Rumour ben cousins been missing for 1 month...

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Some are legal some aren't. That is the issue.

If all drugs were legal and 100% pure and not made in some bikies bath tub I dare say alcohol would be right up there for harm done with ice for the hard core and dope the harmless plant it is. And prescribed drugs being really under the micros cope

Alcohol causes cancer
Road trauma

Alcohol is by far the most harmful drug. If it was invented would be banned
Im of the belief decriminalization is the way to go.
Its worked overseas....the war on drugs has failed.

Read yohan hari ..chasing the scream.

Probation of moonshine failed in the USA. We didn't learn.

The money spent on policing could be put into treatment and rehabs. It takes 8 weeks to get into rehab on the public system in WA.

its failed.

Radical solutions are required. Yes make it offence to deal high end amounts.

But offer treatment to others
People lose jobs over one failed test....they then go on benders....centerlink...broken marriages

Costing the tax payer millions. We cannot and will never sucseed under a heavy policing model.

Please dont give me Singapore model

Culturally they arent into drugs..

But hey they have a massive pedophile issue..and corruption issue also

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Im of the belief decriminalization is the way to go.
Its worked overseas....the war on drugs has failed.

Read yohan hari ..chasing the scream.

Probation of moonshine failed in the USA. We didn't learn.

The money spent on policing could be put into treatment and rehabs. It takes 8 weeks to get into rehab on the public system in WA.

its failed.

Radical solutions are required. Yes make it offence to deal high end amounts.

But offer treatment to others
People lose jobs over one failed test....they then go on benders....centerlink...broken marriages

Costing the tax payer millions. We cannot and will never sucseed under a heavy policing model.

Please dont give me Singapore model

Culturally they arent into drugs..

But hey they have a massive pedophile issue..and corruption issue also just ignore the agg burgs, armed robberies, assaults, dangerous driving etc from addicts whose brains are fried from this shit?

I think we need to get fair dinkum with severe punishment / consequences for ****ing up innocent peoples lives.

No-one held a gun to the users head forcing them to use the shit in the first place.
Last edited: just ignore the aggregated burgs, armed robberies, assaults, dangerous driving etc from addicts whose brains are fried from this shit?

I think we need to get fair dinkum with severe punishment / consequences for ******* up innocent peoples lives.

No-one held a gun to the users head forcing them to use the shit in the first place.

We already have a tough punishment, throw people in jail regime that has been working just brilliantly for the last 50 years.

Those crimes you've listed are almost always perpetuated to get money to get more drugs, which they buy from often violent criminals at huge prices which only entrenches poverty and recidivism.

It might feel good to say throw the book at everyone, lock em up, but you won't get results. People have always and will always want to try drugs.

And honestly, if you want to be fair dinkum about the whole thing, then it's time to bring back prohibition and get rid of the most destructive drug of all, booze.
Some of you should visit Cuz in jail and give him some advice.

'That's three times now they've found it in your arse Ben. They're going up there every time they catch you from now on.'

'Save yourself a lot of hassle in the future, and just carry your gear in your shoe like everyone else.'
We already have a tough punishment, throw people in jail regime that has been working just brilliantly for the last 50 years.

Those crimes you've listed are almost always perpetuated to get money to get more drugs, which they buy from often violent criminals at huge prices which only entrenches poverty and recidivism.

It might feel good to say throw the book at everyone, lock em up, but you won't get results. People have always and will always want to try drugs.

And honestly, if you want to be fair dinkum about the whole thing, then it's time to bring back prohibition and get rid of the most destructive drug of all, booze.
The coppers catch them and the soft magistrates slap them on the wrist and put them back into society - that's the problem.

Start cracking down on these campaigners with SERIOUS sentences / ramifications - probably won't affect this generation of deadbeats but the wanna be's may start to think twice.
The coppers catch them and the soft magistrates slap them on the wrist and put them back into society - that's the problem.

Thats because the Magistrates know more than anyone else, if you throw a bloke in jail for a drug offence, or shoplifting or similar he comes out an armed robber, drug trafficker or worse.

When you are forced to spend all your time with very bad people, you tend to follow suite.

Sadly our prisons are designed for punishment and not rehabilitation. You spend any amount of time inside, and youre going to get r*ped, bashed, have to make friends with some very bad people (and fit in) just to stay safe etc. Most people come out worse than when they went in, and when they get out find it even harder to get a normal job with prison time behind them (making crime an even more attractive option).

Prison needs a major reform in this country, with a focus on rehabilitation over punishment. Things like alternatives to 'hard' prison time via prisons that are more compulsory live in TAFEs and vocational training camps full of Social workers and not just Screws. Play the game in the 'nice' prisons and you get a degree or diploma, get social workers and counselors to help you actually address the reasons you're committing crime and in prison in the first place, and when you get released, you get released into a job (with no criminal record of being inside) with constant support and checking up on.

**** up in the nice prison, and it's off to the bad prison to get r*ped, bashed and pretty much what happens now.

As a bonus, Magistrates would be a lot less reluctant to send perps to prison if they knew that recidivism wasnt a problem, and the perpetrator was more likely to come out a better person, instead of a worse one.

My two cents as someone close to the whole thing (Legal Aid/ Community Legal Centre Lawyer).
The coppers catch them and the soft magistrates slap them on the wrist and put them back into society - that's the problem.

Start cracking down on these campaigners with SERIOUS sentences / ramifications - probably won't affect this generation of deadbeats but the wanna be's may start to think twice.
Hang em high, yeah that’ll fix it! :rolleyes: just ignore the agg burgs, armed robberies, assaults, dangerous driving etc from addicts whose brains are fried from this shit?

I think we need to get fair dinkum with severe punishment / consequences for ******* up innocent peoples lives.

No-one held a gun to the users head forcing them to use the shit in the first place.
The crime is associated with drugs...

You want to build another 20 prisons...each prisoner costs $350 a day to house...

Sorry its failed and its cost billions.
Thats because the Magistrates know more than anyone else, if you throw a bloke in jail for a drug offence, or shoplifting or similar he comes out an armed robber, drug trafficker or worse.

When you are forced to spend all your time with very bad people, you tend to follow suite.

Sadly our prisons are designed for punishment and not rehabilitation. You spend any amount of time inside, and youre going to get r*ped, bashed, have to make friends with some very bad people (and fit in) just to stay safe etc. Most people come out worse than when they went in, and when they get out find it even harder to get a normal job with prison time behind them (making crime an even more attractive option).

Prison needs a major reform in this country, with a focus on rehabilitation over punishment. Things like alternatives to 'hard' prison time via prisons that are more compulsory live in TAFEs and vocational training camps full of Social workers and not just Screws. Play the game in the 'nice' prisons and you get a degree or diploma, get social workers and counselors to help you actually address the reasons you're committing crime and in prison in the first place, and when you get released, you get released into a job (with no criminal record of being inside) with constant support and checking up on.

**** up in the nice prison, and it's off to the bad prison to get r*ped, bashed and pretty much what happens now.

As a bonus, Magistrates would be a lot less reluctant to send perps to prison if they knew that recidivism wasnt a problem, and the perpetrator was more likely to come out a better person, instead of a worse one.

My two cents as someone close to the whole thing (Legal Aid/ Community Legal Centre Lawyer).
What he said

We want them to come and get a taxes...

Not come out with Hep C and HIV..

DRUGS use is rampant in prisons ..

50% of prisoner's in WA have hep C ...costing 10,000 large to cure....coz if they get out with hep c....they infect the general population

Hello people THE WAR ON DRUGS has created a bigger and far worse problem...the spread of blood born viruses in the community.

Prisoners will use anything in prison to inject whatever they csn get....chicken bones become syringes

Smart countries reduce crime by reducing drug use in community....more rehabs .

Stop putting people in prison.

Costs of a community based program is $33 per day..

Yet the drug services like ours tell people they have to wait 5 weeks to see a counselor (wait listed)..

8-10 weeks for rehab.

They come in begging for help be told to wait.

Caseloads are huge....workers go on stress leave..

Ffs ...rehabs work.

Criminalising people fails.

Ive been doing this a long time.

Saw addiction in my family.

Lost friends to suicide too.

The war hardline approach fails...the usa has same war many people die from drug related crime in the usa...

Rant over.....

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Keep it the way it is. Smart people who choose not to use will get ahead and deadbeats will fall behind.

Makes things much easier for me
Intelligence....hmm..loads of intelligent rich people get addicted to meth..

Rich intelligent people suicide same rate as unemployed people.
Keep it the way it is. Smart people who choose not to use will get ahead and deadbeats will fall behind.

Makes things much easier for me

The same deadbeats your taxes are paying for? (Police, courts, hospitals, prisons etc)
Who’s getting ahead of who.
What he said

We want them to come and get a taxes...

Not come out with Hep C and HIV..

DRUGS use is rampant in prisons ..

50% of prisoner's in WA have hep C ...costing 10,000 large to cure....coz if they get out with hep c....they infect the general population

Hello people THE WAR ON DRUGS has created a bigger and far worse problem...the spread of blood born viruses in the community.

Prisoners will use anything in prison to inject whatever they csn get....chicken bones become syringes

Smart countries reduce crime by reducing drug use in community....more rehabs .

Stop putting people in prison.

Costs of a community based program is $33 per day..

Yet the drug services like ours tell people they have to wait 5 weeks to see a counselor (wait listed)..

8-10 weeks for rehab.

They come in begging for help be told to wait.

Caseloads are huge....workers go on stress leave..

Ffs ...rehabs work.

Criminalising people fails.

Ive been doing this a long time.

Saw addiction in my family.

Lost friends to suicide too.

The war hardline approach fails...the usa has same war many people die from drug related crime in the usa...

Rant over.....
Amen , it’s even worse in USA with the highest% of the population in the world being incarcerated for drugs can be locked away for 10-25 years for having a gram on you for personal use

And people want harsher penalties? It does nothing and costs society more in the long term.
Last edited: just ignore the agg burgs, armed robberies, assaults, dangerous driving etc from addicts whose brains are fried from this shit?

I think we need to get fair dinkum with severe punishment / consequences for ******* up innocent peoples lives.

Then put them in jail for agg burgs, armed robberies, assaults, dangerous driving etc.

Decriminalisation is the way to go.

A certain percentage of human beings will always be drawn towards addictive substances regardless of the law anyway.
Then put them in jail for agg burgs, armed robberies, assaults, dangerous driving etc.

Decriminalisation is the way to go.

A certain percentage of human beings will always be drawn towards addictive substances regardless of the law anyway.
Of course they will

But if we had more treatment services available in a timely fashion....less crime

Addiction leads to crime

Lower addiction levels...less crime associated.
Doesnt decriminalisation lead to more addiction?

All decriminalisation does is shift the product
You’d hope with deceimilisation there would be more of a focus on rehab rather than jailing everyone which doesn’t appear to help the situation.

Still it would be interesting to see some models or statistics that could indicate how successful decrimilastation would really be.

Either way there needs to be a greater focus on rehabs centres/programs with more public spending in these areas than what we have at the moment.
Doesnt decriminalisation lead to more addiction?

All decriminalisation does is shift the product

No. It stops people with addiction ending up prison.

Govt can pour more coin into treatment and school education programs. Early intervention is better than jailing people
Then put them in jail for agg burgs, armed robberies, assaults, dangerous driving etc.

Decriminalisation is the way to go.

A certain percentage of human beings will always be drawn towards addictive substances regardless of the law anyway.
AND put them in jail for repeat breaching of IVO''s and threats to kill the protected party(s).
No. It stops people with addiction ending up prison.

Govt can pour more coin into treatment and school education programs. Early intervention is better than jailing people
But they are still addicted. And unless the price or demand changes the criminal actions behind the addiction still continues

I do accept that more money needs to be directed properly but its the criminality that upsets most people. The house breaks etc
But they are still addicted. And unless the price or demand changes the criminal actions behind the addiction still continues

I do accept that more money needs to be directed properly but its the criminality that upsets most people. The house breaks etc

The stealing feeds the addiction

Its trauma that causes addiction ..

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Rumour ben cousins been missing for 1 month...

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