Can Mitch win the Brownlow

Can Mitch Win The Brownlow

  • Yes he's a big chance

    Votes: 30 52.6%
  • No Fyfe will have too big of a lead

    Votes: 24 42.1%
  • Other please list?

    Votes: 3 5.3%

  • Total voters

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Unfortunately I don't think so.

I genuinely think Fyfe will 26-30 votes by round 13. Had an incredible start to the year.

Mitch will probably get 21-24 votes.

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I'd love him to win the brownlow. I'll go out on a limb and say imo he is probably one the greatest players to ever wear brown and gold. But i have to echo some of the above posters that a norm smith for mitch would be alot better than a brownlow.
People are overrating Fyfe's chances IMO. He had an amazing start but so did Mundy, Neale and Pav. Couple of those guys are going to turn those 3's into 2's and 1's. If he doesn't have 20 votes by round 13 he's farked.

I have Mitch with 5 BOG's. Just needs to find a couple of 2's and 1's from his 15 remaining games which should be easy enough. Can see him polling 25.

Hannebury and Goldstein are the big chances IMO.
I see Mitchell as a very strong chance tonight. Just in my own personal calculations I have Fyfe at 30-33 Votes and Mitchell 27-30. Neither will be that high but I think if Fyfe gets a few 2's instead of 3's Mitchell will really come into calculations.

Good luck!