Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

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Welcome to the Ask an Atheist thread II.

Previous part:

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Your the one waxing eloquent on this thread about the Christian Theology. the benefits that you receive due your personal relationship with Christ and promoting a belief in the intercessory power of prayer.

These killers gave their life to Christ, believed in the promises of both the Old and New Testaments practised the intercessory power of prayer,

Ticked all the boxes as devout Christians but still left a child to die

Does either the OT or the NT forbid the use of medicines?

Not that I'm aware of, but still they did it

What Chapter and verse did they ignore in their quest to have a more perfect relationship with God?

You may accuse me of being a sick prick, but as a Devout Christian I would believe that you would be fully across Mathew 25:36 and visit Prisons regularly to provide succour the the prisoners. I would suggest that you go to the Hopkins Correctional Centre and meet some real sick pricks like Risdale

Ask your mate. He’s into it . You’ve been part of it. Feeling guilty are you?

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You haven't told me where you work from?
I can't make something from nothing.

Any of my team at any car workshop will show you exactly what is wrong, why it is misfiring and how it can be fixed. You can watch their handiwork for yourself as they repair it. You can reach out and touch the car parts for yourself just to show you that what they do is not magic. We offer hands on workshops so you can feel part of it all, so that you understand your car does not operate on faith alone. That fixing your car requires real parts that you can see and touch and real people to undertake the task. See you Monday.
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Any of my team at any car workshop will show you exactly what is wrong, why it is misfiring and how it can be fixed. You can watch their handiwork for yourself as they repair it. You can reach out and touch the car parts for yourself just to show you that what they do is not magic. We offer hands on workshops so you can feel part of it all. See you Monday.
That's a very good answer, perfect answer actually, for dealing with inanimate objects like a car.
Provocative garbage again.
Do you ever get anything right? Original Sin is not written into the Bible. It is an interpretation of the Bible and Christian Theology on why Christ or the Second Adam had to be sacrificed to undo the impact of the First Adam and the Fall (salvation!! hooray now there's a way out, that comes with the fanclub membership). It's a doctrine that came a LOT later. Reason why neither Jews nor Muslims believe in this rubbish.

from wiki:

According to Wikipedia "The concept of original sin was first alluded to in the 2nd century by Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon in his controversy with certain dualist Gnostics."

You should buy me a beer for all the education!

Heard of Lucifer?
Does your child have the knowledge of Good or bad? yes you told her not to disobey you

They lacked the knowledge, this is long before intent comes into play.

Which is why this is most probably the worst (and it's hard to choose , you have so many bad ones), doctrines that's out there.

He is the reason we are part of the Fall.

You wanna go through this all over again? Adam and Eve were babies...they have no concept of sin or disobedience. Imagine, then a mate of yours tempts your 5 year old with lollies...and she gives in and she chews a couple...whom you gonna blame? the 5 year old? or your mate? or just curse her and her future generations forever?


You will nicely make her understand that she did was wrong and she should not give in to what other people are saying as lollies are bad?

ALL sin require intent? For the moment, dismiss the obvious problem of omnibenevolence conflicting with the punishment of an unknown sin. Eve was a curious i said, Christianity is rife with punishments for things that can't be controlled or are unknown.

God allowed him his free will, but as has been the case over the lifetime of human existence, there are repercussions for going against God's way, for sinning, and for not acknowledging God.
Absolute GARBAGE.

Adam and Eve were innocent and couldn't tell right from wrong, then how could they be held accountable for not following a standard of right and wrong?

Right from the beginning, this doctrinal system falls apart completely. It would be like executing a baby for breaking a law - it's absurd... but I guess it's what's being proposed - this doctrine presumes that babies are guilty sinners too. Preposterous. Absolute nonsense.

It follows that they are being punished for failing to follow in blind obedience.

God gives us free will then demands we behave as if we do not have it.

So what's the point other than to torture us with desires, and torture us in hell if we try to fulfill them.

It's the sadistic god of a masochistic race.

You can curse, disagree, rebel , and capitalise letters all you like, but it all makes sense,
Explain how does it make sense? Did God know they are going to disobey?

Yes or no?

If God didn't....why is he god?

The script was designed to fail....punishing your baby for eternity for not listening to the father.

Loving and kind.

and nothing you read from science, Dawkins, Ehrman, or any other recent day guru can alter what is likely to be the truth.
Likely lol..according to whom? It's a bastardized version of prior Babylonian myths with a vicious authoritarian slant...but for some INDOCTRINATED people, it's the truth.

The bigger problem is that Adam and Eve never actually existed. Original Sin cannot exist because there was no such historical event as a "fall." The internal logic of the story is problematic too as i mentioned before, but since it is mythology, that's like talking about the science of light sabres.

Then you talk about heavyweights like Bart...well Bart never even bothered to write about 'The Fall'. It's mythology.
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Spending more time with God by reading His Word, prayer, and fellowship with other believers is critical.
Admittedly, time here is comparatively worthless, although I have enhanced my faith merely by engaging with people in this thread.
Great, logic, reason, science, geography, biology etc etc resistant people just proves my point...time and time again. You do not care about evidence, all you need is faith, Lewis' style, even when all the evidences are against it..but changed life
At least you are fully aware of the concepts, and you are aware of who Jesus said He is.
He never said he is God..except for that ONE occasion in John (which is a forgery ) . I posted literally mountains of evidence, including the admission of catholic church that John has been manipulated many times, passages been added and deleted many times.

But you don't care.

He is not a god in judaism nor Islam., nor in any other Gospel, except in that one line.

If you choose to be ignorant and keep posting unintelligible drivel like you usually do,that's your choice.
Your request for robust evidence is just a defence- you have searched for reasons NOT to believe and you will adhere to those readings and you will never be moved.
LMAO holy shit...coming from you...the reverse is pretty much you..despite being provided with gazillion evidences here, you are unmoved.

Simple question, if Jesus was that special, why no mention of him being god outside the Gospels till 100+ years?

And how did these historians figure out he was god 100+ years after his death?

Human psyche doesn't change, in the age of technology and televsion, you get fake news left right and centre.

Bible was pretty much the original fake news.

Answer my question....
Your the one waxing eloquent on this thread about the Christian Theology. the benefits that you receive due your personal relationship with Christ and promoting a belief in the intercessory power of prayer.
Lmao...when a Christian of any denomination says that “They have a personal relationship with god” it’s usually used as an excuse to pick and choose which of the biblical rules they choose to follow because “God speaks to them personally.”

Christians can ignore difficult theological questions (as Vdubs have done time and time again here) and just claim their personal relationship. Fellow Christians who have doubts can be attacked for not working on their personal relationship -- after all, if a Christian who has a real personal relationship, then they wouldn't have doubts.

Isn't it amazing how easy it is to see the BS once the religious veil is lifted from the eyes ? Is there any organized religion who doesn't claim the same shit as these guys in this thread?

It's really mind boggling how these people believe in this...i mean we evolved for 4 billion years and went through the age of enlightenment...only for these guys to send us back to the stone ages again.
Ask your mate. He’s into it . You’ve been part of it. Feeling guilty are you?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You're the one claiming invisable "mates"'; mates that believers use as an excuse to bugger little boys and let children die from preventable illnesses

Where is the Chapter and Verse that proves that these "Christians" are livind a life consistant with the "Word of God"?.

Should the secular world let these actions slide because the will be punished in the afterlife, assuming one exists?

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Does either the OT or the NT forbid the use of medicines?

Not that I'm aware of, but still they did it

What Chapter and verse did they ignore in their quest to have a more perfect relationship with God?
These guys have NFI. They have no idea about what goes on outside the western world (and sometimes also here).

I made a small post here about my experiences in Africa. I guess Jesus doesn't speak to the nationals of the third world.

You're the one claiming invisable "mates"'; mates that believers use as an excuse to bugger little boys and let children die from preventable illnesses

Where is the Chapter and Verse that proves that these "Christians" are livind a life consistant with the "Word of God"?.

Should the secular world let these actions slide because the will be punished in the afterlife, assuming one exists?

Exodus 26:12

The overhanging part that remains of the curtains of the tent, the half curtain that remains, shall hang over the back of the tabernacle.

The bit up the top is the Bible quote you were after and the bit below is me talking.

But don’t ask me to join you in your quest to free them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Provocative garbage again.
Heard of Lucifer?
He is the reason we are part of the Fall.
God allowed him his free will, but as has been the case over the lifetime of human existence, there are repercussions for going against God's way, for sinning, and for not acknowledging God.
You can curse, disagree, rebel , and capitalise letters all you like, but it all makes sense, and nothing you read from science, Dawkins, Ehrman, or any other recent day guru can alter what is likely to be the truth.
You wouldn't need faith if it made sense.
These guys have NFI. They have no idea about what goes on outside the western world (and sometimes also here).

I made a small post here about my experiences in Africa. I guess Jesus doesn't speak to the nationals of the third world.
Your favourite Wiki says it all

Christianity by country
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Critical for what? Why should I believe Lucifer / Satan is anything more than a figment of the human imagination? Why should I believe that people such as Jesus or Lazarus or any other Biblical figure was resurrected from being truly dead? Why should I believe there was a "Fall?" And so on. If you claims are true, prove that they are true. Believing in something on the basis of nothing more than 'faith' is simply not good enough

What you have presented has done absolutely nothing to convince me of the truth of the claims you make. I see absolutely no good reason to believe your claims to truth are actually true. Believing in something on the basis of nothing more than 'faith' is simply not good enough.
Your lack of belief in what I claim is irrelevant and immaterial- have never asked you to believe anything . Similarly, being never ashamed to present my reasons for faith is something I have pride in.
Your lack of belief in what I claim is irrelevant and immaterial- have never asked you to believe anything .

You're asking us to believe that events in the Bible such as resurrection, ascension and other miracles are actually true. With no evidence put forward to demonstrate that they are in fact true.

No one has knowledge of 'God', if it exists. 'God is 'unknowable.
Similarly, being never ashamed to present my reasons for faith is something I have pride in.

Effectively proselytizing.
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I literally have no words..


Imagine trying to solve complex matters in regards to science with Trinity which itself is a made up concept.

I mean yeah CC can speak about this matter, they are evil incarnate in this world. They would really hope there's no other CC in other planet anywhere else in the universe damaging the lives of heathens there.

FFS. lol
Cheers man.
I might be one of the very few in here that claim there is no god, yet not alone in the knowledge that it is unnecessary for a universe to exist with a creator.
I recently found a couple of cool YouTube vids with 50 of the most important scientific/acadamic minds on the planet arguing against the need for a creator, most were not remotely interested nor satisfied with the claim of a creator’s existence.
Very enlightening stuff.
That's great, because true tradesman are hard to find these days.
The no true tradesman fallacy, interesting!🤓
Your lack of belief in what I claim is irrelevant and immaterial- have never asked you to believe anything . Similarly, being never ashamed to present my reasons for faith is something I have pride in.
Why ignore many parts of the Bible? Quote OT when it suits you, then say 'but it's only OT' when it doesn't.

YWH is Jesus remember? Trinity? How do you know what god did or didn't do? Better yet, why the heck would you cherry pick the bible in the first place if you believe it to be true? Why couldn't they just believe in the bible entirely and just obey all of its commands? (I think I already know the answers to these questions).

I will give you the answer: At this point, you're just interpreting the bible in a way to match YOUR cognitive biases'.

You people cut and stitch the Bible to make God in their own on image. That's why you guys can't agree among yourselves and never did since early Christianity when Gnostics and Arians were killed off to 'save' 'the son of god' image.
Exodus 26:12

The overhanging part that remains of the curtains of the tent, the half curtain that remains, shall hang over the back of the tabernacle.

The bit up the top is the Bible quote you were after and the bit below is me talking.

But don’t ask me to join you in your quest to free them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nothing like a Christian trying to quote the OT to suit his narrative.

Honestly reading the critical writings of jews about Christianity has been mind boggling for me. I highly recommend anyone to do some research on that.

For centuries, Christians have asked why Jews don’t accept the authenticity of the New Testament. Let’s explore in depth one of the many reasons, namely contradictions and inconsistencies.
Nothing like a Christian trying to quote the OT to suit his narrative.

Honestly reading the critical writings of jews about Christianity has been mind boggling for me. I highly recommend anyone to do some research on that.

For centuries, Christians have asked why Jews don’t accept the authenticity of the New Testament. Let’s explore in depth one of the many reasons, namely contradictions and inconsistencies.
The OT refernces doesn't make any sense in respect of the question initially asked; and without any exegesis, the response comes across as quite dismissive, contemptuous and clumsy attempts to win debating points in his own mind.

Basically low grade trolling by somebody who doen't appreciate that some of us have tested the claims of many theologies and found them wanting in every case

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Christians are easily startled, but they'll soon be back. And in greater numbers 36:11

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