D4 Section Ammos pt 1 (2005-2007)

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Re: D4 Section Ammos

thats because ur playin crap footy it dooesnt happen in the real world go play crap footy and feal like a hero

I'd suggest going back to school to learn Punctuation, Grammar & Spelling first, then finish it off by going back & playing NFL Div 2 reserves which is even worse than any VAFA Club 18's comp.;)
Re: D4 Section Ammos

I'd suggest going back to school to learn Punctuation, Grammar & Spelling first, then finish it off by going back & playing NFL Div 2 reserves which is even worse than any VAFA Club 18's comp.;)
this is what I missed, welcome back fellas... let the barage of abuse begin...
Re: D4 Section Ammos

I'd suggest going back to school to learn Punctuation, Grammar & Spelling first, then finish it off by going back & playing NFL Div 2 reserves which is even worse than any VAFA Club 18's comp.;)

having play a bit of nfl div 2 res i can asure u some teams are but some teams are not for example your old clubs 2's very poor my old clubs 2's now in div 1 and just missed finals 2 yrs in a row hence y i am now playing d4 and getting goals snaged on me by blokes on this forum

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Re: D4 Section Ammos

Need a few weeks off 65... Start concentrating on the cricket...you know.

Just drifting over here occasionally to see if there is any goss. And I've run out of ideas for rumors.

Maybe...um.... South Mornington to move back to SFL? SFX (nice moniker St Fran Xavs) to strike up a deal with Pixar to create the next skrek movie?

hmmm.... I'm really just killing time at work until beer o'clock.

Peace out.

Waz, you know I rekon your a good bloke, but mate.......leaving this for Cricket!!!

How increadibly homosexual of you!

As for concentrating on Cricket.......what a great way to ruin a nice summers day!

Personally, I'd much rather perv on hot chicks at the beach than stare at some fat little nuggety bloke with a red face swinging a bat around in the mid-day sun!

Although the beer must taste pretty good after the game?
Re: D4 Section Ammos

I'd say even better!!

It's amazing what your environment can add to the flavour - it's important to get all senses involved.:D
Re: D4 Section Ammos

As you probably know we won the Narita Cup. PC Starred all day long, Dan and Lance kicks heaps of gaols and I got injured. Currently in Tokyo enjoying some 4.5 Star Luxury.

PS. The Japanese Women are ridiculous!!!!!![/quote]

Aren't they a joke. Such bodies, such short dresses.....ridiculous indeed.....in a very very good way.

Re: D4 Section Ammos

Waz, you know I rekon your a good bloke, but mate.......leaving this for Cricket!!!

How increadibly homosexual of you!

As for concentrating on Cricket.......what a great way to ruin a nice summers day!

Personally, I'd much rather perv on hot chicks at the beach than stare at some fat little nuggety bloke with a red face swinging a bat around in the mid-day sun!

Although the beer must taste pretty good after the game?

There are few better feelings than your first beer after a long day in the field!

Women are great and all, sure. Beaches, nice. Bikinis, terrific. But inner thigh chaffing and heat rash?!, that can't be beaten.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Today's joke of the day:

One day little Johnny goes into the kitchen and says to his mom, "Mom, grandma's got her shrimps hanging out again."

Knowing that the grandma is going a little senile in her old age, mom goes out into the living room and finds grandma sitting in her lazy-boy with her dress up and her panties around her ankles.

Not knowing how she is going to explain this to her son, the mom goes back into the kitchen and says to little Johnny, "Honey, those aren't shrimps. They are part of the vagina which is the female reproductive organ on a woman, just like the penis is for a man."

Little Johnny replies, "Well whatever you say mom but they sure taste like shrimps to me!"

Re: D4 Section Ammos

A man staggered into a hospital with a concussion, multiple bruises,
two black eyes, and a five iron wrapped tightly around his throat.

Naturally, the Doctor asked him, "What happened to you?" "Well, I was
having a quiet round of golf with my wife, when at a difficult hole, we
both sliced our golf balls into a field of cattle.

We went to look for them and while I was looking around I noticed one
of the cows had something white at its rear end."

"I walked over, lifted its tail, and sure enough, there was a golf ball
with my wife's monogram on it - stuck right in the middle of the cow's

Still holding the cow's tail up, I yelled to my wife, "Hey, this looks
like yours!'"

"I don't remember much after that "
Re: D4 Section Ammos

The St.Mary/Salesians merger looks set to go ahead. D2 will be the comp they play in and are to be called St.Marys-Salesians Saints. Vote to go to St.Marys members in the next fortnight. All appear happy with the proposal as it will align St.Marys with a feeder school.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

The St.Mary/Salesians merger looks set to go ahead. D2 will be the comp they play in and are to be called St.Marys-Salesians Saints. Vote to go to St.Marys members in the next fortnight. All appear happy with the proposal as it will align St.Marys with a feeder school.
well I for one am glad I don't have to play against those tools again... what a cop-out, merge with a another club and go up two divisions, a*&holes...


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Re: D4 Section Ammos

well I for one am glad I don't have to play against those tools again... what a cop-out, merge with a another club and go up two divisions, a*&holes...


I saw a bit of Salesians this year, the way they go about it expect to see your St Mary's buddies in D4 again very soon!
Re: D4 Section Ammos

I saw a bit of Salesians this year, the way they go about it expect to see your St Mary's buddies in D4 again very soon!

So they'll be wanting to recruit very well to not get relegated next season. I dont know what D2 standard is like... but its not like St Mary's were dominating in D4.

Anyway, good luck to them. It would be nice to have a college to provide players, thats for sure.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

The St.Mary/Salesians merger looks set to go ahead. D2 will be the comp they play in and are to be called St.Marys-Salesians Saints. Vote to go to St.Marys members in the next fortnight. All appear happy with the proposal as it will align St.Marys with a feeder school.

Guys, one of the issues Salesian had with the school is that the main sport at the school was no longer footy, but rather the round ball game. From what I believed players from the school had actually reduced considerably.

As far as the merged side being competitive, providing the better players from Salesian stay on, mixed with the St Mary's list they will be more than competitive

Re: D4 Section Ammos

So they'll be wanting to recruit very well to not get relegated next season. I dont know what D2 standard is like... but its not like St Mary's were dominating in D4.

Anyway, good luck to them. It would be nice to have a college to provide players, thats for sure.

Hopefully a few of the good clubs do well and we "Bunny hop" those tools over the next 2 years. (We all go to D2 and they drop to D4)

Maybe the VAFA can make a Dtool division and just have St Marys - sellegians and Hawthorn ammo's play against each other week in and week out!

That way the rest of us can get on with enjoying our footy!

By the way, that joke about the shrimps - Gold but VERY WRONG.....
(Unless your grandmother is Stifflers Mom!!)
Re: D4 Section Ammos

today's joke of the day:

A man was in his front yard mowing grass when his attractive
blond female neighbour came out of the house and went straight to the mailbox.

She opened it then slammed it shut and stormed back into the house.
A little later she came out of her house again went to the mail
box and again, opened it, slammed it shut again. Angrily, back into
the house she went.

As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn, here she came
again, marched to the mail box, opened it and then slammed it closed
harder than ever.

Puzzled by her actions the man asked her, "Is something wrong?"
To which she replied, "There certainly is!"

My stupid computer keeps saying, "YOU'VE GOT MAIL."

Re: D4 Section Ammos

Just got in off the plane from Tokyo,Box hill nth.fantastic win in the Narita cup.
Sent the details to VAFA from Osaka,with photo of the side holding the cup on the Tuesday after the Grand Final but to spite several other things being added to the VAFA website since NO mention of the win,Maybe something that a D4 club does, doesn't rate a mention,they travel to Japan,pay their own way,WIN the Grand Final,represent the VAFA,bring home the cup and not a dicky bird about it,bet if an alphabet club had done it,it would have been mentioned,or am I being too harsh,well maybe,but,let me be quite blunt;
Not good enough VAFA:mad:
There goes my job I think but I am really Pi@@ed off.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

I'd suggest going back to school to learn Punctuation, Grammar & Spelling first, then finish it off by going back & playing NFL Div 2 reserves which is even worse than any VAFA Club 18's comp.;)
u r an absolute tool hollywood as for nfl div2 reserves thats where u should be,probably couldnt get a game their thats why u r where u r now.ill be at your first game girl ill introduce myself and ill see what u got to say.All this from a bloke who was up himself all year talkin crap sayin oh this is the game we had to loose givin no credit to the opposition then you got smashed in the final,if u wernt so upyourself and could coach and gave the other team some respect you might of done better,you let the whole club down
Re: D4 Section Ammos

As you probably know we won the Narita Cup. PC Starred all day long, Dan and Lance kicks heaps of gaols and I got injured. Currently in Tokyo enjoying some 4.5 Star Luxury.

PS. The Japanese Women are ridiculous!!!!!![/quote]

Aren't they a joke. Such bodies, such short dresses.....ridiculous indeed.....in a very very good way.


no need to apolagise Oz.
Ruck was starring in the 2nd match when he bent down to pick up for a snapped goal. Hammy snapped at same time. In true Narita Cup spirit he got pilled and taped up to play most of the last quarter in GF. Still took some grabs and fed off for the goals.
Those Japanese women.....wow.
Pity, as our touring maggot mentioned earlier, that although VAFA have recieved plenty of info on this success that it did not rate a mention on their website this week.
Interesting development with Saints while I was away.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Just got in off the plane from Tokyo,Box hill nth.fantastic win in the Narita cup.
Sent the details to VAFA from Osaka,with photo of the side holding the cup on the Tuesday after the Grand Final but to spite several other things being added to the VAFA website since NO mention of the win,Maybe something that a D4 club does, doesn't rate a mention,they travel to Japan,pay their own way,WIN the Grand Final,represent the VAFA,bring home the cup and not a dicky bird about it,bet if an alphabet club had done it,it would have been mentioned,or am I being too harsh,well maybe,but,let me be quite blunt;
Not good enough VAFA:mad:
There goes my job I think but I am really Pi@@ed off.
Welcome to your own opinion Nellup but that Japan thing has no interest to anybody except the people who go. Those that go and have a good time great. Don't expect any kudos. Maybe Box Hill North's standing in the footy arena with others may be lower than your expectations.

St Marys/Salesian has many positives as a unit and pleasing to see that egos at local footy might be cast aside for the brighter future of all members.
Re: D4 Section Ammos

Salesian had only 3 kids from the school, all two's players, ageing list, for the most part i would hope that st.mary's keeps its young players around otherwise the merged team will struggle, at least a few leaving from salesian for varying reasons and remember that they only just missed relegation this year.
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