What's your solution Stax? Is there a solution or do the Big 3 continue to dominate and only get tested when clubs spend a heap of $$$(EK & Pacco)?7 clubs have won premierships in 22 completed seasons from 1999 onwards. I reckon if you went back through the list of premiers for most 10 team comps since time immemorial, then that strike rate would compare very favourably.
On the one hand you say the wealthier clubs will always stay at the top under the current system. But then your solution to even up the comp is to scrap the salary cap and the points system. Won’t that just benefit the wealthier clubs even more than it supposedly does now?
Local Footy and in particular EDFL is at it's lowest point I can remember.. Clubs not vying for finals(DS, AH, GV, Roys from last year) are really struggling due to lack of volunteers who have been worn down and disillusioned from busting their backsides for No Reward week after week , year after year. What's the use in participating just to ensure the comp runs so the bigger clubs can enjoy it?