Fevola: The Real Story

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See, what gets me about that story is how others could possibly 'drag him off' her. There aren't too many ladies going around these days who culd forcibly remove a 100kg monster, so unless there were other men in the ladies' toilet, I find the story hard to believe...
You don't think that other men could have been close by and seen Fev enter the toilet,or were asked to help,or heard a call for help,or a scream,or,or,or.
And even if their were only women present i dont think even a drunken moron like Fev would physically fight to keep the assault going.
Your post is senseless.
They would have stood him down pending an investigation.

Rather than do that, they chose to impose a $10K fine without an investigation, hoping the matter would go away long enough for them to move him on.

Personally I reckon the AFL have as much to answer for here as do Carlton.

The AFL and Carlton have both - as Carlton supporters like to put it - 'tranished the brand' by their inactivity.
Milne? Buttrers? :confused:

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This post has the appearance of being the height of mischievous stupidity in my humble opinion. That's just an opinion however, not a fact.

They find out an allegation, they hold a board meeting that night. They announce he is up for trade the next day. The AFL are involved from the outset.

Fevola is under contract with $1.4m due to him over the next two years. The allegation was enough to push the club over the edge and get rid of him, but it is not enough to risk wearing a $1.4m payout by immediately terminating a contract. The allegation was not proven so there is plenty of doubt over whether Fevola could have been legally sacked without a payout.

Carlton accepted Bradshaw and Rischitelli for Fevola, not a terrible lot of self interest there. If there was no trade done, do you think there wouldn't be a further price to pay for Fevola? Carlton were true to their word on this occasion and you still take a contrary stance because the response was overnight and it was not a straight out sacking and payout.

I take it you would advocate your club screwing up its salary cap for two years on principle without a second thought, based on an allegation?

As I said, the AFL were involved. They knew what we knew. Don't think for a second that they weren't providing some guidance to Carlton over the best way to deal with this.

As usual ODN, in your desperate attempts to defend everything Carlton you lose sight of principle and reason.

Carlton decided to trade Fev because of these allegations.

Your president : "That's why we've made the call that we have. It was a big part of it."

So they obviously felt the allegations had some substance, so rather than act on that, they tried to keep it silent and Fev silent by sending him away while they could strike up a deal.

As for Carlton accepting Bradshaw and Rischitelli for Fevola, and again I quote "not a terrible lot of self interest there", are you bloody serious? Carlton suspected the allegations were true so accepting a packet of Twisties would be seen as self interest. Christ you were even accepting this as a good trade prior to knowing these allegations.

Do you have a principled bone in your body? Or is spinning anything acceptable if it's justified in the name of defending the Carlton "brand"? Maybe you should run for the board? :rolleyes:

Frankly I'm staggered even by your lowly standards that you cannot see how your club acted at best unethically in their handling of the situation.

Based on Stick's comments, had these allegations not come to light then Fev would still be a Carlton player.

Rather than deal with THEIR problem, they sat on it and tried to pass of damaged goods without a second thought in regards to the victim.

The entire board should be sacked especially your pathetic excuse of a president.
As usual ODN, in your desperate attempts to defend everything Carlton you lose sight of principle and reason.


Do you have a principled bone in your body? Or is spinning anything acceptable if it's justified in the name of defending the Carlton "brand"? Maybe you should run for the board? :rolleyes:

Frankly I'm staggered even by your lowly standards that you cannot see how your club acted at best unethically in their handling of the situation.

Based on Stick's comments, had these allegations not come to light then Fev would still be a Carlton player.

Rather than deal with THEIR problem, they sat on it and tried to pass of damaged goods without a second thought in regards to the victim.

The entire board should be sacked especially your pathetic excuse of a president.


Every poster on BF is aware of your blind frothing dribbling hatred of anything Carlton!

Carlton F'd up again and every sensible CFC fan knows that!

There has been more than adequate statements to clearly indicate that Fevola was gone,regardless of whether precise details were ever released.

THE AFL were handling it. Carlton were likely told not to intervene with "victim"and to shut up about it and get rid of him without statement till after trade week.

Given that AFLknew.. there is NO WAY that Brisbane were not also made aware... otherwise according to your "logic" makes the AFL complicit & culpable!:confused:

CFC & Kernahan showed great restraint..in light of the fan backlash!

The first decison they have got right in ages!

Sticks is NOT a good spokesperson... was thrust into the role he didn't want because..well you know why:eek:.

Just as you defend St Kilda and "players" so too is ODN entitled to do the same ... especially when YOU are being subjectively vindictive!
Corpuscles, that first line is actually a load of absolute frogshit. If you knew my and my families history with the CFC you'd understand how far from the truth that actually is.

My 'hatred' as you put it, is towards those that have actually been responsible for destorying what was once a great football club. They have acted as though they were the people responsible for it being a great club when in fact they were simply the people that rode on the coat-tails of others.

FWIW, many Carlton people - true Carlton people - both here on BF and elsewhere agree with me and often PM me with messages of support.

So pardon me if I tell you to mind your own f***ing business.

And might I add, I am equally critical of the AFL who put dollars ahead of principle and haven't made one mention to what Brisbane might or might not have known.
Corpuscles, that first line is actually a load of absolute frogshit. If you knew my and my families history with the CFC you'd understand how far from the truth that actually is.

My 'hatred' as you put it, is towards those that have actually been responsible for destorying what was once a great football club. They have acted as though they were the people responsible for it being a great club when in fact they were simply the people that rode on the coat-tails of others.

FWIW, many Carlton people - true Carlton people - both here on BF and elsewhere agree with me and often PM me with messages of support.

So pardon me if I tell you to mind your own f***ing business.

And might I add, I am equally critical of the AFL who put dollars ahead of principle and haven't made one mention to what Brisbane might or might not have known.

Oh so now!!!.... BF:eek:, all matters CFC, are "your business" because of some unsubstantiated emotional rant that you had some "family connection" to CFC...and no one else ought comment?

This thread is as much "my business" as yours!!!!!

You did not address any of the other pointswhich refute your incorrect "logic" !

AFL is a multi-million /billion dollar entertainment business. The AFL dealt with this embarrassment superbly!

Is there anything you are NOT critical of?

PS Because ODN will likely see this...I again applaud the way he has handled BF during this. He usually a hair trigger temper ..but showed enormous restraint:thumbsu:..especially to YOU!:)
Get real stupid! Rumour,unsubstantiated,not accusation. Rumours appear on this site every day,anyway the rumour has also been aired on radio. Go and reread your law books jerkoff.
Amazing how Brisbane supporters are falling over themselves to to defend Fev.
Where are your morals ? :thumbsdown:

no need to abuse.

rumours with names and specific details of sexual abuse are not on ths site every day. IF they were there would be no bigfooty, becuase of that. You just plain cant do that. Like it or not.

My morals are fine thanks. I dont think ANY persons employer ie the HUN should be or legally is allowed to put this ladies side of the story out to anyone.I as a lady would be horrified IF i had been abuse din any way, IF I chose not to report it to the police for whatever reason( and those can be many), IF my boss decided that he/she would tell the world about me.Thats disrespectufl to the lady, no confidentiality to her at all. and also its a rumour, no substaniation due to the lack of report.therefore its bad for both parties. Total lack of respect and understanding or how to treat your staff. The HUN are just after sensationalising this for their own benefit.
Oh so now!!!.... BF:eek:, all matters CFC, are "your business" because of some unsubstantiated emotional rant that you had some "family connection" to CFC...and no one else ought comment?

This thread is as much "my business" as yours!!!!!

No *******, I was talking about MY interest becoming the subject, not what others may or may not comment on. I really struggle to see how it's any of your concern why I might or might not comment on Carlton issues.

But hey, feel free to brown-nose to others as is your want. I must say you're very good at it and have plenty of form.

Why on earth would I be attempting to say who or what people can say on Carlton or this thread? That's the domain of people like ODN, I've never once tried to use that childish line of reasoning even in realtion to the club I support. It's an open forum for all matters AFL, and it's actually you that's going down that mornic path not me!

Fair dinkum, get a grip. Actually too tight a grip is probably your biggest problem!
No *******, I was talking about MY interest becoming the subject, not what others may or may not comment on. I really struggle to see how it's any of your concern why I might or might not comment on Carlton issues.

But hey, feel free to brown-nose to others as is your want. I must say you're very good at it and have plenty of form.

Why on earth would I be attempting to say who or what people can say on Carlton or this thread? That's the domain of people like ODN, I've never once tried to use that childish line of reasoning even in realtion to the club I support. It's an open forum for all matters AFL, and it's actually you that's going down that mornic path not me!

Fair dinkum, get a grip. Actually too tight a grip is probably your biggest problem!

Brown nose: Simply credit where it is due. Btw: I would be arguably ... as critical of Carlton as you!:p. Certainly have contested ODN (&others) view...perhaps considerably more rationally... than YOU!

Thread: Pls essplain your comment " Mind your own business" Can you?
you Carrrnt!:D

Grip: well you've got me there!:eek:... I defer to your obvious expertise on that matter!:p

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Not sure if I'd agree it's the first but I'd agree that they hit on all the issues on why Carlton, the AFL and Brendon Fevola should be ashamed of themselves.

I would add that Channel 9 and the Herald Sun are equally as culpable. Carlton cannot deny that, at the time of the alleged incidents, Fevola was their employee. nor should Channel 9 as he was contracted to perform work for them after the Brownlow dinner.
If Carlton are guilty for not investigating, then surely so too are Channel 9. In fact 9 had access to ALL the footage and they had suggested to Fevola that last year's "Street Talk" was a great success when he was intoxicated and he should continue that line.
As mentioned on the "Offsiders", the Herald Sun had access to Fevola on the Thursday after the Brownlow and chose not to question him or publish the questions nor his responses.
My main query in all this, is why it was kept quiet for 18 days. Obviously Fevola could add little light given his apparent lack of memory of the night.

I'd love to see a timeline of when certain parties became aware of the allegations; namely
When the employee told HS
When HS contacted AFL
When AFL contacted Carlton.

What we do know;
Carlton board met on the Tuesday night and effectively sacked Fev.
Demetriou spoke to Fev on the Thursday, when Fev pulled out of the parade.
We all saw the Footy show on the Thursday
Carlton told Fev not to come to the B&F on the Sunday
Carlton announced Fev was to be traded on the Tuesday

There seems to be an inordinate delay between the events of the night and any action being taken by anyone.
This is going to get worse as i don't believe any party, except the woman involved, has treated the matter as seriously as they should.

I doubt the whole story will come out but it was interesting to note that Fev was a notable absentee fron Nick Stevens' wedding yesterday.
no need to abuse.

rumours with names and specific details of sexual abuse are not on ths site every day. IF they were there would be no bigfooty, becuase of that. You just plain cant do that. Like it or not.

My morals are fine thanks. I dont think ANY persons employer ie the HUN should be or legally is allowed to put this ladies side of the story out to anyone.I as a lady would be horrified IF i had been abuse din any way, IF I chose not to report it to the police for whatever reason( and those can be many), IF my boss decided that he/she would tell the world about me.Thats disrespectufl to the lady, no confidentiality to her at all. and also its a rumour, no substaniation due to the lack of report.therefore its bad for both parties. Total lack of respect and understanding or how to treat your staff. The HUN are just after sensationalising this for their own benefit.
Campbell you are not getting it are you. As you have said yourself again,we are talking about rumours not accusations,rumours that have also been made public on radio. These rumours are obviously unsubstantiated and that is the context of how they were expressed.
As for your long tirade about the HUN,what point are you trying to make? If you read my posts i have from the start tried to explain that she did not want to make an official complaint to the police or the AFL and i have complete respect for that. I dont understand what it is you think the HUN has done to her. They have protected her from the start,and have respected her wishes of not wanting to be identified. The woman would have been aware and advised of the HUN's story and she would realise that it was inevitable. I dont know if you have read the story but basically it was just a tirade against Fev. The HUN did not release any information that was not already known and widely reported. I think you are confused as to how this has played out,and somehow your take on it seems to have changed since you started posting. I think you originally asked why she didn't go straight to the police,and i think it was me who explained she did not want to persue it and the reasons why.
Campbell, can you tell me, is their anything significant about your name or is it just your name ?
What about them?

Seriously the smearing of individuals by some here simply in the name of a good troll is pathetic.

Pull your f***ing head in loser.
Wow Jeff, i have struck a nerve here !
Jeff,you are constantly trying too hard to sound clever in your posts,but Jeff you never quite make it. All to often you miss the point or fail to see the logic of a certain argument. My advise to you is,don't try so hard,just be yourself,we will respect you all the more for it.
Now, about losers. We all know who they are,dont we Jeff? :(
Campbell you are not getting it are you. As you have said yourself again,we are talking about rumours not accusations,rumours that have also been made public on radio. These rumours are obviously unsubstantiated and that is the context of how they were expressed.
As for your long tirade about the HUN,what point are you trying to make? If you read my posts i have from the start tried to explain that she did not want to make an official complaint to the police or the AFL and i have complete respect for that. I dont understand what it is you think the HUN has done to her. They have protected her from the start,and have respected her wishes of not wanting to be identified. The woman would have been aware and advised of the HUN's story and she would realise that it was inevitable. I dont know if you have read the story but basically it was just a tirade against Fev. The HUN did not release any information that was not already known and widely reported. I think you are confused as to how this has played out,and somehow your take on it seems to have changed since you started posting. I think you originally asked why she didn't go straight to the police,and i think it was me who explained she did not want to persue it and the reasons why.
Campbell, can you tell me, is their anything significant about your name or is it just your name ?

The HUN should not have said one word on her behalf, nnothing, nada. The information you say that is out there, is inuendo and rumour.Not one bit is substanited or fact at this point in time. No employer is allowed to speak for an employee in any matter, let alone on a rumour.

You say she doesnt want to pursue this, then so be it. Thats her decision, not her employers to come out in the media and talk about it.As he obviously doestnt agree with her decision. HUN are a disgrace as an employer. I bet she feel wonderful going to work,as do all other employees knowing that if the boss doesnt agree with them, he can and will go agsinst their wishes and do as he pleases.
The HUN should not have said one word on her behalf, nnothing, nada. The information you say that is out there, is inuendo and rumour.Not one bit is substanited or fact at this point in time. No employer is allowed to speak for an employee in any matter, let alone on a rumour.

You say she doesnt want to pursue this, then so be it. Thats her decision, not her employers to come out in the media and talk about it.As he obviously doestnt agree with her decision. HUN are a disgrace as an employer. I bet she feel wonderful going to work,as do all other employees knowing that if the boss doesnt agree with them, he can and will go agsinst their wishes and do as he pleases.

Like a scratched screeching wailing Celine Dion record.

How do you know as part of the counselling provided to her (by AFL and HUN) that she did not request/authorise that some minor mention be made of it?

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Fevola: The Real Story

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