Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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Footy punditry is littered with imbeciles - unlike political pundits (which, though they might be as bad it at least concerns something of importance) - I can choose to ignore football commentators and I'm better (informed) for it.

An insightful, intelligent, thoughtful ex-footballer rarely opts for a media career - probably because they know they'll be in the company of such imbeciles. These people might own houses in Toorak, Sorrento and wherever but even the stupidest people can achieve great influence and power through blind ambition. Such people can easily remain stupid about many things in life that don't involve acquiring money and castigating their opponents. I don't see much difference between Eddie and Donald Trump really, the latter has only abandoned any notion of adhering to tenets of political correctness. "Sorry Caroline, I'm sorry its your time of the month" is what Trump would say. Its what Eddie is really saying in his veiled middle finger apology.

I can't believe people still think Eddie McGuire "should know better". Clearly, he doesn't know anything outside of pursuing his own self-interests; that includes any semblance of decency or how to behave.

Spud, BT etc - put these people on your ignore list and drive them out of relevance.

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This is finding a way to inject gender into this situation.

And here you are separating genders again. It shows an innate view that women are inferior to men.

I agree than domestic violence is an issue where genders are separated by the relative strength of one vs the other. The shit comments made by Eddie was targeted at Wilson because he hated her as a professional and possibly person rather than because of her gender.

I worry that when things like this blow up it may sadly hurt the prospects of women entering supposed 'male spaces' like boardrooms of some companies that lack female executives because of the risk of greater consequences if one executive acts like a shitcampaigner to the new female executive compared to if that executive acted like a shitcampaigner to a new male executive.

It's not 'finding a way to inject gender into this situation', her gender is relevant because of the huge focus on cracking down on domestic violence, particularly against women. That two Presidents of football clubs would advocate drowning a woman is terrible at any time, but to do so this week makes it worse. The context of the week amplifies the issue, it doesn't create the issue.

I'm not separating the genders, in fact I stressed the point that advocating drowning anyone would be terrible. I even emboldened the word. Advocating drowning women is particularly bad given the context of the week. Again, amplifying the issue not creating it.
The point here is Eddie would never say lets drown Robbo or Patrick Smith or Purple.

Why because it's not remotely funny in their minds. They are just morons who don't matter.

But to them it is funny to say it about Caro. Why. Because she is a strong woman who calls them out on their shit. Often wrong and a pain in the arse but the sentiment that it's funny is completely because she's a strong woman.
Can anyone tell me why it took nearly 7 whole days for this to rear it's head..? I think maybe Wilsons offence only came up when some dipstick Sydney journo decided to run with it, 6 days on.. Delayed outrage or...
Riddle me this, if everyone here thinks it was a harmless joke, where are similar comments being made about holding Robbo underwater? If it's about her being a shitty journalist, why wasn't McGuire targeting the bloke who released the names of the Pies players who tested positive?
Robbo went down last year and Neale Daniher said something like " I think a few of wish he didn't come back up". Where's the outrage?
How is she "inflammatory"?

It's the style of writing and the content. She calls people out , she gives her opinion on what they are doing wrong and what they should do next. She very rarely focuses on good news stories, only on the more hard-hitting stuff. People don't like being told what to do. She is judge, jury and executioner and people look at her and wonder "what gives a journalist the right to act like this?"

Some people would say all of the above makes her a good journalist but it is also why she's inflammatory.
Robbo went down last year and Neale Daniher said something like " I think a few of wish he didn't come back up". Where's the outrage?

Do you have a link to that? All I can remember is Robbo making a joke about shrinkage and Neale saying he bet Robbo wished he wasn't in something so tight.

Even if that was said by him, I don't see him saying "I'll hold you under Robbo, hey Gerard, wanna help me hold him under?"
Robbo went down last year and Neale Daniher said something like " I think a few of wish he didn't come back up". Where's the outrage?
one is jibe at someone he is close to. Banter between friends/colleagues/whatever
Ed and co had a crack at someone who they don't like.

Banter and bullying are different.

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Because he was stating what others might think not advocating it or giving it as his personal desire.
I left out the word us, he said a few of us wish he didn't come back up. That would mean himself didn't want him to come back up. He said it with a laugh and everyone thought it was a great joke that people wanted Robbo drowned.
Apologising is unmanly now?
There are apologies and apologies, like the legal one Dustin Martin was criticised for. McGuire's is magnitudes worse.
It's off topic but I would be interested to hear how you equate christian philosophy as the basis of today's prosperity... Whilst it is true that the early christian church did help to develop some select learning through the monastic system, solidified the Eastern and Western Empires for a short-time, and it's principles did help with the development of Roman Law, most historians tend to consider the victory of christianity over paganism at this time as also the moment when science and reason were replaced with mysticism and church, from which the European society did not recover (in a material, scientific, artistic or sociatal-developmental sense) for almost 1000 years.
Obviously there have been dark eras where the church held progress back. Was referring to more recent history where the great empires have all been Catholic.
It's not 'finding a way to inject gender into this situation', her gender is relevant because of the huge focus on cracking down on domestic violence, particularly against women. That two Presidents of football clubs would advocate drowning a woman is terrible at any time, but to do so this week makes it worse. The context of the week amplifies the issue, it doesn't create the issue.

I'm not separating the genders, in fact I stressed the point that advocating drowning anyone would be terrible. I even emboldened the word. Advocating drowning women is particularly bad given the context of the week. Again, amplifying the issue not creating it.
You seem to view them talking about a woman. Others view them as talking about a journalist. Yes it was an ugly thing to say.

If I were (as a high profile public figure) to say "I hope Messi gets hit by a bus before this game because I have a big bet against Barcelona" it would be a stupid statement.

If I were to (as a high profile public figure) say "I hope Serena Williams gets hit by a bus before her match because I have a big bet for her opponent to win" it would also be a stupid statement but may also draw the reaction of 'DOMESTIC VIOLENCE' VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN' 'SEXISM' etc.

The context of my statement viewed Serena as an elite tennis player. Other people may reduce this elite sports person to their gender.

Viewing and defining professional women by their gender does them a disservice. Unfortunately there seems to be a large amount of people of both genders very willing to do just that.
Men often earn more because they do the dirtiest and most dangerous jobs. Men also make up many of the poorest paying jobs. I riddled ya.

Going by the bolded text if a woman chooses not too do those jobs and takes a job that's safer but pays less it's part of the gender pay gap?

Do you see how illogical your conclusion is? It has nothing to do with privilege, more to do with personal choices.

There are actually laws that cover wages you realise?
Oh give me a break. If you don't understand the complexity of a situation, don't enter the debate. You said privilege and then when given a circumstance that directly contradicts your stance, you make excuses!!
What if it was the reverse situation, and Caro had said that about Eddie in a newspaper column?

I don't think Caro would have a job in that situation.

In any case, the thing to be avoided here is victim blaming
Do you have a link to that? All I can remember is Robbo making a joke about shrinkage and Neale saying he bet Robbo wished he wasn't in something so tight.

Even if that was said by him, I don't see him saying "I'll hold you under Robbo, hey Gerard, wanna help me hold him under?"
No don't have a link, I tried to find one before posting but couldn't.

one is jibe at someone he is close to. Banter between friends/colleagues/whatever
Ed and co had a crack at someone who they don't like.

Banter and bullying are different.
Fair point
You are completely wrong.

The pyramid of domestic violence starts with women being disrespected in our culture.

Caroline Wison is a great example as she cops it over and over again.

For two club Presidents and an all Australian selector to joke about drowing a women, and holding her under is abhorrent and should be condemed and punished.

Its no longer an excuse to say "we were joking". These men know the impact that statements they make have.

And would it be different if htey were talking about a bloke, yes it would. There is no systemic culture of violent abuse of men based on their gender.

Its time we all grew up and took responsiblity for the terrible blight of domestic violence in our society.

So from now on radio callers can only have a jab with men. Or shouldn't at all. And we should also remove chocolate and strawberry flavoured yoghurt from the store, because vanilla from herein.

I just don't see it. I'm sorry. Perhaps that makes me sexist then. As for gender, are you sure this was about gender? I listened to that segment live in the car and thought it was okay. I knew immediately, however, it would come under fire.

I kind of don't get it though. Was is because Caro is female or because she is the almighty journo with the biggest pen in the business. Caro has built a brand and credibility around herself not represented by her gender, in my opinion at least. Personally, I think it belittles Caro to even be having this conversation. Does she really need the defence?

If you replaced Caro with Robbo would be still be having this conversation? No. Of course not. So that means that we can give Robbo a hard time, but not Caro because she's female. But we want equality for men and women. Most of the time, when it suits. I get that we do not want to condone violence against women, however I personally did not see it that way.
Somebody please remind me. Who was the last bloke about whom it was suggested that they should be drowned? "The Parrot" Jones suggested it about our first female Prime Minister, and now two gutless, entitled, white male presidents of under achieving clubs have suggested it about a female sports journalist. But no similar "banter" about any blokes? This bloke's club does not deserve an AFL women's team. Spot the hypocrite, Eddie; and spot the spineless wonder, Gillon.
Oh give me a break. If you don't understand the complexity of a situation, don't enter the debate. You said privilege and then when given a circumstance that directly contradicts your stance, you make excuses!!

I understand it very well. I'm relying on logic and facts, not regurgitating some feminist diatribe that popped up on facebook or in the Age/Guardian and has been debunked by real Economists.

You gave a false circumstance that doesn't exist. You proved nothing. The complexity is in the lies you are trying to pose as the truth.

Using your assertion, women are privileged in the work place, they get paid leave by a private business for getting knocked up, a personal decision.

Check their privilege?
Because of all the journos he picked Wilson, when, if anything, he would have had more reason to target Robbo.

There is serious history between Wilson and McGuire ..they don't like each other ..and frequently take shots at each other you get what I'm saying here they dislike each other intensely...and Eddie just handed her ammo ...she's not in fear of her life ...she's now got the upper hand in there feud and will milk this for all its worth ....she's not liked by the clubs ..neither is that flog purple or robbo for that matter...
Just imagine the outrage if he was constantly calling for her to be sacked because she's out of touch and failed at her job ....oh the outrage at the sexism of it all
Funny how no one says anything like that about her constant attacks on his credibility

So it begs the question can only men be sexist ...because if that's the case that doesn't sound like equality to me

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Play Nice Eddie McGuire comments on holding Caro Wilson underwater

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