Dayne Beams gutted after he tells Mick Malthouse he is not fit to play in Grand Final

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LOL I didn't even pick up the subtle dig at Beams in the thread title. He IS gutted. He DID tell mick he's not fit. This is thread a troll fail.

Not a dig at Beams - it was a dig at The Herald Sun. ............and Mick Malthouse's explanation at The Footy Show.
So let me understand this. Either what you're saying is that the best medicos in the world all have x-ray vision and can see a soft tissue injury from a mile away or you happen to know all of the workings of the team's decisions in terms of who they sub and when.

Sorry, but if that isn't trolling then I've never seen it albeit that it is such an idiotic proposition.

What are you on about? There are 3 possibilities:

a) Beams was injured before the game
b) Beams got injured during the game
c) Beams is not injured

If it was (a), then there was a breakdown somewhere and he should not have played. If it was (b), then why was he playing after getting injured when he clearly was unable to contribute, or (c) the injury is bullshit.
Going into the prelim he would have had no inkling that the injury was going to affect his performance in the way that it did. Now he knows how hampered he would be affected by it tomorrow and has done the team thing.

See the difference?

Special minds indeed.

Oh God!! Why didn't I think of this? I think I'm going to cry, just like Mick! :D

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Maybe the OP is peeved James Hird & Mark Mercuri didn't do the same thing before the 01' GF & cost them any chance at the flag.
Not so easy; I would like your definition clearly expressed here. Either put up, or shut up!
Here's an idea, how about you go look it up for yourself! :rolleyes:

What are you on about? There are 3 possibilities:

a) Beams was injured before the game
b) Beams got injured during the game
c) Beams is not injured

If it was (a), then there was a breakdown somewhere and he should not have played. If it was (b), then why was he playing after getting injured when he clearly was unable to contribute, or (c) the injury is bullshit.
Cool. Your point?
Why are Collingwood supporters so up tight. Beams has been shocking in finals and last week had 2 handballs. Its hardly a hard decision by Malthouse. Beams is 21 he should improve but at this stage his finals form has bee terrible.
Why are Collingwood supporters so up tight. Beams has been shocking in finals and last week had 2 handballs. Its hardly a hard decision by Malthouse. Beams is 21 he should improve but at this stage his finals form has bee terrible.

His game against West Coast the previous week was pretty good. His past years are irrelevant at his age.
After hearing the incident at the start of the year with the 16 year old Girl I lost a lot of respect for Beams but if he has been the team man here and put his hand up and said he can't play then you should pay him his dues.
His game against West Coast the previous week was pretty good. His past years are irrelevant at his age.

Thats BS until he proves himself in a final he will be judged on what hes done in finals. If Leon plays poorly tomorrow do you think Collingwood supporters will be wrapt he had a great season before hand.?
Why are Collingwood supporters so up tight. Beams has been shocking in finals and last week had 2 handballs. Its hardly a hard decision by Malthouse. Beams is 21 he should improve but at this stage his finals form has bee terrible.

Because people who know nothing are spreading bullshit, lies and innuendo. Is it so hard to believe a player can make his own call on wether he's fit enough? You only have to look back at Presti last year, he was in the Grand Final Parade for gods sake. perhaps it was all a big conspircacy about him as well :rolleyes:
Here's an idea, how about you go look it up for yourself! :rolleyes:

Cool. Your point?

It seems your modus operandi is to accuse anyone who comes up with a logical argument that disagrees with your point of view as trolling.

So, what is your definition of trolling? or are you not prepared to come up with a definition. or don't have the courage to do so?

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Because people who know nothing are spreading bullshit, lies and innuendo. Is it so hard to believe a player can make his own call on wether he's fit enough? You only have to look back at Presti last year, he was in the Grand Final Parade for gods sake. perhaps it was all a big conspircacy about him as well :rolleyes:

Presti pulled out AFTER he was selected in the side - and that took courage.

Beams was not selected and probably would not have been. I find the two cases quite different.
Thats BS until he proves himself in a final he will be judged on what hes done in finals.

You're still selling him short. He hasn't been great in finals but he's been reasonable. Regardless, judging such a young player on performance in past years is nonsensical. I would have thought a Jack Watts fan would realise that...

If Leon plays poorly tomorrow do you think Collingwood supporters will be wrapt he had a great season before hand.?

Leon has had a great finals series. If he has a bad game, so be it. If fans want to downplay his year based on it, they're morons.
Of course most Pies supporters are pragmatic enough to know that this may well be a face saving exercise for Beams but then it's not particularly surprising that some people cannot possibly concede that poor performance in previous finals may well be the result of injury. No, that would be way too obvious for some to acknowledge.:rolleyes:

You don't really go for Collingwood, do you?
Guys, come on, seriously. Beams is a gun. Clearly struggling with injury, it's no surprise he couldn't get up this week. It's fun to dig the boot into Collingwood at all, but really, the conspiracy theories are a bit much.

Just wait and see if Jolly does the same. ;)
You're still selling him short. He hasn't been great in finals but he's been reasonable. Regardless, judging such a young player on performance in past years is nonsensical. I would have thought a Jack Watts fan would realise that...

Leon has had a great finals series. If he has a bad game, so be it. If fans want to downplay his year based on it, they're morons.

If a player regulary underperforms in finals when do you say enoughs enough? The bloke had two handballs in a prelim final. That added to a host of other poor finals has sealed his fate. If he had a good finals record before last week he'd be playing tomorrow. As for him being young what does that have to do with anything.
not with his injury he wouldn't be. Gives the selection panel extra time to asses his replacement. :thumbsu:

OK! humor me and let me make one hypothetical prediction:"If Collingwood wins a close game, at some point Alex Fasolo would have made the vital contribution in the win"
If a player regulary underperforms in finals when do you say enoughs enough? The bloke had two handballs in a prelim final. That added to a host of other poor finals has sealed his fate. If he had a good finals record before last week he'd be playing tomorrow.

He had 21 disposals and 6 tackles the previous week against West Coast. Pretty decent performance IMO.

He was reasonable albeit fairly ineffectual in last year's finals.

Stop being a troll, his performance on the weekend was an outlier.

As for him being young what does that have to do with anything.!

He's still a developing player. You have never noticed an upward trend in performance from young players to senior players? :rolleyes:

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