D3 D3 Section 2008

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Fascinating reading. Provides some great reading for those with nothing better to do during the day than read Big Footy or play Playstation3!! The Peanut Gallary has had a lot of attention put on them due to this site (both good and bad), and it was only a matter of time before this happened. It is a great concept, one that im surprised other clubs havent thought of. We have personalised t-shirts, even a Facebook Group, and possibly a website in the not too distant future. The group was designed last year to get the 2nds players to stay behind and watch the seniors, give the players and supporters something to enjoy other than a good brand of football, and to bring the players together to create a close-community football club. It has worked very well for the club and is one of the reasons the CY's have about 40-50 guys stick around after training for a meal and team selection on Thursday nights. I think this is one reason why we have been successful so far in 2008. Team bonding plays a big part in the success of any team in any form of sport.
"Given the conditions faced by all teams on the weekend does the score line acuratly represent the game at Monash, were Monash ever really in the game or did the wet help to blur the results? Was Dave Lee returning from a spell and was he fully fit and who is this "little Craig Taylor"?

Craig Taylor won our b & f the year before last, and was on the way to doing so again last season until he dislocated his elbow a few rounds out from season's end. Due to work issues etc, Craig was unable to do a pre-season and only decided to play at the start of the season. He will get better as the year goes on as he runs into full fitness.
As for those posters bagging our website...get a life!! It's a bit of fun, and just another way of promoting team spirit etc around the Fearon. Just remember guys, we are all playing D3 Ammos, we are playing for the love of the game, mateship etc etc...so let's not be too precious when we have a bit of fun on the website.
Then again, you can always print off the offending articles and post them to your change-room walls, and try to use them for inspiration next time you play us!!

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Then again, you can always print off the offending articles and post them to your change-room walls, and try to use them for inspiration next time you play us!![/QUOTE]

Gas I think we are not unbeatable. I know the conditions were not great but from what I saw Monash's midfield is slow. Krusty, you got any pace coming back into that side?
Whats turtleland's ground like - Big, small, bad on a wet day?

What beers do they offer afterwards?

The grounds a good size, prob round the size of Brens (uni highs ground) and from what i remember last year it had good grass cover. A bit soggy in the wet. The main downfall it has is that it F*CKEN WREAKS of roo poo and roo piss, and u dont want to go to ground cos u will get rabies if u have an open wound. The wind was annoying as well, it changed direction every quarter so we didnt kick with it all day... win the toss and go with the wind!

As for the rooms theyre over the other side of the road n u have to walk half a k in boots 2 get 2 the ground (slight exaggeration there), didnt stick around 4 beers as they all had really hot girlfriends hanging around and the eltham players blond mullet haircuts were far to stylish for me!
Craig Taylor won our b & f the year before last, and was on the way to doing so again last season until he dislocated his elbow a few rounds out from season's end. Due to work issues etc, Craig was unable to do a pre-season and only decided to play at the start of the season. He will get better as the year goes on as he runs into full fitness.
As for those posters bagging our website...get a life!! It's a bit of fun, and just another way of promoting team spirit etc around the Fearon. Just remember guys, we are all playing D3 Ammos, we are playing for the love of the game, mateship etc etc...so let's not be too precious when we have a bit of fun on the website.
Then again, you can always print off the offending articles and post them to your change-room walls, and try to use them for inspiration next time you play us!!

I really wanted to belt Taylor in the head on the weekend but i couldnt because he was the probably the nicest opponent i've had. Damn sportsmanship. I much prefer playing on a$$holes. He is a smart player and needs to be given more attention than what i gave him.

As for your website, kudos on building club culture. What hurts is not what you wrote but the fact that you beat us and showed little regard for our club. We are building and had hoped to get a msg out to the rest of the competition. Didnt happen, but the loss will only strengthen us for this week.

As for the Turtle theme song- i was hoping for more of a "heroes in a half shelf, Turtle Power" ala TMNT circa 1991. Regardless, they wont be singing anything this weekend.
I prefer the Partner in Kryme version. Check out some of these lyrics.

T-U-R-T-L-E Power!
T-U-R-T-L-E Power!
T-U-R-T-L-E Power!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

In a half shell, they're the heroes four.
In this day and age who could ask for more?
The crime wave is high with muggings mysterious.
Our police and detectives are furious,
'Cause they can't find the source,
Of this lethally evil force.
This is serious so give me a quarter.
I was a witness, get me a reporter!
Call April O'Neil in on this case, and
You'd better hurry up, there's no time to waste!
We need help, like quick, on the double.
Have pity on the city, man it's in trouble!
We need heroes like the Lone Ranger
When Tonto came pronto, when there was danger.
They didn't say they'd be there in half an hour,
'Cause they displayed...Turtle Power!


Now our Miss Reporter was hot on the trail.
Determined to put these crooks in jail.
She spied the bad guys and saw what happened,
But before she knew it, she fell in a trap and caught!
Yeah, she was all alone.
With no friends, and no phone.
Now this was beyond her worst dreams,
'Cause she was cornered by some wayward teens.
Headed by Shredder they were anything but good.
Misguided, unloved, they called them The Foot.
They could terrorize and be angry youths, and
They mugged the people. Who needed proof?
Then from out of the dark came an awesome sound!
Shouted "Cowabunga!" as they hit the ground.
From the field of weeds the heroes rescued the flower
'Cause they possessed...Turtle Power!

Do you stand for what you believe in?
And find the strength to do what's right?

Heroes in half shell, they're on a mission.
When there's a battle got the enemy wishin'
That they stayed at home, instead of fightin'
These ninja masters with moves like lightnin'.
They were once normal, but now they're mutants.
Splinter's the teacher so they are the students.
Leonardo, Michaelangelo, and Donatello,
Make up this group with one other fellow
Raphael. He's the leader of the group
Transformed from the norm by the nuclear goop.
Pizza's the food that's sure to please,
These ninjas are into pepperoni and cheese.
Back to the story, it's not hard to find.
Ninjas not just of the body but of the mind.
These are the words that their master instructed,
But a letter from Shredder has Splinter abducted.
That was the last straw, spring into action.
Step on The Foot, now they're gonna lose traction.
Now this is for real, so you fight for justice,
Your shell is hard so you shout, "They can't bust us four!
Like some old coffee table."
Since you were young you've been willing and able
To defeat the snake, protect the weak,
Fight for rights and the freedom to speak.
Now the villian is showin' so you take a stand.
Back to the wall, put your sword in you hand.
Remember the words of your teacher, your master:
"Evil moves fast, but good moves faster!"
Then light, shining for your illumination:
Good versus Evil equal Confrontation.
So when you're in trouble to give in and go sour,
Try to rely on YOUR...Turtle Power!
As for the Turtle theme song- i was hoping for more of a "heroes in a half shelf, Turtle Power" ala TMNT circa 1991. Regardless, they wont be singing anything this weekend.
Ive actually got the TMNT pinball machine. I might record the Turtle theme song this weekend and upload the software.
When I get multiball the machine might yell. "Shells on our back".
Lets face it, Im probably going to get 2 chances to record it.
iceberg i remember that song, whats worse, i actually remember the words!! that was from the !st turtle movie when Raphael had a sook cos he wasnt the leader and got bashed and they took splinter cos of him.. I was the biggest turtle fan as a kid, but thats cos their Turtle Van didnt smell like roo excriment..
The Reasearch ground is almost under water.. The Northern end is grassed. The southern end is under water and 'roo poo.. Win the toss and kick toward Seymour.
Coach Hollywood tried to put the "tagged-one" to sleep in the first quarter but missed and did his hammy. Trainers performed a miracle and got him back on the ground for the last quarter and he won the game! Surely no other version will be proffered.

The aftermatch is as warm and friendly as the showers in the umpires rooms. five or six players may greet you, but then talk among themselves. Still, better than Old Westbourne from what I've heard.
The Reasearch ground is almost under water.. The Northern end is grassed. The southern end is under water and 'roo poo.. Win the toss and kick toward Seymour.
Coach Hollywood tried to put the "tagged-one" to sleep in the first quarter but missed and did his hammy. Trainers performed a miracle and got him back on the ground for the last quarter and he won the game! Surely no other version will be proffered.

The aftermatch is as warm and friendly as the showers in the umpires rooms. five or six players may greet you, but then talk among themselves. Still, better than Old Westbourne from what I've heard.

Hollywood has chalked up a few victims this year - hits late, hard & high. Wickers heard a few comments that Turtles reckon he won the game the previous week with some UH hits - apparently 2 VU boys used the same ambulance????
iceberg....your comments are correct,wells did have the upper hand on lee on saturday.he even admits being beaten by a better opponent on the day.but he is an unselfish player,and didnt make any excuses,even commenting on how hard wells is to beat.but as stated before,willy have more than one player to win games, as shown against you blokes.maybe if monash didnt concentrate on just one player,they may have had a better chance of winning.at the end of the day,lee doesnt care how many goals he kicks,as long as willy win.im sure wells would have enjoyed winning more than just beating his opponent.so keep going on about how good wells is......willy have had the last laugh and will continue to do so,especially against lesser opposition like yourselves.

blue and gold, as Marching was also instructed, In future, please use the return \ enter button more often. Even when in a white rage.
Then again, you can always print off the offending articles and post them to your change-room walls, and try to use them for inspiration next time you play us!!

Gas I think we are not unbeatable. I know the conditions were not great but from what I saw Monash's midfield is slow. Krusty, you got any pace coming back into that side?[/quote]

No Johnny.

Gryphs were pretty close to full strength on the weekend but the wet conditions and the more fitter Williamstown taught us a lesson.

We are confident of a strong performance against Eltham this week though.

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The Turltes home ground is bigger than the uni high ground. I would say its quite a bit bigger and in good nick. Yet due to the abundance of grass freshly treated with natures finest poo it gets a little soggy after a big rain, but still handles the rain relatively well.

In regards to hollywoods hit against Uni High, didnt win the turtles the game but was a very good hit and not late/high etc etc.

First of all congratulations on a great thread on D3 Ammos ... got this thread forwarded to me given the high level of publicity both the Peanut Gallery and CY's Website has received over the past few days ... and it's been an enjoyable read to hear what the other D3 teams have been thinking throughout the season. Big up to Rooster for putting way too much effort ... great work!!!

As a high ranking member of the Peanut Gallery and a contributor to our website, I can confirm that its all very much tongue in cheek. It's more about getting a laugh from your fellow peanuts and clubmen, than showing direspect or offending the opposition. Occasionally we get a little too excited and might cross the line, but its been a lean few years and you need to excuse us because being part of a club that is currently 6-0 in both teams is quite a feat and should be enjoyed.

By no means are we getting in front of ourselves though ... its been a long time between drinks (flags) and are very aware how easy it is to lose momentum.

As for the website ... the match reports are written based on entertaining the supporters of our club. There is plenty of inflating of egos and talking it up in the usual D Grade Ammo way, because lets face it, if any of us were any good we would be playing AFL or at the minimum one of the higher grades.

I thought it was a harsh call saying that we have talked up the Shaved One, Dave Lee, a little too much. The guy has kicked bags of 12 and 13 and was way clear of his nearest VAFA goalkicking rival ... I think he deserves all the praise he gets ... and his name has been splahsed all over this thread and mostly from non-Willy people.

Ice was cheeky in metnioning to the Peanuts that Lee hadn't got a stat half way through the quarter ... so when Lee marked and goaled during a crucial time in the last quarter, it was only fitting that the gallery be cheeky back ... I think he appreciated the spirit in which it was intended.

And make no mistake ... the strength of the Y's this year lies in its incredible depth ... one key ingredient lacking from all the other sides (magoos results)

As for the rest of the comp in my eyes ...

I was impressed by Monash's defence (this was also reflected in thie CY's match report write up), their FB is a gun and I can't wait to see the match-up in the dry ... but he was well assisted by his fellow defenders ... a very gutsy 3rd quarter by Monash in the wet.

Eltham has been the pick so far, closely followed by Monash ... Powerhouse a little dissapointing as were St Johns and the Wicks.

I'll reserve judgement on UHS till we play them and Swinburne and Latrobe have their work ahead of them.

Lastly gentlemen, next time you play Willy do yourself a favour and stand close by to the Peanut Gallery ... I'll guarantee you'll have a few laughs by the end of the day :cool:
In regards to hollywoods hit against Uni High, didnt win the turtles the game but was a very good hit and not late/high etc etc.

Probably just payback from Hollywood for the first five minutes of last year's GF.

In regards to that hit, a bloke was standing under the ball waiting for the mark, Coach Scumbag didnt even look at the ball, was just watching the player standing there, to whos credit didnt move for him and as a result copped hollywoods flying knees (both of them) to the chest/ribs and was knocked out, coughing up blood. It was late, and it was f*ckin weak. The strategy may very well have been to just take out 3 or 4 players to get rid of the bench.. Lucky 2 not get rubbed out frankly.

As for the G/f last year, if he was gonna paysomeone back he would have to punch himself in the face every f*ckin day 4 being a knob. I remember watching him get out done and fall over in a marking contest and then kicking the full back in the guts while on his "shell on his back" on the ground as he ran past..

enough bout that anyway. Hows everyones grounds looking after the rains weve had?
The Fearon Reserve is in great nick. This time last year, when Willy were playing at a different venue, such was the Fearon's condition that some were doubtful that we would ever again get back on it. Comparisons with the Simpson Deset were not inaccurate. The combination of a sand base and an almost constant sea-breeze means that it is rarely wet.

First of all congratulations on a great thread on D3 Ammos ... got this thread forwarded to me given the high level of publicity both the Peanut Gallery and CY's Website has received over the past few days ... and it's been an enjoyable read to hear what the other D3 teams have been thinking throughout the season. Big up to Rooster for putting way too much effort ... great work!!!

As a high ranking member of the Peanut Gallery and a contributor to our website, I can confirm that its all very much tongue in cheek. It's more about getting a laugh from your fellow peanuts and clubmen, than showing direspect or offending the opposition. Occasionally we get a little too excited and might cross the line, but its been a lean few years and you need to excuse us because being part of a club that is currently 6-0 in both teams is quite a feat and should be enjoyed.

By no means are we getting in front of ourselves though ... its been a long time between drinks (flags) and are very aware how easy it is to lose momentum.

As for the website ... the match reports are written based on entertaining the supporters of our club. There is plenty of inflating of egos and talking it up in the usual D Grade Ammo way, because lets face it, if any of us were any good we would be playing AFL or at the minimum one of the higher grades.

I thought it was a harsh call saying that we have talked up the Shaved One, Dave Lee, a little too much. The guy has kicked bags of 12 and 13 and was way clear of his nearest VAFA goalkicking rival ... I think he deserves all the praise he gets ... and his name has been splahsed all over this thread and mostly from non-Willy people.

Ice was cheeky in metnioning to the Peanuts that Lee hadn't got a stat half way through the quarter ... so when Lee marked and goaled during a crucial time in the last quarter, it was only fitting that the gallery be cheeky back ... I think he appreciated the spirit in which it was intended.

And make no mistake ... the strength of the Y's this year lies in its incredible depth ... one key ingredient lacking from all the other sides (magoos results)

As for the rest of the comp in my eyes ...

I was impressed by Monash's defence (this was also reflected in thie CY's match report write up), their FB is a gun and I can't wait to see the match-up in the dry ... but he was well assisted by his fellow defenders ... a very gutsy 3rd quarter by Monash in the wet.

Eltham has been the pick so far, closely followed by Monash ... Powerhouse a little dissapointing as were St Johns and the Wicks.

I'll reserve judgement on UHS till we play them and Swinburne and Latrobe have their work ahead of them.

Lastly gentlemen, next time you play Willy do yourself a favour and stand close by to the Peanut Gallery ... I'll guarantee you'll have a few laughs by the end of the day :cool:

Good post Dogmat, and fair enough too, Ill put the topic to rest. Your quality of writing is both evident in this post and the Gallery's.

Fair enough getting behind Lee, and arking back after I asked you guys which number he was wearing. I reckon I would fit into the Gallery rather well, as my football skills wouldnt allow me to play in the later game.

From What I have seen thus far, Williamstown Ressies are over the line for the Two's flag, and certainly (Clear) front runners for the seniors.
Fascinating reading. Provides some great reading for those with nothing better to do during the day than read Big Footy or play Playstation3!! The Peanut Gallary has had a lot of attention put on them due to this site (both good and bad), and it was only a matter of time before this happened. It is a great concept, one that im surprised other clubs havent thought of. We have personalised t-shirts, even a Facebook Group, and possibly a website in the not too distant future. The group was designed last year to get the 2nds players to stay behind and watch the seniors, give the players and supporters something to enjoy other than a good brand of football, and to bring the players together to create a close-community football club. It has worked very well for the club and is one of the reasons the CY's have about 40-50 guys stick around after training for a meal and team selection on Thursday nights. I think this is one reason why we have been successful so far in 2008. Team bonding plays a big part in the success of any team in any form of sport.

pretty good point there. teams dont win unless they play because they would rather not touch the pill but still trounce the opposition. the atmosphere at uni high is great and we always have a big amount of numbers on a thursday night and at trainings. maybe because the list goes down to 9839321. support maybe lacking on a saturday though.
with much love, adam trevethan
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