MRP / Trib. Charlie Cameron gets a week for dumping tackle on Lever - Tribunal = down to a fine.

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Can't say I'm surprised, with the lifting motion it was always going to be touch and go for Charlie.

He's lucky Lever's head didn't impact the ground, could've been a much longer holiday otherwise.

Indeed, but considering Vlaustin and Greene escaped suspension last week its a bit annoying. Charlie's was graded as medium impact, whereas Vlaustins was graded as low impact, despite Butler staying down for a fair period of time. Greenes tackle, which drew an angry reaction from Andrew went without report!
Indeed, but considering Vlaustin and Greene escaped suspension last week its a bit annoying. Charlie's was graded as medium impact, whereas Vlaustins was graded as low impact, despite Butler staying down for a fair period of time. Greenes tackle, which drew an angry reaction from Andrew went without report!
Interesting, haven't seen those examples, I'll have to go have a look.

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Not sure how the Greene one gets off without a fine, and Cameron gets a week for similar looking tackles. At worst, Cameron's was with a bit more force, but I can't see how one isn't deemed worthy of even a fine and the other is graded medium impact.
Indeed, but considering Vlaustin and Greene escaped suspension last week its a bit annoying. Charlie's was graded as medium impact, whereas Vlaustins was graded as low impact, despite Butler staying down for a fair period of time. Greenes tackle, which drew an angry reaction from Andrew went without report!

Not sure how the Greene one gets off without a fine, and Cameron gets a week for similar looking tackles.
Came to say the same thing re: Toby Greene. Mac Andrew didn't enjoy it so much he gave away a free kick which resulted in a goal.

Need to see the Vlastuin one again.

Came to say the same thing re: Toby Greene. Mac Andrew didn't enjoy it so much he gave away a free kick which resulted in a goal.

Need to see the Vlastuin one again.
Yeah the Vlaustin one was more a merry go round affair, so a little different from the straight dumping style. Seemed to have more impact on Butler though, or at least similar, yet one is graded as low and the other medium.
Greene gets nothing with one of the leagues worst records and Charlie gets a ban when he is probably the cleanest player out. Surely the Lions fight it using last week as precedence??

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Because they werent danderous tackles.
Why not? Both involved a slinging action and both resulted in a player being hurt/ upset as they had been dumped on their head. Vlaustin was fined only because his was graded as low impact, despite Butler staying down for a short while.
Neither player was dumped on their head an neither were distressed. Go view the replay.

Cameron swung Levers head into the ground. Go view the replay.

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MRP / Trib. Charlie Cameron gets a week for dumping tackle on Lever - Tribunal = down to a fine.

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