Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic

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Is that it?
The term 'right of centre' is correct. The definition of far right has been so corrupted that anything to the right of the Greens is now considered 'far right'. I think people are overwhelmingly sick of the term to be honest as it has lost all meaning in the clamour of some to label people as racists.

It wasn't just 'flares and fireworks'. There have been reports of vandalism, monuments being destroyed, graffiti, riots and clashes with police.
It's not a motley crew of 10-20 people sitting around a campfire singing kumbaiya as much as you want to downplay it.
This is simply bullshit.
But they are, their houses are being bombed and everything ruined. I'm sure it could have been handled better if the US weren't such warmongers but need to keep wars going for the gravy train

If it wasn't Ukraine they'd have found some oil in Nigeria right next to some WMD. It's all fugazzi imo. US love the conflicts then they love them going on forever = $$$
You know what would stop the war? Russia leaving Ukranian territory.
But they are, their houses are being bombed and everything ruined. I'm sure it could have been handled better if the US weren't such warmongers but need to keep wars going for the gravy train

If it wasn't Ukraine they'd have found some oil in Nigeria right next to some WMD. It's all fugazzi imo. US love the conflicts then they love them going on forever = $$$

It does not surprise me that you're a Russian shill.

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Zero shill or care for Russia. They are in the wrong

Not wanting any war isn't in the US ideology either though. They love it

...then why are you harping on about the US being in the wrong here?

There is no tenable logical position that opposes warmongering (fair) but at the same time rolls over to Russia. Not opposing the Russian invasion of a sovereign nation implies that you are fine with might making right - ie warmongering. This issue ain't getting resolved at the diplomatic level without Ukraine giving up its own territory.
Fine - then define what 'right' is then.
For something or someone to be labelled 'far right' it means of course that there must be a 'right' otherwise you are not 'far' of anything.
Mate, political theory has defined these terms pretty extensviely. It's not simply left, right, centre. Terms in politics have meaning.

The definition of far right has been so corrupted that anything to the right of the Greens is now considered 'far right'.
Almost nobody thinks that.
I think people are overwhelmingly sick of the term to be honest as it has lost all meaning in the clamour of some to label people as racists.
Same as 'woke', 'lefty', 'SJW', 'bleeding-heart liberal', 'cuck', etc.
Mate, political theory has defined these terms pretty extensviely. It's not simply left, right, centre. Terms in politics have meaning.

Lol. Political theory has a lot more complex breakdowns then left, centre and right. They are so simplistic that they arent even good as aggregations any more. There are a lot of similarity between those who we claim to be hard left and those who we claim to be hard right that the term left and right has no actual value anymore.
Lol. Political theory has a lot more complex breakdowns then left, centre and right. They are so simplistic that they arent even good as aggregations any more. There are a lot of similarity between those who we claim to be hard left and those who we claim to be hard right that the term left and right has no actual value anymore.

One wants to raise the minimum wage and invest in public services. One wants mass deportations and the denial of jobs to dual national French citizens. The only similarity is a discontent with the status quo, but conflating the two is nonsense.

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