Sheedy action you’d understand that it was everyones favourite assistant coach from Keilor FC ..feral Mark Harvey..that lied to Sheedy and egged him on and blamed White.

The confession..years later

“Mark Johnson had come on the ground just before half-time and he must have run straight into Mitchell White. Mark’s gone down and, all of a sudden, this kerfuffle’s happened. Kevin’s gone, ‘What the hell happened here?’ I said, ‘Sheeds, you wouldn’t believe it - Mitchell White’s just whacked Mark Johnson!’

"Now, I actually don’t even know if he did; I half made it up, just trying to find a player within the vicinity of where Mark was.
I said, ‘It would be good if you went down and really got behind Mark and really had a verbal crack at Mitchell White.’ He said, ‘Yeah, yeah, you’re right.’ So, he storms out the back of the box and goes straight down the stairs - I don’t know what he’s going to do. He walks out and he’s looking at Mitchell White and the next minute he goes [and demonstrates a throat-slitting action].“


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Clarkson definitely should put $2.00 in the Swear Jar

I'm so proud of footy fans today.

When Sheedy instructed his players to racially target opposition, we stood silent. When Bomber Thompson was dealing meth, we didn't make a peep.

But when Clarko swore, we said "enough is enough" ✊

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In the last 12 months, how many coaches have had ANY of these accusations made against them?
  • Racial discrimination
  • Use of homophobic slurs
  • (Alleged) abuse towards umpires

Compare that to the ONE coach who has been accused of all of these.

For those playing at home, yes, Chris Fagan has also been accused of the first one.

Hope you have enjoyed your night mate.

Genuinely laughable how hard you have gone at Clarkson with no evidence.

Embarrassing behaviour.
So Clarko admits he said “f—-ng c—-“

That’s not in dispute.

But AFL accept no evidence it was directed to an official.

It’s well accepted in the swearing community that “f” “c” used together is directed at a person, while the use of the word “f—k” in isolation is general frustration. One never says f&c together without it being directed at someone. It’s taught at school.

Fails the pub test, badly.

The AFL should have said, you are a senior coach choosing to coach on the sidelines, do better.

Impose the 2 game suspension.

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Clarko was never in strife.

If he were in strife, the AFL would have no choice but to suspend him, leading to an even worse North and a club folding. And the AFL don't want that.

Plus, the AFL are corrupt as the day is long, the evidence is there for all to see, over and over.

So no, Clarko was never in strife. Hence he keeps doing it.
He must save the true abuse for the teenage umpires at the local under-9’s. Great guy. Abusive AND racist!

The North fans in here are really embarrassing themselves. This must be what a 0-11 start to a season does to a person.
I'm so proud of footy fans today.

When Sheedy instructed his players to racially target opposition, we stood silent. When Bomber Thompson was dealing meth, we didn't make a peep.

But when Clarko swore, we said "enough is enough" ✊
That’s pond scum, bottom of the barrel stuff.

It’s fine around around the pallet burning backyard fire of inane drivel ..but this is biggist footies

You need to be better.

More substance needed before anyone takes you seriously.
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Tom morris breaking the news of what Clarko didn’t do with a 20 paragraph article, 18 paragraphs shorter longer than his apology on how he was racist & sexist pig.
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That would make sense if this whole story didn't turn out to be a crock of shit lol

There's a lot of "if the scenario I made up in my head were true, I'd be right" in this thread.
I’m pretty sure you drink 3 litres of cheap fortified wine every night and your main goal in life there after is posting on BF and defending your sad little club with ridiculous posts riddled with banality.

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