its payweeks lads...
open your wallet and empty it on the dockers. WorstFOLD has the weagles purring for a wonderful loss this week and the rest of the season.
West CoKes are cheating and it will be there for all to see over the remaining matches. WorstFOLD is the master cheat - he has twenty five assistances, the best faciltities, more medical staff than PMH, control of the wa media w***ers and more cash to throw around that all others - which will all aid him in hiding the fact that they are tanking their way to 4 wins.
This was the team talking about top4 at the start of the season !???
AFL must step in.
You're dreaming! Not that your wrong, but actually hoping the AFL will take appropriate action? Wow.
To the original point...I hope we give them a flogging. Stuff draft picks, stuff tanking. No draft pick is ever going to be worth instilling that sort of culture on your playing group.
Freo has for too long accepted less than their best and Harvey is trying to turn that around. The kids are showing the right attitude and the best way to reinforce that is to win games. Whether we get Pav, Sandi or any of the others back, we need to go out each week expecting to win.
If I thought Harvey was tanking, I'd call for his head but he wears his heart on his sleeve too much. You can see his disappointment at games end and when we win on the weekend, watch the change on his face.
Dont know if other teams are tanking and if they are, I hate them for it but I want our guys to win the bloody thing. F*** the draft picks. End the PPs for the good of the game.
/rant over