Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott

Who will be the next Prime Minister of Australia

  • Malcolm Turnbull

  • Julie Bishop

  • Scott Morrison

  • Andrew Robb

  • Someone from the LIberal Party other than those above

  • Bill Shorten

  • Someone from the Labor Party other than Shorten

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The longer Abbott stays as PM the more likely an ALP victory is. Kennett is right - it is terminal with Abbott.

But both other candidates pose problems. Bishop isn't ready to be PM. She has done a decent job as Foreign Minister, but then most Foreign Ministers look great. She has had little engagement with the nitty gritty of domestic politics for 16 months and hasn't needed to be answerable to it. Turnball runs the risk of alienating the majority conservative faction in the party, and if he got the job, would probably need to swing to the right and keep in check his more liberal social values. If he does push for the things the centre/soft centre-left voters like in him (gay marriage, meaningful action on climate change, a republic) then disunity will surely arise in the party room. If he fails to push for these things or represent these values, those same voters will view him as a hypocrite and spineless.

The Coalition is in a serious jam.
You said "no competition to generate fresh ideas" - this is not correct.
The rush to attract students is highly competitive, also noting that foreign students at our major universities comprise around 25% of enrolments and they pay much higher fees than Australian students (they're full fee paying and their fees are not standardized across the sector e.g. Melb Uni internationals pay more than Monash international students).
Effectively, we already have a system where international education is our third biggest industry (our biggest 'value add' industry) and tertiary education for Australians is being subsidized already by international students.
Making it more expensive by redirecting Federal support will increase fees for all students - no doubt leaving many international students to consider the fast growing Asian universities as another option.

To my knowledge, Gonski considers this heavily in the review

The focus of Gonski was schools

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I am included to think that there will not be a challenge soon, I think that next week will be all about: we have listened to you, co-payment gone, Higher Ed severely watered down and it will be all about security.

I doubt it. The moves and leaks and backgrounding indicate a spill is essentially inevitable. It doesn't go this far, only to result in status quo.

And if by some crazy chance Abbott survives next week they're more idiotic than I thought.
Debt is increasing by about $529 million per day!

I remember those ads from them attacking how much the ALP were increasing debt on a per day basis.
This sums it up, they do have some difficult circumstances with commodities etc but these aspects should really have been factored in, and it should be their job to factor in more than one economic scenario.

I don't think even the strongest Labor supporter could have imagined a **** up this big so far.
That is why I can see Bishop getting up. To much of a shift from current policy to go with Turnbull and people know where he stands on certain issues that the Liberals aren't necessarily in favour of.
I think the liberals need to understand what the electorate are "necessarily in favour of" and learn the lesson from the last 18 months. Turnbull is a vote winner with the swingers in the middle and they are the only ones that count.
You don't lose 10kgs if you bludge at work! ;)
Hey buddy, whilst most of what you say is complete horse manure, I'm happy to read this. Good on you mate & keep at it. Not many things better than dropping a few kgs. Ignore the negative responses & keep going.

Interesting to read in the Age today that the PM's Office (read Peta Credlin) wants to have a show of hands instead of a secret ballot (which is normal in leadership ballots) next Tuesday/Wednesday so they could identify which MPs-especially the newer MPs-are against (or plotting to topple) the PM. If that is the case, would Abbott wreck revenge on those who dared to question his authority?
Okay, seriously, WTF?

So this person, who apparently has more influence over Tone than Rupe, comes up with an idea like this?

FMD. She would have to be one of the most powerful persons in the country. And this is her response?

That's it- I'm out.
Would the PM be prepared to throw Sloppy under the bus to save his own job? His performance his been pitiful and a distinct part of the government's problem. A compromise with perhaps Turnbull as Treasurer, or are the PM and Hockey too intertwined in the Liberal Party narrative in government?
Another problem for Turnbull is the Nationals.

Truss commented today that the current Coalition agreement was between him and Abbott.

No, Truss' agreement was between HIM and Abbott.

The only people staunchly defending Abbott are those who are all but stuffed when he's dumped.
My guess is that Abbott would be given a 'stay of execution' (ie his job is safe-for now) until at least Budget Night. If the Coalition cops a hammering over the Budget (and loses the NSW State Election) then it will be 'game on'.

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Mega Thread All things Tony Abbott
