Opinion Bulldogs Culture and Brendan McCartney discussion thread

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Aug 1, 2008
AFL Club
Western Bulldogs
Posted by KDF67 - yesterday

Here is the truth of the situation, and you can all debate it and rant about the minutiae of the current situation, but the bigger picture is where the answer lies.

First of all, though, let me declare my admiration for Brendan McCartney and his intentions. He was two wins away from being able to carry out his plan. The reason he didn't get the two wins is that his senior players let him down - not the kids who were coming through, but the supposed leaders of the club. Had we got a little more from some of the elder statesmen of the group we would have snagged those two wins and we wouldn't have the crisis. It was edifying to hear Cameron Mooney speak after Macca's sacking about the 'sooks' on the list. They would be the same ones who undermined our chances of sustained success by not putting in when it counted. At Geelong, according to Moons, the sooks would have been whacked by the group and brought into line. Ruthlessly. It would have been a self-correcting aberration that didn't stand in the way of the greater purpose of winning premierships. At the Bulldogs, there is no culture of winning, no ingrained understanding of what it takes to win. It takes hard players, with strong minds and ruthless intent.

Decoded, Macca's espousal of 'good people' playing 'the right way' was about being ruthless, hard-arsed bastards who are prepared to win at any cost. You can lament the loss of Shaun Higgins and Liam Jones all you like, but as long as their arses point to the ground they will not be hard bastards who are prepared to win at any cost. Cooney either. These are blokes who proved over a long period that they were only prepared to float through. [By the way, I was absolutely spewing to read that Jones is putting in some early hard yards so that he can be at his best for his first pre-season at Carlton. Might have helped his cause at our club had he brought the same application to doing what was necessary.]

There are others. I had a chat to an inner sanctum member last year after one of ours was nominated for a Rising Star. Apparently, Macca was filthy and wanted to drop the player for disobeying team orders to rack up possessions allowing his man to be one of the opposition's best. But the politicians prevailed. In my opinion, it was the start of the end for him. From that time on he re-doubled his efforts to push the group to take on the hard-arse principles that drive teams to ultimate success. History told what actually happened; the sooks didn't like being held accountable and it showed in their performances.

If we had a few more members, I think the board would have stayed with 'Plan A' and kept Macca on to see out his vision of building a flag capable team. We would have cleaned out the last of the influential soft c0cks, would have snagged Boyd a year later, the young flag-winning* VFL players would have brought some new steel to the group (this will still happen), and we would have moved towards a sustainable winning culture. But, we don't have the 5000 or so discretionary memberships to lose on the back of some hard decisions, and instead went with 'Plan B', which is short term gain (survival) and potentially another 60 years in the wilderness.

*Interesting to note, Black Pup and others, that Chris Maple coached a premiership winning side. Was it because he: a) followed Macca's game plan, b) can coach, c) can't coach, d) got lucky? If you said a) and/or b) give yourself a gold star!

Surface watchers, like Mattdougie, The Athenian and The (spell-check averse) Proffessor, can blame the ex-coach for the situation, but those who look a little deeper will understand the truly epic proportions of the opportunity we have just missed. It was caused not by a coach who 'lost' the players, but a change-resistant culture of losing that stretches back to the mid 1950s. Until we are able to break our connection to being 'battlers' and end our love affair with OK instead of demanding excellence, we are doomed to re-living 'bulldog day' forever.
End of KDK67

This post eloquently and succinctly expresses the feelings of every bulldogs supporter I meet in the real world. It is a post which the club Peter Gordon, Board and Players all need to read.
It also a post which a good club would answer and respond to.

There are a small cabal of posters on this board, who you can verify, joined the board around June/July 2013. Their posts exclusively vilify Brendan MacCartney. When during the July/August period of the 2013 season the bulldogs had some success this cabal is entirely absent from the board. They are not in the least interested in any success. They did not log a single post from July 2013 until 30 march 2014 following our second round loss - where the insults against Brendan resume

No posts from july 9 to 30 mar - about any win, any player, any draft of bontempelli, any trade re Crameri.

During the 8 months of posting one member of this cabal has logged 2200 posts - 98% about you know who - that is near 10 anti Macca posts a day.

To continue with the Shakesperean tragic theme - there is something rotten in the state of Denmark.

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People want mods ot stop this but it's like Eastdog creating a thread a day about already talked about stuff.
It ain't really gonna stop until the new coach arrives.
People want mods ot stop this but it's like Eastdog creating a thread a day about already talked about stuff.
It ain't really gonna stop until the new coach arrives.
We don't, however, need a thread that specifically calls out other members that a person disagrees with, repeats an opinion that the majority of BF already know, then goes on an incoherent rant about dates, members joining and Crameri at the end?
We don't, however, need a thread that specifically calls out other members that a person disagrees with, repeats an opinion that the majority of BF already know, then goes on an incoherent rant about dates, members joining and Crameri at the end?
Yet the macca thread is still going strong, that's full of people attacking each other.

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I actually found this post really interesting with the ring of truth.
Most posters on this forum are not interested in this discussion. Instead of joining the discussion and demanding that the administration come clean on what happened they hope the 2014 debacle wont happen again.

If you continue to do what you have done you will continue to get what you got...
Good on you yebiga for your persistence - I don't have it in me because I'm so demoralised since maccas departure.

As I've said before anyone with any knowledge of workplace relations and developing organisational culture can see that this was handled desperately.

If you were going to get rid of Macca it had to be performance based, not for speaking home truths and demanding standards. Instead the boys club won and we will revert to developing egos rather than great people and subsequently great footballers.
Some people are starting to sound like 9/11 truthers.
Your failure to understand what you are talking about and that people in powerful positions are in fact human ofuscates the valid point you are making.
No the administration just stuffed up big time.

We want to get to the bottom of it so it does not happen again.

Is that ok?
Do you have a problem with trying to find out how this problem manifested to such a debacle? if so why?

Can you handle the truth?
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Some people are starting to sound like 9/11 truthers.
Your failure to understand what you are talking about and that people in powerful positions are in fact human ofuscates the valid point you are making.

However, you or I personally feel or how much we may know - who is right or who is wrong,
The people I meet who are bulldog supporters almost universally feel as the KDF67 posts.
The people I meet may or may not be representative of the broader club membership

But I think we can all agree a significant number would be feeling and thinking along these lines

The trading for T Boyd went some way in perhaps calming and distracting these negative perceptions. The club would be fool hardy to think they are not going to resurface and impact membership and attendance.

Us Big Footy tragic s are not representative of the our supporter base. A very small portion of our members read and post here or elsewhere. They form their opinions via the media primarily and the media has not exactly been singing our praises.

This thread has no agenda it is merely expressing what many of our supporters are feeling. I apologise if it upsets some who wish not consider the significance of recent events. I shall refrain going over old arguments or engage in personal attacks.

Rather I think of KDF67s post as a kind of respectful obituary of Macca's time and a show of respect for what he sincerely attempted to do and no more than asking us to understand his time in the broader context of the clubs history

Soon a new coach will be appointed and we will move - hopefully to a better place
Its simple :

Bmac is at Melbourne now
Buy a membership and follow them
Peddle your psuedo logic on their board
Your amatuer culture crap elsewhere
This is pro-sport not VAFA

Do you understand that premierships are won firstly by superior player lists
working secondly in unison with the coach to their strengths?
was it MIKEPRICKYMALTHOUSE that won WC the flags in the 90's or the maturation of the Western Australian football team wearing eagles jumpers

Can u name an AFL team that has had sustained success in any era based on culture and not SUPERIOR player list, tactics and hard work?
I agree in the amateur years when we all had a *** and a beer at half time culture may have played a role
but even then there are glaring examples of players making the difference rather than the culture inherent in wearing a jumper
Our problem in the last 50 years is that we have relied on culture rather than professional coaching and player management
Hawthorne's recent back to back premierships were they culture? Installed by the coach?
remember him? Little prick who abused football officials at an under 10s game a few years ago?
Strange i thought they were successful because they have had the best list pound for pound in the afl over the last 2 years
built by trading in, poaching and skulduggery. how many of the players who lifted the cup were hawthorne people?

Get a quality list together and maybe just like in 54 u can actually win a flag. Have a look at who played in that premiership year.

We have relied on half baked ideas about who we are shoot us in the foot over the last 50 years rather than ruthless decisions and professional player management
Remember the idea that we can win a premiership without a key forward in 2008-10, remember our refusal to trade "bulldog stars' to get BHall in 2008? or Remember that the swans price was too high to pay? By the time the price was right, the horse had bolted.

If anything the last month has been a watershed.

Do You have any, i mean really any, hard facts that anything you have just posted has any base in reality?
some statistical proof after 3 mediocre years of slogans and wishful thinking that what you have posted has any merit?
Has any player come out to support this? Have we seen solemn faces riddled with anguish that the messiah was nailed to the cross?

(and then there was silence)

I see a club moving forward, i see happy faces at the kennel
and a small bitter minority of supporters who cant move forward
piss off or simply stop posting shit
your god was a false prophet
and no amount of Shakespeare quotes and pseudo logic will ever ever ever change that.

Having said that i will never turn my back on you brother for we are family and the same red white and blue that runs through your veins, runs through mine, im not attacking u but good lord man give it a rest!

Its simple :

Bmac is at Melbourne now
Buy a membership and follow them
Peddle your psuedo logic on their board
Your amatuer culture crap elsewhere
This is pro-sport not VAFA

Do you understand that premierships are won firstly by superior player lists
working secondly in unison with the coach to their strengths?
was it MIKEPRICKYMALTHOUSE that won WC the flags in the 90's or the maturation of the Western Australian football team wearing eagles jumpers

Can u name an AFL team that has had sustained success in any era based on culture and not SUPERIOR player list, tactics and hard work?
I agree in the amateur years when we all had a *** and a beer at half time culture may have played a role
but even then there are glaring examples of players making the difference rather than the culture inherent in wearing a jumper
Our problem in the last 50 years is that we have relied on culture rather than professional coaching and player management
Hawthorne's recent back to back premierships were they culture? Installed by the coach?
remember him? Little prick who abused football officials at an under 10s game a few years ago?
Strange i thought they were successful because they have had the best list pound for pound in the afl over the last 2 years
built by trading in, poaching and skulduggery. how many of the players who lifted the cup were hawthorne people?

Get a quality list together and maybe just like in 54 u can actually win a flag. Have a look at who played in that premiership year.

We have relied on half baked ideas about who we are shoot us in the foot over the last 50 years rather than ruthless decisions and professional player management
Remember the idea that we can win a premiership without a key forward in 2008-10, remember our refusal to trade "bulldog stars' to get BHall in 2008? or Remember that the swans price was too high to pay? By the time the price was right, the horse had bolted.

If anything the last month has been a watershed.

Do You have any, i mean really any, hard facts that anything you have just posted has any base in reality?
some statistical proof after 3 mediocre years of slogans and wishful thinking that what you have posted has any merit?
Has any player come out to support this? Have we seen solemn faces riddled with anguish that the messiah was nailed to the cross?

(and then there was silence)

I see a club moving forward, i see happy faces at the kennel
and a small bitter minority of supporters who cant move forward
piss off or simply stop posting shit
your god was a false prophet
and no amount of Shakespeare quotes and pseudo logic will ever ever ever change that.

Having said that i will never turn my back on you brother for we are family and the same red white and blue that runs through your veins, runs through mine, im not attacking u but good lord man give it a rest!

Thanks Athenian - we are entitled to mourn in our own way

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Opinion Bulldogs Culture and Brendan McCartney discussion thread

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