Forget about watching the footy show this year

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Premiership Player
Oct 4, 2003
Perth, WA
AFL Club
West Coast
Other Teams
West Coast
what do the eagles need to achieve to be taken seriously, if at all represented on the footy show. besides the interview with judd we heard more about the host's off-season exploits than the eagles in their first gf of any sort in 11 years. If you wanted conclusive evidence that the footy show is all about the ego's of its washed up so called stars, than that was it. i'll be switching off
TFS has always been about Eddie's agenda, which is either Collingwood, cross promotion or being the first to break a story (no matter how trivial).

You'll find that the clubs that are most often featured on TFS usually fall into at least one of the following categories.

1. They wear black & white
2. They have financial or boardroom trouble.
2. Their coach is a publicity whore (Sheedy, Connolly etc.)
3. They make unnecessary press releases about irrelevant goings on at the club.

Personally I see no benefit in increasing our exposure on TFS.
Three words... Fox League Teams.

Better time slot, jokes that are funny, decent team by team pre-match analysis.

No foxtel, then i pity you. Footy Show it is for you.

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For the first time in my life I watched the first 15 minutes of TFS last night.

Not an experience I'm in a hurry to repeat.

Call me naive, but I thought a show that goes by the name of The Footy Show might have had something to do with footy.

unfunny, egomaniacal, amateurish bollocks.
they claim it is more of a lighthearted entertainment. it is not even that. it is a pathetic concept that needs to be taken of the air immediately. jokes are getting sad and the whole show is a predicatable cliche.
hey hey its thursday
without the jokes
but with team sheets

I am allways amazed at how sad the constant bombardment of advertising is.
Surely they surpass the required ratio of advertising to program content.
and fev really shouldn't be on tv. dead set idiot.

i wish i could afford an alternative.
talking footy was half decent.

ended up watching nrl footy show, that is top shelf classic.
so bad but great
I'm not one to bother bagging out TFS, it's not perfect but nothing is right?

But last night, when it started up and got going I realised that it could have easily been show 1 of 1998 or 2000 or 2003 etc. Exactly the same, nothing unique. I've watched the show for 10 years, due to my footy tragic nature, generally get a chuckle and the teams etc but last night was just terrible, nothing interesting, i gave up on it and went on the computer, leaving the volume down waiting for when Juddy came on only to see the only footy talk on the show drowned out by Sam Newman getting on his high horse because he was being left out (as if the man knows anything about either side.) - and what the hell was with the cross to Nick Steven's brother?? FOR GODS SAKE! He's playing, we get the point. I think even a Carlton fan would have found that over kill quite embarrassing.

I don't have Foxtel but I'm wondering do they have a 'Magazine' style show a bit like the Premier leauge one, or NBA Action?, or even SBS's 'World Game' prgramme. I'd watch something like that, a story from each club, perhaps a profile/interview on the weeks rising star nominee, a panel of maybe 3 blokes who know their footy and a guest player (one from each team over the weeks), none of these waste of time segments like Street Talk, or some tedious competition. Might be boring to some but I find I can go a season and barely know a thing about how a team is travelling or whos going well and have to resort to wading through the crap on Bigfooty to find out some info from a few of the decent posters on here. It surely couldn't be that hard set up a show like I suggested, doesn't have to be funny but can be a bit more up beat than Talking Footy (which just drowned itself in sacked coaches and boardroom crap last season after being quite good for a while).
Like i said Black JJ, Fox league teams is on every Thursday night. It's hosted by Anthony Hudson with Mike Sheahan, Russell Greene and John Barnes. They give a great pre-game analysis for each game, discussing whos in, whos out, whos hot, whos cold followed by realistic tips on the winners. Barnes is a bit of a clown, but at least his stupidity is funny.
Unlike the Eddie show who uses the West Coast pregame discussion period to promote some retired hacks latest book, followed by hurried tips from the 3 clowns sitting opposite him so they can get to the next commercial break in time.
Fox has also just shown series of shows analysing each of the 16 clubs in detail, discussing how they have progressed from the end of last year to date. (I missed the Eagles one becasue of family commitments :mad: )
Black JuJu said:
I'm not one to bother bagging out TFS, it's not perfect but nothing is right?
fight club, the big lebowski, boogie nights and seven samurai are perfect films
the simpsons, the sopranos, futurama and 6 feet under are perfect TV
thai red curry is the perfect meal
tool is perfect music
amsterdam is the perfect city
angelina jolie has the perfect body

TFS is amateurish bull******** produced by unfunny, talentless hacks. if it wasnt for trevor marmalade it would be a total entertainment wasteland
Black JuJu said:
I don't have Foxtel but I'm wondering do they have a 'Magazine' style show a bit like the Premier leauge one, or NBA Action?, or even SBS's 'World Game' prgramme.
Fox League Teams is the best... its amazing.. they actually talk about the teams not just gloss over them.. and its funny. You really are missing out without Foxtel... I don't watch anything but Foxtel.
Im amazed that this is even an issue TFS has been $hit for years and is getting worse and worse. Eddie is knob (and i support Collingwood) and Sam insulting humor is dead, even Trevor just comes up with lame jokes which the panel are forced to laugh at. I mean look at the panelists, Fevola a stupid stupid person who can't take a joke and gets defencive when bagged about Carlton, Nathan Brown who is a pretty boy but at least comes out with something meaningful every now and then and Bucks who barley said a thing.

Fox league teams is ok just that they do carry one a bit and Mike nows stuff all about footy and trys to come up with stupid reasons why coaches are wrong. Barnesy is self involved and thinks the sun shins out of every Essondon players arse.

I really can't stand any of the footy shows and only bother if nothing else is on.

I think Fox should invest in a t.v type show like NBA action. Make it go for an hour. Have inside the club on different clubs have a rising star bit, top 10 plays, highlights to music, and some interviews with no hosts.

I do enjoy white line fever when its on as you get to hear from the fans which is what footy is all about.

If anyone is wondering why a Collingwood fan is on the WCE page its just my best mate is a mad Eagles man and we like to chat about the footy and I really enjoy watching the Eagles and I love AFL and your team i think is the most entertaining to watch.

Wow, the Eagles are hardly mentioned on a show which is run by blokes with the biggest heads in Australia. Yet another reason that I haven't watched the show since about 1998.
TFS is just wrong. steadily over the years it has gone from remotely about previewing the round of footy to eddie and sam crapping on about non-related rubbish.

agree Fox League teams is the better.

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In the season opener I counted how many times they mentioned the Eagles compared to the Blues. West Cost got mention and spoke about a total of 7 times compered to Carlton's 16! Ab Crab! Biast Victorian made show that used to be funny. Maybe if Sam was'nt quite as big of a Di*k Head or what they make Sam look out to be it would'nt be too bad. Even Eddie said it was Tea at the end of show. Now the Wizard Cup GF, I was there but after listening to the TV replay Eddies commenttry was discgraceful. The way he'd Bellow Carlton and Fevola. Bloody Joke.

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Forget about watching the footy show this year

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