D4 Section Ammos pt 1 (2005-2007)

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D4 Section Ammos

How did your boys go out there Billy?
Did that early promise show through?

Started off well to be 4 and 1. Unfortunately from there the injuries cut deep and by the end of the year we had to play Under 16 boys. In 2 of those games 2 of the junior boys managed to get B.O.G., so hopefully if we can keep them at the club as well as other promising juniors, the future looks bright. Still we managed to double our wins from last year and the 1's improved on their ratio as well.
It was great to be able to get down to Elgar Park yesterday, see the boys have a good win over one the flag favourites and catch up with a few of the other old timers. Look forward to a repeat dose next week. Go Boccy! :D
Re: D4 Section Ammos

topturtle said:
It should be a great D4 finals series and good luck over summer to those clubs that didn't make it.

Good luck to those teams in the finals.

Injuries killed the Cobras this year. Hopefully the recruiting drive can go well over summer.

On what we've seen over the last few weeks I'd say Eltham & Hawthorn to play off in the ones - toss of the coin for the finish. If it's hard and fast maybe Eltham, but if theres any rain about Hawthorn for sure.

In the magoos, a bit of discussion about the relative merits of Powerhouse & Hawthorn. Personally I reckon Hawthorn were better, but around the rooms it was probably the other way. On what we saw on Saturday Eltham probably aren't good enough.

Off to the races now for me!
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Very dissapointing for the cobras to miss out on the finals but with the injurys that we had it was a good result to finish where we did.

Good luck to the all teams in the finals, would have to say that from what i have seen i would say that hawthorn is looking the goods in both 1st's and 2nd's. Thought the turtles where abit disapointing in the 2s against us on saturday and with the arrogance their players have they seem to think they have a flag already which could be there undoing. The 1's game as expected was a cracker with a hard faught contest all day with plenty of claret being spilt from both teams from good hard contests rather than anything dirty.

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Re: D4 Section Ammos

King_Cobra said:
Very dissapointing for the cobras to miss out on the finals but with the injurys that we had it was a good result to finish where we did.quote]

I think we must have been the Western Bulldogs of D4 this year. Biggest problem was the season ending injuries we got, not the normal 2-3 weekers that happen most of the time.

BTW - brave effort from Diesel to be out there on the weekend considering he'd had the compound dislocation of the little finger only a fortnight before it. He's the bravest at our club by far.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Both Eltham & Hawthorn's 2's are pretty good at talking the talk. Powerhouse seem to be more disciplined. Will be interesting to see how the Hawks go in the finals with neutral umpires. Their re-match with NB this week should be interesting after the blow-up last time.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Ratfink said:
Both Eltham & Hawthorn's 2's are pretty good at talking the talk. Powerhouse seem to be more disciplined. Will be interesting to see how the Hawks go in the finals with neutral umpires. Their re-match with NB this week should be interesting after the blow-up last time.

The Hawthorn umpire may not be flavour of the month (see how I've toned it down from previous posts!) - but that is not the reason why Hawthorn's magoos are good.

Their forwards are a bit suspect - but their midfield brigade are all over you. They work by osmosis - if the ball is pumped forward often enough, even ordinary forwards kick winning scores.

Agree with PWH being disciplined - but even I got a kick against them - so they can't be that good!
Re: D4 Section Ammos

My feeling is that the cobras have plenty of excuses and not too many solutions.
All the talk on here is either - how good are the cobras or How injured are the cobras or bagging Coookson, or what the result of the next crisis meeting is.
They have been in the finals over the last few years and won none - and from talking to guys down there it was injuries that killed them then as well.
Maybe they just need to get better at what they do all round!
More time on the track and less time eating pies or creamcakes as is king Cobras problem!!
Re: D4 Section Ammos

cobrawoes said:
They have been in the finals over the last few years and won none - and from talking to guys down there it was injuries that killed them then as well.

And which f***ing rock have you just crawled out from under? It's a brave act to come out of the woodwork now.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

I've been around - watching to see what happens and see if the bulls**t continues.
No doubt injuries have played thier part but i heard that the big pie eater at full forward was doubtful due to a saw hammy and had to be talked into playing - a bit scared after last time;
Not to mention the players that have walked out after being injured - not season ending injuries either - just not coming back!
The rot has set in at Koonung Reserve! It will be interesting to see what comes out of the wash at the end.
I wonder what cookson30 will have to say about it all - or will he be off now too.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

cobrawoes said:
Not to mention the players that have walked out after being injured - not season ending injuries either - just not coming back!
The rot has set in at Koonung Reserve! It will be interesting to see what comes out of the wash at the end.

There was one that I can think of that was not 'season ending', but they were self employed and just couldn't afford to get hurt any more. Plus pressure for the wife (most could understand that!).

What is your agenda here 'cobrawoes'? You've got something to say. Come out of the closet. Or are you gonna jump out of a different closet?
Re: D4 Section Ammos

I have plenty to say - and I am sure plenty of people want to hear the truth behind cookson30, the pie-eater, and a few others.
I am not too sure that those within the club at the highest level want the truth to come out too clearly.
I heard a wonderful "crisis" meeting was held on Thursday night. I wonder how many people know why some people spoke - and what the truth behind what was said. I am wondering if the true message was outlined or if they were the words of others.
Infineform I am well aware that there are others from your club on here I will have more to say if and when others join in and wish to share the truth, the truth will come out.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Also if anyone is interested - I think Hawthorn will win the one's, and Powerhouse for the ressies.

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Re: D4 Section Ammos

I am a great believer injury can play a major role in a teams success or lack of it. More to the point I think it is the extremes that matter.
If you cop an immense amount of injuries for an extended time, or even spread over a long time, then you will most likely struggle to make the finals.
The other extreme is the team with the closest to a full list to pick from come finals time will be the most likely to succeed.

With this in mind, I put to the test, the claim that the Bulleen's failed bid for 4th spot was due to worse than normal run of injury.

Here are some figures on the top 5 teams.

Power House have played 51 players in their senior team this year, with only one player (Edwards) playing all 18 games. One player has notched 17 games, one 16 and 4 players 15 games.
Hawthorn have used 41 players.
Hawks have 4 players play in all 18 with 4 play 17 and 3 play 16.
Eltham just 38 players used and 9 players have played 16 or more.
Box Hill North 42 for the season and again 9 players with 16 or more.
Then we look at Bulleen's claim that injury cost them a spot in the finals. The Cobras played 41 players. 5 players played the full book of 18 and 10 have managed 16 or more games.

Maybe this doesn't take into account who the injuries occur to like key players or those in the last 5 selected. But I think it is fair to assume that the reason Bulleen are not playing this week is not due to suffering unfaily from injuries. It also shows Power House have had their depth really tested this year, but still got the job done to reach the play offs.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

cobrawoes said:
Also if anyone is interested - I think Hawthorn will win the one's, and Powerhouse for the ressies.

I am not so bold as to pick it outright. I'll take it one week at a time.

I think if it is not too hot then Hawthorn should be to strong in the air for Eltham.

Sunday I think I will take the odds on Box Hill upsetting Power House. Or is that not an upset after last week's result?

Ressies I think it is safe to take Power House by a fair way over Eltham and Hawks to win in a close one at the expense of Nth Brunswick ones... sorry I mean reserves.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

spy1 said:
I am a great believer injury can play a major role in a teams success or lack of it. More to the point I think it is the extremes that matter.

Well put spy1. The analysis of the number of players each team has gone through this year shows that some teams have had more stability than others.
Of course, it really comes down to the quality of the cattle that take the paddock each week - whether you run with 41, 51 or 61 players throughout the year doesn't matter if the last 6 picked aren't much chop.
Chains and weak links...
Re: D4 Section Ammos

great Analysis Spy1, very well worked, this forum can use more of banters like yours, a lot of sense and maturity...good work...makes very interesting read certainly better than that of Mike Sheen or the like...
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Cobrawoes, why don't you come out say what you are thinking instead of hiding behind words.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

:thumbsu: Good call Spy1. I think you have missed one further point about the injuries to Powerhouse - both thier 1's & 2;s have had a strong impact in their respective competitions. In fact the same can be said for all of the top 3.
Both Bulleen (6 Wins) and Box Hill Nth (8 Wins) have been ordinary in the 2's - showing that maybe their depth isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Hey Formaggio - what more do you want me to say - is their some information you require - I may be able to dig it out for you. I could at least ask the questions - if you want answers you need to ask questions in public forums like this. I doubt many at Koonung will be willing to answer questions at the club - but maybe here you will get some semblance of the truth.

You may ask what my agenda is - but I think you are looking at the wrong person. What is the agenda of those at Koonung at the moment. All I want is for the truth to come out. It certainly didn't fully come out at the meeting last week.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

cobrawoes i am not from D4 but am a keen ammo participator and observor, and just think you are one sad case. You actually sound(read) very similarly to arvosjunior, and your only agenda is to stir up, in this case, a cobra's nest. It is particularly weak 'like arvosjunior' to hide behind the facade of another club and make such accusations. If you are from Bulleen i would think you should be spending your time more constructively and helping the club instead of sniping. If you are from elsewhere, worry about your own backyard. Myabe in-fact you are the mysterious "Ivan" , which would explain a lot.

From a non-Cobra- Grow up
Re: D4 Section Ammos

cobrawoes said:
:thumbsu: Good call Spy1. I think you have missed one further point about the injuries to Powerhouse - both thier 1's & 2;s have had a strong impact in their respective competitions. In fact the same can be said for all of the top 3.
Both Bulleen (6 Wins) and Box Hill Nth (8 Wins) have been ordinary in the 2's - showing that maybe their depth isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I think that is a fair call. Have friends at Box Hill having played there in the 80s and their problem from the time they entered the Ammos was numbers full stop. They seem to be working on it though. The magoos had not won more than 3 or 4 games in a season since winning a flag in 95. It looks to have taken them a while to realise they can win games. I thought Power House 2s were sensational on Saturday at Elgar Park. Their depth has been tested and yet they got both teams to the finals.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Ratfink said:
Quick review after Rd 5:

Eltham 5-0 - Young, strong & confident - clear premiership favourites.
Powerhouse 4-1 - Gun full forward. Might be vulnerable if he is held or gets injured.
Bulleen 3-2 - Unusual game which frustrates opposition but can score freely on rebound. Likely to play finals again.
Eley Pk 3-2 - No stars but no passengers. Play hard and need to be on guard to beat them.
Syndal 3-2 - All 5 matches decided by less than 2 kicks. Hope their supporters have strong hearts!
Albert Pk 2-3 - Yet to play a home game. Might be better in 2nd half of season.
Box Hill North 2-3 - Improving but inconsistent, often let down by one poor quarter.
Hawthorn 2-3 - Like Albert Park getting a bit road weary. Look out if they get on a winning run like 2005.
North Brunswick 1-4 - Some late recruits likely to see them heading up the ladder.
Richmond 0-5 - Gonna be a long year but numbers apparently still good.

Interesting to look back and see how well you predicted things at round 6. Looks like Hawthorn did get on that run after all!
Re: D4 Section Ammos

that was a spot on analysis. :thumbsu:
this week will be very interesting.
personally i think eltham in the 1's by a country mile and eltham in the 2's by even more.

powerhouse will come back this week in the rematch and show box hill where they are really at. also north brunswick 1's (i stole someone's joke) will be a close game against hawthorn's 2's.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

HAWTHORN AFC 16.5-101 def ELTHAM OC 11.18-84
BOX HILL NORTH AFC 21.11-137 def. POWER HOUSE AFC 12.16-88
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