Berko Bevo vs. the former Muckraker Morris in the Round 1 presser

Was Bevo right in the way he ran the presser

  • Hell yes! Bring back the Biff, Bevo.

  • Yes, but he went a little too far

  • No, but protecting players is key

  • No, totally unacceptable but that is it, move on

  • No, totally unacceptable and needs a sanction

  • I barrack for another club and just want to see the results

  • I am in the media and need my next news story

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I don't bother with the Monday review footy shows.

Can anybody that does tell me if they tried to revive the corpse of this two day brouhaha or did they brush past it lest somebody point out their knee jerk reactions immediately after Bevo's presser? Never mind discussing the type of people working in their industry. Im looking at you FOX.
I don't bother with the Monday review footy shows.

Can anybody that does tell me if they tried to revive the corpse of this two day brouhaha or did they brush past it lest somebody point out their knee jerk reactions immediately after Bevo's presser? Never mind discussing the type of people working in their industry. Im looking at you FOX.
Caro and Hutchy just couldn't let it go, even blaming the mo.

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Im trying to take a balanced view on this.

Caro and Hutchy etc are saying that Bevo has been allowed to be autonomous and doesnt have many checks and balances at the club. Alot of us on here have been critical of that.
That over the summer he and Bont didnt attended some media/AFL events.
He has/ is creating his on culture/ world at the kennell and when that happens the culture can evolve such that it diverges from the mainstream and other clubs. The Covid camps of the last couple of years would also promote this group think. This has obviously been good for performance and morale but what are the negatives?
This may have lead to a toxic view of media in general, leading to the outburst.
Should Grant be stronger, tougher, should Bevo be allowed to continue on this path. It seems as senior coaches leave, junior ones come in that can be moulded into Bevo's 'cult'.

Shut up you dip sh*t. With this latest twist for perhaps the first time ever, AFL Tonight and 360 would've been mandatory viewing if they were on.

This will only go one way now. Tom will be taken behind the shed and quietly shot and then the media can climb back up their wonky ivory towers and return to the real game of pulling Bevo's presser and mental state apart.
Its almost like I know things.
Im trying to take a balanced view on this.

Caro and Hutchy etc are saying that Bevo has been allowed to be autonomous and doesnt have many checks and balances at the club. Alot of us on here have been critical of that.
That over the summer he and Bont didnt attended some media/AFL events.
He has/ is creating his on culture/ world at the kennell and when that happens the culture can evolve such that it diverges from the mainstream and other clubs. The Covid camps of the last couple of years would also promote this group think. This has obviously been good for performance and morale but what are the negatives?
This may have lead to a toxic view of media in general, leading to the outburst.
Should Grant be stronger, tougher, should Bevo be allowed to continue on this path. It seems as senior coaches leave, junior ones come in that can be moulded into Bevo's 'cult'.

Just watched the clip (below for anyone interested).

Caroline Wilson - “The man clearly has no concept about how to deal with the media or how the media works, to see him say “I roll differently, don’t ring me”, senior journos ring coaches all the time, so he doesn’t cope with the media, he doesn’t understand the media.”

How about we flip this Caro? Maybe the media has no concept about how to deal with Luke Beveridge or how Luke Beveridge works? Why is Bevo not following the 'normal' process a Bevo problem (he musn't be coping!!), and not something which the media can adapt to?

Just watched the clip (below for anyone interested).

Caroline Wilson - “The man clearly has no concept about how to deal with the media or how the media works, to see him say “I roll differently, don’t ring me”, senior journos ring coaches all the time, so he doesn’t cope with the media, he doesn’t understand the media.”

How about we flip this Caro? Maybe the media has no concept about how to deal with Luke Beveridge or how Luke Beveridge works? Why is Bevo not following the 'normal' process a Bevo problem (he musn't be coping!!), and not something which the media can adapt to?

Wilson, Hutchinson and Cornes. Not sure which one's photo would make me vomit into my own mouth quicker. Cornes has played the game, yet he is nothing more than a muck-raker himself. The only person on that show who has any credibility is Lloyd - at least he retains an understanding of the game, and provides valid analysis or commentary (mostly). That show jumped the shark years ago - thankfully my only exposure these days is to clips on here.

Wilson and Hutchinson don't understand that the product is the game - not the journos, or the gossip mag stories they try to concoct. They have too much power for the game's good - and neither of them has ever been a player, or coach or administrator, so they have no innate understanding. When they defer to Llloyd, at least there is some valid perspective - when they defer to Cornes, it's like input from some mindless paparazzi.
By "how the media works..." I presume that the she means that they are an agenda setting cabal that should be allowed a consequence free hit at those who step over the lines that they alone have historically got to draw. It never ceases to amaze how they still see themselves as an integral part of the game, when in reality they are part of an industry that is all but dead and absolutely beholden to those charged with running the game for the oxygen they breathe. In an age where clubs can set their own agendas and speak directly to its fans through social media why would anybody work with these gate keepers?

Like most of the talking head media parasites that make a living off the game. Caro's view that the likes of Bevo are answerable to and should kowtow to them seems rather quaint and about as relevant as your average Bigfooty shitpost.

"Nobodies criticising Chris Grant..."

Like she'd dare shoot Bambi.

but, there is always a but.

wait for it you know its coming...

"...but does he challenge Luke Beveridge enough."

As for Hutchys stupid moustache comment. Its like if I said, he may be good at his job but because his entire business is one based upon "optics" then perhaps he really shouldn't be the front man of a multi million dollar bottom feeding media company because he's a sweaty, fat, bald, campaigner. Of course I would never say that because that would be playing the man.

Its interesting that they yet again sidestep the point of Beveridges rant and the supposed centre of the panels discussion. Instead they had to go through yet another round of inward looking media offended. Because they still felt compelled to defend their idiotic knee-jerk reactions to Beveridges post game rant.

Why anybody would watch a program featuring Caro, Hutchy and KCornes just beggars belief.
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Just watched the clip (below for anyone interested).

Caroline Wilson - “The man clearly has no concept about how to deal with the media or how the media works, to see him say “I roll differently, don’t ring me”, senior journos ring coaches all the time, so he doesn’t cope with the media, he doesn’t understand the media.”

How about we flip this Caro? Maybe the media has no concept about how to deal with Luke Beveridge or how Luke Beveridge works? Why is Bevo not following the 'normal' process a Bevo problem (he musn't be coping!!), and not something which the media can adapt to?

My favourite part is that Caro believes the puff piece apology from Wheeler and Bains now shows beyond reasonable doubt that the club has realised Bevo needs more support and isn't coping. More like they just paid lip service in the hope Gil and co would bite, which they did.
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Thankyou for posting that extract.
Footy Classified
Wilson suggested that a number of incidents, resignation from the the coaches' association, deliberate avoidance of the McLaughlin-coaches gathering, closed training sessions (Bont’s preference for training over the captains’ gathering) indicated an isolationism in Bev that the Club accepts needs redressing. Is she right or wrong ? The arguments against her position ?

Wilson and Hutchinson don't understand that the product is the game - not the journos, or the gossip mag stories they try to concoct. They have too much power for the game's good - and neither of them has ever been a player, or coach or administrator, so they have no innate understanding.

Saw on Offsiders segment and Caro kept trying to lay the boots into Bevo and no one else was having it.

They will make snide remarks and dig the boots in at every opportunity.

Did Caro even bother do check this before basically questioning his ability to lead men. No all she wanted to do was to try and turn this into a bigger issue that it was and support another low life journo.

Then Hutchinson. He’s built an industry in radio football presentation. He put forward the view that appearance means something for the face of a Football Club and that the mo depicts an unfavourable image. Squillions are spent on the personal appearances of “leaders”. Comments against are

…and Hutchy just couldn't let it go, even blaming the mo.

Wilson and Hutchinson - bloated parasites trying to feed on any carrion they can find…

Cornes ?. Sat quiet throughout the clip.

Come clean, Club and Bev. What's Bev up to ? Is the President up to it ? Are Ameet and Chris intimidated by Bev ? Serious questions.
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Footy Classified
Wilson suggested that a number of incidents, resignation from the the coaches association, deliberate avoidance of the McLaughlin-coaches gathering, closed training sessions (Bont’s preference for training over the captains’ gathering) indicated an isolationism in Bev that the Club accepts needs redressing. Is she right or wrong ? The arguments against her position ?
She has also said a whole lot more about Bevo than that since the press conference last Wednesday, which you've completely left out.
She has also said a whole lot more about Bevo than that since the press conference last Wednesday, which you've completely left out.
Crickey, S, that was quick, I hadn't even finished post posting final proof reading ! My comments are about the Footy Classified video but it doesn't change anything. What further comments are you worried about ? What are they and why do you say they are wrong ? Can you refute her comments with facts or honest arguments and without an insult to her ?
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Crickey, S, that was quick, I hadn't even finished post posting final proof reading ! My comments are about the Footy Classified video but it doesn't change anything. What further comments are you worried about ? What are they and why do you say they are wrong ? Can you refute her comments with facts or honest arguments and without an insult to her ?
Your last question is curious given I've never insulted her before, thanks for making sure of it though.

I've commented already in this thread on what I think of her reactive remarks towards the situation, I'm not going to repeat myself.
Your last question is curious given I've never insulted her before, thanks for making sure of it though.

I've commented already in this thread on what I think of her reactive remarks towards the situation, I'm not going to repeat myself.
I've not only not criticised you, S, but I have left the corroborating quotations unacknowledged, nothing personal to anyone. The fourth estate's role is to inform, question and enlighten. Wilson is a journalist. You don't have to agree with her but if you reject what she writes, you have to do more than merely insult her, not that I'm saying that you have or do.
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I've not only not criticised you, S, but I have left the corroborating quotations unacknowledged, nothing personal to anyone. The fourth estate's role is to inform, question and enlighten. Wilson is a journalist. You don't have to agree with her but if you reject what she writes, you have to do more than merely insult her, not that I'm saying that you have or do.
Do you have an alias on every club's BF board, Damo?
Does Beveridge have an obligation to the media other than a mid-week press conference at the club and a post-match press conference? Obviously he was out of line last week, simply because you should be professional in a professional environment where everyone present is there to do a job, but the Caro stuff just reeks of self-importance.
I think there’s a fair argument about Bevo putting up a wall around WO. It hasn’t just been to the media, but to the fans also (to an extent). It’s often complained about on here and rightly so - the clubs supporter engagement can get a bit pitiful. It’s clear Bev wants absolute privacy. One could argue that it’s the fan engagement which allows sports figures to make the big coin that they do; so in return they might owe us a certain level of accessibility (and that includes via media).

I feel that that is a fair assessment and criticism of how the club has handled that side of things under Bev. However the commentary from the likes of Caro were not about that, and any subsequent comments they might have brought up about it reek of them deflecting and covering their tracks after sticking up for Morris. It doesn’t feel like they’re arguing in good faith at all on that front.

Any commentary about his mental health is a bit ridiculous and flies in the face of what Bev fought Barrett over re Tom Boyd. Maybe there’s some stuff going on, maybe there isn’t, but it’s not the medias place to talk about that at all.

The moustache talk can get flat out stupid. Yes it’s a bit strange. It makes him look a bit cooked. The question I have then is: How is that any different from what we know Bevo to be? Blokes the strangest coach in the league. We’ve known and joked about it for years. He’s an eccentric type with some questionable facial hair. If we win the GF last year and he rocks up with this mo, is anyone questioning his mental health over it, or is it actually just an incredible reach to connect it with mental health or “appearances of a leader”?

The great thing is if we beat the Blues the media and it’s short attention span moves on. For the love of dog I hope they get it done so that’s the end of all this.
... but the Caro stuff just reeks of self-importance.
She expressed an opinion and gave her reasons. Nobody's refuted those reasons and the Club's silent on her allegation that the Club recognises that Bev needs support and that it should have seen his meltdown coming. What if she's right ?
It’s obvious the media has Bevo in their sights. My concern is there are some half truths. Don’t think Bevo does get challenged enough, he is too arrogant and cannot see his own coaching flaws, especially match selection And game plan. Yes there is a panel but I doubt anyone questions Bevo on selections.
It’s obvious the media has Bevo in their sights. My concern is there are some half truths. Don’t think Bevo does get challenged enough, he is too arrogant and cannot see his own coaching flaws, especially match selection And game plan. Yes there is a panel but I doubt anyone questions Bevo on selections.
Totally agree with all of this. If he sticks to his emotionally intelligent coaching and addresses those areas he becomes the GOAT. I won’t hold my breath.
She expressed an opinion and gave her reasons. Nobody's refuted those reasons and the Club's silent on her allegation that the Club recognises that Bev needs support and that it should have seen his meltdown coming. What if she's right ?

You're assuming that the club isn't acting on supporting him if he indeed does need it. I put more trust in them than a gossip journo.

Don't get sucked into her. She was using the 'Bev needs help' card as a negative against his behaviour in the immediate aftermath, not through any genuine concern for him. If she's still banging on about it she's trying to change the slant to make herself look like she really cares, while moving the negative towards club management by assuming they aren't supporting Bevo.

The best I can say about her is that she has no self awareness, but I suspect she's really just a grub.

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Berko Bevo vs. the former Muckraker Morris in the Round 1 presser
