Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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i find your avatar and commentary sadly hilarious.

Fad. ffs.
it kills people. so does the hole in the ozone by the way, but hey, cancer. harden up i suppose........
Also, the issue hasn't gone away. It gets lumped in with the whole climate change debate, since its no longer just about that hole now

Need a tissue mate?

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Christ, this is the worst thread in history.

There should be a BF contest: read a thread (like this one) or sand paper to the eyeball? You decide!
Im just saying that if the discussion was about Ed and Brayshaw hating Caro (and Caro hating Ed and Brayshaw) then it wouldnt be anywhere near as big an issue.

And I think that is the issue. Caro being a woman would have been far from their mind. Caro being someone they cant stand would have been front and centre.

Agreed but it is a form of bullying and it is divisive, and the perception is that bullying of women leads to other things. I don't think it is really any worse than a man bullying a man, or some of these appalling videos I've seen where teenage girls verbally (sometimes physically) attack older men on public transport. Bullying is bullying.

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Laurie called McGuire “a pig” on her show Matt & Meshel on KIIS 101.1 this morning.

“You know what, you’re a pig,” Laurie said. “You have no compunction in casual racism and to suggest it be hilarious to drown a woman and call all your mates in on it ... fundamentally he should not be allowed to broadcast.

“This is a man who cannot speak without spreading hate.”

Calling someone a pig is ok then :rolleyes: ..... where to draw the line?
All print journo's are two faced, I would like to drown all of them.

They hide behind their sources and their freedom of the press. They bring unmeasurable amounts of pain on people yet are never held to account.
If every radio and TV commenator had all day to articulate their response then I am sure they could be PC as well.

And as far as Robbo goes calling MMM and Channel 9 bullies, kettle=black fat man.
The ironic thing is the timing of this just after the AFL announced the women’s league in 2017.

There were numerous stories in the news about young women who can now pursue their dreams of becoming a professional footballer in what was once a male-only domain.

It made the front page of some newspapers and you may have even been fooled into thinking that the AFL was actually opening doors for women and making headway into what was once a very male-orientated industry. Women may have actually believed that this would come with more respect and acceptance of them in the football industry.

Nope! Apparently it’s all fun and games when the boys club want to joke about chipping in and paying to drown one of the few women who stands up for herself in the industry. Sorry ladies but as you can see from the AFL’s official response to this and the lack of disciplinary action, the big old boys club reigns supreme.
The ironic thing is the timing of this just after the AFL announced the women’s league in 2017.

There were numerous stories in the news about young women who can now pursue their dreams of becoming a professional footballer in what was once a male-only domain.

It made the front page of some newspapers and you may have even be fooled into thinking that the AFL was actually opening doors for women and making headway into what was once a very male-orientated industry. Women may have actually believed that this would come with more respect and acceptance of them in the football industry.

Nope! Apparently it’s all fun and games when the boys club want to joke about chipping in and paying to drown one of the few women who stands up for herself in the industry. Sorry ladies but as you can see from the AFL’s official response to this and the lack of disciplinary action, the big old boys club reigns supreme.


sad being a women to be proven right in what the outcome would be.

Why are people raising every other bit of public commentary, that virtually nobody has been talking about, posting it in here as if to suggest people think it is okay so therefore hypocrisy is in full swing?

For one, her comments are directly related to something he said that for her, make him a sexist pig. I don't anybody in the public eye should we using divisive language like that, so don't necessarily approve of it but you have to ask if it was unsolicited.

Unsolicited meaning uninvited, uncalled for, unprompted. Hard to argue it was unprompted. Her calling of him as a pig, which has connotations for casual racism or sexism is probably in context. His joking about drowning Wilson because of her hard nosed cynical pursuing of football issues with a particular slant came first, and seems disproportionate.

I think this thing is about continued ignorance, and I believe that myself and many here battle this within ourselves at times, not deliberate sexism. If it is received as sexism, then that is what it is to the receiver. None of us control the narrative as to what qualifies and what doesn't.

This show may have got on its soapbox, but it was probably in context and provoked.
Agreed but it is a form of bullying and it is divisive, and the perception is that bullying of women leads to other things. I don't think it is really any worse than a man bullying a man, or some of these appalling videos I've seen where teenage girls verbally (sometimes physically) attack older men on public transport. Bullying is bullying.

Yep and there is no doubt that those guys on Triple M will go after anyone. And have been getting away with it for years. The unfortunate thing is they will get away with this as well, because they will say "Oh but we didnt mean it to be sexist, we are sorry if we caused offence" and then everyone moves on.

What should have been the story is the bullying and them having to say "Oh but we wont be bullies anymore" and then face sanctions if they do.

They can now go back to bullying everyone but Caro. Nothing else will change.

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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