Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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Why target her over say, Robbo, who wrote an article accusing a quarter of the Pies being on drugs earlier this year? He'd never make a comment in the same vain against a male journalist and you know it. The other boofheads are just more uneducated swill pandering to the lowest common denominator.
Because she's a woman of course! It has to be that because I said so!

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Did you actually read your post, then read the response?

You said Men are the majority perpetrators of bullying. I said that studies suggest it depends on the type of bullying. They're actually very interesting reading

Jesus, the perpetually offended are so quick to want to try and shout people down
You seem offended ...
Men suffer the most violence, do you want the homicide statistics to prove it?

You're talking about domestic violence, this non issue has nothing to do with DV.

How do you not get that?
"The vast majority of dangerous, abusive and violent behavior that occurs in the privacy of people's homes is committed by men against women. The most recent information on violence in Australia comes from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Personal Safety Survey (national survey of 16,400 adults in Australian aged 18 years and over) conducted in 2005. The first issue of this survey was conducted in 1996. The 2005 survey found:"
I haven't read 44 pages but IMO it is all about diluting Eddies power and his continuing stance on the Northern Academies through the AFL mouthpiece Caro.

It is as simple as that
Lol, you're a complete whack job. How do you explain the other men involved who decided to apologise?

McChins is a clown and his own worst enemy. I'm sick of constantly hearing from him. Make a choice: are you a club president or media personality? He and Brayshaw have proven you can't do both.
This has nothing to do with domestic violence and everything to do with diluting Eddies power via the AFL MOUTHPIECE CARO, just look at what she manged to come up with during the Esendon drugs fiasco.
Great post Nobby. I personally don't think it's sexist. I think that it's just plain bad form and bullying that you would expect from those knobs. It's well known that they all, especially McGuire, hate Caro with a passion. They are taking advantage of their position in order to belittle and intimidate her. It would have been completely different had they been joking about one of their colleagues sitting next to them.

That "black widow" jibe from McGuire is in particular bad taste. McGuire and JB like to pretend that they're a bunch of blokes blokes when in fact they're silvertail snobs. It's time for them to gro up and act like professionals.
You're the one bringing a nobody like Trump into an Australian conversation.

Only a stooge would do that surely?
I've never met a stooge. Actually I'm not even sure what it is. :eek:

However I disagree re Trump. He is going to be the republican nominee and will possibly have his hands on the nuclear levers by January.

Surely that makes him a 'somebody'?
Caroline Wilson: Eddie McGuire's ice pool attack took me back to the bad old days

June 20 2016 - 12:45PM
Caroline Wilson

I have felt uncomfortable all week about the Eddie McGuire-led attack on me last Monday.

I've seen him twice at AFL events and avoided him, not wishing to cause a scene or embarrass others. I really wish he would adopt more decent, conventional ways of dealing with criticism and perceived disloyalty.To let his so-called jokey banter get through without trying to explain why language like McGuire's is so wrong would be letting down true victims of violence; although not for one minute am I attempting to compare my treatment to theirs. In terms of the football beat that I cover it's also important to reinforce the point that club presidents should surely not be contributing to the problem.

When my editor asked me to write this column my first response was discomfort. As a busy football weekend rolls into Monday there always seem to be so many good stories to explore and, believe me, I do not relish being a part of a story like this. Again.

My first response in these situations has generally been to shrug my shoulders and move on to the next issue. Surely I have to expect what comes back my way in response to strong and occasionally provocative opinions.

As an AFL executive commented to me on Sunday, it was heartening to see that I was tough enough to once again withstand the rubbish that occasionally comes from a boys club that I never want to join and would thankfully never have me as a member.

Clearly many of you reading this will be thinking that I bring much of this on myself. I have criticised James Brayshaw's leadership in the past and recently wrote a column asking whether McGuire needed to put an end date on his Collingwood presidency after almost 20 years. On Channel 9, I have a segment called Caro's Arrow every Monday night.

But his musings last Monday extended to referring to someone asking legitimate questions of his long-standing tenure at Collingwood as 'a black widow'. This sort of sexist nonsense has long been an acceptable part of his occasionally violent vernacular but I don't accept that it's jokey or banter.

I have no doubt that he was angry that I suggested he start thinking about a succession plan after almost two decades in the job. He felt that I betrayed our relationship which has teetered on the brink many times, over many years, but over the course of the recent past has been good.

As a journalist with strong opinions I fully expect strong feedback. Every time I write a column which might hurt someone I'm fully cognisant of how that subject will feel and respond. I regularly get attacked and generally move on. But the day a commentator starts avoiding the issue or stops saying what they really think about a genuine issue to protect a relationship is the day they let down their readers and stop doing their job.

No journalist no commentator, male or female, should have to put up with personal attacks for doing so. McGuire avoided the issue at hand. He played the woman and engaged a couple of willing blokes only too happy to do his bidding.

Knowing him, he is not going down without a fight. Violence against women is abhorrent, he keeps saying; even as a joke. Having said that he still took some time to back down about his comments directed at me which were supposedly humorous but in truth were laced with venom. The pressure for him to publicly apologise must have been significant as after initially defending his comments he eventually retracted them "in the spirit of what we're trying to achieve".

Disgracefully, McGuire had attempted to compare his comments last Monday with a conversation of an entirely different kind held in the 3AW broadcast box involving Tony Shaw. I am so sorry that my colleague, who made a brief remark to my face and there it ended, has been compared with the bully boys.

But no one should be surprised because McGuire's response to his latest inappropriate remark is a virtual carbon copy of his response to the far more damaging and thoughtless comments regarding Adam Goodes. Not for a second am I trying to compare the two incidents or the impact or hurt inflicted but McGuire's default position is so similar.

Back then he was a champion on indigenous rights. Now it's women. Back then he was a victim who came to empathise with the persecution of indigenous Australians. Now he's a victim again.Back then, the Collingwood board and his media employers failed to take any meaningful stand against him. But McGuire's power and influence should not be underestimated. In so many brilliant ways he has earned it but somewhere along the line, bullying got him his way and too often he still runs with it.

It is so disappointing that the default position of the Triple M gang at such a momentous occasion as the freeze campaign for Motor Neurone Disease was casual violent banter against an individual they do not like.

It took me back to the old days of The Footy Show when the former host and Collingwood president would line me up in an occasionally vile and foul-mouthed way and enlist his colleagues in a series of sexist gang tackles.

What is not disappointing is that back then the attacks would vanish without trace. While no one at the Triple M club had any real issue with what took place last Monday until they were called on it, the wider football community has clearly started to change.

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the footy media bloke-fest is awful enough at the best of times, but this really is exceptionally poor:

McGuire: In fact I reckon we should start the campaign for a one-person slide next year. Caroline Wilson. And I'll put in 10 grand straight away - make it 20. [laughter] And if she stays under, 50. [louder laughter] What do you reckon guys? Who else is up there? I know you're in JB?

James Brayshaw: No, yep, Straight in.

Danny Frawley: I'll be in amongst it Ed.

McGuire: Is Duck there?

Wayne Carey: Yes, I'm here mate.


Frawley: I'll actually jump in and make sure she doesn't — I'll hold her under, Ed.

McGuire: I reckon we could charge 10,000 for everyone to stand around the outside and bomb her.
This has nothing to do with domestic violence and everything to do with diluting Eddies power via the AFL MOUTHPIECE CARO, just look at what she manged to come up with during the Esendon drugs fiasco.

And what was the outcome? Hird was run out of town, to the satisfaction of most.
"The vast majority of dangerous, abusive and violent behavior that occurs in the privacy of people's homes is committed by men against women. The most recent information on violence in Australia comes from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Personal Safety Survey (national survey of 16,400 adults in Australian aged 18 years and over) conducted in 2005. The first issue of this survey was conducted in 1996. The 2005 survey found:"
Doesn't matter where it's committed, men are overall much bigger victims of violence than women. Violence against men is therefore a bigger issue in society.
Compared to what Trump is saying about Hilary's just banter, but in Australia you cannot say anything at all anymore, no matter what the context. Eddie has nothing on the Trumpinator:

"Fat Pig". "Dog". "Slob". "Disgusting animal".

These are just some of the names that Donald Trump has called women over the years. Yes, a man who's hoping to become President of the United States and presumably persuade a few women to vote for him, too.

In Australia we go berserk over a crack about an Ice pool slide? Fair dinkum, I need a nurse to take care of me, can i say that? Is that allowed?
Your hyperbole and overreaction is both absurd and juvenile.

What Trump is saying is disgusting and it appeals to the sort of people who think its ok to say
There isn't a law against it. Its not a threat. So you can't shut him up.
But people can not vote for him. And it will cost him votes and possibly any chance of taking the seat of power. But to me, that race isn't about him winning. he has funded a campaign to say what he wants and grandstand. I honestly don't believe he will care if he loses. He got the chance to get his name and face into the public debate.

Back here, we face similar issues. Cory Bernardi puts homosexuality and beastiality into the same sentence. We decry it because its not in line with modern thinking.

If you think this is a simple crack you miss the point.
It wasn't a flippant line. It continued a long line of hostility between the two. They should both grow up, but in this case, Eddie took it too far.
And the fact he refuses to apologise is pathetic.
Sorry...from now on we will only discuss issues that you approve of

I too miss them days. BF the place to discuss football but actual football is the last topic talked about.
Are there not other forums more appropriate for all the other issues.
I think you might be living in a bit of a fantasy if you think aggrieved parties don't sue. So how many times has she or her paper been taken to court for one of her articles? And given she is on the front foot if she gets it wrong, as she did after announcing Hird was sacked ( which he had been, but things changed between the sacking and her publishing the story that lead to that decision being reversed), how does she lie? Can you nominate a deliberate lie she has told?
You just nominated one, but then put an unproven claim that she used to support her article.

She was blasted by Melbourne years back for lying about a story she released (her famous "not releasing a story is worse than lying")

Mcguire called her out years ago for bullshitting, and she claimed he was sexist back then, with no founding for this

Didn't she make claims about North never playing games interstate for money?

She also said North would be relocated to Gold Coast by 2010. She said the players wanted to go there, and made claims that she had spoken to people at north who were leading the move
I suspect Caro would have preferred being call a fat pig to having a bunch of blokes joking about murdering her.

Women do fear these things.

Strange I know since only one woman a week dies from domestic violence, but it does happen.
1. It relates in no way to domestic violence, even if they were actually threatening her. This has been pointed out 14 times already. It would just be violence
2. More men die each week of murder than that, so shouldn't it be worse if it's said to a man?
3. didn't she already explain what it made her feel? and threatened wasn't one of them

We are at a new level people. Not only can we be offended on behalf of others, we can now be threatened on their behalf.

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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