Cousins: The Thread We Had To Have

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Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

I'm fairly sure he does have to nominate for the national draft. Unless I'm mistaken, to be in the pre-season draft you need to have just been delisted (ie. you had been on a list that same year) or have been overlooked in the ND.

EDIT: and apparently I am mistaken
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

I'm fairly sure he does have to nominate for the national draft. Unless I'm mistaken, to be in the national draft, you need to have just been delisted (ie. you had been on a list that same year) or have been overlooked in the ND.
Sorry, but you're wrong.

Why does he "have to" nominate for one draft or the other?

EDIT: I see you've figured that out.

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Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

He hasn't expressed a desire to play for anyone.

Surely if he was as dedicated to making amends as he says he is he'd want to give something back to the club that, apart from the disgraceful decision to sack him, looked after him and gave him everything he had/has today?
He was saying all the same things before his last comeback too. That didn't last long.
The problem isn't Ben Cousins, the players or the coaches - the problem is Mark Barnaba and his desire to make sure he leaves a footprint on not only WCE but the AFL in general.
I dont get all the anti Barnaba sentiment. The decision to sack Cousins came before Barnaba took over from Gooding. IT WAS A UNANIMOUS BOARD DECISION WHICH WORSFOLD SUPPORTED.

Why is Barnaba copping the blame for this? I dont know the guy, but he seems like a very smart, driven individual who has made is own way in the business world and is more than capable of carrying out his role at the club. Do you really think anyone else would have taken a different stance than he (and the rest of the board) has?
I know the buck stops with him and any indiscretion made by any player, not just Cousins, rests in his lap; but surely if the coach and his assistants, with the players support, went to him and the board with a proposal for Cousins to come back it'd get the vote?
Why? What would make any of those you mentioned want to repeat the last last 18 months at our club? Do you think the players want to go to lectures and meetings about codes of conduct to appease the AFL? Do you think the coaches want to front the media about the drug habits of their players? Do you think the board wants to tell the members, sorry but the AFL has sanctioned us our draft picks this year?
I've just watched the Footy Show's interview with him again because I was sure there was mention of the whole "will you play in Perth again" thing. It was mentioned, he said "On the law of averages, yeah you'd probably say, but I haven't looked that far ahead" - hardly a definitive statement.
He told Hughes at the Brownlow that he would play anywhere as long as it was away from Perth, that he had to get out of WA.
As for Barnaba and the rest of the board - "You say 'why would they?', well why wouldn't they?" - Ben Cousins, 26-6-08.
AFL sanctions
bikie associations
telephone intercepts
running away from booze buses
lying to team mates/ coaches/ friends/ family/ board members
admitting to a drug addiction
relapsing from drug addiction recovery
ignoring the conditions set in place that allowed his last come back to the game
being 30 years old
not playing since 2007
he is still a drug addict

Just off the top of my head, a few reasons "why not".

I wish Ben Cousins health and happiness in whatever he does in the future. His time at West Coast is over. People trying to make that not so is the biggest case of putting the player before the team in history.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

Sorry, but you're wrong.

Why does he "have to" nominate for one draft or the other?

EDIT: I see you've figured that out.

My concession doesn't extend as far as you seem to think. Your assertion that anyone can nominate for the pre-season draft is way off. It just so happens that (as the article explains) Cousins fits into a category which allows nomination for the PS draft.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

I wish Ben Cousins health and happiness in whatever he does in the future. His time at West Coast is over. People trying to make that not so is the biggest case of putting the player before the team in history.
WC06 has made perfect sense so far, but there is a flaw in his argument.

Mate, you made the comment before that the club is a business. 100% correct. But it's a business built on passion. AFL is a luxury. Supporting your club is a luxury. The players getting paid large amounts of money to play the game for our sake is a luxury. The AFL doesnt generate anything that is a necessity to living.

The West Coast Eagles thrive because we have a large base of impassioned fans willing to impart their hard earned $$ towards the club and towards the various sponsors that recognise the strength in having a relationship with the club. The whole premise is based on passion and emotion.

Sporting history is littered with examples of codes, competitions amd clubs that have fallen by the wayside, either permanently or for a period of time, because they could not generate or maintain the passion, and thereby the numbers and $$'s, of the fans toward them. The Melbourne Demon's are a perfect example atm. Once a powerhouse, now a mere shadow of a proud football club.

Cousins is clearly a flawed soul. But there is little doubt that he imparts into the average WCE fan the kind of endearing memory that creates the very passion on which the club and competition survives. What damage would we see caused to our brand by letting a club legend wear another club's jumper without at least investigating the possibility of him wearing ours?

If a large number of fans were to contact the club over the next short space of time and say "We want Benny back", does the club then at the very least need to acknowledge that fact and investigate the possibility? After all, the club exists because of those fans. And you can bet that those fans arent saying that because they're thinking it's good for our club's revenue stream. They want to see that club legend running around in the blue and gold again.

Again I say, WC06, your argument is spot on. :thumbsu: But this is not BHP Billiton or ANZ we're talking about. It's the West Coast Eagles. I dont know about you, but I dont bleed blue and gold because we've got a club that makes a lot of money. I follow the Eagles because I love sharing it with my brother and sister, my kids and the rest of my family, because when I was a child, I would sit down and watch them with my dad, and thats a memory I treasure.

Sometimes it's not just about the Holy $$.

ETA: Also. Gunnar is spot on. If this were any other Brownlow Medallist we were talking about, and he was available to us thru the PSD, from a footballing sense we'd be absolutely remiss not to think about it, even if he is 30.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

You want him back then email or ring west coast and voice your opinion . I am serious if they here it enough then they may start thinking that way . When you think of the threat of sanctions we got , well we should of taken the collingwood approach and said we will deal with it now butt out . It is our club and we should run it our way not the demetrio way . .
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

My concession doesn't extend as far as you seem to think. Your assertion that anyone can nominate for the pre-season draft is way off. It just so happens that (as the article explains) Cousins fits into a category which allows nomination for the PS draft.
I didn't say anyone can nominate for the PSD.

Why make stuff up?

Is this going to be another BigFooty exchange where you pretend I said something I didn't and then rebut that instead of the comments I actually made?

Spare me.

Cousins is allowed to nominate for the PSD. That's all I've been saying, and the penny's dropped for you. Have a biscuit.

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Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

or are you a girl who is a lesbian therefore you are unable to have a child with your girlfriend...making the return of ben cousins impossible.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

I didn't say anyone can nominate for the PSD.

Why make stuff up?

Is this going to be another BigFooty exchange where you pretend I said something I didn't and then rebut that instead of comments I actually made?

Spare me.

Cousins is allowed to nominate for the PSD. That's all I've been saying, and the penny's dropped for you. Have a biscuit.

I didn't make stuff up. I inferred it. If I'd taken your question on face value I would have said "you're an idiot. Why ask a question which I've just given the answer to?". So instead I assumed that you must have been suggesting there's no exclusion on who may nominate for the PSD.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

dont worry mop im sure you'll have plenty of sperm donors banging the doors down, as long as you promise ben will come back when your girlfriend has a child.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

Its all good to say this but does anyone know if Cousins knows that we are willing to take him back?

Plus they left it a bit late to come out and say it now. Maybe if they said it last week then we may of had a realistic shot and he could of considered it.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

its funny because if ben was a piece of shit player, none of us would be bagging out barnanaby.

we had to sack him guys. he cant come back. its over.
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

Its all good to say this but does anyone know if Cousins knows that we are willing to take him back?

Plus they left it a bit late to come out and say it now. Maybe if they said it last week then we may of had a realistic shot and he could of considered it.
Aah, no

Cousin's decision to not want to be in Perth wouldn't have been made in the last week...
Re: Sumich and Worsfold would welcome back Cousins...

Barnaba = devil

Suprised Nisbett is getting off so lightly TBH

Barnaba taking the fall for cleaning up the mess

Nisbett standing by and doing SFA while the mess was being made.

Go figure

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Cousins: The Thread We Had To Have

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