You can't kick goals when you're unconscious.
Alright so there’s much more it than that mate. Here’s what I posted in the previous thread “Well given all the current boards failures it wouldn't be that hard to top them but the Carlton Now ticket is really going to focus most on is engaging more with the members, better transparency etc. Instead of having power hungry out of touch businessman who know nothing about football and are as charismatic as a wet paper bag your going to get Elliott style people who have actually will show some love and passion for this club. The members will get a say on board appointments once again. The autocratic constitutional amendments designed to keep the same old dinosaurs in power like their some sort of royal family will be gone. We will once again chase the best players and coaches instead of duds like Bolton and Teague. We will create a winning environment once again where the players will feel proud to wear the Carlton jumper and give 200% on the field EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF EVERY GAME. Yes its about winning games of footy but what differentiates Carlton Now from the current board is that they will put in the right plans actually achieve it as well as make Carlton an AFL powerhouse that us members will be proud to support again. Past legends will be treated with respect and you might even see a surprise change of course surrounding the Princes Park redevelopment. From what I've heard this pretty much sums up Carlton Now. If this isn't appealing to vote for then I dont know what is”
I really hope you get on board though because we need as many passionate blue baggers as possible to join the fight as we the people take back our footy club. I know the past 10 years have been terrible to be a Carlton supporter but with all the idiots gone you sir will finally have pride in supporting this great footy club once again. We will be feared by the rest and United from within. If Carlton now gets elected this playing group will start playing with a spirit not seen since 1995 and given the talent we’ve got,we might just win it next year
Vince knows over half these peeps are already gone....right?
Vince just wants a spill of the board and has no plan of what to do if in the 0.02% chance that ever happens. GTFO.
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