Things like the selection. That has nought to do with ASADA and it's been horrendous all year. That doesn't give people a lot of faith that a lot of things will get better if we're in the clear.*sigh*
I'm not saying there aren't other issues aside from ASADA and they would magically disappear with a non-guilty CAS verdict, but right now it's near on impossible to tell the forest from the trees because of it all.
Now is the time for careful decisions that are based on all the information, not just game results and bits 'n' pieces. Not just on whether an individual is under performing but why. That goes from the board to the rookie list.
You can't just say regardless of the ASADA situation a certain level must be reached and if it's not then that person needs to go. It's far too complex. If a person is to be determined to be under performing to a level warranting either delisting, trading, firing etc then the determination must be made with ASADA saga in mind, not regardless of it. Do you see the difference?
I'm grateful Neale Daniher is reviewing our club, I think it's an inspired choice.