Chris Judd- Love Or Hate???

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I love Juddy, but you would expect that.

I can't say I really blame him for getting frustrated as he does sometimes, the opposition plan for him really heavily and he's constantly dealing with 2-3 players hanging off him or blocking space, which is a bit disgraceful I think.. more so because of our efforts at protecting him and helping him out, which is nearly non existent. I don't know that I would have his self control under such treatment and pressure, I personally probably would have completely belted a few taggers by now and been suspended for yonks.

I think his kicking is maybe at its lowest point at the moment and it's disappointing, but as stated, he's under such pressure and I think that after injuries maybe his technique still needs a lot of adjusting and fine tuning or something.

Still, I love everything else he brings and he makes a fair difference to our team, that's for sure.

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Great clearance player, great acceleration, butchers it by foot more often than not due to him running so quickly. His decision making seems to be moderate, and he does the hard work inside packs to either get a clearance, or hold up opponents by tackling. I cannot remember a time that he has chased really hard to run a player done though.

His inside 50:rebound 50 is almost 2:1 in favour of going forwards...yet in 56 games for the Blues, he has kicked 36 goals. (51% goalkicking accuracy). I'm sure that Ratten and co would have hoped for higher numbers in this category.... In comparison for the past 3 seasons...

Gary Ablett - 57 games, 76 goals (53% accuracy)
Paul Chapman - 53 games, 87 goals (69% accuracy)
Alan Didak - 52 games, 70 goals (64% accuracy)

If he had those sort of goalkicking stats, and in the latter two players, accuracy as well, he would be looked upon as a much more damaging player in my honest opinion.

Now another lot of interesting stats in regards to being looked after by umpires...

Free kicks received at West Coast - 131
Free kicks conceded at West Coast - 100
Ratio - 1.31:1

Free kicks received at Carlton - 98
Free kicks conceded at Carlton - 52
Ratio - 1.88:1

That is a 43.86% free kick:free kick against ratio increase since he has moved to Carlton. I personally don't think that that is coincidence with those numbers. It is too big a jump in numbers for that to be the case. He is not alone with being protected in the AFL as most of the "stars" get looked after - Ablett, Chapman, Riewoldt, etc, etc (all but Franklin), but I just think that these are interesting statistics.

All in all, he is probably in the top 10 in the AFL, but at the moment he is streets behind Ablett.

PS - I have to put the obligatory "Dane Swan kicks the ball better and is a better player than Judd comment here.
Remember the year when Judd left, the eagles had just missed a prelim final by a couple of points after playing the year out severley hampered by injury.

Doesn't sound like a club struggling to me?

If he was such a weak character then why did he play that season out when he was severely hampered by injury.

I think the eagles current captain has missed most of this year with a very simialr injury. Maybe he is weak because he is not putting his hand up to play and out their helping the team.

I recall leigh colbert was also captain when he left the cats for north.

You obviously don't remember it too well because he played in the Eagles Qualifying Final side, and then pulled out for the game against the Pies which they lost in extra time. So no he did not play the season out.
why let the media cloud your view of him ? or a club change. still one of the top 5 players in the comp to watch, seeing him live backed that up.

its like the bucks voss hird era , every other clubs supporters hated them immensely despite how good they were. good indication of a champion player

reference to the "cheap" shots hes been giving, probably wouldnt even be a tenth of what hes receieved thru his career.

Not true.

Loved watching Hird and Voss play, although was not a fan of FIGJAM.

Was ok on Judd at West Coast. Ever since he started playing dirty, being protected by Umps and winning awards he didn't deserve, have thoroughly disliked him.
Yeah Judd's crap now. Completely irrelevant to the football community. That's why people don't even talk about him. Not the same player that people thought was amazing when playing in another state. Now he's moved to Victoria, to a club people love to hate and ........

This Judd hate which has come about since he chose Carlton (and in most cases with this thread, not your club), was always going to happen and should not have surprised anyone.

This thread should now be retitled the 'Pick the Flog' thread. If he's so irrelevant leave it alone.

It's not cool to jerk off and cry at the same time.

Judds a gun - People are really arguing his level of brilliance, rather than if he is or isnt. Of course theyre doing it with malice, he plays for Carlton :p

If any one of those posters seriously think hes a rubbish player, theyre kidding themselves.
Now another lot of interesting stats in regards to being looked after by umpires...

Free kicks received at West Coast - 131
Free kicks conceded at West Coast - 100
Ratio - 1.31:1

Free kicks received at Carlton - 98
Free kicks conceded at Carlton - 52
Ratio - 1.88:1

That is a 43.86% free kick:free kick against ratio increase since he has moved to Carlton. I personally don't think that that is coincidence with those numbers. It is too big a jump in numbers for that to be the case. He is not alone with being protected in the AFL as most of the "stars" get looked after - Ablett, Chapman, Riewoldt, etc, etc (all but Franklin), but I just think that these are interesting statistics.

Would have to look at his role at each club, and compare contested possession stats as we know that inside mids are more likely to get frees than others.

It may be that frees overall have gone up in the game. Certainly we know that they have been looking more closely at holding at the stoppages so that could have an affect. It may well be that he is simply giving away less than he gets as he is the one that has had to go and get the ball from the packs almost every time, whereas at the Eagles he had more support in that regard.
You obviously don't remember it too well because he played in the Eagles Qualifying Final side, and then pulled out for the game against the Pies which they lost in extra time. So no he did not play the season out.
Geez, he couldn't even run by this stage. They were trying to play him forward hoping he could do something ... anything to help their cause. He played HIS season out as best he could, and he and the Eagles were criticised for not managing the injury better.
You obviously don't remember it too well because he played in the Eagles Qualifying Final side, and then pulled out for the game against the Pies which they lost in extra time. So no he did not play the season out.

I remember it pretty well because he was one leg and gave everything he had and nearly won them the game off his own boot which would have gotten the eagles straight into the prelim.

He along with cousins could not physically play against the pies.
He captained them to a flag in 2006, played finals 2007. Left at the end of 2007 - at the time, hardly abandoning a sinking ship.

He wanted to come home - how long was he supposed to stay that would have suited your own high standards ??

So, according to Blues supporters:

1. Judd is a hero because he's played through injuries. I guess that makes every other player - or sports person - a hero too.

2. He was homesick. FFS he's a grown man (not Darren Jolly). And I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks that the three captains I mentioned (Hird, Ling, Kirk) would run back home when the going got tough. I'd put it down to character, not origin.

3. The Eagles were travelling fine when he left. That's obviously the argument of anyone who had no access to a TV, paper or the internet at that time.

Judd is a good player but he's hard to admire.
So, according to Blues supporters:

1. Judd is a hero because he's played through injuries. I guess that makes every other player - or sports person - a hero too.
What on earth ...?

It was mentioned that he did not see out the season, and the rebuttal to that was that he played out as much as he could while injured. Nobody is elevating him to hero status based on this argument. Not sure why you are overstating it.

2. He was homesick. FFS he's a grown man (not Darren Jolly). And I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks that the three captains I mentioned (Hird, Ling, Kirk) would run back home when the going got tough. I'd put it down to character, not origin.

Sigh ... once again, he had told the Eagles previously that he would be returning to Victoria at some point. Pretty sure he wasn't thinking years before he left that he would go back to Victoria purely for a larger pay packet. He was upfront and honest about wanting to go back home. Friends and family were there and lifestyle wise, he preferred it. Perth was a bit of a goldfish bowl due to having only the two teams.

Once again ... Kirk was born in NSW so was home. Ling was born in Geelong itself, so was home. Hird was born in ACT so had no team to run home too but family history was in Melbourne and he was a 3rd generation Essendon player as his father and grandfather played for the Bombers. You have to stop using them as examples.

3. The Eagles were travelling fine when he left. That's obviously the argument of anyone who had no access to a TV, paper or the internet at that time.

On field they were still in the finals. Off field, there were plenty of incidents. Judd was not responsible for those incidents, and nor did he have an obligation to shelves his plans and stick around, just in case those incidents affected their onfield performance and saw them tumbling down the ladder.
Geez, he couldn't even run by this stage. They were trying to play him forward hoping he could do something ... anything to help their cause. He played HIS season out as best he could, and he and the Eagles were criticised for not managing the injury better.
ODN, i think you are fighting an un-winnable battle, mate. Fact of the matter is, if Judd was to leave Carlton and go to another club, that particular club and its supporters would be creaming in their jocks. If you deny that, then you truly have sweet f--k all idea about the game of footy.

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So, according to Blues supporters:

1. Judd is a hero because he's played through injuries. I guess that makes every other player - or sports person - a hero too.

2. He was homesick. FFS he's a grown man (not Darren Jolly). And I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks that the three captains I mentioned (Hird, Ling, Kirk) would run back home when the going got tough. I'd put it down to character, not origin.

3. The Eagles were travelling fine when he left. That's obviously the argument of anyone who had no access to a TV, paper or the internet at that time.

Judd is a good player but he's hard to admire.

1. Not at all - the fact that he played through injuries as best he could, missing only 1 final at the end when he was completely spent was brought up in response to suggestions he 'abandoned' the club when the going got tough. No one's calling him hero for it. Read the posts, it helps ;)

2. He always wanted to return home. He didn't leave when the going got tough, he left when his contract allowed him to. You're welcome to think what you like about that, but it seems silly to accuse him of abandoning anything when it was a long held desire to return to Vic and his contract being up just happened to co-incide with the Eagles being in strife off-field.

In fact, seeing as he's pretty much universally labelled a bad off-field leader round these parts, what would him staying at WC have achieved for them off-field? You can't have it both ways.

3. See point 2
Absolutley loved to watch him at the Eagles, I remember a couple of his games against Brisbane at the GABBA, mind blowing. But at Carlton he just pisses me off because the media give him too much attention, and the only reason he made the AA team last year was because of his name. I guess OP has cruelled him to an extent too, because he certainly is no way near the player who won the Brownlow in 2004. And this is more the AFL's fault, but he receives far too much latitude on and off the field.

you peanut, he finished second in the AFL Coaches award, (I reckon they have a fair idea about the game) 2nd in the Brownlow, and won a club B&F, which i think is the most import as you are judged more harshly by your peers. As you can see, none of the above are influenced by the media.

He had a great year last year, stop talking $h!t.
Great player but one who is difficult to like. Because he doesn't get the protection from his team mates he does some funky things on the field and tends to be a protected species who went for the cash (IMO). Unfortunately, I could very well be saying the same things about Gazza next year. :(


So, according to Blues supporters:

1. Judd is a hero because he's played through injuries. I guess that makes every other player - or sports person - a hero too.

2. He was homesick. FFS he's a grown man (not Darren Jolly). And I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks that the three captains I mentioned (Hird, Ling, Kirk) would run back home when the going got tough. I'd put it down to character, not origin.

3. The Eagles were travelling fine when he left. That's obviously the argument of anyone who had no access to a TV, paper or the internet at that time.

Judd is a good player but he's hard to admire.

So I take it you don't admire Paul Roos either for abandoning his club in their hour of need (and in far worse shape than West Coast).

Is he another good player but hard to admire ??
So I take it you don't admire Paul Roos either for abandoning his club in their hour of need (and in far worse shape than West Coast).

Is he another good player but hard to admire ??
Gerard Healy, Greg Williams, Jim Edmond, Stuart Maxfield .... how many players went to Sydney that didn't have the luxury of it being their home town?
ODN, i think you are fighting an un-winnable battle, mate.

That's never stopped me before. :D

I have no desire to convince anybody, just to add balance to flawed arguments, so that genuine readers can make up their own minds.
Judd is a good player but he's hard to admire.
You'd admire him immensely if he had left the Eagles to play for the Swans.

I presume you had no issues admiring Lockett when he left the Saints or Roos when he abandoned Fitzroy?

And I'd love to know what your views on "Homesick" NIck Davis were when he walked out on Collingwood. :rolleyes:
So I take it you don't admire Paul Roos either for abandoning his club in their hour of need (and in far worse shape than West Coast).

Is he another good player but hard to admire ??

If Judd became a coach and showed the same degree of level headedness, skill, loyalty and leadership as Roos has since he took over as senior coach of the Swans I'd certainly reconsider his character and view him in a more favourable light.

Equally, I'd think a lot less of Roos if he left the Swans at the end of the year and popped up at GWS or the Gold Coast next year.
For all the bagging Judd is coping on this thread its quite hypocritical as he would be an absolute gun for any team in the AFL and the supporters of those clubs would love him if he were at their club.
If Judd became a coach and showed the same degree of level headedness, skill, loyalty and leadership as Roos has since he took over as senior coach of the Swans I'd certainly reconsider his character and view him in a more favourable light.

Equally, I'd think a lot less of Roos if he left the Swans at the end of the year and popped up at GWS or the Gold Coast next year.

So what did you think of Roos for abandoning Fitzroy and popping up at the Swans the next year ?
If Judd became a coach and showed the same degree of level headedness, skill, loyalty and leadership as Roos has since he took over as senior coach of the Swans I'd certainly reconsider his character and view him in a more favourable light.
So, according to your own logic, you must have regarded Roos in a similar light to Judd when Roos abandoned Fitzroy to become a Swans player? Correct?

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Chris Judd- Love Or Hate???

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