Baker faces 12-match ban; Johnson four

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Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

Yeah what a surprise all you bitter Geelong supporters support a suspension like this.:rolleyes:

If it happened to Ling you'd be screaming blue murder.

Baker and St Kilda have been made scapegoats once again. Absolute bullshit.

maybe because Ling isn't a cheap dirty sniper with a disgraceful record that gets suspended 4 times in the one match.

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Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

I'm sorry but this is disgraceful.

Single handedly, most of the incidents Baker was involved in would struggle to get a week. His record is terrible which doesn't help but 12? For gods sake. I would hope we exhaust all avenues as to getting this reduced.
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

I'll take off my rose coloured glasses if you take off yours...

Are you honestly saying the impact of each of his 4 charges was individually worthy of a 3 week ban?

While at the same time saying that Steve Johnsons 2 strikes were individually worthy of 1.5 weeks each?

Come on Winty :confused:

Do you seriously think SJ would've hit Baker once, let alone twice, if Baker wasn't using him as a punching bag?
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

AFL/MRP are taking a stand..

They don't want talentless douche bags like Baker getting games to employ their gutless off the ball crap..

They clearly want the talent to get a free run at the ball to put on a good spectacle.

Judd getting nothing and SJ 4 weeks though.. WTF?
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

Yeah what a surprise all you bitter Geelong supporters support a suspension like this.:rolleyes:

Is it a surprise a lot of neutrals also agree with it?

If it happened to Ling you'd be screaming blue murder.

As much as I dislike seeing Ling tag people, he doesn't go around belting them.

Footy has moved on from the 70's, you just can't do what Baker does anymore.
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

I'm pretty sure he copped weeks for punching Johnson's hand. So glad that prick is gone for the year. He is important to the Saints is a nuisance and as has been said a dirty little sniper.

Don't worry, he'll be back to hopefully face Didak and Thomas in the finals. :D
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

2-3 weeks off for a punch seems about right to me. Why is everyone so hysterical?
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

Taggers are part of the game.

Taggers are part of the game, but there are taggers who play to shut down their oppoent like Ling, Jones, Picken, A.Selwood etc and then are the pieces of shit that call themselves footballers who wait until umpire has back turned and ball is 100 metres away before whacking their opponent and do it all the time. Have a guess which category Baker fits into. Make no mistake, this isn't the first time this season Baker as used these tactics this year, just first time his been caught.
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

maybe because Ling isn't a cheap dirty sniper with a disgraceful record that gets suspended 4 times in the one match.

The only reason Baker has such a bad record is that he has been victimised by the tribunal in the past, ie. 8 weeks for the Jeff Farmer incident when there was no video evidence or witness accounts.

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Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

That's one way to take dirty little snipers out of the game. I bet he'll think twice about any further sniping which even the most one eyed St's supporter would have to agree he does. Jake King is next.

Jake's got July 24 circled on his calendar. :D
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

Hope the clowns who were umpiring get a few weeks too. It they had of started paying free kicks either way early both of them would have stopped.

3 umpires, plus the emergency should have nipped it in the bud. Even the goal/boundry umps should have said something at quarter time to the main umpires to keep an eye on them. But probably too busy putting their 'processes' in place to worry about what was happening on the field.
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

Ok the charges as individual are

2 weeks, 2 weeks, 2 weeks, 1 week.

With his 50% loading for bad record they become

3 weeks, 3 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 week.

Early pleas reduce each strike to


Now i know it only adds up to 10 weeks, but the 3 weeks are 337.5 points, and the 1 week is 187.5

Add them up you get 12.
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

Maybe if Baker was more interested in getting his hands on that yellow leather thing the other 35 players were kicking around on Friday night instead of pretending he was Rocky Balboa and SJ was Ivan Drago, he wouldn't have a case to answer.

Was lucky to only get 9 weeks in my opinion.

Yes but you are most biased flog on here, so your opinion means little.

Johnson could have KO'd Baker and he would have received 4 weeks.

Your filthy fullback knees blokes in the balls and only gets a week.

Absolute joke.
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

Do you seriously think SJ would've hit Baker once, let alone twice, if Baker wasn't using him as a punching bag?

I give you that, but Johnson responded in like and was forgiving and willing to shake hands after the match....

I won't try and persuade you any further, I am a St Kilda supporter, you are a Geelong's probably impossible for us to look at each other's point of view without being clouded.
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

The umpires probably could have prevented this if they had of done their job and told him to stop, or give a couple of frees.

The fact there is 4 charges throughout the match to face, is a reflection of this.

Maybe the umpires should be given a suspension, or maybe more fittingly, a back elbow from SJ.
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

Over reaction much?

Baker has got 12 weeks for 4 seperate incidents that were less contact than Judd's which was "insufficient force"

Baker has been 100% completely and absolutely vilified here and should sue for slander. 12 weeks for niggling is an utter joke.

And, if Stevie Johnson has a broken hand get the &%^$ off the field.

Regards Johnson's elbow, I do not see any difference between his actions and Judd's. Both lashed out at close attension, both were not looking at their intended target, both opened up their oponents. One gets 0 and the other gets 4 weeks? Nice consistency. Neither deserves 4 weeks but how can you explain the difference between 4 and zero?

WTF is going on. Hawks fans though Buddy was robbed - aparently Buddy got off easy.
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

The silly thing is that these incidents don't look that bad for the game. It's a bit of agro reminiscent of the good old days.

Stuff like Barry Hall where he turns around and king hits his opponent without real provocation is what hurts the game.

Yet Baker gets twice the sentence.

I can't stand Baker but this is simply ridiculous. Particularly when a bloke like Judd gets nothing...
Re: Baker faces 14-match ban; Johnson four

what a joke.
how can you get weeks for little love taps and pushing and shoving.
What he did happens every saturday around the country at local footy.

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Baker faces 12-match ban; Johnson four

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