Carlton 2007 AFL Draft - Official

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Re: The Draft- Discussion Thread

Im surprised that Gourdis and Bellchambers didn't get picked up. Would be happy to get either of them through the Rookie draft

Thing im most happy about though, is that Richmond didn't get Guy Richards. Hopefully they'll eventually commit to him in the PSD when nobody else good is available - then BAM! - Carlton announce getting someone like Embley or Rutten =D
Re: The Draft- Discussion Thread

Im surprised that Gourdis and Bellchambers didn't get picked up. Would be happy to get either of them through the Rookie draft

Thing im most happy about though, is that Richmond didn't get Guy Richards. Hopefully they'll eventually commit to him in the PSD when nobody else good is available - then BAM! - Carlton announce getting someone like Embley or Rutten =D

how good would that be. The best recruiting year ever for the CARLTON FOOTBALL CLUB
Re: The Draft- Discussion Thread

from wisbey 2005 who rated him no. 8 that year. Was rugby player and had only been playing footy 2.5 years apparently

Dennis Armfield (Swan Districts)

186/78 18yo right foot (has other foot if necessary) HBF/utility.
(NB: I guessed his height, based on visual observation, at about 184-185cm . I sought confirmation from his club who confidently put him at about 186cm so I went with that. I completely guessed his weight and tried to be conservative).

*STYLE LIKE: taller Campbell Brown?

*PROBABILITY OF AFL CAREER: Definite. Ready Year 2.

- Within an AFL team list, could prove capable of SUSTAINING a ranking of 5-15.

*HURT FACTORS (Offensive/Defensive/Negative): M-H / H / L


- Chase down one opponent then immediately on to the next and the next.
- Anything involving physical intensity.
- Win a contested possession then back himself for a two-bounce dash downfield.


- Intense physical dasher. Late starter to footy. Under the radar? I really like but I seem to be on my own.

- The "house brand" version of Beau Muston in various respects.

- My early ranking of him (if not my ranking of him at all) is sure to draw ridicule as you never hear mention of him. I concede it's a huge call on a "no name" but that's how impressed I am. Perhaps it will come back to bite me on the bum but it's not as if I haven't been comparing him to a welter of other draft prospects and trying hard to identify why he may not make it or why others shouldn't be ahead of him in my rankings. It's not that I think he is a typical #8 pick. It's just that after I included him in my rankings, I kept finding reasons to slip other players down below him. In the end, he finished up ranked at 8.

I kept asking myself what I was missing. What is it about him that explains the apparent general lack of interest in him. Intensity/ethic? Couldn't be. Slow thinker? No. Lack of pace / ball-carrying? No. Handling? No. Character test? No. Coachability? No. Lack of physicality? No. Overhead ability? No. Ability in close? No. Not much scope for development? No. Agility? No. Leap? No. Kicking accuracy? No huge concern. No logical AFL role? No (ideal type for running, physical HBF at least). Too short? At approx 186cm, no. Too skinny? No. Too outside? Hardly! Poor vision under pressure? No. Courage? You'd be kidding! Too old at 10 days older than top-age? Surely not, especially when he's only been playing footy for a couple of years. Positioning around the ground? That's the only significant issue I have identified - and that should be coachable.

- Late starter to footy. Courageous, athletic, quick-thinking, ball-carrying, hard-nut, nice-size versatile utility who will give you everything he has got. Smokey who rose from junior WA Amateurs to WAFL Seniors in one year and doesn't appear to have attracted much attention/interest.

- When you need someone to stand up, Armfield will do it for you, such is his work ethic, determination, desperation, courage and, most importantly, mental toughness. No better example than a Reserves game late season when, after already doing some inspiring things throughout the game and especially the last quarter, he clinched a come from behind victory right on the siren with a big vice-like grab in front under great pressure at CHF followed by a dead-accurate 51m set shot for goal after the siren.

- Healthy, but not necessarily huge, stats. However he is new to the game and his value goes way beyond stats. Excellent intensity. He routinely puts pressure on opponents, both at the play and by chasing hard and being physical.

What you are buying is (not in any order).

1. intensity, courage, physicality, mental toughness and confidence
2. accountability to any opponent, not just his own.
3. ball-carrying take-them-on dash
4. overhead ability
5. upside.
6. quick instinctive brain under pressure
7. versatility
8. leadership potential

- I struggled to come up with an AFL player of genuinely similar type - someone quickish and clean who carries the ball yet is physical, good overhead, of quite nice height and with excellent AFL intensity. In the end, I settled for "a taller Campbell Brown" but that's not a perfect comparison of playing style.

- If he was a Victorian he would have been too old for TAC this year but, like Brabazon, only by about a week. When trying to assess AFL potential, you would normally make much more allowance for improvement in a bottom-age kid than a very top-age one as Armfield is. However, this was Armfield's first proper year in the system so he hasn't had the development background benefits of most of his peers, even bottom-age ones..

Even more impressively, he has only been playing footy for about 2 1/2 years, coming from a rugby union background. Played some Colts games in the 2nd half of '03 where he showed promise. In 2004 he wanted to concentrate on his year 12 studies so just played for Kalamunda in under-age WA Amateurs in 2004, coming 3rd in the B&F for the comp in his team's division. (His team was undefeated that year and supplied the winner of the B&F). Graduated from playing underage ammos in 2004 to start '05 in WAFL Colts R1 and proceed through to Seniors by year-end without looking back.

Good Colts form '05 (11 games - best for team in R1, 2nd best R2, best again in 11th game, among best 5 in 2 others).

Then very good Reserves form where he was in his team's best 5 in all 4 games in which he played, improving week by week and culminating in being named best for his team in his last game.

Also played 1 Senior game Rnd 21, collecting 6 disposals before getting injured (causing him to miss the following week and resume in the Reserves). Had been earmarked to play Seniors finals but the brief injury cost him a finals berth.

- He is naturally confident and assured, mentally tough, is never intimated by opponent or occasion, and relishes a challenge. To give two examples:-
1. The after-the-siren winning goal I mentioned above.
2. In his Seniors debut he came on mid Q1 when the opposition had a run-on and were about 5 goals up. Went on to Glover(?), who had been absolutely dominant with about 10 disposals to that stage, and immediately gave him a crunching message that Armfield had no intention of letting him have an easy ride.

- I refer to him as a smokey merely in that he was not nominated for DC or SS and never seems to crack a mention anywhere. I do not view him as a smokey in the sense of him being a big punt and/or a long-term project who might just have a little bit of upside. Quite the opposite. He looked to me to be the type who will play better the better the standard (surrounded by players on his wavelength). He already has a nice build for AFL and my strong impression is that it shouldn't take long, on any basis, before he is ready for AFL exposure.

- I've seen many of the draft candidates over 20 times. I've only seen a few of Armfield's games so it may seem I am going out on a limb a bit. However he looked genuine AFL potential each time. And I didn't even get to see his best two games. Had I only seen one game, and were it his best and in an otherwise so-so season, I would be very much more reticent and cynical. However, the fact he was in his team's best 5 in each of the 4 Reserves game he played and was earmarked to play Seniors finals in his first "real" WAFL year supports my case.

The Reserves comp was very uneven. However the best 3 of Armfield's 4 Reserves games were against the top team (twice) and the 4th team. His quietest game (if one can call being 5th best "quiet") was against the 2nd bottom team. This further adds to my suspicion that this kid may be the type who plays better the higher the standard of competition. A kid who thrives on challenge. His club feels the same way.


- Generally reliable kick. Economical kicking action. Often good hurt factor. Very good depth and power, often even on the run at pace. Accuracy on the run can be a bit dodgy.

- Fairly dual-sided. He is actually very comfortable using his non-preferred left foot, regardless of pressure, and his action in using it is economical and fluent. It's just that he doesn't quite hit enough targets with it at this stage. Give him another year or two and I suspect he will be genuinely dual-sided (i.e. virtually as efficient on either foot).

- Fairly reliable by hand. Quick hands, sometimes "who got that out, and how?" quick. Good power. Good hurt factor.

- Is generally quite good around goals.


- Quick, instinctive brain. Excellent reflexes and reaction time. Can be creatively clever, including / especially under great pressure.

- Generally makes the right decisions. Excellent vision, regardless of pressure. Sixth sense. Sometimes, mainly on the run, kicks to a contest instead of looking for options.

- While he is instinctively quick-minded, he is still a newby to the game of footy and it sometimes shows in things like positioning. His "footy smarts" is already ahead of many of his peers but he still has plenty of learning to do to catch up on many other peers who grew up with Aussie Rules. eg He sometimes runs to the wrong spots around the ground and finds himself where the ball is unlikely to go. As a forward, he often finds himself in no-mans land half a kick or 1 1/2 kicks from the player who has the pill. I don't think it is an issue of ability to read the play so much as inexperience in knowing where to run. It's a big ask to hope to improve a player's ability to read the play but knowing where to run should be coachable so I'm not worried, given he is quite new to the game. Although he has had a little exposure to defence in various games, I'd like to see him given a decent continuous period in defence to learn from his opponents where and when to run. Frankly, I believe his best ongoing role might be in defence anyway, despite the fact that he currently kicks a goal or 2 most games.

- Seems to have quite a good ability to read the spill at traffic but needs to adopt a less static preparation and better appreciation of stop play tactics and positioning.

- Ball-carrier, virtually run-the-lines, and often straightens his team up. Loves to back his judgement, take them on and go for a dash and his judgement calls are usually successful.

- Good evasion.

- Does have an unusual action for bouncing the ball - he really bangs it into the ground from shoulder height. This is not smart as it costs him momentum each time. Needs to change it and will learn quickly. (Rugby Union guys don't get practice at bounding the ball).

- Seems to have a bit of a knack for stealing the pill.


- Generally very clean - all levels and virtually regardless of pressure and including on the run, at pace.


- Very good overhead, including pack contests, for his height. Plays tall.
- Very good hands.
- Very good judgement.
- Holds his ground.
- Wins much more than his share of 50/50 contests.
- Attacks his marks and is not fussy about needing the perfect ride. Takes big grabs from all positions, including across the face, or with the flight, or hospital jobs. Again, all regardless of pressure.


- Very good pace ... and uses it. Very good acceleration on the run - finds another gear when needed.

- Excellent agility - offensive, defensive and recovery. Routinely excellent cat-like recovery agility and reflexes.

- Very big leap.

- I don't have a true handle on his endurance. No reason to doubt it. He certainly pushes himself hard and often and runs his games out.

- Slimmish build at this stage (although not skinny) but he really is very strong, perhaps deceptively so, given his build. Will furnish into a very nice build for AFL.

- Keeps his feet when tackled. Arms free.


- Intensity and ethic are among his major strengths, if not the major.

- Has virtually all the 1%er areas covered. Big on 2nd and 3rd efforts. Does the team stuff (presents, rides shotgun, verbally urges his team-mates, will run hard to block for a team-mate, runs hard to present, etc).

- Gets his own ball. Plenty of genuine hardball gets. Rarely loses out in a 50/50 contest of any sort and converts quite a lot of 20/80's into his own ball or at least not the opponent who originally looked well placed.

- Very courageous. Charges headlong with the flight into the face of a pack. Doesn't slow down one iota when charging at a ground ball with an opponent charging in from the opposite direction.

- Regularly displays great desperation. Usually fierce attack on both man and ball, including overhead spoiling. Chases very hard, even from one opponent to the next and the next. Physical and effective tackler.

- When inside the actual play, his intensity is good. However at the edge of, or handy to, traffic he does too much walking or standing still, instead of being on his toes or at least a bit on the move. In those situations he is sometimes inclined to spectate until the ball comes out, whereas I would like to see him be more pro-active more often in such cases. I do not for one moment view this in the context of "outsidedness", but mainly evidence of his limited footy background.

- Shows promising leadership potential.


- Ultra consistent. Never seems to play a poor game.


- Natural HBF - physical, accountable, intense, handy height, can play tallish or on a small-medium, good pace, runs hard to support his team mates. Able to regularly give drive, both by run and by kick, into the forward line.

- Should be very versatile, at least in a "pinch hit" sense. At WAFL levels he has played well at both ends and also had onball exposure. Might be capable of AFL midfield in time but most likely as a run-with as he hasn't indicated at this stage that he is a natural on-baller (remembering that he is still a relative footy newby). If it was 20 years ago, you'd psooibly consider him a likely "pacy ruck-rover" type.


- High, despite being very top age:-
1. Been playing footy for only 2 1/2 years.
2. This was his first "real" year in the WAFL system.


- Mainly a need to progressively learn more about footy positioning around the ground etc.


- Good Colts form (played 11 games) then very good Reserves form '05 (in his team's best 5 in all 4 games, incl 1 best). Also played 1 Senior game R21

a fair few w.c. and freo fans wanted him in PSD

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Carlton 2007 AFL Draft - Official

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