Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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Doesn't matter where it's committed, men are overall much bigger victims of violence than women. Violence against men is therefore a bigger issue in society.
Yeah but violence against men is also largely committed by men so surely the "bigger issue" is male-committed violence, the spectrum of which includes the casually violent language expressed during this incident.

Probably wasting my breath here cos you sound like one of those MRA types.
You seem offended ...
I don't generally get offended by ignorance or a lack of reading ability. Obviously by your response, you're one of those people who like to speak before they think, and when caught out being incorrect you just deflect.

It's all in text champ, I was actually attempting to get you to understand something. I can see you don't want that, it would mean you can't maintain your stance.

Inb4 "OMG you are saying DV is okay!"

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Andrew Bolt has been sued, and still prints lies and inaccuracies.

She would be sacked if her writing did not make the paper money, that is all. A journalist having a job does not equate to integrity.

Newspapers also have very good legal departments, journalists understand how to word things so they do not face legal issues.

Not to mention the fact that there are specific defences to defamation that specifically target journalism. Caro can say Eddie and Jb are shit at their job and be protected under fair comment because sport clubs are a matter of public interest. If a prospective employer rang up her boss and asked them for a reference and they said Caro was shit she would potentially be able to sue them.
Yeah but violence against men is also largely committed by men so surely the "bigger issue" is male-committed violence, the spectrum of which includes the casually violent language expressed during this incident.

Probably wasting my breath here cos you sound like one of those MRA types.
Men and women grow up in the same society and culture, the fact men are more violent is more biological than anything else, not sure what else can be done about it?

And no I'm not, men's rights are perfectly fine as is, as are women's fwiw.
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Australia 2016 in a nutshell
Make joke about Eddie = harden up privileged white male
Make same joke about Caro = Sexist mysoginst promotes domestic violence
Make same Joke about Adam goodes = Bogan racist
This is so sad.

Women have been persecuted for over 5,000 years and the aboriginal community had their way of life destroyed 200 years ago.

And you are worried about Eddie McGuire :oops:
Gilligan needs to stay the hell out of it, it doesn't involve him!
it involves 3 AFL employees. It certainly does involve him

He may not have much say over how Fairfax or Triple M handle their staff, but when AFL employees make comments publicly via these mediums, they fall squarely into his remit

Case in point; Hird's comments on McLaren on the Footy Show.
I don't generally get offended by ignorance or a lack of reading ability. Obviously by your response, you're one of those people who like to speak before they think, and when caught out being incorrect you just deflect.

It's all in text champ, I was actually attempting to get you to understand something. I can see you don't want that, it would mean you can't maintain your stance.

Inb4 "OMG you are saying DV is okay!"
Sorry. I can't take this seriously. The whole middle aged white male victim movement is just sad really.
This is so sad.

Women have been persecuted for over 5,000 years and the aboriginal community had their way of life destroyed 200 years ago.

And you are worried about Eddie McGuire :oops:

Yes and I am of course responsible for both of those things and should feel ashamed

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This is so sad.

Women have been persecuted for over 5,000 years and the aboriginal community had their way of life destroyed 200 years ago.

And you are worried about Eddie McGuire :oops:
Oh yeah white men did this and I should feel bad because I'm also a white man. How did I forget, white men need to know their place because other people might have it harder.
Predominantly both. If you are a victim of a violent crime does it matter if it was a man or woman hurting you?

Or is it bad luck for male victims because lots of other men are violent?
Perpetrators are by far predominantly male. But yeah women are perpetrators too.

You don't think from a prevention point of view that a strong correlation with being male as a perpetrator is relevant....

That's just weird. Why wouldn't law makers explore this angle. It's not some kind of man-hating feminist conspiracy - it's a fact
Yes and I am of course responsible for both of those things and should feel ashamed
is there any chance you are going to discuss this without acting like a petulant child?

If you think there is a double standard here, you are focusing on parts of the conversation to suit your own monologue.

This is not an issue of domestic violence.
Its a long bow (though not that long) to draw that its based in sexism. I don't know why Ed and co don't like Caro and why this feud has continued. Maybe he doesn't like her because she's a woman, i don't know. He gets close to the line with his comments sometimes, whether he means them that way or not.

But if you think a hardline approach to any form of bullying = soft, over the top PC policing, i suggest you spend some time with people who have been on the end of it.
Or people who knew them after it cost them their life.

Have a read of Caro's response. She is an adult in a tough industry and whether she is privately hurt by this line of commentary or truly has risen above it is besides the point. Its the standard we set with our response

Do you excuse it?

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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