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Mar 6, 2007
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Welcome to the Fremantle board, and please enjoy your stay!

Before you start:

Full site rules can be found here:

Rules about content can be found here:

On registration you agreed to not use the forum to submit or link to any Content which is:
  • defamatory,
  • hateful,
  • threatening,
  • abusive,
  • spam or spam-like,
  • likely to offend,
  • contains adult or objectionable content,
  • contains personal information of others,
  • risks copyright infringement,
  • encourages unlawful activity,
  • or otherwise violates any laws.

Some things we want you to be aware of:

1. Trolling Fremantle - We welcome other teams' supporters to post on the Fremantle board, they can offer different perspectives on issues and we like a bit of friendly banter. Please remember though, if you're here to troll and be disrespectful to our posters/team, your presence will not be tolerated for long.

2. Civility - Differing opinions can lead to heated exchanges, whilst we encourage very robust and passionate discussions on this board, we also want posters to treat others with respect and play the ball and not the man.

3. Content - Obviously do not post pornographic images, nudes, faeces, over the top toilet humour, animals copulating or other lewd acts. Less obviously, do not post pictures of scantily clad women. Avoid celebrating or wishing injury on players. In short, keep your posting tasteful. Rules about content can be found here:

4. On Topic - Conversation evolves as it is created, so we do not expect thread topics to be strictly adhered to. While this is all well and good, people generally read threads for information and opinions, not off topic chit chat. Please keep on topic, and if a thread has diverged, please take ownership and respectfully steer it back on course. Non-football related threads should be posted on the Purple Hoarde sub forum.

5. Racism, Sexism and Homophobia - If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, then don't say it here. We are open and inclusive and will not tolerate negative generalisations based on race, culture, gender or sexual preference.

6. Moderators - We will do our best to moderate this board fairly and in keeping with the above rules. We will not tolerate abuse from posters, nor will we tolerate posters who waste our time with long running PM exchanges or spurious post reports. If you feel as though a moderator has not performed their duty correctly, please contact bigfooty admin using the link at the bottom of the page.

Disclaimer - Whilst enforcing the rules we will take into account the different histories of each poster and the context of discussions. This can lead to irregularities with moderating at different times and different moderators.

Full site rules can be found here:

Rules about content can be found here:

On registration you agreed to not use the forum to submit or link to any Content which is:
  • defamatory,
  • hateful,
  • threatening,
  • abusive,
  • spam or spam-like,
  • likely to offend,
  • contains adult or objectionable content,
  • contains personal information of others,
  • risks copyright infringement,
  • encourages unlawful activity,
  • or otherwise violates any laws.
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Injury celebration and wishing injury seems to have cropped up a few times over the last few days, so I've altered the content section to cover that.

Mild comments like "That injury to Zemplis will help us", is fine, just nothing celebratory, over-zealous or vindictive.

Stay classy Freo board :thumbsu:
Disclaimer - Whilst enforcing the rules we will take into account the different histories of each poster and the context of discussions. This can lead to irregularities with moderating at different times and different moderators.

Mods this is shit. Its just a catch all to enable you to pick on guys. And we know who gets picked on?

We need equity here not a mob rule. Bushie wasnt on some crusade it was actually a fair question. Some dickheads on here get a lot more rope than others. If your going to do something dont be a gutless prick, step forward and make your case.

But for a little while it was a joke with the repeated deletions of single posts. Like the Nth Koreans had taken over. It would have been far smarter to just close the thread.

Yea we know Bushie can push peoples buttons and call a spade a f'ing shovel but do you want debate or do you want stifled debate where we cant get heated and argue the point?
You're on a slippery slope there Freo Shark, this place doesn't take criticism of the way it operates very well at all. Bushie takes up the cudgel, and then takes it up the arse, because he believes, as I do, that the Fremantle board should benefit our supporters more so than those of other teams. He has a certain approach which doesn't sit well with some, but I'd rather that than opposition trolls crouching here under the guise of genuine discussion just to annoy those of us who realise their true intent and bait those that don't. I've given up trying to make an issue of it, it's far easier for me just to avoid using this board as much as I might otherwise. That's probably almost as pleasing to certain posters on this board as when Bushie is on "holiday".

I'm going to add my voice to that. I no longer bother posting on here because of the latitude that is given to trolling flogs from other clubs, while genuine FREMANTLE supporters are given their marching orders for objecting.

I recently received my first infraction for calling out an Eagles troll who was making homophobic claims about Nat Fyfe - for that I got a day off. I understand that I didn't do it in the "right way" but to be honest all it needed was the mod in question to gently point that out, rather than sending me to the naughty corner to think about what I have done.

For the record, if you guys (mods) spent more time clearing the opposition crap off our boards there would be less opportunity for our own supporters to lose their cool and tell them where to go. I am a pretty placid bloke, but my blood boils when I see some of the shit that is allowed to drift around on our board - it would not happen on some of the other team boards. Hopefully with some new mods they will be flushed a little quicker in future - up to now they seem to have been given a pretty free rein.

I will continue to pop my head in from time to time and really appreciate the genuine posters, particularly those who go out of their way to post the best training reports on BF. Keep up the great work guys.
I'm going to add my voice to that. I no longer bother posting on here because of the latitude that is given to trolling flogs from other clubs, while genuine FREMANTLE supporters are given their marching orders for objecting.

I recently received my first infraction for calling out an Eagles troll who was making homophobic claims about Nat Fyfe - for that I got a day off. I understand that I didn't do it in the "right way" but to be honest all it needed was the mod in question to gently point that out, rather than sending me to the naughty corner to think about what I have done.
How come you apologised to me when I gave you that day off?
I am very new here but am a little over wading around this destructive conversation that's been going on lately. I'm not sure what everyone is trying to achieve by getting far too overly emotional about an online discussion forum? I understand many of you are far more vested than me having participated for many years but I don't think turning on the mods is a smart way to get what you want.

Anyone that has moderated anything where debates can quickly turn in to pointless name calling knows how difficult it is to appease everyone involved and keep the conversation civil (especially online). Our mods are volunteers (to my knowledge), and I suspect they are all just as passionate about their club as you or I. But their job is to enforce the rules as best as possible. And that means they occasionally are going to annoy a vocal minority to try and make the experience more positive for the majority. Some of the comments being posted certainly haven't been "family friendly" lately and I think if you all stepped back and looked at it from that perspective you might put away your pitch forks.

I doubt any of the mods would disagree with you guys that trolls shouldn't be welcome. But at the same time I don't think they should be putting up with the personal insults flying their way from some fellow Fremantle supporters either. Especially for things as ridiculous as not responding to a question within a few hours. If someone called me some of the names that were thrown at brand new mod Allikat recently I certainly wouldn't be going out of my way to help them either. Surely common sense should prevail here and if all us Fremantle supporters started respecting each other then I doubt the mods would need to be making bans often at all.

The thing that annoys me the most is that many of you are playing in to the hands of the trolls. If you don't feed them, then they will likely disappear. And if they don't then it will be very straightforward for our mods to identify them and take action. And if they don't then maybe we could ask them to respectfully, without calling them every name under the sun. But when we immediately jump on the back of a suspected troll with every post they make, we are the ones that end up looking like the idiots, and therefore we are the ones getting banned. And not surprisingly we then attract even more trolls to our board because they know they are going to get a reaction.

Our training reports seem to be some of, if not, the best on BF. As a person who is unable to get down to see training in person I appreciate the effort by the watchers so very much. And the numerous conversations and debates on all manner of topics have also been great to read through, and it's only pre-season! But finding my way amongst countless juvenile insults is somewhat ruining an otherwise great online experience.

Let's all take a chill pill over the Christmas period and come back fired up to support and debate about our team, rather than getting sucked in to the void of unwelcome trolls hiding behind their computer screens. Merry Christmas everyone and stay safe!

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How come you apologised to me when I gave you that day off?
Because I was acknowledging that I had gone about it the wrong way - and happy to do so. Is that a problem? As I said, had you quietly pointed that out to me it would have been just as effective without leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
...The thing that annoys me the most is that many of you are playing in to the hands of the trolls. If you don't feed them, then they will likely disappear. And if they don't then it will be very straightforward for our mods to identify them and take action. And if they don't then maybe we could ask them to respectfully, without calling them every name under the sun. But when we immediately jump on the back of a suspected troll with every post they make, we are the ones that end up looking like the idiots, and therefore we are the ones getting banned. And not surprisingly we then attract even more trolls to our board because they know they are going to get a reaction....
I can assure you, from personal experience, that this is not what happens on other team boards. Trolls are fair game to be called any name under the sun with impunity by the team supporters on any given board, that is their right. Quick removal is all it takes to restore order, but that relies on the mods recognising who the trolls are.
I have a slightly nauseous feeling that I actually saw the posts which led to Bushie's last two suspensions.
If I did,they were little more than a difference of opinion.
One of the opinions was held by a moderator.Then the Ballantyne/zero tolerance policy was applied.
Questioning a mod doesn't need to be seen as compromising their infallibility.
I've long taken the stance of DudleyDocker and Reginald Perrin and post infrequently on this board as my mute and ineffectual protest to the way it's moderated.
I've been suspended once, warned once and had my 'like' function removed.
When I queried the suspension I was informed 'it shouldn't have happened' and it was revoked.
When I queried the warning I was informed the rule I had broken had not actually been written up yet.
When I queried to removal of the 'like' function,it was restored.
Who would have thought the notion that moderation should at least aspire to be consistent required debate?
I can assure you, from personal experience, that this is not what happens on other team boards. Trolls are fair game to be called any name under the sun with impunity by the team supporters on any given board, that is their right. Quick removal is all it takes to restore order, but that relies on the mods recognising who the trolls are.

I certainly don't want us not to have a diversity of supporters on our site but this is an example of the problem we are causing ourselves. Bushie invites a troll to our board about a month ago (I have removed the tags to avoid inviting Defacto to this convo - the thread it is from is also locked so can't quote properly).
Defacto is finally back after his ultimate humiliation.

Actually no...he is consistently humiliated and quite definitely derives sexual gratification from it.

Come on Defacto come here and get your rocks off and tell us all again how it was a CERTAINTY for Lachie Weller to leave for the Saints and we get pick 5...or some other made up shit.
Defacto responds suggesting we set up a thread specifically for him to post to, as to not crowd our other threads. To which Bushie then responds with:
Nah, that's never going to happen. Despite your claims to the contrary, (in your tiny little mind), you really aren't worthy of anything but scorn and derision.

btw...when are you going to get over the fact that RTB is here now?

Your constant public display of anus hurt is as amusing as it is embarrassing. For you.

And then last Thursday Bushie complains about Defacto posting on our board.
Why is the St Kilda shit bag allowed to post on our board?

He shows ZERO respect to us over the entire site and is constantly trolling the club and, especially, Ross Lyon.
Maybe because you invited him to! You can't complain about a troll posting on our board when you are the one who invited them here in the first place! And not only that but your posts are full of profanity and language that is inappropriate for the broader BF community. As much as I don't like Defacto either, his posts on our board weren't breaking the rules.

Pretty simple solution, I would have thought... Don't tag them to join a conversation on our board if you don't want them here. And certainly don't then complain when the mods don't act immediately on fixing up the problem you caused yourself.

It's easy to have a whine but often the reality is quite different to what is perceived.
The thing that annoys me the most is that many of you are playing in to the hands of the trolls. If you don't feed them, then they will likely disappear.

The only person feeding the last troll that posted here (Defacto) was the mod who liked his post after noticing that everyone else was ignoring him.

And if they don't then it will be very straightforward for our mods to identify them and take action.

The last time a troll was identified the only action take by a mod was deliberately to inflame the conflict by liking his post - no doubt in the hope that Bushie would then voice the objection of many and thus, by the neat application of the Ballantyne rule, get himself banned.

And if they don't then maybe we could ask them to respectfully, without calling them every name under the sun.

The last time this occurred, the poster was banned, and all related posts were deleted, despite the total absence of any namecalling.
I certainly don't want us not to have a diversity of supporters on our site but this is an example of the problem we are causing ourselves. Bushie invites a troll to our board about a month ago (I have removed the tags to avoid inviting Defacto to this convo - the thread it is from is also locked so can't quote properly).

Defacto responds suggesting we set up a thread specifically for him to post to, as to not crowd our other threads. To which Bushie then responds with:

And then last Thursday Bushie complains about Defacto posting on our board.

Maybe because you invited him to! You can't complain about a troll posting on our board when you are the one who invited them here in the first place! And not only that but your posts are full of profanity and language that is inappropriate for the broader BF community. As much as I don't like Defacto either, his posts on our board weren't breaking the rules.

Pretty simple solution, I would have thought... Don't tag them to join a conversation on our board if you don't want them here. And certainly don't then complain when the mods don't act immediately on fixing up the problem you caused yourself.

It's easy to have a whine but often the reality is quite different to what is perceived.
While I agree that tagging an unwelcome visitor is not the smartest of moves, that doesn't automatically give them carte blanche to do as they please. Some posters, by their actions, have openly declared themselves to be an enemy of our club. Their very presence on our board is an affront whether they break any rules while they're here or not. If we don't already have a way of banning certain posters from posting in any thread on our team board, then we should.

If you think that Bushie's posts were "full of profanity and language that is inappropriate for the broader BF community", then you need to get out and engage with the broader BF community a little more. That's fairly mild, especially for Bushie, and if any of those words were considered unacceptable they would automatically be censored by the swear filter.
Because I was acknowledging that I had gone about it the wrong way - and happy to do so. Is that a problem? As I said, had you quietly pointed that out to me it would have been just as effective without leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
Ok, but you apologised, admitted you were in the wrong and took your medicine well (or so I thought).

Considering I'm no longer a mod here, I really don't see what is served by bringing it up?
Ok, but you apologised, admitted you were in the wrong and took your medicine well (or so I thought).

Considering I'm no longer a mod here, I really don't see what is served by bringing it up?
I brought it up for exactly the reason I stated Stronzo, to express an opinion that mods (and I didn't mention you by name) don't HAVE to hand out penalties to get a point across. I was happy to accept that it was the wrong thing to do to invite a troll onto our board, although at the time I was not aware that was against the rules. I would have acknowledged it and apologized exactly the same if you had raised it in the open forum - I am not embarrassed to say I was wrong.

In over four years that is the first correspondence of any kind I've had from a mod and I thought a day off was OTT considering some of the crap that is allowed to go on at times.

Having said that I certainly bear no ill feelings towards you, as this is a discussion forum and a day off did not really shatter my existence. Just disappointed that some attempt at communication was not made then rather than an arbitrary punishment.
Can you please explain to me why Bushie has been stopped from giving a troll just deserts .
Bushie has in the past and always will stand up for genuine Fremantle posters and Fremantle players .He hates racism and has always been out spoken against trolls . Yes we have had our differences but he is very entertaining and knowledgeable about football and life so please we normally enjoy his posts and I for one want to read more of his posts.
Can you please explain to me why Bushie has been stopped from giving a troll just deserts .
Bushie has in the past and always will stand up for genuine Fremantle posters and Fremantle players .He hates racism and has always been out spoken against trolls . Yes we have had our differences but he is very entertaining and knowledgeable about football and life so please we normally enjoy his posts and I for one want to read more of his posts.
Well said Coulda.

That's something I'm not too sure of either couldhavebeen.
What rule is it that Bushie broke to prompt this latest suspension?
Or does the Ballantyne clause mean you can be infracted without contravening any?

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