Roast Carlton Supporters: Lack of Support?

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Miles Milton

Apr 14, 2014
AFL Club
Other Teams
My blood pressure has taken a serious hit recently with all the negativity that is coming from Carlton supporters. Let's go back to round 4 for a bit of perspective. We are winless and nearly every finger is pointed and every head is on the chopping block. Carlton supporters are screaming for Mick's head, our captains head, Gibbs head and nearly every other person associated with the club. Social media is clogged with Carlton supporters who are captain Hindsight and talking about everything that is wrong with us. After one win there is dramatic change. The boards are now filled with toasts and positives about players and our captain is once again beloved. After another win over West Coast, Carlton supporters can barley hold back their jubilation. There is now apparently nothing wrong with the club, the captain the management or the coach according to Carlton supporters. Then we lose again and its back to pointing fingers at the likes of Lucas, Warnock, Gibbs ect (the favorite whipping boys). We are suddenly doing nothing right anymore.

Maybe there is nothing wrong with the club or the players except the lack of faith, loyalty, encouragement and support that Carlton fans are meant to provide. Some of the comments I heard coming from "carlton supporters" at the game on the weekend was disgusting to say the least.

The Favorite Whipping Boys and Claims

"Gibbs too soft and doesn't care about Carlton"- I don't understand people who love to abuse Gibbs about being soft. If you actually go to games you'd notice that he does go in hard, lays tackles and is certainly not soft.

"Murphy isn't a good leader and has no passion"- All I ever see from Murph come game day is him running himself into the ground. This guy couldn't be doing more to try and lift his team.

"Warnock is lazy and doesn't do enough"- Granted this was true for the first couple of rounds but he has really improved lately, his tap work is one of the best in the competition.

"Rowe is a terrible, why is he even in the team?" This one really baffles me. In the game against collingwood our backline stood a barrage of attack, and Rowe did extremely well, at least in my eyes.

"We paid to much for Thomas, he is useless"- Give this guy a break, he had a terrible injury and is probably still recovering mentally. Sure we probably paid to much for him but it is useless to live in the past.

"Mick Malthouse has no idea what he is doing and his gameplan is terrible"- Malthouse probably has picked up a thing or two more than the average supporter with his decades of coaching experience. Coaching success doesn't happen overnight.

"Bring back Ratts, Bring back Fev"- This is full ******, no point in even addressing those comments. Why don't we bring back the 1995 team while we are at it?

My overall point is that as Carlton supporters it's good to critique and discuss the club, the list ect but encouragement, hope and support goes much further than ripping on our own boys.

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I think we are pretty notorious for it. At the game against collingwood i heard worse insults directed at our players coming from our own supporters than those coming from the collingwood camp. On these boards the majority of supporters are fantastic with there analysis, support and critique but jump on facebook, twitter, talk back radio or be at a game and its a completely different story. Who do you think has the worse and best supporters in the competition??
I think we are pretty notorious for it. At the game against collingwood i heard worse insults directed at our players coming from our own supporters than those coming from the collingwood camp. On these boards the majority of supporters are fantastic with there analysis, support and critique but jump on facebook, twitter, talk back radio or be at a game and its a completely different story. Who do you think has the worse and best supporters in the competition??

Facebook, Twitter, Talking Carlton.................pffft..............Kids that need nappies. :rolleyes:
You talk about lack of support. Just read some 'support' on the Tiger Board - 'good solid loss today :thumbsu:'. Holy shit, they don't even realize what their support has become.
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As frustrating as differing opinions can be, sometimes, all of the perspectives keep it interesting. How boring would it be if we all sat here agreeing with each other. There is a place for constructive criticism and analysis. Not everything needs to be sunshine and roses (and yes, I know I'm one of the more annoying positive people on here, but I do enjoy reading other people's thoughts!)

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No the team rightly received it's share of criticism after rounds 3-4, you don't earn praise or a pass for taking the week off. Same applies for this week, even Mick alluded to it so it's not supporters being fickle. Running hard, showing intent and desire, these are non-negotiable and you don't get a free pass because you run out in a navy blue guernsey, quite the opposite and rightly so.
You talk about lack of suport. Just read some 'support' on the Tiger Board - 'good solid loss today :thumbsu:'. Holy shit, they don't even realize what their support has become.
That's scary. 35 odd years of shite from that club with the likes of the list manager Terry Wallace killing them one 5 yr plan at a time. I don't want to be that club. 15 yrs without getting to the big dance (or getting close to it) and the supporters of our once great club are getting edgey.

We went thru crap in the early 2000s, we stuck fat then and we will stick fat now. We just want progress.........
Standard stuff from a club in our position. Particularly our club.

- People over rated our list after a continual rise and finishing 5th a few years ago.
- People continued to over rate our list and when it fails go on to blame the coach, injuries, board etc etc
- Team is currently middle of the bottom 10 quality, often loses, like many teams in this position has a lot of ordinary players and it's easy to pick out and blame ordinary players.

- Currently there are a lot of Carlton supporters blaming the coach, the board, sticks etc etc. At least at this place there are some people with a realistic understanding of where we are at and why and know better than blaming the coach and overly bagging the players.

- Supporters are getting frustrated, a once highly successful club turns to shit then shows a bit and shows some signs, only to start going backwards due to mismanagement (drafting list management etc).

- Patience needs to be shown.
No the team rightly received it's share of criticism after rounds 3-4, you don't earn praise or a pass for taking the week off. Same applies for this week, even Mick alluded to it so it's not supporters being fickle. Running hard, showing intent and desire, these are non-negotiable and you don't get a free pass because you run out in a navy blue guernsey, quite the opposite and rightly so.
If those shots at goal that hit the post had been goals (against the eagles) and we had lost instead of won, do you think that all the threads would be filled with toasts and praise?Critiquing the players and club isnt what is annoying me its more that opinions on players, coaching and management are made on whether we have lost or won rather than a rational perception.
Tell you what I've had a gutsful of - posters like the OP bellyaching because players get called on shitty performances. Posters who consider criticism of a player equals blaming that player for a loss. Posters who defend the indefensible. Posters who cry their way through a pallet of Kleenex because a player they rate gets the 'whipping boy' treatment, wtf that is. Posters who think we need do nothing but support and praise and throw money at a club that largely couldn't give a stuff about our fan experience as long as we are supplying dollars every year. Posters, nup that's all I got........
Tell you what I've had a gutsful of - posters like the OP bellyaching because players get called on shitty performances. Posters who consider criticism of a player equals blaming that player for a loss. Posters who defend the indefensible. Posters who cry their way through a pallet of Kleenex because a player they rate gets the 'whipping boy' treatment, wtf that is. Posters who think we need do nothing but support and praise and throw money at a club that largely couldn't give a stuff about our fan experience as long as we are supplying dollars every year. Posters, nup that's all I got........

Too right. I don't go to the footy to see my team kick 2 goals in 3 quarters against their arch nemesis in one of the most listless performances I've ever seen. I want to see passion for the jumper - that's all. And if I don't see it, I come here to talk about it.
I think you're painting a black and white (grumble) picture and it isnt necessarily representative of the supporter base on BigFooty. From reading your OP it seems like you're saying people are only being negative about players or they are being only positive about players.

A clubs playing list, coaching staff, recruiting staff, board, whatever, arent static things. They are constantly changing and evolving for better or worse, and people are going to give voice to the direction that they feel should be the course that that player/coach/strategy should be following. Being that this is a place for discussion youre going to find that you'll have some people on one side of the fence, some on the other side and some people indifferent.

I've been positive about some players. I've been negative about other players. Doesnt make me a bad supporter, just an opinionated one.
Tell you what I've had a gutsful of - posters like the OP bellyaching because players get called on shitty performances. Posters who consider criticism of a player equals blaming that player for a loss. Posters who defend the indefensible. Posters who cry their way through a pallet of Kleenex because a player they rate gets the 'whipping boy' treatment, wtf that is. Posters who think we need do nothing but support and praise and throw money at a club that largely couldn't give a stuff about our fan experience as long as we are supplying dollars every year. Posters, nup that's all I got........
You've completely misunderstood me. I'm not having a whinge about being negative about a player or the club im having a whinge about supporters who change their opinion at a whim based on a win or a loss. Claims that aren't based on anything other than wanting to point the finger after a loss. You're not one of these supporters, ive read your posts for a long time and they are always high quality with actual reasons to why you might not like something or someone at the club. I'm talking more about when youre at a game and you hear "you're as weak as piss gibbs, piss off to collingwood already". Bloody shameful stuff coming from our own support base
You've completely misunderstood me. I'm not having a whinge about being negative about a player or the club im having a whinge about supporters who change their opinion at a whim based on a win or a loss. Claims that aren't based on anything other than wanting to point the finger after a loss. You're not one of these supporters, ive read your posts for a long time and they are always high quality with actual reasons to why you might not like something or someone at the club. I'm talking more about when youre at a game and you hear "you're as weak as piss gibbs, piss off to collingwood already". Bloody shameful stuff coming from our own support base

Maybe a little bit shameful, but I guess it depends on what Collingwood are offering though.

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Roast Carlton Supporters: Lack of Support?

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