Fevola Related Petitions & Protests *MERGED*

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Re: Anti Fev trade protest @ Visy Park this weekend

Do you guys honestly think they'd trade him for getting drunk, even if it's for the 20th time?

It is their job to know all of the facts.
It is their job to make the tough decisions.
It is their job to create a culture where every player bleeds if necessary for every other player (and Carlos' kidneys aside, Fev doesn't promote that).

It is not their job to hold a friggin' referendum every time they need to make a decision.
It is not their job to baby their superstars and pamper them. Unfortunately, they have done this to date. I wish they had worked this out earlier, but I'm glad they did eventually.

CFC and the supporters created this mess by putting up with his antics for far too long because he kicks goals.

I don't want to see Fev kick 7 every week and us only scrape into the finals.
I want to see the sort of commitment and team effort I saw last weekend. I want to see the Navy Blues doing it, not someone else's team.
Only then will we play the kind of football that will get us to where we should be.

It's a real pity Fev probably won't be part of it here. But cancers have to be cut out.

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Re: Anti Fev trade protest @ Visy Park this weekend

Can I organise a snipper practice day at visy at the same time as the protest

I'm sorry, but what a dumb idea. If you feel sorry for Fev, write him a letter, send him an email, start a "we luv Fev whateva happens" group on facebook. Leave the CFC alone to do it's job. Protests, phone calls emails to CFC is nothing but silly.

I am a huge fan of Fev and actually have links to his family. In saying that, my allegiance is to the CFC. The club is bigger than any individual. I will support the CFC and support Fev whateva happens, but stop the silly antics.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and that's what forums are for, to voice and discuss them. But making protests, inundating the club about an individual is silly.

I wish Fev all the very best life has to offer, and i hope things work out for him.

Go Blues.
Re: Petition

Totally agree...and Ch 9 and the Footy Show have a lot to answer for also!! Out for ratings and controversy, then drop him when it all goes too far!! What did they honestly think would happen?

makes you wonder if chanel 9 and more to the point eddie maguire had a sinister motive. Gives fevs a microphone and a camera pissed , he messes up as he always does when he drinks. carlton put him up for trade. whammo collingwood score a top full forward.
Re: Petition

I don't want to derail this thread, but really, I can't understand how people are reacting half-koked. Fev is being put up for trade because of his past indiscretions and a lot of things that happened brownlow night that hasn't come out. It's not a knee jerk reaction to media pressure.

In all honesty, how dumb do you think the decision makers at the club are?

Before acting they have done everything possible to ensue they do the best thing for the cub.

Fev was told to stop drinking by team mates and others, but didn't wnt to listen. He was told to go to his room as he was staying at crown, but didn't listen. What was the solution then, a physical confrontation?

That night he damaged relationships with some of his team mates probably beyond repair. If u want Fev to stay, you're going to lose some young guns. there goes your premiership window. I'd rather keep my young guns than a 29 yo fantastic ff who i rate highly and has a big heart but has an alcohol problem.
Re: Petition

I posted this in another thread earlier, but it seems more appropriate here so I moved it. Sorry for the length.

I'm a 3rd generation Carlton supporter and signed up as a paid family member (reserve seats, the whole bit) when they really hit the skids cos I thought they could use the support. Seven long years later, I was starting to look forward to a return to success.

IMHO, our forward line needs Fev there and firing for the next couple of years while the rest of it develops. We are on the cusp of finally having a not-one-dimensional forward line, but it still needs Fev as the linch-pin while it evolves. How many of Eddie's goals come directly from his work and understanding with Fev? How many goals are scored by other talls when they're down there because Fev's got 3 defenders hanging off him? Take him out of there and teams will be able to go one-on-one because the others aren't within cooee of the damage that Fev can do. I do not see how 80 - 100 goals (+ those his presence creates) are going to be replaced. Our defence, while not the worst in the league, is not premiership standard yet, therefore we need a POTENT forward line, not just an OK one.

To those that say they're sick of his antics off-field. Why? Did he trash your party sometime? Spoil your night out somewhere? Or is it just that you don't like it that other supporters get into you when he's plastered all over the papers? I've got news for you folks, Carlton, like Collingwood, is the team that everyone loves to bag. And thanks to Elliot, we're also the club the media loves to dig up dirt on. Therefore, even with Fev gone, you'll be subjected to this sort of crap anyway, it'll just be some other player/incident (Judd the "eye-gouger" ring a bell?). These guys are footballers FFS and they come from all walks of life, therefore, they're a reflection of society in general. There are bound to other incidents, with other players, that will keep Carlton in the press for the wrong reasons. Why make Fev a scapegoat for this? And if you're not "sick of him" for this reason, then it can only be because you are judging him. And I say, what right to we have to judge any of these guys that pull on a Carlton jumper? Do we know anything about them apart from what we see on the field and what we read in the exploitative, sensationalist press?

Have you guys seen the support that Fev obviously enjoys from his teammates on the field? I can't imagine they're all burying some animosity towards him (but I'm happy to be proven wrong).

So, since I can't stand the idea of a club-enforced, self-inflicted decline in the fortunes of our club, I will renew my membership IF:

  1. The club makes a really really good trade, or
  2. The players come out and definitively say that he was a disruptive/divisive influence, or
  3. He doesn't get traded
Anything else and I'm going back to being an interested on-looker.
Re: Petition

He offered the waitress 500 dollars for the free Grog Alpha, I hardly call that sexual harrassment :D

It would be about the only way to de-juice Alpha
Re: Petition

Have you guys seen the support that Fev obviously enjoys from his teammates on the field? I can't imagine they're all burying some animosity towards him (but I'm happy to be proven wrong).

Apart from embarrassing Judd, after the brownlow at the after party, he offended a few people in particular WAG's of team mates, that left in tears. He managed to cause a fair bit of damage to team mates that night.

I am pretty sure that the leadership group was asked for their opinion, and they said it was time for him to move on. Obviously, i wasn't there, but I am sure what I've been told is on the money. I have only just found out myself. The club wants to keep this inhouse and rightly so. Too many people will get affected if this all blew up further in the media.

This being the case, I think the club is doing the right thing.
Re: Anti Fev trade protest @ Visy Park this weekend

You'll be in your cold, cold grave KM before you see Jarrod Waite kick 50 plus goals a season, he's not that type of player and plus his kicking at goal leaves a little to be desired

Sorry KM but Celtic is dead right (again).

Waite is a fine player but he has been in the system long enough for us to say categoricially that 50+ goals is beyond him.
Re: Petition

Apart from embarrassing Judd, after the brownlow at the after party, he offended a few people in particular WAG's of team mates, that left in tears. He managed to cause a fair bit of damage to team mates that night.

I am pretty sure that the leadership group was asked for their opinion, and they said it was time for him to move on. Obviously, i wasn't there, but I am sure what I've been told is on the money. I have only just found out myself. The club wants to keep this inhouse and rightly so. Too many people will get affected if this all blew up further in the media.

This being the case, I think the club is doing the right thing.

I can't see any reason that they can't come out after the dust has settled and reassure supporters. So if what you say is true, they'd be silly not to. I, like all of the other Fev fans, support the team first, and the other players at the club, so if someone could tell me categorically that he's lost their support, I'm happy to back the decision.
Re: Petition

Poor Fev, he was born a ****** and never had a chance in life. Born with half a brain, not the brightest at school, but he could lift heavy things.

I haven't said the Club has made the wrong decision, I am saying he should not have been allowed (by law) to get into the state he was in. The Club could have handled it better, Crown Casino "should" have handled it better, Channel 9 could have handled it better, and of course Fev himself could have handled it better. The damage is done now, but it's just a sad indication of how weak our Club really is when numerous players/officials sit by and watch one of our own become an out of control train wreak. I know I certainly have more respect for my mates and work colleagues than that. Something could have/should have been done before it got to the stage it did.....

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Re: Anti Fev trade protest @ Visy Park this weekend

At the BF the croud went nuts when heardFevs name get called for votes..

There is a big chance fev will stay because the other teams looking at him have to beat 700k and the Saints wont do that and the pies mite but couldnt make a good trade :thumbsu:

Didnt Eddie say they werent intrested in Fev??
Re: Anti Fev trade protest @ Visy Park this weekend

Shutup you idiot :D

I think it was funnii, good 1 dude, we sure did bag the hell out of him
but he survived it >>>>>> now its fev's turn unfortunitly, who wld of thought that 12 mths ago >>>>>>>> dont worry bout us oldies, Im feeling for the young supporters that love fev >>>> poor kids they must be heartbroken!!:(
Re: Anti Fev trade protest @ Visy Park this weekend

Is there going to be a big bonfire there onto which everyone can throw their membership cards? :p

Much like the protests in 1966 where Beatles records were burnt following Lennon's (in)famous "bigger than Jesus" comments.

Edit - Burning of effigies of those responsible for the decision would have to be a possibility too surely? :p
Re: Anti Fev trade protest @ Visy Park this weekend

I am going to go past Visy on this day, will make a note of all the people protesting like idiots. Then will make sure these people actually do burn their memberships, email the club their names etc and make sure they never get another membership/banned at Carlton. :rolleyes:
Re: Anti Fev trade protest @ Visy Park this weekend

Fair enough for those who want to participate, although I'm all for keeping Fev I won't, because of that "club is bigger than the individual" etc

Also, think CP has coped a bit of unfair treatment for opening this thread, don't often agree with CP, but all he's done is report what's already out there and letting people know who might want to be interested.

Also, just passed Visy Park and there were 4 protesters out the front in support of Fev.

What I couldn't work out is that as I walked down a lane by the park in my work suit, and there was no way they would've known who i barrack for etc, they started abusing me as i walked passed them because I wasn't stopping, telling me to f*ck off etc, in front of young children and stuff.

Found that a little odd - and am only raising this because if you do show public support for Fev, do it for his benefit, last thing Fev needs is a bunch of idiots attempting to show support for Fev while abusing pedestrians in the process.

Remember the MUA dispute 11 years ago? Very successful picketing. Why? Because they were professional about it

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Fevola Related Petitions & Protests *MERGED*

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