News Clubs operating league-sanctioned drug testing program - Harley Balic’s Dad Speaks

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AFL Statement

As well as being a signatory to World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) code via the Australian Football Anti-Doping Code, the AFL has an Illicit Drug Policy which has been in place since 2005, and at the core of the policy is a commitment to player wellbeing and welfare.

The AFL Illicit Drug Policy (IDP) is a policy that specifically deals with the use of illicit substances out of competition and is focussed on player health and well-being. The policy seeks to reduce substance use and drug-related harms for AFL players and aims to inform and rehabilitate players through education and intervention.

It exists alongside and in addition to the Australian Football Anti-Doping Code which covers prohibited substances including some illicit substances in competition as prescribed by the WADA prohibited list.

Urine tests conducted by doctors to determine if a player has used illicit substances are part of the AFL’s Illicit Drug Policy medical model and have been for some time.

Doctors may use those urine tests to obtain an immediate result to determine whether any illicit substance remains in a player’s system. This is normally conducted at the club or in the doctors consulting rooms.

If the test shows a substance is still in the players system, a doctor will take steps to prevent a player from taking part in either training and/or an AFL match both for their own health and welfare and because having illicit substances in your system on match day may be deemed performance enhancing and a breach of the Australian Football Anti-Doping Code (depending on the substance involved).

It is absolutely imperative that no doctor or club official should ever allow or encourage a player to take the field knowing they have recently taken an illicit substance that may be harmful to their health and/or may be deemed performance-enhancing (as many illicit substances are on match day).

We support the WADA code (as it applies to our sport through the Australian Football Anti-Doping Code) and support the fundamental premise on which it is founded that any player who takes the field with a performance-enhancing prohibited substance in their system should be treated in accordance with the Anti-Doping Code and face heavy sanctions.

The AFL observes that AFL players are not immune to the societal issues faced by young people with respect to illicit substances and also acknowledges that illicit drug use problems commonly co-occur with other mental health conditions.

While the AFL’s medical model involves a multidisciplinary healthcare management plan, the monitoring of players is highly confidential. A doctor or healthcare professional generally cannot disclose the nature of the clinical intervention or condition to others unless the player willingly consents.

We understand that the Illicit Drugs Policy can be improved and we are working with the AFLPA and players to improve the policy and the system to ensure we are better able to change the behaviours of players. But we are unapologetic about club and AFL doctors taking the correct steps to ensure that any player who they believe has an illicit substance in their system does not take part in any AFL match and that doctor patient confidentially is upheld and respected.

The AFL will always be required to make decisions which seek to balance competing rights and interests. The medical interests and welfare of players is a priority for the AFL given everything we know about the risks facing young people generally and those who play our game in particular.
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I found this curious from Damien Barrett. He claims he knows many players that have been "helped" by the liberal AFL illicit drugs policy.

1. Player snorts cocaine or smokes dope.
2. Player approaches club doctor to be pre-tested before declaring himself fit to play.
3. Test is positive.
4. Doctor and player collude to concoct a minor injury as the reason the player is unavailable that week.

Under the doctor-patient confidentiality the AFL is spruiking as the reason nobody can be informed as to the identity of the player or even the frequency in these is Damien Barrett going around openly boasting he knows who many of the players are? If the doctor is not allowed to tell him, and the player would not be wanting to tell him, how exactly does he "know?"

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No but the second year arts student studying at ADFA has far less responsibility and isn’t touching weapons for most of the year. By your logic, why do they need to remain clean apart from weapon’s week? The information you get access to is nearly nothing at that rank.
You're right, it is pretty silly for them to be subject to testing. However as part of ADFA I can see the logic even if I may disagree with it.

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Yep, it's a disingenuous argument. Testing keeps going but you avoid the matchday category. And avoid a strike as I understand it? Though get to rehab those achy calves. It's disingenuous.
WADA's aim is to prevent athletes playing with banned substances in their system. The AFL is ensuring they, the clubs and players are complying with that.
WADA's aim is to prevent athletes playing with banned substances in their system. The AFL is ensuring they, the clubs and players are complying with that.
WADA's aim goes beyond the literal "they take the field with drugs in their system" though. They want to oversee and encourage anti-doping best practice generally, of which this organised pre-testing and removal of players goes against that.

Keep in mind that WADA gives players 18-month bans for playing with coke in their system, even though they know by the tests themselves that the amounts are so trace that they're unlikely to give any real performance-enhancing benefit. They still get the 18 months though. By this logic, WADA's interest isn't just equalising the playing field by not having matches themselves impacted by performance enhancers, they more broadly want structures in place and players not to take risks with performance enhancers with the significant punishment acting as a deterrent. WADA doesn't want institutional support individuals in taking risks with performance enhancers (ie paying and organising the logistics of a pre-testing system for match-day performance enhancer), they want to use bans as a deterring example so players never take the risk in the first place. You are being very myopic to suggest otherwise.
WADA's aim is to prevent athletes playing with banned substances in their system. The AFL is ensuring they, the clubs and players are complying with that.
Yeah, maybe.
The AFL is also non- transparent, and sneaky. And disingenuos in hiding the problem from prying eyes. And avoiding strikes. Could all be done without revealing personal info.

Ings doing PR work for the AFL? He is deliberately omitting the bit about ilicit drug testing.

And we still havent had the AFL confirm whether these players failing their tests are getting strikes?

The media seem to have no interest as well.
Ings doing PR work for the AFL? He is deliberately omitting the bit about ilicit drug testing.

And we still havent had the AFL confirm whether these players failing their tests are getting strikes?

The media seem to have no interest as well.
The media have no interest in going against the party line when over half of them are the mouthpiece of the AFL and related to the AFL’s giant Tasmanian-esque family tree of connections.

It makes no sense for a doctor to ask for an illicit drugs test when the player has already admitted to it. The test would make no difference to their treatment as it can’t show how frequent. It can simply show if it’s still in their bloodstream. Your average GP isn’t going to test you if you ask for help with a drug problem and admit to using las night. They’ll use a screener, ask questions but no pathology. They certainly would not do it off the books. The AFL are hiding the player to avoid WADA finding out and creating an inconvenient headline because they have an illicit substance in their system on match days. It’s been disguised that it’s for “wellbeing” (debunked above) and to prevent a player from playing when there’s illicit drugs in their system. To me, a player should not need to do an off the books test and urinate in a cup to see whether they’re eligible when they would know when they last used and have made a conscious choice.

No other professional sport adopts this leading policy and I’m stumped as to why.
The media have no interest in going against the party line when over half of them are the mouthpiece of the AFL and related to the AFL’s giant Tasmanian-esque family tree of connections.

Not to mention there probably being evidence of them on Sam Newman's party yacht. And whereever they moved the parties to when they turned against him.
Yep, it's a disingenuous argument. Testing keeps going but you avoid the matchday category. And avoid a strike as I understand it? Though get to rehab those achy calves. It's disingenuous.
Yes you avoid that horrible punitive strike because you didn’t actually play or face WADA thanks to a leading test designed to really help players. You just had your boots, mouthguard, uniform all set up and lucky for that test.

Better go and book in that rehab real quick now. Phew lucky one. Now your calves are really sore.

What’s that? No, you don’t need rehab, You just need to avoid the bathroom at Revs but if not, come back and check your hamstrings.
You could say that until this morning when the AFL admitted to Sam Edmund it’s happened and continues to happen
The great shame of this under parliamentary privilege, is that the AFL have been a dictatorial operation for over 20 years and have deliberately done all sorts of changes including rule fiddling for reasons other than the betterment of Australian Football.

Perhaps because earlier different plans for a Gold Coast team and a Western Sydney team, never came about , so then! In came GWS and GC17.

It diluted the comp, the game is lesser in personal skill look at Freo and Crows last night talk about missing targets, but that is a whole different dilution issue!
It is a simple fact.

This latest truth is an example of " AFL?? WE CAN DO NO WRONG!" What ever you think about Wilkie! This kind of thing has to be released to the slow BUT EASILY PLEASED footy public.

Because even though the main call used as an excuse for protection to players, for mental health issues and party drugs or what ever else, has been hidden or allowed to be hidden, by the ruling body.

I suspect hierarchy knew maybe some didn't. but who can tell?

The real truth is this the manipulation of the sport since Demetriou, McLachlan, is blatantly in your face, unless you don't DON'T WANT to see it?
Therefore, there you go, easily pleased and shafted at the same time.

The well being of players head injury in a risky sport have been so far out of the fair go area, and players suspended for things they can't help, seems hypocritical to me that the same law/rule-makers (fiddlers) have a policy of drug use secrecy, what ever kind of drug, a time framed, slick set up, for blokes to make an excuse of injury or play before any results are released??????

So to the main point we do fear for lots of footballers those still playing and those whose mental condition has had them out of the game, we love or players and we know the pressure at that level especially in a diluted (too many teams) elite sport. The "just make it" just get in. That diluted pool?

So who are the next and most important to the AFL victims in this?????????????????

Well they are you and I.

All of us who spend money on memberships, who pay a fortune for a pie and a coke or a beer and Pizza, or spend a fortune paying to get in, if only a non member & a fan.

How are we victims of the AFL?
Easy, the game fiddled because of dilution, the rules change stupidity. And obscenities of free kick over kill.

The manipulation of the sport to make this overloaded football league proceed for making money out of Television rights.
The worst for the people (we people) who own the peoples' game.

Is how are you to know what players are healthy or party drugged up or anything else, when you watch, at the game or watch on Pay TV.

If they are let off on party drugs what else are they let off on, with more than a possible 100 plus players having been involved.

HERE IS THE OTHER VICTIM of the AFL's unashamed promotion of gambling in footy?

This is where the absolute terrible fact of this secret cheating drug rule affects thousands and thousands of punters

How many people have bet on situation, multi bets and single bets etc, and not known that a player he watches has been bent out of his brain two or three nights before and still playing, you don't know why you've lost your money, its a secret! Far fetched no WAY. and any wonder people can be hurt, or ruined , so where is the protection for those who pay for this sport

And for the AFL and the corporate bulldust artists and the sycophants that commentate they sit and say zilch, on big fat pay packets enjoying the 6 months of pleasure watching the game. Dare not make a wave.

At least Carey is honest in what he feels about the footy , which is not always that real apparently.

I know there will be the excuse makers who don't care, there always is.

Well I care and have for years, on here and said so.

About the manipulating of this game of ours.

If you have not seen it change for the worst , you are blind as a bat.
If you have , then you see the scramble of lesser sides in football, this all boils down to a corrupt set up.
In some areas absolutely is game destroying and gambling, with cheating in another so called innocent way. No I am not a gambler on footy never have been. But that in itself gambling is an addiction to some as well. And the AFL reckons its concerned about young kids and influencing, fair effen dinkum!

THIS IS OUR GAME, not this new fellow or Gil or Andy.

The AFL needs a total re-jig a cleanout and we are heading FOR 2 DIVISION competition.

Some lower teams like Hawks and Crows and North and others could be out of the loop for decades, Tassie should have come in 15 years ago, with AFL money to support them.
Our game still has a huge following and some of it, some and only some players, is as brilliant as ever. although many fans will put up with second rate. Because thats all there is sometimes.

It is all part of corporate profit making geared for only that and the manipulation of the rules and the stupid drug policy sanctioned by AFL leaders, cannot be excused, these people need replacing, who ever has the end game power! Now the law should be involved. Remember the suppliment activity, Essendon massacred over that , didn't help Essendon supporters with membership and money, nearly killed James Hird and left them in the wilderness.

That is not what the AFL should be about, and how much covering up from the AFL was there, and how much "don't say nuffin" Went on then, now this.
Nobody can r should trust the AFL anymore until a legal investigation takes place.
Who knows whose team is affected???????????????????????????????????????????? Maybe all of them?
Yes you avoid that horrible punitive strike because you didn’t actually play or face WADA thanks to a leading test designed to really help players. You just had your boots, mouthguard, uniform all set up and lucky for that test.

Better go and book in that rehab real quick now. Phew lucky one. Now your calves are really sore.

What’s that? No, you don’t need rehab, You just need to avoid the bathroom at Revs but if not, come back and check your hamstrings.
It's a game, a bunch of shysters. Bs artists.

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Ings doing PR work for the AFL? He is deliberately omitting the bit about ilicit drug testing.

And we still havent had the AFL confirm whether these players failing their tests are getting strikes?

The media seem to have no interest as well.
Ing is clearly a non objective w***er. He is WankIng.
The great shame of this under parliamentary privilege, is that the AFL have been a dictatorial operation for over 20 years and have deliberately done all sorts of changes including rule fiddling for reasons other than the betterment of Australian Football.

Perhaps because earlier different plans for a Gold Coast team and a Western Sydney team, never came about , so then! In came GWS and GC17.

It diluted the comp, the game is lesser in personal skill look at Freo and Crows last night talk about missing targets, but that is a whole different dilution issue!
It is a simple fact.

This latest truth is an example of " AFL?? WE CAN DO NO WRONG!" What ever you think about Wilkie! This kind of thing has to be released to the slow BUT EASILY PLEASED footy public.

Because even though the main call used as an excuse for protection to players, for mental health issues and party drugs or what ever else, has been hidden or allowed to be hidden, by the ruling body.

I suspect hierarchy knew maybe some didn't. but who can tell?

The real truth is this the manipulation of the sport since Demetriou, McLachlan, is blatantly in your face, unless you don't DON'T WANT to see it?
Therefore, there you go, easily pleased and shafted at the same time.

The well being of players head injury in a risky sport have been so far out of the fair go area, and players suspended for things they can't help, seems hypocritical to me that the same law/rule-makers (fiddlers) have a policy of drug use secrecy, what ever kind of drug, a time framed, slick set up, for blokes to make an excuse of injury or play before any results are released??????

So to the main point we do fear for lots of footballers those still playing and those whose mental condition has had them out of the game, we love or players and we know the pressure at that level especially in a diluted (too many teams) elite sport. The "just make it" just get in. That diluted pool?

So who are the next and most important to the AFL victims in this?????????????????

Well they are you and I.

All of us who spend money on memberships, who pay a fortune for a pie and a coke or a beer and Pizza, or spend a fortune paying to get in, if only a non member & a fan.

How are we victims of the AFL?
Easy, the game fiddled because of dilution, the rules change stupidity. And obscenities of free kick over kill.

The manipulation of the sport to make this overloaded football league proceed for making money out of Television rights.
The worst for the people (we people) who own the peoples' game.

Is how are you to know what players are healthy or party drugged up or anything else, when you watch, at the game or watch on Pay TV.

If they are let off on party drugs what else are they let off on, with more than a possible 100 plus players having been involved.

HERE IS THE OTHER VICTIM of the AFL's unashamed promotion of gambling in footy?

This is where the absolute terrible fact of this secret cheating drug rule affects thousands and thousands of punters

How many people have bet on situation, multi bets and single bets etc, and not known that a player he watches has been bent out of his brain two or three nights before and still playing, you don't know why you've lost your money, its a secret! Far fetched no WAY. and any wonder people can be hurt, or ruined , so where is the protection for those who pay for this sport

And for the AFL and the corporate bulldust artists and the sycophants that commentate they sit and say zilch, on big fat pay packets enjoying the 6 months of pleasure watching the game. Dare not make a wave.

At least Carey is honest in what he feels about the footy , which is not always that real apparently.

I know there will be the excuse makers who don't care, there always is.

Well I care and have for years, on here and said so.

About the manipulating of this game of ours.

If you have not seen it change for the worst , you are blind as a bat.
If you have , then you see the scramble of lesser sides in football, this all boils down to a corrupt set up.
In some areas absolutely is game destroying and gambling, with cheating in another so called innocent way. No I am not a gambler on footy never have been. But that in itself gambling is an addiction to some as well. And the AFL reckons its concerned about young kids and influencing, fair effen dinkum!

THIS IS OUR GAME, not this new fellow or Gil or Andy.

The AFL needs a total re-jig a cleanout and we are heading FOR 2 DIVISION competition.

Some lower teams like Hawks and Crows and North and others could be out of the loop for decades, Tassie should have come in 15 years ago, with AFL money to support them.
Our game still has a huge following and some of it, some and only some players, is as brilliant as ever. although many fans will put up with second rate. Because thats all there is sometimes.

It is all part of corporate profit making geared for only that and the manipulation of the rules and the stupid drug policy sanctioned by AFL leaders, cannot be excused, these people need replacing, who ever has the end game power! Now the law should be involved. Remember the suppliment activity, Essendon massacred over that , didn't help Essendon supporters with membership and money, nearly killed James Hird and left them in the wilderness.

That is not what the AFL should be about, and how much covering up from the AFL was there, and how much "don't say nuffin" Went on then, now this.
Nobody can r should trust the AFL anymore until a legal investigation takes place.
Who knows whose team is affected???????????????????????????????????????????? Maybe all of them?
Great post echos my sentiments , the AFL,since Dimetreou and Carried on by Mclaclan has been corrupted to the point of a death spiral , unfortunately a legal investigation into “the sport” is unlikely in this country , if only we had the British press smell a conspiracy and they are all over it , the Australian journalists are afraid of being evicted from the trough like a bunch of pigs , I believe quite firmly that there is match fixing under the surface orchestrated by thebAFL and carried in by the umpires .

As far as Essendon they were guilty as sin and the AFL appointed an. ‘Independent” tribunal to find them innocent , subsequently found gulty by A panel with no connection to Australia or the AFL .

These drug tests are a way to circumvent any more PED positives , they don’t need or want outside oversight of their competition , and I use that word competition loosely

Years down the track someone will talk
The ACT Government has Australia’s first fixed-site health and drug checking service as a six-month pilot. The drugs you buy aren't always what you think. Check out the monthly results at the bottom of this page. Very interesting.
Should be a user pays service rather than taxpayer funded.

On SM-A125F using mobile app
WADA's aim goes beyond the literal "they take the field with drugs in their system" though. They want to oversee and encourage anti-doping best practice generally, of which this organised pre-testing and removal of players goes against that.

Keep in mind that WADA gives players 18-month bans for playing with coke in their system, even though they know by the tests themselves that the amounts are so trace that they're unlikely to give any real performance-enhancing benefit. They still get the 18 months though. By this logic, WADA's interest isn't just equalising the playing field by not having matches themselves impacted by performance enhancers, they more broadly want structures in place and players not to take risks with performance enhancers with the significant punishment acting as a deterrent. WADA doesn't want institutional support individuals in taking risks with performance enhancers (ie paying and organising the logistics of a pre-testing system for match-day performance enhancer), they want to use bans as a deterring example so players never take the risk in the first place. You are being very myopic to suggest otherwise.
If a player is tested mid week and they have cocaine in their system what is the penalty from WADA?
The great shame of this under parliamentary privilege, is that the AFL have been a dictatorial operation for over 20 years and have deliberately done all sorts of changes including rule fiddling for reasons other than the betterment of Australian Football.

Perhaps because earlier different plans for a Gold Coast team and a Western Sydney team, never came about , so then! In came GWS and GC17.

It diluted the comp, the game is lesser in personal skill look at Freo and Crows last night talk about missing targets, but that is a whole different dilution issue!
It is a simple fact.

This latest truth is an example of " AFL?? WE CAN DO NO WRONG!" What ever you think about Wilkie! This kind of thing has to be released to the slow BUT EASILY PLEASED footy public.

Because even though the main call used as an excuse for protection to players, for mental health issues and party drugs or what ever else, has been hidden or allowed to be hidden, by the ruling body.

I suspect hierarchy knew maybe some didn't. but who can tell?

The real truth is this the manipulation of the sport since Demetriou, McLachlan, is blatantly in your face, unless you don't DON'T WANT to see it?
Therefore, there you go, easily pleased and shafted at the same time.

The well being of players head injury in a risky sport have been so far out of the fair go area, and players suspended for things they can't help, seems hypocritical to me that the same law/rule-makers (fiddlers) have a policy of drug use secrecy, what ever kind of drug, a time framed, slick set up, for blokes to make an excuse of injury or play before any results are released??????

So to the main point we do fear for lots of footballers those still playing and those whose mental condition has had them out of the game, we love or players and we know the pressure at that level especially in a diluted (too many teams) elite sport. The "just make it" just get in. That diluted pool?

So who are the next and most important to the AFL victims in this?????????????????

Well they are you and I.

All of us who spend money on memberships, who pay a fortune for a pie and a coke or a beer and Pizza, or spend a fortune paying to get in, if only a non member & a fan.

How are we victims of the AFL?
Easy, the game fiddled because of dilution, the rules change stupidity. And obscenities of free kick over kill.

The manipulation of the sport to make this overloaded football league proceed for making money out of Television rights.
The worst for the people (we people) who own the peoples' game.

Is how are you to know what players are healthy or party drugged up or anything else, when you watch, at the game or watch on Pay TV.

If they are let off on party drugs what else are they let off on, with more than a possible 100 plus players having been involved.

HERE IS THE OTHER VICTIM of the AFL's unashamed promotion of gambling in footy?

This is where the absolute terrible fact of this secret cheating drug rule affects thousands and thousands of punters

How many people have bet on situation, multi bets and single bets etc, and not known that a player he watches has been bent out of his brain two or three nights before and still playing, you don't know why you've lost your money, its a secret! Far fetched no WAY. and any wonder people can be hurt, or ruined , so where is the protection for those who pay for this sport

And for the AFL and the corporate bulldust artists and the sycophants that commentate they sit and say zilch, on big fat pay packets enjoying the 6 months of pleasure watching the game. Dare not make a wave.

At least Carey is honest in what he feels about the footy , which is not always that real apparently.

I know there will be the excuse makers who don't care, there always is.

Well I care and have for years, on here and said so.

About the manipulating of this game of ours.

If you have not seen it change for the worst , you are blind as a bat.
If you have , then you see the scramble of lesser sides in football, this all boils down to a corrupt set up.
In some areas absolutely is game destroying and gambling, with cheating in another so called innocent way. No I am not a gambler on footy never have been. But that in itself gambling is an addiction to some as well. And the AFL reckons its concerned about young kids and influencing, fair effen dinkum!

THIS IS OUR GAME, not this new fellow or Gil or Andy.

The AFL needs a total re-jig a cleanout and we are heading FOR 2 DIVISION competition.

Some lower teams like Hawks and Crows and North and others could be out of the loop for decades, Tassie should have come in 15 years ago, with AFL money to support them.
Our game still has a huge following and some of it, some and only some players, is as brilliant as ever. although many fans will put up with second rate. Because thats all there is sometimes.

It is all part of corporate profit making geared for only that and the manipulation of the rules and the stupid drug policy sanctioned by AFL leaders, cannot be excused, these people need replacing, who ever has the end game power! Now the law should be involved. Remember the suppliment activity, Essendon massacred over that , didn't help Essendon supporters with membership and money, nearly killed James Hird and left them in the wilderness.

That is not what the AFL should be about, and how much covering up from the AFL was there, and how much "don't say nuffin" Went on then, now this.
Nobody can r should trust the AFL anymore until a legal investigation takes place.
Who knows whose team is affected???????????????????????????????????????????? Maybe all of them?
Aswift replyto me. I watched Melb ad Port, and at one stage the free kick count was 18 to 3, in Melbourne's favor. I mentioned above, that the game was in free kick over kill.
Well Port got in front thn Melbourne got three frees, 2 became goals one a point, one of the first frees in that 2goal 1point gain for Melbourne was a fifty metre penalty which myself my son and the rest of the players on the TV had no ideawhat it was for. There are so many discrepancy's in umpire perception that it is controlling the game, meritorious activity happens so does help, Happen???

Other point the stats, in the morning news stats, had those two clubs at 24 for Port and 25 against .

One free different in the count??????
I have said before statistics in that area are dumbed up, for public consumption, after the game.
I believe Melbourne won by 7 points , and they should not have had the 2 goal 1point free kick advantage.
No one knows if they would have gained the lead back or not as the game moved on, , but the 2 goals 1point was a gift. AFL games should be won on merit. No black and white rules allow for anything to happen,
Not saying its always like that or even if the frees were just misconceived by umpires or by the umps following the rules like the over intense 2 second chance parking inspector PENS OUT BOYS???? From Umpires.
The not knowing while watching is a frustration and gets me very angry , yet we put up with the bull.
I think gambling at the AFL level should be banned right now until the drug thing is investigated by outsoide law people.
Great post echos my sentiments , the AFL,since Dimetreou and Carried on by Mclaclan has been corrupted to the point of a death spiral , unfortunately a legal investigation into “the sport” is unlikely in this country , if only we had the British press smell a conspiracy and they are all over it , the Australian journalists are afraid of being evicted from the trough like a bunch of pigs , I believe quite firmly that there is match fixing under the surface orchestrated by thebAFL and carried in by the umpires .

As far as Essendon they were guilty as sin and the AFL appointed an. ‘Independent” tribunal to find them innocent , subsequently found gulty by A panel with no connection to Australia or the AFL .

These drug tests are a way to circumvent any more PED positives , they don’t need or want outside oversight of their competition , and I use that word competition loosely

Years down the track someone will talk
I hope so, but I would love to see the AFL hierarchy removed , the game is a shadow of itself and is in a spiral which breaks my heart , its all I have followed for many many years ,mt life time.And I see it!
I am bewildered that other members fans followers don't speak up more, I have friends in my age bracket and much younger that don't watch the scramble any more.
As for the fox footy (sycophants) as I call them, they do have their piggy snouts in the money trough and never say boo.

I am a firm believer that many people are disillusioned by the changes in this game that aren't old fellas like me.When footy frustrates you instead of pleasure, at great play and NOT stop start free kick football thats a heavy disappointment. Some say live with it, well I try.

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News Clubs operating league-sanctioned drug testing program - Harley Balic’s Dad Speaks

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