Cousins: The Thread We Had To Have

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Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

I dont think it will happen thats why Suma came out and said They would take him Back.
So wont Blast you Anti even though I am dead set against the Idea.

The most interesting part of the Artical was this:

Meanwhile, Sumich was also reported as saying on Fairfax website that the Eagles would know within 24 hours whether recently retired Collingwood captain Scott Burns was coming to the club as an assistant coach.
Burns was in Perth this week to meet with club officials and he was reportedly offered a lucrative chance to begin his coaching career in WA.

How good would that be :):thumbsu:
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

yeah im against it too, im just surprised that suma would say publicly that they'd want him back at the club.

i thought he'd say something like "we're past that stage, we have to move on".

hope burns signs up.

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Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

yeah im against it too, im just surprised that suma would say publicly that they'd want him back at the club.

i thought he'd say something like "we're past that stage, we have to move on".

hope burns signs up.
Yeh but that would be shutting the door on any chance in the Fans eyes, So saying Barney and the board would never allow it the coaches keep there hands Clean.:thumbsu:
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

This is exactly the ball rolling we need to get cuzz back in the number 9, 2009

Players: Tick
Coaches: Tick

Cuzz 9-09
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

yeah i dont think those last two boxes will be ticked.

the last thing cuzz needs is to be in the same environment in which his troubles began really.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

Mark Barnaba came to this club beating his chest because it was the next best thing to giving demetrio a blowy. He publically stated at the press conference that Ben Cousins would never play with the Eagles again and this is where he f*cked up. He would look like an absolute tool if he allowed Ben back so to save himself some embarrassment he will stick to his guns.

poor form barnaba, you should have eased your way into the role not come in swinging ya tosser :thumbsdown:
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

That bloody Ric Ardon is at it again.....just said on 6PR that DK is on Today Tonight, this evenig, talking about Ben's future.

In the last three weeks he has twice stated that DK would be on Today Tonight. Both times were lies. Perhaps another attempt to boost Channel 7's ratings....deceitful ratbags.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

Have you heard of 'the new bread'

Fans: Tick

Apparently it comes already sliced now.

Who would have thought of that:eek:
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

He would look like an absolute tool if he allowed Ben back so to save himself some embarrassment he will stick to his guns.

It's a sad world when Barnabas' has more power at West Coast then Cousins, Worsfold, Suma, Jackovich and about half a million fans combined.

After a great run for 20 years, looks like West Coast are about to be swallowed by the communist machine.

Oh well it was a good run.

Good luck Freo, maybe u can do WA proud coz we're new village idiot it looks like.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

yeah i dont think those last two boxes will be ticked.

the last thing cuzz needs is to be in the same environment in which his troubles began really.

I would of thought it doesn't matter which team he plays for it's going to be the same environment. All states have their nightlife!

I guess the other thing is, how much say did Suma and Woosh have in the decision to sack him in the first place? Were they involved or was it more to do with Barnaba?

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Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

It's a sad world when Barnabas' has more power at West Coast then Cousins, Worsfold, Suma, Jackovich and about half a million fans combined.
Firstly, Barnaba is heading up the company, so of course he has more power than Cousins (no longer a listed player), and Jakovich (hasn't been part of the club for a long time and has just declined a coaching position with West Coast). Why would those two have any say in what goes on at the club?

Secondly it is very easy for Sumich to say he would have him back, knowing full well it will never happen. He gets to look like the good guy, without ever having to back up his claim that he would have him back.

Thirdly he says this "I think the players have done a big turnaround on that side of things … but it would come down to a board decision, and there is no chance," Sumich said. That is a comment that indicates to me that Cousins wasn't welcome in the group not long ago, time may heal all wounds, but what is to say that they wouldn't fester again if he returned to the club? Remember the time, effort and humiliation the rest of the group had to put in/up with because of the antics of players like Cousins!

Fourthly, Cousins has stated that he needs to get out of WA, so to just assume that he would want to come back to West Coast is maybe jumping to conclusions. He has never expressed a desire to play for West Coast again.

Lastly, although a favourite son, Cousins is now 30 and has missed the best part of two seasons of football. If the club that picked him up got one good season out of him, they would be doing well. Is it really worth the division of the club for one season of Cousins playing when we should be developing our list and moving on? Cousins will be long gone the next time we challenge for a flag.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

yeah i dont think those last two boxes will be ticked.

the last thing cuzz needs is to be in the same environment in which his troubles began really.

Oh yeah because COllingwood has such a better environment, no indiscretions there :rolleyes:
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

And to outright say Cousins would not want to play for us again, is ludicrous. I'm not saying he does want to, but he is a premiership player, a former captain, and a favourite son of the club, and IMO in the top 3 for all time Eagles.

Despite how he was treated, he would still have a soft spot.

If he doesn't chose us, it in no way means that he does not want to play for us, it just means he prefers a change of scenery, and a fresh start.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

Oh yeah because COllingwood has such a better environment, no indiscretions there :rolleyes:

yep, because collingwood and west coast are exactly the same.

he slipped up numerous times when with us...who's to say it wouldnt happen again?

clearly a change of scenery with a new coach and set of players would be more helpful in his situation.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

The big moment will come in the PSD.

We've got pick 2.

I wonder who we'll pick.

Some shitty fringe player who won't be in our best 22?

Some untried kid who was overlooked in the national draft?

It's unlikely we'll grab a quality player who can walk straight into our best side.

All the while, Cousins will be sitting there waiting to be selected by another club.

If we truly stuck to the mantra of "select the best available", we'd have to take him.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

do you reckon we'll leave any open spots for us to participate in the PSD gunnar?

i would've thought we'd use up all our list space in the ND.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

yep, because collingwood and west coast are exactly the same.

he slipped up numerous times when with us...who's to say it wouldnt happen again?

clearly a change of scenery with a new coach and set of players would be more helpful in his situation.

It's not our clubs fault that he slipped up.

No matter where he is, it is up to him to make the decision.

Every club has nightlife and partying etc, it's his choice.

Collingwood have had just as many slip ups as us in recent times, who's to say it wouldn't happen there again, with Ben involved?
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

ben cousins slip ups at west coast - probably about 5 or 6
ben cousins slip ups at collingwood - 0

you cant beat that logic.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

And what great logic it is :p

It is just silly to say "he needs to go to a different environment", because sure as hell the same situation will present itself, no matter where he is.

It's up to him, and he won't think differently because of the club he is at.

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Cousins: The Thread We Had To Have

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