Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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Religious Instruction/Religious Education. Was never too keen on it myself, but the prosperity you enjoy today was built on Christian philosophy.

It's off topic but I would be interested to hear how you equate christian philosophy as the basis of today's prosperity... Whilst it is true that the early christian church did help to develop some select learning through the monastic system, solidified the Eastern and Western Empires for a short-time, and it's principles did help with the development of Roman Law, most historians tend to consider the victory of christianity over paganism at this time as also the moment when science and reason were replaced with mysticism and church, from which the European society did not recover (in a material, scientific, artistic or sociatal-developmental sense) for almost 1000 years.

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there's an article going around with his 'lowest 6 moments' so he's had a few lol

Missed the one where he had a row with the Olympic trust about naming the new training oval after he'd promised to name it after bob rose, a promise he claimed to have made on Bob Rose's deathbed.

Then it turned our the legends full name was Bob Lexus Rose. Its like an episode of big bang theory

Too cute
Ed, Jim, Duck and Spud definitely aren't the brightest. They couldn've had a laugh about the Caro thing off-air, going public with it was just a stupid thing to do.

I think it's time Ed walked away from everything he is involved in, step down as president and move away from radio/tv.
Religious Instruction/Religious Education. Was never too keen on it myself, but the prosperity you enjoy today was built on Christian philosophy.

My impression it (prosperity) came when soceities decided to limit the size of their families (which the Church has usually been stridently against) and being able to educate the children (something the church historically has mostly done in a very positive way)

So, Yes and No
I absolutely believe in freedom of the press. The only proviso for me (and I might need to go back to the 1950's) is that they don't lie and that their facts check out before anything is committed to being published. Or, the piece is clearly marked as an opinion piece. Having lived in the UK I can tell you that their press is disgusting. The "journalists" there quite literally publish whatever they like without ramification. If you need evidence of how dangerous this can be and the subject matter interests you then have a look at how the Sun (UK) reported the Hillsborough Disaster in 1989. The fallout from the disgusting lies told by the Sun are still being felt today.

And that is why I believe that journalists must before anything else, behave with integrity. It is not good enough to be close enough or to take an educated guess.
And given her past record of willingly retracting and apologies, where is she lacking in integrity?
This is so sad.

Women have been persecuted for over 5,000 years and the aboriginal community had their way of life destroyed 200 years ago.

And you are worried about Eddie McGuire :oops:
Before you go on your fairy tales about the aboriginal way of life, I suggest you read about the treatment of women in the
aboriginal way of life 200 years ago.

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What a joke, if this had been about Robbo instead of Caro then I can guarantee ol' Gilligan wouldn't have batted an eyelid.

How the heck are SJW linking this to domestic violence??
draw a long bow and link it. It wasn't hard in this case and unfortunately misses a different point we should be focusing on, which is bullying

What it did do was give everyone a chance to prod the violence towards women issue and some people have reacted in a very appalling way, which justifies their bringing the issue front and centre. We clearly have a ways to go
McGuire isn't clever enough to be outwardly racist or sexist. He's just a bully looking for the approval of the masses with his ill-advised quips at the expense of others.

Personally, I find Hutchi's referral to Wilson as the "First Lady of Football" far more sexist.
I'm staggered by some of the comments on the first page in this thread. Her gender is relevant because McGuire and others are advocating drowning someone in the very week that the league is celebrating the inclusion of a women's league, and the white ribbon game against domestic violence. That people think casual jokes about drowning anyone but particularly women, in this week of all weeks is just a joke, or something to be brushed off, is frankly pathetic.
shakes head

How can you think Safe Schools is decadent nonsense
While its still in its teething stage, its about coaching young people through the challenges of growing up and giving them people to talk to about issues they may be facing..

Because he doesn't like LGBTI people. Or as he'd probably describe it: he's fine with them until society lifts a finger to help them with anything.
Religious Instruction/Religious Education. Was never too keen on it myself, but the prosperity you enjoy today was built on Christian philosophy.

My impression it (prosperity) came when soceities decided to limit the size of their families (which the Church has usually been stridently against) and being able to educate the children (something the church historically has mostly done in a very positive way)

So, Yes and No
No ..keep your fairy tales out of our Schools
Income disparity is obviously an alien concept to you!

You know that's a load of horse shit right? They compare apples with oranges and then produce a lie.

Riddle me this. If women get paid so much less than men and big business is all about making money why wouldn't big business fire all the men and only hire women?

They'd save billions by hiring only women at these greatly reduced wage structures :drunk:

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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