Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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How the heck are SJW linking this to domestic violence??

McGuire’s comments marginalised (cartoonish) violence against a woman
By extension, McGuire’s comments marginalised violence against women
Domestic violence is predominantly perpetrated by men against women
Ergo McGuire’s comments impliedly advocated domestic violence

Bro do you even SJW?
Ed, Jim, Duck and Spud definitely aren't the brightest. They couldn've had a laugh about the Caro thing off-air, going public with it was just a stupid thing to do.

I think it's time Ed walked away from everything he is involved in, step down as president and move away from radio/tv.
That's just plainly ridiculous. He earns 4mill a Year or so from things he's involved in. At least try and be rational.

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The point here is Eddie would never say lets drown Robbo or Patrick Smith or Purple.

Why because it's not remotely funny in their minds. They are just morons who don't matter.

But to them it is funny to say it about Caro. Why. Because she is a strong woman who calls them out on their shit. Often wrong and a pain in the arse but the sentiment that it's funny is completely because she's a strong woman.
shakes head

How can you think Safe Schools is decadent nonsense
While its still in its teething stage, its about coaching young people through the challenges of growing up and giving them people to talk to about issues they may be facing..

I think the Libs got this one right with the changes they made, despite all the outcry and accusations of homophobia.

Encouraging young boys to wear dresses to school, or discussing a lot of that stuff with children at a young age can in a lot of cases cause more confusion than it helps. Encouraging parents to discuss this stuff with their kids in a safe and controlled manner is fine, and restricting the program to older children is also beneficial. I think there is a bit of a liberal agenda in some cases to pressure kids into 'coming out' as one thing or another, when kids just want to be kids. In some ways it's as bad as the conservatives they like to condemn.
You know that's a load of horse shit right? They compare apples with oranges and then produce a lie.

Riddle me this. If women get paid so much less than men and big business is all about making money why wouldn't big business fire all the men and only hire women?

They'd save billions by hiring only women at these greatly reduced wage structures :drunk:
Women as a sub group earn less than men for a number of reasons. Whether it's personal choice or thru disadvantage, earning less by any definition is not an privilege. Riddle that!!
The point here is Eddie would never say lets drown Robbo or Patrick Smith or Purple.

Why because it's not remotely funny in their minds. They are just morons who don't matter.

But to them it is funny to say it about Caro. Why. Because she is a strong woman who calls them out on their shit. Often wrong and a pain in the arse but the sentiment that it's funny is completely because she's a strong woman.
How do you know that?
Riddle me this, if everyone here thinks it was a harmless joke, where are similar comments being made about holding Robbo underwater? If it's about her being a shitty journalist, why wasn't McGuire targeting the bloke who released the names of the Pies players who tested positive?

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The point here is Eddie would never say lets drown Robbo or Patrick Smith or Purple.

Why because it's not remotely funny in their minds. They are just morons who don't matter.

But to them it is funny to say it about Caro. Why. Because she is a strong woman who calls them out on their shit. Often wrong and a pain in the arse but the sentiment that it's funny is completely because she's a strong woman.
I think it's more because she supports Richmond. Imagine drowning KB, hilarious.
I think the Libs got this one right with the changes they made, despite all the outcry and accusations of homophobia.

Encouraging young boys to wear dresses to school, or discussing a lot of that stuff with children at a young age can in a lot of cases cause more confusion than it helps. Encouraging parents to discuss this stuff with their kids in a safe and controlled manner is fine, and restricting the program to older children is also beneficial. I think there is a bit of a liberal agenda in some cases to pressure kids into 'coming out' as one thing or another, when kids just want to be kids. In some ways it's as bad as the conservatives they like to condemn.
Its still not a perfect system but its better than ignoring it.
The age where you start is a hard one to define. I honestly believe kids are different at the same age. Some are more in tune with, to paraphrase Prince, this thing called life than others. I remember telling time was a foreign concept to me in grade 2, yet other kids had it down pat (not sure why i remember that vividly.

As for boys wearing dresses, i don't see why it matters. I don't think its constructive linking that to anything other than dress sense at that age to be perfectly honest. But its complex understanding the impact of this sort of stuff at such a young age when we've stifled discussion and research into it for so long.
Women as a sub group earn less than men for a number of reasons. Whether it's personal choice or thru disadvantage, earning less by any definition is not an privilege. Riddle that!!

Men often earn more because they do the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs. Men also make up many of the poorest paying jobs. I riddled ya.

Going by the bolded text if a woman chooses not too do those jobs and takes a job that's safer but pays less it's part of the gender pay gap?

Do you see how illogical your conclusion is? It has nothing to do with privilege, more to do with personal choices.

There are actually laws that cover wages you realise?
Take a tour of the northern suburbs of Adelaide and let those people know how privileged they should feel for being white.
The issue is about discrimination. Not privilege. Are your friends in Adelaide living on a level playing field or not?

If you answer no, then why? Have they been discriminated against in some way?
Its still not a perfect system but its better than ignoring it.
The age where you start is a hard one to define. I honestly believe kids are different at the same age. Some are more in tune with, to paraphrase Prince, this thing called life than others. I remember telling time was a foreign concept to me in grade 2, yet other kids had it down pat (not sure why i remember that vividly.

As for boys wearing dresses, i don't see why it matters. I don't think its constructive linking that to anything other than dress sense at that age to be perfectly honest. But its complex understanding the impact of this sort of stuff at such a young age when we've stifled discussion and research into it for so long.

I wore a dress down Oxford Street when I was 2 years old because I asked Mum if I had to change out of a hand-me-down that people had dropped over for my newborn sister. She let me wear it. I'm a straight 20-something year old with no strong desires to cross dress.

Letting kids do these things in their own time of their own volition should be the way, not forced on them by a school when the school deems them 'ready' to experience it.
I'm staggered by some of the comments on the first page in this thread. Her gender is relevant because McGuire and others are advocating drowning someone in the very week that the league is celebrating the inclusion of a women's league, and the white ribbon game against domestic violence.
This is finding a way to inject gender into this situation.
That people think casual jokes about drowning anyone but particularly women, in this week of all weeks is just a joke, or something to be brushed off, is frankly pathetic.
And here you are separating genders again. It shows an innate view that women are inferior to men.

I agree than domestic violence is an issue where genders are separated by the relative strength of one vs the other. The shit comments made by Eddie was targeted at Wilson because he hated her as a professional and possibly person rather than because of her gender.

I worry that when things like this blow up it may sadly hurt the prospects of women entering supposed 'male spaces' like boardrooms of some companies that lack female executives because of the risk of greater consequences if one executive acts like a shitcampaigner to the new female executive compared to if that executive acted like a shitcampaigner to a new male executive.
Before you go on your fairy tales about the aboriginal way of life, I suggest you read about the treatment of women in the
aboriginal way of life 200 years ago.
And I suggest you read the legal status of women in the west before the women's liberation movement.

The planet has been a patriarchal paradise for a very long time.
Well I suppose Gillon will be pleased that the debate is certainly being had here. I'm in the "dumb comment should not have been said" camp. At the end of the day I think all three of Eddie, JB and Frawley would all run to help Caro if she were in any real danger. I'm pretty sure that they would do the same for anyone, male or female. They might say silly things, and they might even do dumb things, but they wouldn't do violent things and are probably horrified that the dumb things they said have been construed in the way they have. Still, got North off the front page.... Oh wait....

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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