Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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Funnily enough if you go back to the Collingwood board, I defended his right to write the drug story back in March. I copped mega abuse for that. Even thought I think he is far more hit and miss than Caro could ever be. Once again, the way to make your point is to challenge their facts and debate their opinions.

But I stand by their right to write their stories and to every so often get them wrong because if you don't have the press probing, questioning, challenging the institutions, then you get what you deserve. So if someone wanted to drown any journo for being the 'enemy' of the ol boys club, then I'd tell them to go forth and multiply too. The press should be encouraged to do what they do freely here. There are enough mechanisms to keep them relatively on the straight and narrow including the threat to tenure and legal implications.

I absolutely believe in freedom of the press. The only proviso for me (and I might need to go back to the 1950's) is that they don't lie and that their facts check out before anything is committed to being published. Or, the piece is clearly marked as an opinion piece. Having lived in the UK I can tell you that their press is disgusting. The "journalists" there quite literally publish whatever they like without ramification. If you need evidence of how dangerous this can be and the subject matter interests you then have a look at how the Sun (UK) reported the Hillsborough Disaster in 1989. The fallout from the disgusting lies told by the Sun are still being felt today.

And that is why I believe that journalists must before anything else, behave with integrity. It is not good enough to be close enough or to take an educated guess.

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Im just saying that if the discussion was about Ed and Brayshaw hating Caro (and Caro hating Ed and Brayshaw) then it wouldnt be anywhere near as big an issue.

And I think that is the issue. Caro being a woman would have been far from their mind. Caro being someone they cant stand would have been front and centre.
Why they said, to a large extent, doesn't matter.
They should know better and not do it.
We hang players for their actions as role models, but this is ok?
In your opinion. But there would be many people out there that disagreed with that - as they are perfectly entitled to.

disagree. people can find it gross if they like, but to say anyone who does it is necessarily engaging in a 'deviant behaviour' is wrong. but yeah, this isnt really the place.
Do you have children? I don't know any who aren't heavily exposed to any cultural influence even as young as the strangely arbitrary age of 3. They aren't growing up in a vacuum. They are constantly absorbing things from their playmates, the media they consume, the toys they are provided and, most importantly, their parents.

I sorta don't really know what you're arguing here. It kinda seems like you're trying to excuse violence because of hormones which makes me pretty uneasy. Do boys have more testosterone than girls? Yes. Is having additional testosterone more of an influence on whether someone becomes a violent person than, say, growing up in a violent or misoginistic household? Probably not. If it was you'd see consistent rates of violent men coming from all socio-economic classes.

Agree with all that. All i said is that I disagreed biology doesn't play a part.
disagree. people can find it gross if they like, but to say anyone who does it is necessarily a 'deviant' is wrong.

As you are perfectly entitled to. As they are perfectly entitled to. Not all humans can and will agree. Some just won't, and don't, as is their right IMO.
Bullying yes. Sexism no. End of.

This, although Caro is a mouthpiece for the AFL and has gone OTT with a lot of her pieces, it doesn't justify Ed, JB or Frawley's behaviour.

It's not up to the person making the joke to determine whether its all in good humour or not.

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well off topic, but anal sex is not deviant behavior. if two consenting adults want to do it together, power to them.

Funny thing is, anal, or buggery has laws both biblical and legal against it going back millennia.
The truth is if there is a need for a law, it means significant numbers of people are engaging in it
Funny thing is, anal, or buggery has laws both biblical and legal against it going back millennia.
The truth is if there is a need for a law, it means significant numbers of people are engaging in it

People that make laws, using religion as their basis should be locked away in padded cells.
im not aware of tony shaws comments... but reading the transcript, references to caro as a 'black widow'... dunno, just feel like an woman challenging the AFLs blokey status quo might have something to do with the dislike. doesn't seem like a massive stretch, anyway. i could well be wrong, though.

Don't all bullies use petty personal insults to achieve their ideas. Does it mean Ed is the 50 plus pages of racist,promotes violence towards women, sexism etc etc. If we don't feel anger at blokes doing it to blokes than we shouldn't at blokes doing it to women and our outrage should be soley directed at the bullying and maybe just maybe in my opinion thats all it is because these 2 don't like each other.
the funniest thing of the whole saga is the man who took the high ground, Wayne Carey. They asked if he was in and he said yes. Then before they went to a break he made sure to make it clear he thought he was asked if he was there' to which he replied yes. he saw that what was going on could come back to bite them on the ass and made sure he was not going to be involved. The Duck is king once again
I just had to pop in and lay out my hatred for fat ed because I will do it at every opportunity. He is a moron, a two faced sook who does not like anyone who does not agree with what he says. Think only fair result is let Caro drown Ed in the pool. I will pay grand final prices for that and it should be made a public holiday. "No more ed day" a truely happy day in oz history.


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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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