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I don't know about anyone else, but i am absolutely bored to tears with the, pre- pubesent, bomber army.
They appear to be some kind of daggy fashion trend like those dicks that used to wear Chicago Bulls and Manchester United tops.
Like any fad, people will eventually tire of it.
I have watched Essedon play many times on telly and I have watched Carlton also on telly and when they demolished us on Sunday. I dont know which is the better team. But I do know that Carlton play a more exciting game of football. I am not saying they would beat the Bombers, I am just saying as a football purist, Carlton have the more exciting brand. They have great marks, Kouta, Whitnall, Hamill, they have great running players in Camporeale, Ratten and Bradley (still) they have excting young players. Essendon have good players too but you can never see Lloyd take a mark like Hamill, you never see Barnes or Lucas dominate a game like Kouta.
And believe me, I hate Essendon and Carlton equally. I am just trying to be unbiased.

I frankly hope neither of them win the flag, but if one must, I hope it is Carlton.

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Lloyd may not take a mark like Hamill , really? he has 133 marks, 82 goals I think that is good enough. Dominate like Kouta? this year maybe where was he the other years? I've seen Hird dominate a few times, Exciting ? If Essendon lose it is choke time and now we win it's boring, so bloody sorry (NOT)
Fibula 3 He has takne marks but not in the same way that Hamill does. Your stats are irrelevant to the poitn I have raised. MOst of Lloydy's marks are on a lead or one on one. Hamill is a great pack marker.
I never said you were going to choke. I never said you were going to lose. I said Carlton are more exciting to watch. Just as Essendon are better to watch than boring old North, mutch to Miller's chagrin.
So dont get your knickers in a knot for nothing
Kouta shouldn't be dominating like you say he is. It should be a whole team effort. The Bombers share the ball around and we have so many unselfish players. If one of our players thinks that there's a better oppurtunity for us to score then he'll pass it to someone else.
Whether Kouta shoudl or shouldnt be dominating is not the point. The point I am making is that if I had ac hoice of watching carlton or Essendon, I owuld choose Carlton because their brand of football is more exciting. Ultimatley Essendon's brand of football may be more sucessful, but for excitement ,it doesnt match Carlton. This is from from someone who doesnt hold a brief for either team.
Essendon just can't seem to take a trick can it ?

When they lost the PF last year they were chokers (Moving from 8th to 2nd is choking ?)

Now because they are winning its all just boring.

Cripes you people - make your mind up. Or, if you just don't like them - say so instead of dreaming up totally spurious accusations.

So what are they ? - Chokers, Losers, Boring, Arrogant - what exactly ?

Know what the Bombers mean to me ? - absolutely nothing, couldn't give two hoots about them really. But I don't sit around and dream up wacky reasons why I hate them. I just hate them - and thats enough for me !
Magpie Greg,

Collingwood are currently two flags behind Carltons record of 16. Essendon has 15.

Now WHY would a Collingwood supportert want Carlton to win the flag ahead of Essendon ? It astounds me. If Essendon win and go to 16, Collingwood are STILL two flags behind the record. If the Blues win, the Magpies are THREE behind the record, which means they would probably never catch them again.....EVER.

I understand you hate both, but Carlton have beaten Collingwood in the last 5 Grand Final meetings between the two teams ! They have also thrashed you in Collingwoods centenery game in 1992 and the millenium match in 1999. Carlton is also the only club who has a better win'loss ratio in head to head contests agaisnt the Pies.....115-102.

They have caused Collingwood so much heartbreak and so much anguish. Why would you want to see that scum win ahead of Essendon, even taking into account your dislike (understanably so) of the Bombers. At least we were charitable enough to give you a premiership in 1990 !

And for what it is worth I think Essendon is the most exciting team in the competition. Lucas not destroy a game ??? Come on ! There is no better sight than Lucas getting the ball at 60, putting his head down and drilling it through post high for a goal. The highest scoring attack and the best defence not good to watch ? Give me a break !

West Coast were a dour defensive team in the early 90's, so I could understand the word "boring being used. But Essendon have the highest scoring attack in the competiton. Michael Long, broing ? James Hird (the comps best player) boring ?

Utter crap really.

Thanks for cutting through the crap mate.

I for one have no problem with you hating my team (its what footy is ALL about)... needless to say I'm not overly fond of the swans after 96 either....


PS. Forget how exciting Long, Mercuri & Lucas are - ANY objective judge can see that Hird IS at least as exciting as Kouta - just in a different way. Kouta may as well have been injured the last three years until August 1999 because he had about as much influence (great season this year though and great PF too - credit where due).

PPS: Ratten, Campo and Bradley are very good - but in my opinion Jason Johnston, Misiti, Heffernen, Long, Ramanaukas, Blumfield, Hird, Mercuri..(etc, etc - in no particularl order - ie: whomever you want to rotate through the midfield) are better. Also, an injury to any of those three and Carlton are in some trouble.

PPPS: Also, just watched the Ess v Rich game - all in all 20 boring goals after quarter time by the boring dons... including some sensational pivot work from Rama... only had about 10 touches... but they resulted in about 10 goals... Looks like I'll have to be resigned to both my teams..The Essendon Bombers and The Arsenal kicking 164% like scores and still being considered boring.

personaly im not bored
and why would essendon want someone to dominate like kouta
hird has missed three games and essendon hasnt lost
what would happen if kouta missed?????
maybe not a one man side but they way he has played its a big hole to fill
whats not exciting about essendon
highest crowds every week says its not boring
highest score in the comp means plenty of goals
and a great solid defence and midfield that runs through the lines
sound like pretty exciting to me
but maybe none of you barrack for essendon and you cant stand the sight of our current dominance
dont make crap accusations if your only making them because your jealous
essendon and carlton are keeping this comp going (not eddie mcquire as he seems to think).
it about time you all waked up
While I wouldnt call them boring, I do get where the thread is coming from. The Dons play a strangle first go in for the kill second type game, not unlike the WC's did in their prime.
The main difference is they can finish of better up forward with the guns they have their.
Having watched (winced) what the Blughs did to my Hawks I was impressed inspite of myself. Their 1st Q when they just hit EVERY target and the swiftness, well makes you sick to your stomach really.

Kouta vs Hird? What was the comparrison someone made early this year, Carey just shoots you dead, Hird the death by inches or some such. Well on THIS YEARS form only, Kouta wins but not by much. Hird still a genius to watch but Kouta can do more damage at his peak.

I still reckon the Hawks are the most exciting to watch anyway
Croad Thommo Vanders doing his Pickett impressions so stick that up your jumper

ps Dutch how was NYC? Good to see you back (or is that to see the back of you??? I get so confused)

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For the dutchman..I support the Roos but I rate carltons midfield better than the bombers you only have to look at the stats.
You also left out Freeborn,Murphy,Brown and Kouta as part of the mix.Apart from the Johnsons Essendon are a bit softer with guys like Misiti,Mercuri,Blumfield, Heffernan,Ramanskus,Caracella prefering the open spaces to the packs unlike Carlton who only have Bradley as a pack skirter.I also think Allan and Porter are better tap ruckman than Barnes and Alessio but not to worry essendon are better up forward and down back so they have the edge.
I know essendon supporters dont like it but the general view is that Carlton are harder at the football with less soft players but Essendon have more pace and overall skill.
Was it Heath Black from the dockers recently who said the same?
I wouldn't call Jason Johnson, Mark Johnson, Damien Hardwick, Dean Wallis, Paul Barnard, James Hird, or Sean Wellman soft.

The only doubt I have about Essendon is how they would do in a close game. They haven't had to deal with a game like that since last year's preliminary final. Could they handle the pressure of a game where it's just a goal the difference in time on in the last quarter? But the trick is that their opposition has to get Essendon into that position....and that's easier said than done.
Why the hell are all you Bomber supporters getting sucked into defending our team against idiotic people who are only writing this crap because they're jealous of our great team.

Just let the scoreboard (ladder) do the talking.

BA & other supporters who are defending our team this isn't meant for you, just idiots like magpie greg etc

I am not having a go at Essendon. I am aloud to say what I think. As I said previously, all because I think Carlton asre more exciting doesnt mean I thinnk Essendon wont win the premiership.

If I was an Essendon supporter respodning to my post my answer would be that Essendon can be boring as long as they keep winning and win the flag it doenst make any difference. And I never said you owudl not win the flag. All I said was I hope CArlton do. Dan24 respodned appropriately. The rest of you I thibk should take a Bex and lie down too. ME thinks you are all a little touchy so much so that when someone agrees you will probabaly win the flag, you look for soemthing else to knck him with.

Dan 24, here is a stat for you:

On Monday night I had the option of listening to Wayne "I never make an innappropriate comment" Jackson on Talking Footy, or plough through footy stats mindlessly for an hour to numb the brain. Come to think of it they would BOTH have that effect. Anyway, I chose the latter and came up with a record the Pies have that will take many years to take from us.

Collingwood have been the team with the most number of premierships in any particlaur year, either alone or equal with another team, for the most number of years. SO after 1981 Collingwood shared the record with Carlton on 13 flags so both teams would be credited with that year. When you add all up all the seasons for each team this is the result from 1897-1999:

Collingwood 55 (51 years on their own)
Fitzroy 32
Carlton 20
Essendon 10 (1 year on their own, 1897!)

Every one else has a lot of catching up to do.

These are the only teams that have held more premierships than any other at any particular time. It adds up to more than 103 season because there were many years especially between 1898 and 1928 when teams shared the leadership and so counted as a year for both teams.
how anyone who supports any team (except carlton) would want to see John Elliot lapping up the glory of winning a premiership is beyond me.

If Elliot wasnt associated with Carlton, I wouldnt care if they won the GF.

But he is, and I couldnt bear to watch that arrogant twat gloating about his success.

Carlton havn't been in a close game less than a goal) sine last years preliminary final either.

I'd back Essndon record in close finishes.

In Home and away games in the 1990's, Essendon is 22-4 (incedible I know) in games decided by six points or less.

I nearly fell of my seat when I read it, but it's true. 22 wins and 4 losses. This blows out to 22-8 including finals, but in most of those 4 close finals losses, Essendon was the team who ws playing well under pressure, and "coming on strong" at the end. Our one point loss against Brisbane was a good example. As was our two-point night final loss to Carlton in 1993. We were the ones who were handling the pressue and coming on strong towards the end.

We havn't had much luck in those close finals. In my opinion, our opposition havn't handled the "close" finals finishes particulary well even though they won, and if the games had gone on for another minute Essendon probably would have won them all. If the Gabba final agaisnt the Bears had gone on for another 30 seconds, we would have won. Same with the preliminary final in 1999, and certianly with the Night Final in 1993.

I'll stand by our 22-8 (22-4 in home and away) close finishing record in the 1990's.

Essendon's record in close finishes in the 90s is to be admired. But experience over the past ten years counts for little when compared to recent experiences over the past year.

My point is this. Essendon have been winning games in the past year and a half by getting away with playing no more than a half of footy. But that half of footy is of an exceptional standard, probably the best since the early 90s Eagles or late 80s Hawks. The hypothetical situation is this. If North Melbourne were able to hold a margin between themselves and Essendon to within a goal in the time on period of the last quarter of a finals match (see, I told you it was a hypothetical), who would win? In this North vs Essendon scenario, I would put my money on North to win 2 out of every 3 times simply due to our recent experiences of this season of holding out in close games whereas Essendon as a team haven't had that recent experience. 2 out of 3 isn't a big edge, but you look at names like Fletcher, Hird, Mercuri and Long on one side, and Martyn, Carey, Archer, and Stevens on the other and you see so many players that can win or hold out a game for you.

Of course, other issues come into it....did North storm back? Did Essendon come back? Was it close all day? Will Essendon's skill have the edge? Or the simplicity of North's game plan? As I say, it's all theoretical because a team still has to keep Essendon in check for 4 quarters of football.

Still, North seem to have had a similar number of close games in 2000 as we did in 1999. The only difference is that in 1999, we usually came back from 5 or 6 goals behind to win wheras now we're getting 6 or 7 goals ahead and throwing away our leads. I'd much rather be the team with the momentum than the one saving it.

Incidentally, about a month ago, Rice80 asked the question about who was better, Essendon or Carlton. At the time, I felt that Essendon were clearly a better side. Now I'm not so sure. It's not that Essendon have fallen in standard, it's more that Carlton have improved. Essendon probably just get the edge....round 20 sure will be interesting. But please, anything but a Carlton premiership.
Dan24 You have stuffed up in your stats again. Carlton is not the only side with a better win loss ratio against Collingwood. The Beagles also have a better win loss ratio and so do Port Adelaide.

Magpie Greg

You are wrong.

Carlton have a better head-to head record against the Weagles. (I think it is 13-10)

As for Port, I think Carlton drew levle at 3-3 this year. Even if the Blues are one behind Port, who cares. Port havn't been around long enough for that stat to mean anything.
DAn24 you misuderstood my comment. You had said that Carlton is the only team to have beaten Collingwood more than Collingwood have beaten them. I said this is wrong b/c West Coast and Port Adelaide have beaten Collingwood more than Collingwood have beaten them. Dont pick on Port Adelaide or else BSA nad the West Coast bleater supporters will have a go at you for indirectly knocking Port Adelaide.

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