Scape Goat Alleged SPP incident/broken curfew + malicious and exploitative reporting by Channel 7 news

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Calling a spade a spade. If you don’t like it, don’t do it.
If being misogynistic is refusing to destroy people’s careers and lives over media reports then bring it on.

There is no evidence that anyone is trying to destroy anyone’s career. Again, embarrassing hysterical conjecture. Guilty till proven innocent indeed.
Another point, him being a "massive unit" can be as scary as attractive. A simple misreading of social signs could lead to such a situation.

For instance, using an analogy, if he crossed a red light, it could had been yellow just a bit before his crossing. He would still have done something wrong, but not necessarily as a dick. In this kind of situation, a simple "Stop" followed by an "I am sorry" should be enough to settle the issue.

Unless he came out of nowhere and grabed her or kept going on after she bailed out, SPP should get the benefit of the doubt. First assumption must be that he thought she had given him an opening, but was mistaken.

If this is revealed to be the case, internally, SPP must be taught that he is a public person, so his mistakes are taken under different light. In order to avoid such situations, he must stop at yellow signs, never speed up in intersections, and always give preference for others to advance first.
Girls are used to this shit, it happens quite frequently.

She can use her judgment as to whether it’s flirtatious, creepy, or assault. She can change her mind. She is a human and should be treated as such.

The motive to defend sam is strong due to two things. Firstly he is a Port Adelaide player, and we are Port Adelaide supporters. Secondly he is a man and many people commenting are men, for whom it’s scary that they can get in trouble for their behaviour, and even scarier that they could be falsely accused.

False accusations are rare, false convictions are even rarer. False accusations are most often made by someone other than the victim, and I believe (this I’m not as sure of) very rarely made against strangers.

Now the upshot here is that Sam’s actions have been determined by her to be inappropriate, and she is most likely being honest. Yes her recollection could be hazy - and this doubt is why it’s very, very difficult to convict when good defence laywers are involved - but so could Sam’s. There are a lot of different possibilities here, but most people deny their accusations as we have seen repeatedly - Louis CK (until recently), Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, Don Burke, James Francou, even “ally” Aziz Ansari - so it’s going to be very hard for me personally to take Sam at his word if he does this.

I hope he apologises and admits what he did, that is the best case scenario I think. It would take courage from Sam to do this, and he would gain back a lot of respect. If he gives a bullshit apology like “I’m sorry you were offended” or whatever then he won’t. If he denies the events then it’s going to get messier rightly or wrongly.

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Here come the attacks.

I posted that before the news story boys, so get off your ivory tower.
Perhaps don't make ridiculous calls without knowing the full story to be fair.

Sent from a Ivory Tower.
So would most people but that’s not what happened.

How does “he put his hand up my skirt and tugged my arm” become “both hands down my pants”???

One thing is nowhere near the other and it paints SPP in a horrible light.
Correct, one hand two times.

I don’t see much difference, but I’ll change it of course.
I hope he apologises and admits what he did, that is the best case scenario I think. It would take courage from Sam to do this, and he would gain back a lot of respect. If he gives a bullshit apology like “I’m sorry you were offended” or whatever then he won’t. If he denies the events then it’s going to get messier rightly or wrongly.
What exactly has he done that he should apologise for? I agree that quite often where there is smoke there is fire but maybe we should wait and see for more details rather than outright convicting him at this stage.

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Don’t scream me down fellas but this is a fact:

It seems to be nearly always our indigenous fellas (of whom we have a lot compared to some other clubs) who are in these type of negative night time incidents ( whether found guilty or not in the end)

Is it that they are more easily targeted because of their race?
Is it because they have trouble adjusting to city life or fame or limelight?
Something else?
Paul V must be pulling his hair out.
Such a shame for the club when we put so many resources into our community programs and teachings.
What exactly has he done that he should apologise for? I agree that quite often where there is smoke there is fire but maybe we should wait and see for more details rather than outright convicting him at this stage.
He clearly should apologise given she was offended enough. This is the smoke/fire thing.

By saying “What he did” I’m not really trying to imply exactly what he did - I don’t know - more just whatever his recollection is.
Perhaps don't make ridiculous calls without knowing the full story to be fair.

Sent from a Ivory Tower.

Ivory tower? You made a pretty sweeping, sensationalist judgement in an effort to be a newsbreaker.

I said "if true, bye"

Ridiculous? Probably not if it was "Sexual Assault" as initially reported not "Indecent Assault" which it actually is - yes there is a difference, look it up.

Probably shouldn't have taken Seven News tweet on face value.

Anyway let's see how it plays out.
No matter what happened, no matter the subtleties of events, what leaded to it, how it came to be, levels of flirting intoxication...whatever are irrelevant as the story first released to the press will now be the narrative. That’s why trial by media is despicable, just like Ryder who is forever tainted as a cop hitter.

That’s wrong, no matter what way you look at it, everyone has a right to defend or explain themselves. That right has been taken away from the player.

He won’t be believed whatever the actually story turns out to be, trial by media works by sensationalising then ignoring nuance for the next story.

That’s why the courts take so long and rely on things like evidence.
But what is this thing you call evidence..
Don’t scream me down fellas but this is a fact:

It seems to be nearly always our indigenous fellas (of whom we have a lot compared to some other clubs) who are in these type of negative night time incidents ( whether found guilty or not in the end)

Is it that they are more easily targeted because of their race?
Is it because they have trouble adjusting to city life or fame or limelight?
Something else?
Paul V must be pulling his hair out.
Such a shame for the club when we put so many resources into our community programs and teachings.
Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islanders are from poorer, less functional communities in general. This means more stress on young people, and less support for them. I believe that they also have more difficulty breaking down alcohol due to a lack of some enzyme but that may not be relevant for everyone.

Basically its less coping mechanisms, and less supportive friends and family that stems from less money and education. Sam has spoken about his family life, and it sounded fairly abusive. This is unfortunately all too common for young Aboriginal Australians. It’s not an excuse for mistreating others, but it is certainly something difficult to overcome.
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