EDFL "A" Grade - 2011

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I think you will Find Douttas have paid what is owed at the EDFL, as for other clubs, i am sure they are working on paying rather than handing out massive sign ons...

But i guess if a clud owed that much the EDFL, as they have stated on many occasions, would have not allowed them to play finals. But then again it is in the EDFL Constitution that if you dont have an under 18s side you have to go back to B Grade.

teams will be able to play final regardless if they have paid or not. A few years ago Avondale were allowed in A Grade with under 18's, as were Marby in there first year up if i recall correctly
teams will be able to play final regardless if they have paid or not. A few years ago Avondale were allowed in A Grade with under 18's, as were Marby in there first year up if i recall correctly
EDFL apply the rules where it suits them and the club in question, one day someone will write a book about the decisions (or lack thereof) and injustices handed out by the league, clear lack of credibility. About time Turri sought some respect and removed some of the dinosuars getting big bucks for doing diddly squat, Price and Scott for starters.
EDFL apply the rules where it suits them and the club in question, one day someone will write a book about the decisions (or lack thereof) and injustices handed out by the league, clear lack of credibility. About time Turri sought some respect and removed some of the dinosuars getting big bucks for doing diddly squat, Price and Scott for starters.

Not sure about big bucks, I thought Price & Scotts positions was a volunteer one and Turri and his crew down at EDFL House were the only ones on the payroll.

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Not sure about big bucks, I thought Price & Scotts positions was a volunteer one and Turri and his crew down at EDFL House were the only ones on the payroll.
Regardless they are both dinosaurs and time for some new personnel, who are innovative/committed and can take the league and clubs to another level.
Regardless they are both dinosaurs and time for some new personnel, who are innovative/committed and can take the league and clubs to another level.

Unless you're willing to put your hand up for the job, how about you SHUT THE F**K UP. Any peanut can sit back and pot blokes on a footy forum and you certainly fit into that category!
If not the edfl exec why don't you offer to take over the Presidency of your own club or even easier, your clubs league Rep? Then you can have direct access to the EDFL exec and be able to offer suggestions on how to "take the league to another level". If you're suggestions have merit you can get together with other Club Reps and the EDFL will have no choice but to implement.
But I'm tipping you'll do nothing, so why would anyone give a sh*t what YOU THINK???
Unless you're willing to put your hand up for the job, how about you SHUT THE F**K UP. Any peanut can sit back and pot blokes on a footy forum and you certainly fit into that category!
If not the edfl exec why don't you offer to take over the Presidency of your own club or even easier, your clubs league Rep? Then you can have direct access to the EDFL exec and be able to offer suggestions on how to "take the league to another level". If you're suggestions have merit you can get together with other Club Reps and the EDFL will have no choice but to implement.
But I'm tipping you'll do nothing, so why would anyone give a sh*t what YOU THINK???

A tad harsh methinks , Why do you not do as you preach , i know he puts his hand up at club level , do you ???
Unless you're willing to put your hand up for the job, how about you SHUT THE F**K UP. Any peanut can sit back and pot blokes on a footy forum and you certainly fit into that category!
If not the edfl exec why don't you offer to take over the Presidency of your own club or even easier, your clubs league Rep? Then you can have direct access to the EDFL exec and be able to offer suggestions on how to "take the league to another level". If you're suggestions have merit you can get together with other Club Reps and the EDFL will have no choice but to implement.
But I'm tipping you'll do nothing, so why would anyone give a sh*t what YOU THINK???

A little harsh here mate - obviously know the blokes in question. Get yourself a copy of the EDFL Report it states they are paid - see honorary payments!! So fair game in my book especially when getting paid. I do agree a big call naming just two of them but the facts are they the EDFL Board have been a little ordinary in recent years. Some of their decisions are just not discussed with the clubs. Check my previous posts re Interchange Bench. I know for a fact a number of clubs challenged this rule change only to be told to go away. One minute the clubs can be part of the normal day to day league operation yet when they ask a question they are dismissed due to being unfinancial. Totally inconsistent.
Unless you're willing to put your hand up for the job, how about you SHUT THE F**K UP. Any peanut can sit back and pot blokes on a footy forum and you certainly fit into that category!
If not the edfl exec why don't you offer to take over the Presidency of your own club or even easier, your clubs league Rep? Then you can have direct access to the EDFL exec and be able to offer suggestions on how to "take the league to another level". If you're suggestions have merit you can get together with other Club Reps and the EDFL will have no choice but to implement.
But I'm tipping you'll do nothing, so why would anyone give a sh*t what YOU THINK???

Gee wow, some srong words here.

Imagine all the people who were at Board Level felt this way, then many things would be achieved, rather than us losing people like Matty to the NFL.
Anyway, i know for a fact people have tried to get onto the board and were told to nominate as they would be able to improve the league, then no votes for them.

Interesting isnt it??

Enjoy your day lads..!
Gee wow, some srong words here.

Imagine all the people who were at Board Level felt this way, then many things would be achieved, rather than us losing people like Matty to the NFL.
Anyway, i know for a fact people have tried to get onto the board and were told to nominate as they would be able to improve the league, then no votes for them.

Interesting isnt it??

Enjoy your day lads..!

Agree. There have been a number of blokes nominated for the board in recent years but come time to vote the clubs don't know about them so the same old farts get back in. And some clubs whilst their supporters come on here and are very passionate & vocal - the clubs themselves can't see past their own club issues and effectively say & do nothing when up at the EDFL meetings. This is why the likes of GV, AB SM KE get listened to because they get involved. We need action from our Presidents/Secretaries. These are the guys that can make a change.
Unless you're willing to put your hand up for the job, how about you SHUT THE F**K UP. Any peanut can sit back and pot blokes on a footy forum and you certainly fit into that category!
If not the edfl exec why don't you offer to take over the Presidency of your own club or even easier, your clubs league Rep? Then you can have direct access to the EDFL exec and be able to offer suggestions on how to "take the league to another level". If you're suggestions have merit you can get together with other Club Reps and the EDFL will have no choice but to implement.
But I'm tipping you'll do nothing, so why would anyone give a sh*t what YOU THINK???
Sorry 'bangfrom50' but everyone has their opinion whether you like it or not.
I know for a fact that Seirra is fully committed and involved in an official capacity with his club. Obviously you dont like people voicing their opinion ? If that is the case maybe you need to get off this forum and tell the dog next door to shut the fu*k up,,,but be careful he doesn;t bite you back. hahaha :p

Originally Posted by secure38
See above brains. How to keep sponsors 101..Same with the Buck as sponsors??
Now you listen here Pal, up till now I've been very calm and patient with you. The Fact is you know nothing about the Club so why don't you shut your pipe hole?
Unless you're willing to put your hand up for the job, how about you SHUT THE F**K UP. Any peanut can sit back and pot blokes on a footy forum and you certainly fit into that category!
If not the edfl exec why don't you offer to take over the Presidency of your own club or even easier, your clubs league Rep? Then you can have direct access to the EDFL exec and be able to offer suggestions on how to "take the league to another level". If you're suggestions have merit you can get together with other Club Reps and the EDFL will have no choice but to implement.
But I'm tipping you'll do nothing, so why would anyone give a sh*t what YOU THINK???
Well my comments have obviously stirred your pot, maybe you are one of those mentioned or in an official capacity at EDFL?? Unless I got deported to Libya overnight I thought we still lived in a country whose laws allow free speech? Have I ever nominated for EDFL Exec - NO - enough has been said about how/who gets that privilege. I continue to be passionately involved in my Club and have been on the Executive and involved in footy ops so I believe I am in a position to make valid and informed commentary. As I said the league and clubs need to be innovative and have a vision for continuous improvement and yes go to the next level, have a look around you and see what other leagues/clubs are doing. Example EFL - Montrose/Balwyn - state of the art facilities/broad and specific community involvement, council engagement/cooperation at all levels - can you say the league is active in all these areas? Some at league level are taking money (generated by the clubs) under false pretenses, if they cant deliver time to get off the gravy train!!
Watch that dog doesn't bite ;)
Well my comments have obviously stirred your pot, maybe you are one of those mentioned or in an official capacity at EDFL?? Unless I got deported to Libya overnight I thought we still lived in a country whose laws allow free speech? Have I ever nominated for EDFL Exec - NO - enough has been said about how/who gets that privilege. I continue to be passionately involved in my Club and have been on the Executive and involved in footy ops so I believe I am in a position to make valid and informed commentary. As I said the league and clubs need to be innovative and have a vision for continuous improvement and yes go to the next level, have a look around you and see what other leagues/clubs are doing. Example EFL - Montrose/Balwyn - state of the art facilities/broad and specific community involvement, council engagement/cooperation at all levels - can you say the league is active in all these areas? Some at league level are taking money (generated by the clubs) under false pretenses, if they cant deliver time to get off the gravy train!!
Watch that dog doesn't bite ;)

To be honest bagging blokes like Pricey isn't really fair...from my understanding all EDFL people are not really paid except for Turri...the others get next to nothing don't they??? And for me, Turri seems to be making some decent progress in a short time...remember he is only very new to the job so deserves a bit of time.

To call it a gravy train or big bucks is just misleading.
Clearance ??
sierra if you are in the sanctum you know for a fact that the oldtimers have deserted George,Jessen,Johnson,Rowe the blokes you have bailed you out for years 40K is the figure you have not paid B grade here you come legends have walked you wont have a side round One nobodys fault really just years of decay and misguidance good on Ando for stickin on.

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sierra if you are in the sanctum you know for a fact that the oldtimers have deserted George,Jessen,Johnson,Rowe the blokes you have bailed you out for years 40K is the figure you have not paid B grade here you come legends have walked you wont have a side round One nobodys fault really just years of decay and misguidance good on Ando for stickin on.

Funny could have sworn I had a beer with Rowey , Steve Jessen and Mick George at the club last week ???? and Jonno has had issues for 10 years its well known his thoughts and he is entitled to them , Club is in a better state financially than it has been for years
sierra if you are in the sanctum you know for a fact that the oldtimers have deserted George,Jessen,Johnson,Rowe the blokes you have bailed you out for years 40K is the figure you have not paid B grade here you come legends have walked you wont have a side round One nobodys fault really just years of decay and misguidance good on Ando for stickin on.
Yes I am in the inner sanctum and yes the fine gentleman you mentioned are still supporters of the club. As for owing 40K you are very ill informed, we unlike some actually pay our debts, Suggest you get your facts correct in future, as for round 1 the ball hasn't bounced yet so save your commentary until then
Well i havent had a look on here for a while and i must say things have heated up havent they lol

Not that anyone is probably interested in what i have to say but anyway ill address a few points :)

I believe that no matter what your job is or how much you get paid if anything at all then you are accountable to that position and need to perform at an acceptable level,i do not and have NEVER believed in the theory of "ease up he does it for nothing" or any like that, its a cop out in my opinion.Note im not referring to anyone on the EDFL as i dont know them or even what they do really.I have been a volunteer in certain roles and have also asked for voluteers to perform certain roles and i appreciated it very much and was appeciated but i expected the people to do there job and do it well.

Now on the other hand i also do not believe in poting/bagging blokes for no reason or just un-neccessary bagging of people but every one is open to criticism and you cant always say "Put your hand up if you want to have your say" as anyone can say what they want,however you/we need to be constructive in what you/we say especialy if its critical analysis ie facts right and not just unleasing a tirade of abuse as they will get us no where.But there is nothing wrong with a little friendly banter at all :D Although its obviously going to help if you are trying to be part of the solution or are helping out when you have some feedback then if you do nothing i guess.

Im from Douttas and whilst i havent actually asked the above mentioned people if they have deserted the club i wouldnt think so,people's priorities change and i know a couple of them have very nice holiday homes away from Melbourne where they are most weekends of the year,yes im sure some of them along with others are disapointed with have we have gone in recent years as am i,and maybe they wont be actively as involved as in the past but im sure they will still support the club as best they can,and like all of us sometimes you just need to take a step back for a while but still love the club and will still contribute as best they can.Again i havent specifically spoken to any of them so im just talking sh1t here :)

Some would say the world is a better place as a result of technology ie public net forums but also some people get on here and talk absolute sh1t and just want to bag people,clubs to the point of insanity in my opinion.I had a few beers at the Linc last night with Abers,Strathmore,East Keilor and maybe on or two other clubs players/supporters and had a good night. My point being we are all similar people really we just barrack/support different clubs and im sure that 90% of people on here would like each other in a social envirinment so yes lets be passionate about our clubs and keep the banter going and discuss all the big news,winners and losers as we do but yeas it is a game gentlemen,

It's quite simple really.

The AFL operates under a Salary Cap and a draft therefore on field performance is rarely linked to financial performance.

Local footy is different. Unless you have the cash you probably won't attract the players and you won't have success.

Unless you have a couple of smart operators your club won't have success.
Come down tomorrow and watch the first ever BOAGS Preaseason invitational @ the nice ovals at Bulleen Park, Bulleen, where Maribyrnong Park FC will take on 7 other 2010 Premiers from different leagues for the $5000K in cash & prizes. Gates open 10am and day finishes at 6pm. Jumping castle for kids.
Marby Park FC are a top 2 favorite on BETSTAR betting.
Come down tomorrow and watch the first ever BOAGS Preaseason invitational @ the nice ovals at Bulleen Park, Bulleen, where Maribyrnong Park FC will take on 7 other 2010 Premiers from different leagues for the $5000K in cash & prizes. Gates open 10am and day finishes at 6pm. Jumping castle for kids.
Marby Park FC are a top 2 favorite on BETSTAR betting.

Wouldn't mind just a fraction of that :p
Asaike o'hailpin looks the goods for marby..... Very very athletic will be one of the best ruckmen in the edfl
It's quite simple really.

The AFL operates under a Salary Cap and a draft therefore on field performance is rarely linked to financial performance.

Local footy is different. Unless you have the cash you probably won't attract the players and you won't have success.

Unless you have a couple of smart operators your club won't have success.

The AFL/VFL haven't always had salary caps and top clubs have still had leadership and financial issues. Its a very long bow to draw.
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