Certified Legendary Thread Corona, Jamaica ooh I wanna take ya (COVID-19 Information & Discussion Here) Part 2 "The Second Wave"

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Missed this bit in a non-Sky News article?

“The international students will have to quarantine for two weeks in a hotel at their own expense and pay for their flights to Australia.“

The issue is that there are still many Australians who are stuck overseas, trying to get home - however the Govt has capped the number of international arrivals, and the few available seats are both rare & expensive. Allowing international students to return will make it even harder for Australians wishing to return to their home country, as they will be competing with Australian returnees for the few available seats.
The issue is that there are still many Australians who are stuck overseas, trying to get home - however the Govt has capped the number of international arrivals, and the few available seats are both rare & expensive. Allowing international students to return will make it even harder for Australians wishing to return to their home country, as they will be competing with Australian returnees for the few available seats.
I’m not disagreeing with concerns, just painting the whole picture.

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There's an interesting report here, on news.com.au, about the anti-vaxxer opposition to the Govt's plan for making the COVID-19 vaccine compulsory.

Most of it is the standard brain dead rubbish expected from these troglodytes. However, there are a few paragraphs discuss the sensible & rational concerns held by people who are pro-vaccine:
The question of whether the vaccine should be mandatory sparked heated debate, even among pro-vaccination readers.

“I’m no anti-vaxxer, I get my flu shot every year and an a very strong supporter of mandatory immunisation. This however sounds a bit scary,” one wrote.

“You can’t release a vaccine onto the public that has not gone through a proper rigorous testing program.”

Similarly, another said, “I’m not keen on any COVID vaccine. A successful vaccine takes years of testing and trials. All these COVID vaccines have been rushed, and we don’t know the possible side effects and long-term effects.”

One woman said she was “not choosing to be a anti-vaxxer”.

“I’m far from it, however I would be wanting way more information released about the vaccine before it’s injected into myself or into my family,” she wrote.

“I feel it’s been rushed, and no one knows about any of the side effects, long-term effects as yet.”
I agree 100% with the concerns being raised by these people. I fail to see how trials of 6 months or less can determine the likelihood of long-term side effects, which may not show up for years. How long did it take for the Thalidomide babies to start showing up? A 6-month trial wouldn't have prevented that disaster, and we're talking about injecting 25 million Australians with the CV-19 vaccine. We want to be damn sure that there are no nasty side effects, or the results will be a complete disaster for the entire population.

I am pro-vaccine, very much so, but I want to be absolutely certain that it's 100% safe before I allow myself to be injected with it. I just don't see how anyone can have that level of confidence in a drug which has been rushed through the clinical trial phase, and hasn't been tested long enough to identify any longer-term issues.
Missed this bit in a non-Sky News article?

“The international students will have to quarantine for two weeks in a hotel at their own expense and pay for their flights to Australia.“

Wasn't it quoted earlier this week that the Uni's will pay student quarantine? Something has changed.
There's an interesting report here, on news.com.au, about the anti-vaxxer opposition to the Govt's plan for making the COVID-19 vaccine compulsory.

Most of it is the standard brain dead rubbish expected from these troglodytes. However, there are a few paragraphs discuss the sensible & rational concerns held by people who are pro-vaccine:

I agree 100% with the concerns being raised by these people. I fail to see how trials of 6 months or less can determine the likelihood of long-term side effects, which may not show up for years. How long did it take for the Thalidomide babies to start showing up? A 6-month trial wouldn't have prevented that disaster, and we're talking about injecting 25 million Australians with the CV-19 vaccine. We want to be damn sure that there are no nasty side effects, or the results will be a complete disaster for the entire population.

I am pro-vaccine, very much so, but I want to be absolutely certain that it's 100% safe before I allow myself to be injected with it. I just don't see how anyone can have that level of confidence in a drug which has been rushed through the clinical trial phase, and hasn't been tested long enough to identify any longer-term issues.
yeah but I am not sure why you are worried as you wear that bleddy black mask all the time anyway and those black gloves - you'll never catch it :D
Did you miss this bit of info on that link?

“Researchers worldwide are working around the clock to find a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing the COVID-19 pandemic. Experts estimate that a fast-tracked vaccine development process could speed a successful candidate to market in approximately 12-18 months – if the process goes smoothly from conception to market availability.

To date, just one coronavirus vaccine has been approved. Sputnik V – formerly known as Gam-COVID-Vac and developed by the Gamaleya Research Institute in Moscow – was approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on 11 August. Experts have raised considerable concern about the vaccine’s safety and efficacy given it has not yet entered Phase 3 clinical trials.“
Dated 13 August 2020.
Also you should understand that there are 2 vaccines that have been Aproved by there various crounty authorities and are currently been manufactured in large doses. However they are the Russian Sputnik V and the Wuhan Vaccine, To date the western medical authorities have expressed concerns about these vaccines.
Interesting piont about the Wuhan vacine is it been roled out to Chinese Miltary which has raise a few eyebrows.

But Most Governments are pushing the 12 to 18 months as they are confident a vaccine will be aviable by then, and they will not have to face the music if they are wrong but gain the credit if its earlier. (funny thing is that 12 to 18 month number was first mention back in April and seem to be the number most are using.
But in real time there are currently 5 Vacines finishing Phase 3 in the next 2 months,
The one that affect us the most is the University of Oxford/AstraZeneca Vacine which is in Phase 3 and is expected to rap up on the 31st of Oct 2020, At that time it expected to go into procuction shortly after. That is the vacine Australia has the right to manufacture.
Rolling it out to everyone will be our biggest issue, and may take longer for some quicker for others,
There's an interesting report here, on news.com.au, about the anti-vaxxer opposition to the Govt's plan for making the COVID-19 vaccine compulsory.

Most of it is the standard brain dead rubbish expected from these troglodytes. However, there are a few paragraphs discuss the sensible & rational concerns held by people who are pro-vaccine:

I agree 100% with the concerns being raised by these people. I fail to see how trials of 6 months or less can determine the likelihood of long-term side effects, which may not show up for years. How long did it take for the Thalidomide babies to start showing up? A 6-month trial wouldn't have prevented that disaster, and we're talking about injecting 25 million Australians with the CV-19 vaccine. We want to be damn sure that there are no nasty side effects, or the results will be a complete disaster for the entire population.

I am pro-vaccine, very much so, but I want to be absolutely certain that it's 100% safe before I allow myself to be injected with it. I just don't see how anyone can have that level of confidence in a drug which has been rushed through the clinical trial phase, and hasn't been tested long enough to identify any longer-term issues.
Personnal its your right however, But I believe it will be simple call by the Government No vaccine no travel, no School, no Work etc. It's a case what's good for the majority not the moinority.
This virus will/has changed how we interact for years, and unfortantly we either accept and carry on or don't an pay the piper.
Personnal its your right however, But I believe it will be simple call by the Government No vaccine no travel, no School, no Work etc. It's a case what's good for the majority not the moinority.
This virus will/has changed how we interact for years, and unfortantly we either accept and carry on or don't an pay the piper.
That wont work

I will also be cautious of any rushed vaccine - I choose not to take the flu shot as I ate dirt from a very young age , but I dont ignore medical advice

Any Government making vaccine shots mandatory - without long term effective testing - is asking for lawsuits out the wazoo
Also you should understand that there are 2 vaccines that have been Aproved by there various crounty authorities and are currently been manufactured in large doses. However they are the Russian Sputnik V and the Wuhan Vaccine, To date the western medical authorities have expressed concerns about these vaccines.
Interesting piont about the Wuhan vacine is it been roled out to Chinese Miltary which has raise a few eyebrows.

But Most Governments are pushing the 12 to 18 months as they are confident a vaccine will be aviable by then, and they will not have to face the music if they are wrong but gain the credit if its earlier. (funny thing is that 12 to 18 month number was first mention back in April and seem to be the number most are using.
But in real time there are currently 5 Vacines finishing Phase 3 in the next 2 months,
The one that affect us the most is the University of Oxford/AstraZeneca Vacine which is in Phase 3 and is expected to rap up on the 31st of Oct 2020, At that time it expected to go into procuction shortly after. That is the vacine Australia has the right to manufacture.
Rolling it out to everyone will be our biggest issue, and may take longer for some quicker for others,
You clearly do not work in drug design and development.
That wont work

I will also be cautious of any rushed vaccine - I choose not to take the flu shot as I ate dirt from a very young age , but I dont ignore medical advice

Any Government making vaccine shots mandatory - without long term effective testing - is asking for lawsuits out the wazoo
Welcome to the new world, Covid 19 has changed a lot of ideals that we took for granted, We either adapt or we don't And it will be approved before they madaite it.
The Question we should be asking is will it come with legislation attached. that comply us.

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Welcome to the new world, Covid 19 has changed a lot of ideals that we took for granted, We either adapt or we don't And it will be approved before they madaite it.
The Question we should be asking is will it come with legislation attached. that comply us.
I don’t see how you can legally force anyone to be injected with a substance no matter how safe they say it is. Nor should this preclude you from undertaking normal activities. I just see a never ending stream of litigation if that was proposed
That wont work

I will also be cautious of any rushed vaccine - I choose not to take the flu shot as I ate dirt from a very young age , but I dont ignore medical advice

Any Government making vaccine shots mandatory - without long term effective testing - is asking for lawsuits out the wazoo
It’s a bit like the crazy arse $4000 fines they are handing out 3/4 of them have not been paid. If no one pays the house of cards falls down.
The fines in England are £183.
I wouldn’t pay a $4K fine.
The issue is that there are still many Australians who are stuck overseas, trying to get home - however the Govt has capped the number of international arrivals, and the few available seats are both rare & expensive. Allowing international students to return will make it even harder for Australians wishing to return to their home country, as they will be competing with Australian returnees for the few available seats.
Apparently there’s 7000 aussies still in Bali. They are about to start fining them $100 per day unless they pay for visa extensions. Pretty much impossible to get flights to Oz.
Vaccines have never been compulsory. If you want to accept government medicare funding, child care rebate etc then you'll probably need to get vaccinated. I see no problem with that.

I suggest stop my Medicare I stop paying the Medicare tax. People can conscientiously object to things they disagree with.
Personnal its your right however, But I believe it will be simple call by the Government No vaccine no travel, no School, no Work etc. It's a case what's good for the majority not the moinority.
This virus will/has changed how we interact for years, and unfortantly we either accept and carry on or don't an pay the piper.
I fully support mandating compulsory vaccination... once the vaccines are proven to be safe & effective. I just have 0% confidence that 6 months is sufficient time to prove that they are safe.
I suggest stop my Medicare I stop paying the Medicare tax. People can conscientiously object to things they disagree with.

Paying tax isnt optional. If I dont own a car I cant withold tax because some of my tax dollars goes towards funding of road infrastructure.
I suggest stop my Medicare I stop paying the Medicare tax. People can conscientiously object to things they disagree with.

I can pick and choose where my taxes go now? I reckon if I could do that then you'd find (public) schools & hospitals with a lot more cash and the military with a lot less
I can pick and choose where my taxes go now? I reckon if I could do that then you'd find (public) schools & hospitals with a lot more cash and the military with a lot less
I wouod start off with less politicians...
I don’t see how you can legally force anyone to be injected with a substance no matter how safe they say it is. Nor should this preclude you from undertaking normal activities. I just see a never ending stream of litigation if that was proposed
And yet we have various versions of no jab no play, and I don't see a ending stream of litigation,
Paying tax isnt optional. If I dont own a car I cant withold tax because some of my tax dollars goes towards funding of road infrastructure.
Well they can’t refuse Medicare rebates either. I know they did something with the antivaxers and childcare. It’s pretty stupid really, if an unvaccinated kid goes to a childcare how can it be a problem to vaccinated kids? Theoretically they are protected and only another unvaccinated kid would be affected. Boo hoo your parents are morons only the kids with dumb parents are at risk.
I fully support mandating compulsory vaccination... once the vaccines are proven to be safe & effective. I just have 0% confidence that 6 months is sufficient time to prove that they are safe.
Used to think the same way myself, then I was reminded how far we have come in the last few decades and all the technology and research break thru's.
The World now communicate better, research is being shared, We are seeing progress in way never before envisioned.
Also is it 6 months, or are they continuing using data from years of reseach.
End of the day We either back new tech or we don't, ( bit of suprise when an old fart is telling youngsters to get with the times and embrace new tech.)
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