Biased/incompetent media coverage

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Clearly media / journos rallying aroung their own - the editorial in the West Australian

Gaff's thuggery puts focus on Eagles culture of superiority


Horrible. Vicious. Indefensible.

Sickening. Shocking. Disgraceful.

They all apply to the off-the-ball punch by West HCoast's Andrew Gaff on Fremantle Dockers youngster Andrew Brayshaw in Sunday's western derby.

The blow sent Brayshaw to hospital for surgery on his broken jaw. He also had three teeth displaced, and will not be able to eat solid food for four weeks.

Needless to say his season is over.

As out of character as Gaff's roundhouse punch was, and as obviously shocked and remorseful as he was at his own actions, there is a price that needs to be paid. The punch was a stain on the game. The AFL needs to come down hard to show there is no place for such thuggery.

There has been commentary around similar incidents, with references to Sydney's Barry Hall belting Eagle Brent Staker in 2008, which led to a seven-game ban, and Melbourne forward Tom Bugg's whack that concussed Sydney's Callum Mills last year and resulted in a six-match sanction.

At face value those penalties seem inadequate in Gaff's case. The AFL must hand out the maximum penalty available.

And to deal with such incidents in the future, it needs to look at an immediate send-off rule.

The reality is that if the blow had been landed out on the street rather than Optus Stadium it would be deemed an assault. WA Police should look into whether charges are warranted.

And the Eagles need to take a long, hard look at the club's culture. This newspaper raised concerns last month after West Coast's integrity officer Peter Staples manhandled two TV cameramen in an attempt to stop them filming injured star Nic Naitanui outside the airport. An apology was later offered for the incident.

But there is a sense of unease about the Eagles. A press conference yesterday by Eagles chief executive Trevor Nisbett didn't help. He ended it prematurely and walked out while questions were still being asked.

He should have been prepared to sit through as many questions as could be asked and take as long as necessary.

Using words like "disappointed" and "apologetic" and "it may not have been intentional" fails to capture the seriousness of the Gaff situation.

And for Nisbett to turn it around and criticise post-match comments by Fremantle coach Ross Lyon as not appropriate made things worse.

It puts on display a culture within the Eagles from the top down that is unacceptable - a culture of entitlement and superiority that has obviously permeated throughout the club.
Clearly media / journos rallying aroung their own - the editorial in the West Australian

This is just a continuation from Duffield at the West, who got his nose bent out of shape when Simpson wouldn't answer questions about the airport incident at a post-match press conference a week or so after it happened. Ever since then he's attempted to drum up a story regarding club culture because he felt personally incensed at the way he was spoken too by Simmo. Essentially some childish behavior from someone who should clearly know better.

And it's typical of the way any media outlet deals with us. If they don't get what they want, they attack the fabric and culture of the football club, because it's a beat everyone is all too familiar with, stemming from previous indiscretions.

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The interview with Basil is an absolute circus. Favourite part was how smug he looked before he asked about culture like he was about to make some massive scoop, only to be completely shut down and dismissed by Simpson. Love how Simmo continues to fight back and defend the club when the media start their bullshit.
Boy oh boy we're getting both barrels now, we must be late with those brown paper bags. :D

And if anyone thought it wasn't about the Staples incident, you can see they're still deadset fizzing over it.

Oh and I don't think anyone here would mind a bit if Nisbett rode off into the sunset. He should have gone when Woosha left.
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And if anyone thought it wasn't about the Staples incident, you can see they're still deadset fizzing over it.

It's absolutely everything to do with the club's response to this. And more specifically it's Simmo not pandering to Duffield's questions post-match after the Bulldog's game.

Go back and watch that post match press conference (4:35 onwards specifically) -

Duffield starts it up by accusing Liam Ryan of not turning up to the East Perth game on time for pre-match meetings. Simmo tells him it's not true and Duff's response shows he is clearly irked by it being told he's barking up the wrong tree. All of a sudden the next shot from Duff is an attempt from him to breathe life back into the NN-airport incident. And he gets shot down again after insinuating the club is okay with staff manhandling cameramen. The following Monday, there's this article written as an editorial in The West by Duffield accusing us of fostering a poor culture - - and everything else since from him and his colleagues is towing that exact same line.

It's a perfect example of a Journo feeling aggrieved or slighted by the club and manufacturing his own narrative to suit his personal agenda.
So we know why Baz was asking the questions he did, clearly ramping up for this morning's front page and editorial.

Amazing how the same press conference can be reported on as "CEO says sorry, criticizes Lyon" immediately afterwards then change to "CEO slams Fremantle, says they'll defend charges" when there's papers to sell.
It will be interesting to see the media’s stance on Gaff being a “thug” if the tribunal agrees that Gaff’s initial intent was to make contact to Brayshaw’s chest/shoulder.

Because punching an opponent’s shoulder/chest is so common place now, would they not need to brand most players in the same category?

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Mark Duffield has always hated the Eagles. His distaste for West Coast goes back to the 1990s. He also has a chip on his shoulder bigger than Ayers Rock.

He thinks he is bigger than the story and acts like a spoilt brat when someone doesn’t answer his questions.

The state of journalism in this country is at its lowest ebb.

I find it interesting that no journalist brings up Jordan Lewis punching Patrick Cripps behind the play and breaking his jaw. I didn’t see any calls for police intervention then.
Mark Duffield has always hated the Eagles. His distaste for West Coast goes back to the 1990s. He also has a chip on his shoulder bigger than Ayers Rock.

He thinks he is bigger than the story and acts like a spoilt brat when someone doesn’t answer his questions.

Exactly right - and it's on full display in those examples i laid out a couple of posts above this one. Right there - plain and simple for everyone to see.

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If anyone needed any more evidence as to what we have been discussing re: Duffield and his motives, look no further

"It was the mistake they made three weeks ago when they made an absolute hash of steering an injured Nic Naitanui through Perth Airport and integrity officer Peter Staples ended up manhandling cameramen who were simply doing their job."

"The club’s messaging in that case was slow and sloppy. It was bad initially and worse when Simpson went on radio and appeared to blame the media who were there under agreement with a club official. In doing so he further offended people who already felt wronged."

"The mistake West Coast make at times is confusing being big and popular with being right. It was the mistake they and some of their players made more than a decade ago at the height of their illicit drug scandal and we know how that ended up."

And there you have it - almost everything we've outlined regarding Duffield's chip all rammed into one article.
These clowns in the media follow a simple formula for the eagles. I found an excerpt from their journalism for idiots book:
1. Check to see if eagles have hurt your feelings. If yes, continue.
2. Are they high on the ladder? That means they are doing well.
3. If they are doing well on the ladder, bring up: mid 2000s drug scandal.
4. Throw in new cultural accusation to spice things up. You don't want them to think your out of ideas.
5. Ask stupid questions to coach.
6. Lay blame on eagles for everything and cry in your sleep about how offended you are
"Weak Coast Eagles: chief executive takes swipe at Dockers for their handling of the incident"
Just. Wow. What a headline.
I feel for Brayshaw and I hope he's ok, but after this trial by media I hope we galvanise and take the flag and Simmo gets up and just puts his two middle fingers up to the rest of the AFL.
Absolutely ridiculous. Let the tribunal decide.
Media going to new levels of absurdity. This culture stuff is complete garbage. Clearly it’s all NN situation handling that is leading them here, they’ve just been waiting for the opportunity to dig the heels in.

The culture of arrogance is the Australian media and the level of hyperbole they’re running with at Gaff’s expense.
This culture stuff is complete garbage. Clearly it’s all NN situation handling that is leading them here, they’ve just been waiting for the opportunity to dig the heels in.

That's exactly what it is. Clearly incensed by their own treatment when not getting the quote grabs they wanted/expected during the NN incident, they have been slowly building the rhetoric around "cultural" issues & are now using the Gaff situation to leverage their agenda.
The massive winners here are carlton who get beat by a team with 16 players on their own home ground and the the vegetable lasagna coach of the saints who let the dogs go in dry kicking 14 out of 15 goals at one point. Would be harsh to say freo as their best player had his jaw broken but Ross knows what he is doing. Huge avoiding being the big bad news story of the week
The massive winners here are carlton who get beat by a team with 16 players on their own home ground and the the vegetable lasagna coach of the saints who let the dogs go in dry kicking 14 out of 15 goals at one point. Would be harsh to say freo as their best player had his jaw broken but Ross knows what he is doing. Huge avoiding being the big bad news story of the week

I tweeted something similar out during the last quarter. FFC were always going to use the incident to shy away from their seventh consecutive derby loss as well as the consecutive 10 goal drubbing. And i find it absolutely appalling that no member of the media has even bothered to write an article surrounding just how awful Fremantle are currently traveling. But of course that doesn't drive traffic like an article full of complete and utter hyperbole and hysteria.
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