Benalla & District Part 2

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What a pity the All Blacks, Glenrowan, King Valley and maby Violet Town can't join the league. I can't see the league lasting too much longer though :(.

Maby a few of the clubs can join the O&K and there can be two divisions where the premier of division 2 gets promoted to Division one and the wooden spooner gets demoted to division 2?

Everybody has an idea & opinion & here is mine gbatman , your div 1 & div 2 idea is a load of rubbish
Something needs to be done with this league its terrible the scores n how much every team is losing to bonnie doon there is no competition to beat a team by 200 points each week. Test ya selfs an get out of a league 100 year old blokes could get a kick in.

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Something needs to be done with this league its terrible the scores n how much every team is losing to bonnie doon there is no competition to beat a team by 200 points each week. Test ya selfs an get out of a league 100 year old blokes could get a kick in.

Ah .. isn't ignorance bliss?
Seein tht "gameon' has truble mispellin I think the pseudonym is really "Gammon".
Gammon means a ham - smoked or cured .. the lower end of a side of bacon.

Now we know where this pig flu has come from !!

Cheers Gammon
John Carrot:thumbsu:
Something needs to be done with this league its terrible the scores n how much every team is losing to bonnie doon there is no competition to beat a team by 200 points each week. Test ya selfs an get out of a league 100 year old blokes could get a kick in.

FFS gameon, take the time to flick back through the pages of this thread. It is plainly obvious that the BDFL is dispanding at the end of 09, and all clubs will be testing themselves at a different level next year. I think the people involved with all these clubs need to be commended for keeping their clubs viable in the current trying times, not kicked for failing to achieve the impossible. All BDFL teams will find it easier to attract the players to create competetive lists when they enter viable competitions, and I for one hope they all succeed in their respective new leagues ASAP. Obviously it will take time, but these clubs are full of passionate people, just like your club and my club, and they will turn every stone to achieve it.:thumbsu:
Everybody has an idea & opinion & here is mine gbatman , your div 1 & div 2 idea is a load of rubbish

And your idea? Why is the Div 1 & 2 of the OK idea so bad?
I think it would make playing for the current B&D clubs a more attractive option for players. It would increase player numbers at the current B&D clubs who are struggling. Numbers are the most important thing to clubs. As it turns out most of the B&D clubs would be in the lower level and that level would contain some of the old clubs in the B&D and might look similar to the old B&D. It's a move that might save some clubs but who knows. Many of the other leagues have a few divisions.

Lets face it, as sad as it all is the league has problems and some clubs are struggling to survive. Something has to be done to make the league more attractive for players to play in. It's a problem that shouldn't/can't be ignored. We do need an extra team. A couple would be good but reality is I can't see it happening.

The only problems I see with a merger of the B&D & O&K then dividing them into 2 divisions are travel. Perhaps this could be solved by splitting the comp. into a north and south division instead. Honestly the odd big travel once every 3 or 4 weeks isn't that big of a deal is it?
On another note, what are people's thoughts on Bonnie Doon's new oval?
G’day GBatman
Looks very much like you guys and “Tony from Lara’s” mob will just go through the motions in this waste of a year called the B&DFL 2009 Football Season.
Have a listen to the ABC at 10 to 1 each Saturday when Tony comes on as “Lance from Lara” .. go the mighty cats …!! It’s really Tony you know .. not someone calling in.
Big money spent in 2008 to buy a flag .. accompanied with ruthless arrogance .. and appears nothing’s changed this year.
Except that Tony’s largess .. he is large is the Tony .. has now seen more money spent by the fat controller ( apologies to Thomas and Ringo) for the Serenity Stadium to be now east-west and as Rex Hunt has said .. “Flat as a shit carters hat”. Bewdy. No more running uphill.
As well, if anyone nowadays doesn’t understand the expression “Shit carter”, they would also have trouble understanding a story about a guru and a hero benefactor called fat Tony!!!
John Carrot
And your idea? Why is the Div 1 & 2 of the OK idea so bad?
I think it would make playing for the current B&D clubs a more attractive option for players. It would increase player numbers at the current B&D clubs who are struggling. Numbers are the most important thing to clubs. As it turns out most of the B&D clubs would be in the lower level and that level would contain some of the old clubs in the B&D and might look similar to the old B&D. It's a move that might save some clubs but who knows. Many of the other leagues have a few divisions.

Lets face it, as sad as it all is the league has problems and some clubs are struggling to survive. Something has to be done to make the league more attractive for players to play in. It's a problem that shouldn't/can't be ignored. We do need an extra team. A couple would be good but reality is I can't see it happening.

The only problems I see with a merger of the B&D & O&K then dividing them into 2 divisions are travel. Perhaps this could be solved by splitting the comp. into a north and south division instead. Honestly the odd big travel once every 3 or 4 weeks isn't that big of a deal is it?

Take your fairy wings off, take two steps back, take a deep breathe and have a cold, hard look at whats going on.....Numbers are and will continue to be a major problem for all country footy. Across a lot of leagues there are 2's games being forfieted each week.... 3rd's numbers are diminishing because kids aren't playing SPORT when they get to 15. By the time they get to 15 they have probably already played 150 games of footy in the junior leagues and have had enough. Some return later, a lot don't. So to say the splitting of a league into divisions will solve the problem is flawed. Footballers are becoming a diminishing resource and until the VCFL wake up to that fact things will only get worse. Good business sense would say rationalisation has to happen.
Yes, numbers are a big problem for country sporting clubs. I'm not sure of the solution for that. Perhaps there needs to be a way of making it easier for kids to make the transition fron junior footy (B&DJFL A-Division) to senior footy clubs. The junior league has a sign up day, perhaps there should be one for 18 year old kids who want to play for a local club. Perhaps they could fill out a form, nominate a club and that club could get back to the kid looking to play open age footy.
I found that once kids finished their footy in A-Div. they stoped playing after that. A lot were going into year 12 but I believe all they needed to play again was a little nudge.

This is what I believe needs to be done:
1. The local papers need to print a Summer and a Winter sports guide.
Summer guide printed in September, Winter guide printed in March/late Feb.
The guide would outline all sporting clubs, a little write up and contact info and give people the oppertunity to see what sporting clubs there are around the place and motivate them to play.

2. The B&DFL should print a similar item for their clubs and have it handed out to year 12 kids at the start of the school year.

clubs need to promote their "brand", and advertise their services and encourage people to come and play. Honestly the local papers could do more for their local footy clubs.
District leaguge football is nothing without the young country guys coming up and playing for there local club. Fact is, these days there just aren't that many 15-20 year olds living out in the towns like G-bat, Tatong and Swanny. With the lack of job opportunity, and further study, in the local region, these guys are leaving for the big smoke.
Some of the responsability for the demise of the local league must also fall on the local teams like Saints and All Blacks. What has been done in the last 10 years by these teams to support the B&D?
The merge between these two clubs should have gone ahead 10 or so years ago. That would have not only made Saints stronger, but also bolstered numbers in the B&D.
Benalla is just not big enough to supply players to 2 local teams and 4-5 district league teams.
It's true, kids are heading off elsewhere and it stuffs up local sport.

Consider this. You are a 25 year old bloke, new to the area, who wouldn't mind playing footy but arent keen enough to go out and find a club. What is there to make people aware of the clubs and give them a little nudge in going to play? I think the local media needs to do more to make people aware of the clubs, aware that they are keen for players and to make it very easy to join a club. For clubs like Swannie, g'bat and Tatong they are mostly made up of Benalla residents.

I think the league needed to push the local media harder for more support and "advertising". There are a bloody lot of young men in Benalla who don't play weekend sport.

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It's true, kids are heading off elsewhere and it stuffs up local sport.

Consider this. You are a 25 year old bloke, new to the area, who wouldn't mind playing footy but arent keen enough to go out and find a club. What is there to make people aware of the clubs and give them a little nudge in going to play? I think the local media needs to do more to make people aware of the clubs, aware that they are keen for players and to make it very easy to join a club. For clubs like Swannie, g'bat and Tatong they are mostly made up of Benalla residents.

I think the league needed to push the local media harder for more support and "advertising". There are a bloody lot of young men in Benalla who don't play weekend sport.

Thats because its far easier to sit on the fence drink stubbies and hurl abuse.
Tatong Committee meeting last night. President resigned, VP standing up to Presidency and new VP. Let's hope Tat can really get their stuff together now! It's been a shambles so far this year... Wouldn't think their chances of being a stand-alone club in the O&K next year would be looking good without some very significant work that should've already been started.
Tatong Committee meeting last night. President resigned, VP standing up to Presidency and new VP. Let's hope Tat can really get their stuff together now! It's been a shambles so far this year... Wouldn't think their chances of being a stand-alone club in the O&K next year would be looking good without some very significant work that should've already been started.

Do they have a team at the moment?
Tatong Committee meeting last night. President resigned, VP standing up to Presidency and new VP. Let's hope Tat can really get their stuff together now! It's been a shambles so far this year... Wouldn't think their chances of being a stand-alone club in the O&K next year would be looking good without some very significant work that should've already been started.

Hmmmmm ??????
Do they have a team at the moment?

At the moment barely keeping a Senior side together. Can get a reserves team together too if 15 of them double up for the day!

Hmmmmm ??????

Looking at some of the clubs, committees and facilities at the O&K level, Tatong has a lot of work to do be able to compete.

What are their numbers like?

Are the Vallender boys still around there?

No, last heard G. Vallender who coached last year was playing out at Glenrowan but not sure if true.
At the moment barely keeping a Senior side together. Can get a reserves team together too if 15 of them double up for the day!

Looking at some of the clubs, committees and facilities at the O&K level, Tatong has a lot of work to do be able to compete.

No, last heard G. Vallender who coached last year was playing out at Glenrowan but not sure if true.

Val is playing at G/rowan.... Several of the clubs have a lot to do if they are to compete st O&K level.....Some grounds, some facilities etc. B&D sides would be silly to think that just by switching leagues that they will be innundated with new players and administrators.
Considering that the BDFL will be no more in 2010, where are the clubs going to go ?.

I know that Longwood is in the Kyabram DFL next year. But what about the other 4 clubs ?, will Bonnie Doon go into the YVMDFL?, and are Goorambat, Swanpool & Tatong going into the O & K, as three seperate clubs ?, or will be a merger of some sorts between Swanpool & Tatong into the O&KFL and Goorambat going alone ?, or possibly a menage a tous of three sides :D.
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