Here’s how I look at it, if all the trusted figures are overseeing this trade period and all are A-OK with us going about this Houston trade as we are, then I’m backing the club.
A unified Carlton, with a bit more luck on the injury front and most importantly more faith in the kids we have can absolutely be a premiership threat next season.
Not a shadow of a doubt in my mind.
Houston would be amazing, don’t get me wrong, but I’m completely at peace with whichever way the cards fall and you all should be too.
A unified Carlton, with a bit more luck on the injury front and most importantly more faith in the kids we have can absolutely be a premiership threat next season.
Not a shadow of a doubt in my mind.
Houston would be amazing, don’t get me wrong, but I’m completely at peace with whichever way the cards fall and you all should be too.