That is partly true, although it was only the best (maybe only) commercially viable option because of those commercial interests. Those commercial interests were a huge factor. For a long time, I was able to ignore those commercial interests because they would have delivered probably the best deal anyone could wish for, someone else paying for the land and the facility's development. When it became obvious that those commercial interests were affecting total focus, things started to sour. It seemed that the blinkers were on and full disclosure was not forthcoming. Then the new chairman shared his dream of playing games out there and other back scratching favours came to light.The question this raises for me is whether Springfield was always the only realistic option, and that it was pursued so strongly not because of commercial interests but because there just wasn't any other alternative.
That puts a slightly more positive spin on the board's actions (or lack thereof) over the past decade, but it's not very encouraging for our chances of getting something else going.
How we came upon such a great deal can be ignored, but only for so long. The possibility that it was the only realistic option, doesn't make it the right one. When we consider what are the current criteria, we can all argue the importance of each ;
I'd suggest there is a question mark over Springfield in regard to those criteria I've bolded. Add to this the pungent smell that was coming from the "how and why" such a great deal was struck and the whole thing was very ick.As a reminder, the criteria that have been identified by the Club to help decide the best option for a new facility are:
· The availability of funding and overall financial impact on the Club;
· Implications for the Club's on-field performance including the well-being and retention of players and staff, having regard to both the quality of facilities and location;
· Opportunity to provide commercial activity on the site or in the immediate area;
· Opportunity to enhance engagement with supporters, sponsors and broader community;
· Potential to partner with other elite sporting organisations and/or community groups
As that email states, so much has changed in the last few years; we may never know if any alternative was realistic, and none may be now, either. I don't agree it puts any positive spin on how determined the board was to pursue Springfield, especially when there is no doubt in my mind that it is the reason our current chairman is our current chairman.
Welcome back, by the way.