Clarkson on the attack. The good the bad and the ugly

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Clarko has always had a strong opinion of bad umpiring. He's copped plenty of fines for commenting on it, and he had a massive attack on the umpiring after the 2016 final vs the Bulldogs where we had something like 100 tackles for only 3 free kicks. He also has plenty of sway in the footballing world, to the point where his word simply cannot be ignored. While Chris Scott has to whine and preach on programs, Clarkson goes straight to McLachlan. It's actually staggering how much influence he has.

If you're Horse, you're obviously somewhat concerned that umpires may be harsher on their tactics and more inclined to penalise his side - things taken to the head honcho usually get given consideration. It makes sense for him to complain. I honestly think Scott is just jealous he doesn't have the same level of influence and is reduced to tripe like 360.

Clarkson isn't a whiner. If he's gone straight to McLachlan then he has serious concerns about how we're being umpired - or certain tactics - that goes beyond Hawthorn bias.
Regardless of what he said in media I'd like to know why everyone assumes they know what he was talking to Gill about?

In relation to what he said it does seem a little double standard like - regardless I'd rather our coaches speaking out than keeping schtum

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Any coincidence that the clubs probably with the most to lose in terms of umpire assistance are the one's who's coaches are complaining? :think:
This makes sense to me. The vagaries of the game are coached... that is why I began this thread to discuss it. Bugs me!
John Longmire sends a weekly letter to the Umpires dept asking for explanations of specific free kicks given and missed.

I find it amusing he’s nose is put out of joint by this.

“We had a chat (with the AFL) … really, just to see what they thought about the umpiring,” Longmire told SEN radio on Tuesday regarding the 2016 Grand Final.

“It’s not unusual. I’ve had a number of chats (like that). It’s all done and dusted, isn’t it, after the event.”
Half caught a snippet of some media guy on SEN saying that Clarkson basically has an access all areas pass at AFL House such is his standing in the game.
If Clarko wants to speak to Gil, he can speak to Gil. Steve Hocking. Anyone...

All the other coaches must take a ticket and wait their turn, if they get one at all!
Currently we have a bunch of "news breakers" all throwing darts and hoping they are right in relation to the meeting that took place. Hard to really gauge what Clarkos approach is when it's all speculation to try and be first with the story.

In regards to umpiring in general, the game has never been harder to watch than the last few years in terms of disposal and tackling. There are a heap of problems with the instructions the umpires are given in regards to the ball carrier being allowed to drop the ball, throw the ball or "make an attempt". This shit is ugly and incredibly frustrating to watch and it happens in every game. Tackling in a game is so under rewarded because the way the rules are enforced means teams are happy to allow their players to just pick up the ball take two steps with the ball and then effectively surge the ball forward in a scrum like fashion without any chance of a penalty for incorrect disposal because "they tried" or "made an attempt". It doesn't make the spectacle that enjoyable to watch when defensive plays go unrewarded in favour of the participation like award for picking up the ball and immediately dropping it when tackled. No team doesn't do it and I doubt Clarko isn't arguing that we are an innocent party in it.
The blocking rule they've suggested tonight is another rule that is 90% grey area and you can tell the umpires themselves are a little confused. I've lost count of the number of times a player who is under the ball has jumped into their opponent and been rewarded for being blocked when they really have no intention of going for the mark. Watched the North game yesterday and Richmond blocked brown on a number of occasions which prevented him having a run at the ball and nothing was paid despite the rules being their for this sort of thing.

In terms of fallout, it's actually amusing to watch as the anti Hawthorn low IQ brigade miss the entire point and instead act as if Clarko is sooking. These are the same people who applaud Scott for having a whinge about umpires and have a sook about the umpiring in every footy related discussion. Rather amusing to read them suddenly back the way the umpires are instructed to adjudicate because it's Hawthorn involved. Even after a few years the chip on the shoulder remains for many.

With that all said, let's wait for the actual story to come out before we make judgements. I have no problem with a club coach raising concerns about the state of the game to management instead of being yes men.
Who cares about the others? Clarko doesn't.

Clarko cares about the Hawks first and foremost, that's something I really love about him. He doesn't take his eye off the prize.
Chris Scott of all people has a problem with it... They guy who uses multiple media avenues including AFL 360 every single Monday to plead his case to the tribunal for why his players shouldn't be suspended (the Hawkins one last week was hilarious). The guy who is less of a coach and more of a match day cheer leader/massive sook in the coaching box.

For everything he lacks as a coach he at least can kiss ass as good as anyone. Clarko doesn't give a crap what the media think and this guy is too busy pandering to people like Robbo and the likes. Buckley was the same as Clarko and always butted heads with them and the media didn't like it. They pick favourites and will continue to do so.

Hawthorn has had the entire AFL community head*****d for years and will continue to do so as long as we are relevant.

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Different to most here, I hate it. I actually feel some of the comments Clarko has made this year, in his press conferences, have been regrettable. I feel at times this year it has been more about Clarko then the Hawthorn Football Club.

I understand Clarko is a statesman of the game, but my preference is he would focus on coaching the Hawthorn Football Club and not continue to publicly weigh in on the aesthetics of the game. I feel this year, Clarko has created as many headlines as Sicily. Naming Selwood was unnecessary, and complaining about the umpires late in the game just comes across as a sore loser. The umpiring was poor both ways last Friday night.

I feel we are really missing Chris Fagan this year. Clarko seems a more reckless and less measured at times this year. With his comments regarding if he is the right person moving forward, I am starting to wonder if he actually is starting to run out of steam?
I love it. It’s not whinging, it’s getting an edge any way you can. If it results in a few “blocking” frees to Roughy this week in the goalsquare, then ferken gold. The comp is so even now, umps are going to play a huge part.
Look at the cats. They know this. Scott is the mouthpiece every week. Dangerwoodlett execute it every week. Do they care what people think? No. They just care they won the 50-50 free kick that helps their team win the game.
In a game of inches, every free counts.
Everybody in the footy media have forgotten to mention that the hawks were the only team pinged for the shepherding rule that never gets educated by umpires.
Geelong and Sydney have been doing it for 10 years!!! How else does anyone think they have so many intercept marks time and time again?? The only way to beat it is by attacking them with ferocity and pure contempt for full four quarters so they have no time and space to get their hame going. Think 2014 GF!
John Longmire sends a weekly letter to the Umpires dept asking for explanations of specific free kicks given and missed.

I find it amusing he’s nose is put out of joint by this.

“We had a chat (with the AFL) … really, just to see what they thought about the umpiring,” Longmire told SEN radio on Tuesday regarding the 2016 Grand Final.

“It’s not unusual. I’ve had a number of chats (like that). It’s all done and dusted, isn’t it, after the event.”

I hope this is on the main board :thumbsu:
I hope this is on the main board :thumbsu:
It is, but it got lost in amongst all the squealing about what a big bad man Clarkson is for meeting with Gil.

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Clarkson on the attack. The good the bad and the ugly

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